It has nothing to do with jews. Anyone who says jews created communism is a bigot/Nazi.
Communism is awesome
Jews created Communism.
t. (((karl marx)))
Communism was invented by a Germany. That's why hitler was a communist.
Germans are the ones responsible for all the wars and the mudslim immigrants.
Get out kraut!!
just get out.
Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums
Not everyone here is a bitcoin brown shirt who believes the anti Jewish propaganda they get from their Muslim master.
By living in one of the after commie countries I respectfully disagree.
And this just proves that you are brainwashed by Israeli propaganda. The people on here that are against jews are not pro muslim and they despise arab countries and brown people in general, they are pro white. Fucking kike.
Make it something good. If quads Dysnomia posts a picture of his dick
fail fagget
If quads, communists get genocide'd
How many white babys have you made?
You alt righ cucks are the worst thing to happen to white people. You're worse than blm. White women are forced to breed with non whites because you neets cant offer anything a white women would she wants.
Youre too afraid to be a man and impregnate a women. Don't blame niggers and Jews for the death of you're race. Blame your own cowardice.
Just post your dick, dude.
Is isreal jewish?
that lie again
I prefer Israel to any Muslim theocracy tbh
And that's exactly what BLM is about. It tries to claim that whites are all betas while neglecting the fact that blacks statistically commit more crimes than blacks and statistically rape more white women. Want to know the statistics of white women who rape black women? It's around .01%.