The population need to be reduced because there is too many people living on the Earth and it is a great strain on the mother nature. Ice Age isn't due until 2030-2045.
The world is broken
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Niggers, Latinos, Chinks, Poos, and Jews all fit the bill
This user understands. Eliminating them is the logical, environmentally sound action.
Here's a wacky idea: Let's go to space. Fuck the Earth. We have infinite space in the universe, why the fuck are we fighting over this one goddamn fucking rock jesus fucking christ this species is so fucking retarded
Off you go then. Explore to your heart's content.
This argument only works if you're already a communist.
This. Live in gundam style space colonies. It'll be great until Zeno kills us all.
Like in the Rampage movies?
I'd volounteer for painless euthanasia tbh
You missed a key word:
To make the journey to another habitable planet, we need to work together. Instead, power hungry individuals (read: kikes) and their minions fear loss of power, so they start war after war and keep people distracted and dumb so (((they))) always keep a hold of their power structure.
Hitler almost did it. We just need to follow through.
Sorry, user, I have no desire to go to another planet. This is an adventure you'll need to embark on with someone else.
You have no idea how bad it is.
Have it your way. I for one look forward to an all white planet with no kike influence.
Every race should have their own planet in an ideal situation.
don't worry. the population is only blowing up because people are living longer, in about 30 to 50 years there will be a global population will begin to show signs of crashing.
Yes, every race should and the white's deserve earth. Space technology should be used to blast the other races into orbit.
I agree that whites deserve Earth, but we fucked up user. We let Earth fall to the browns and kikes. Full scale war against all other races would likely destroy whites too, or at least most of us. Perhaps it would be worth it, but that is a tough sell to most.
We are already in the Sixth Great Mass Extinction with the oceans about to fail, you sheltered children. Who will think of the children. Will you think of the children?
Maybe you should watch this, then, my child.
And the rest of the videos if you want to be in a catatonic bed ridden state with the fire of your eyes slowing burning away, little dreamer.
Maybe I would click on your video if you didn't post like such a condescending cunt. Too bad.
nigger why the fuck do you think they are promoting homosexuality?
ITT: So, like the rampage movies.
Lets start with china africa and the middle east sence they have the biggest populations, then we can start with mexico and most of California
Why simply reduce it when we could create absolute perfection?
Lol stfu loser and post the vid on halfchan Holla Forums since I'm banned there and it's actually worthwhile content, unlike your life.
Orthodox jews are only supposed to have 2 children though so they keep the population the same unless they're a jew sinner
Stay mad kike, you're not getting my click-shekels
Radiation, micrometeorites, and expenses of keeping a space station running.
If you manage to successfully counter these three cons in a cost effective manner you will become a billionaire overnight.
Honestly. If humanity as a whole just got our fucking heads out of our asses, we could give every race a planet of their own. Not in my lifetime, but it's a better goal than what we're doing now.
This, gas them.
Can you tell me about that?