The Flash S03E09

The Flash S03E09
Mid-season Finale.

Supergirl is done until next year.
Will post Arrow and LoT as they come out.
This is the final week of CW until Mid-January, where Supergirl starts on the 16th, so expect the other 3 to start that week as well.

Past Episodes:

Everything there should be seeded with at least 20 people as of Saturday. Tell me if there's any dead ones there.

After the god awful crossover i just don't feel like watching it anymore.

Legends episode was alright, but the other 3 were pretty average and only for character development.

Watching The Flash now, I'll let you know if it's worth it.

Does supergirl get any better? I watched the pilot and other than kara being cute i couldnt bring myself to watch another episode.

Just about finished.

It's probably, and I say this wholeheartedly, the best episode of Season 3, and probably takes the cake for top 5 of all 3 seasons.
There's good characters appearing in each, a nice cameo near the start, there's a lot of actual development between characters, some nice CGI and fights and a bunch of other stuff.

As someone who doesn't like Harry Potter, there's two scenes that made me laugh with Julian in them, and it's just a fun episode.

Too bad every episode isn't this great.

It's shit, but I still watch it out of masochism.
Watch S2E1 and 2 for a fairly good Superman, then ignore every other episode. S2E9 isn't related to the crossover, so you can ignore it.

This episode was okay. Better than most but i still have a bad taste in my mouth from the crossover event

Thanksfor destroying my hope

Arrow S02E09


Apart from saying they have a President, not Prime Minister, The Flash and Arrow never said they're in America, from what I recall.
Legends obviously did, because they keep going to the Civil War, White House, New York etc and talk about their futures.

I recall Captain Cold's introduction episode has some things that allude to it being so


Legends of Tomorrow S02E08
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Obviously meant S05.

Muh complete set.

i meant to put >ArrowS02

Lucky I corrected myself before you could bully me

Matey, you gotta skip the crossover shit. This is my favourite show and even I skip that shit.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
She was a forced meme much before carter picked up on it

Best boy!

Santa is the good guy here, faget. Making your kids this fat is tantamount to abuse, fucks up their brain development, screws with their hormones, sets them up for an unhealthy life


my bear is ready

yeah, he looks great

I can pick it apart if I look closely but honestly it's a solid look

He made some offhand joke about how stupid and tryhard it looked during LWYTG and Jaffe got triggered so hard.

Let's not.

Let's fucking not.

We need to break out of the Ash Ketchum curse.

Nope, no evidence that star city is in america.

As a Eurofag, I've never undestood this. Canada is also in America, but apparently only people from U.S.A. are called "americans"?

Canada is a different country. It's a British colony, like Australia and Jamaica, a part of the commonwealth. They're subjects of the British Queen, and can have a democratically elected government dismissed by the governor-general, just like what happened to us in Australia, FUCK IT.

Right, I know it's a different country, but America is the continent U.S.A. and Canada are both a part of, so having one of those countries being referred to as "Americans" feels, to me, like only Chinese people being called "Asians" and nobody else being referred to as such.

Eh, it's more accurate to say "The Americas", then people know you're including Brazil and Central America and all the dangly bits and the skinny bit.

The U.S. gets the name "America" because we're simply better than the Canadians, Mexicans, and all those people further south.

That's actually a really good answer that I fully accept. Thanks.

This episode was fucking amazing. I would happily have traded the quality onto the crossover instead though. Is anyone hoping Julian stays as a series regular, even if just as the occasional guest appearance? Cause I love his character.

You're all fucking idiots.

Yeah, we all fucked your mom.

Is season 2 of the arrow the highlight?
I've heard that 3 &4 are pretty bad. buti do want to watch ray palmer be happy, its the highlight of Legends

See, I'm implying your mom is a fucking idiot and we fucked her, so we're "fucking idiots".

3 was ok.
it had a lot of shit but also some interesting parts too

3 "wasn't good," 4 is the one that's just shit. Season 5 is pretty great so far though.

Kill yourself, and go back to your containment sites.

1 is shaky, 2 is great, 3 shows slowdown, 4 is fanfiction and 5 is I haven't been watching it.

What, shouldn't that be the other way around?
Like, go back, then die? Unless you go back as a zombie after dying.

Alright, go back to the containment site you came from, then livestream your becoming an hero.



But it'd break your mother's heart.

File (hide): e8bbdfb0155107c⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, CruJnVyVIAEN5rD.jpg)>>738220 (You)>then people know you're including Brazil and Central America


Has anyone tried to do a two part 12min web of the episode?


I'm on the crossover now, and I have never watched Arrow I watch The Flash. I don't know who these people are.

Is Arrow worth watching at this point?

Season 5 is great.

I mean from the beginning. I've not read many hero comics outside of Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Annihilators, so I'm not clued in on the Green Arrow.

S2 is considered the best the show has to offer. I'd watch through that point. See how you feel about continuing from there. If you do continue, but can't stand the show, just skip to season 5 and read the wiki on the earlier seasons so you know what's going on.

CW is really making me bored of lesbians.

Over saturation ruins everything

Black Jimmy Olsen and the hamfisted feminism lines killed any interest I had in it, what a shitshow.

Out of all the CW shows, Flash is the only one I can actively watch without my brain curling in on itself in fits of rage. Arrow is basically just a Batman show with a lame Batman and ten times as much mellow drama, it even goes so far as to flat out steal Batman's Rogues and plot points, I'm certain that if it goes on long enough The Joker will make an appearance. Fuck that unoriginal piece of shit show.

Legends of Tomorrow I've got mixed feelings on, it's cheesy as fuck, and I think it might be too cheesy. A healthy dose of that sort of thing is fine, especially in cape media, but it gets a bit excessive.

I'm actually liking Supergirl now, though there's certainly some weird shit going on. Jimmy Olsen is The Guardian now.

I like Supergirl a bit more than Arrow but I still found stupid shit like how Jimmy easily revealed that Superman is Clark by blurting it out loudly.

Also why no one pointed out that Arrow, Supergirl and Flash are all based on copy pasted concept. 1 superhero with a team behind him/her and they all know his/her secret identity. That works well with Daredevil /s

It became a lot less SJW once Cat left anyway.

How cute. :3