what are the indicators of degeneracy?
here are a few
what are the indicators of degeneracy?
here are a few
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I drive a Mustang, so what? Punk you wish you were me, you fucking WISH you were me. I am swimming in pussy, kid. The pussy sometimes swims to ME. I AM the alpha male, and you are the beta male. It is the naturally order of things. My Stang' is 4000 pounds of PURE. AMERICAN. MUSCLE.
So next time you're in Philly you hit me up. I'll put you right in the fucking ground, where you belong.
fuck of buger
While there's a correlation between low self control and degeneracy, cigarettes don't themselves indicate degeneracy. Maybe mental illness because there's also the people who smoke to have a socially acceptable suicide.
Totally not a Holla Forums false flag
porn is major indicator
lol i drive a crown vic,
your car wishes it was as cool as mine,
your just a poser buddy, and you know it,
oh BTW
good luck buddy.
just being alive makes you a degenerate tbh
porn addiction? i agree
casual usage of porn? debatable.
I drive a lincoln town car :^)
*but I used to drive a crown vic, you have solid taste*
CAMO hat, not all hats
TRIBAL tattoos, not all tattoos
and cigarettes, yes, all smoking IMO
that REAL engine noise tho
a semi chub every time.
woah, hard to argue with that.
Wrong hat OP
ALL tattoos are degenerate, and the amount of tattoos a person has is a solid indicator of how degenerate he or she is.
Tats yes, materialistic yes, smoking and vaping yes, hats? camo? what?
You forgot out of physical shape, bright colorings, race mixing, and meth mouth.
out of shape? man? yes.
that woman tho? oh boy :D
i love my women on the couch with gumdrop nipples to suck on.
Everyone has a line.
Also when a dubfuck watches video on a tablet or phone in public thru speakers not headphones.
headphone exsist for a reason NO BODY WANT'S TO HEAR YOUR SHIT FAGGOT
i hate people who don't use headphones.
Being on an imageboard
Being on Holla Forums
those shoes without socks
why the fuck would even do that?
I don't know, probably they are just fucking stupid and do whats trendy.
NK bringing the bantz!
The mental issues that come with being a hambeast are roughly as unattractive as the mounds of blubber attached to their meat-sack. We're lucky being a lard-ass is so repulsive to good senses as it prevents further exposure to the mental malignancy buried in their fat fat heads.
Why are ugly people also often ugly on the inside?
you're on Holla Forums you autistic no one gives a fuck
the liquid jew.
oh boy
You ain't wrong.
Why do jews have such large noses?
air is still free
He isn't referring to people like you with the picture of the mustang. He's referring to the erosion of the sanctity of technology that happens when niggers get their hands on and openly flaunt something they could never understand.
There's nothing wrong with appreciating excellence in engineering.
Hating one's self makes one uglier than the shittiest haircut, the hoopiest earhole, the worst dress sense or the foulest breath than one could ever muster. Self hatred courses through their innards and radiates out, those plagued by it don't see it, it clouds their vision until they're inspired to unfuck themselves.
Also if no-one wants to fuck you or everyone thinks you're a shifty criminal looking cunt you might well understandably harbor a grudge against this cruel old world but then it's all a matter of piddling perspective as some people out there are missing half their face and not being as much of a bitch about it.
I bet you're so slick in your Prius OP
I'd fuck the deer, marry the rabbit and kill the hambeast.