What are you currently reading, Holla Forums?
What's your next book to read?
I'm reading pic related atm.
Any recommendations, fiction of non-fiction, are welcome.
Reading and recommendations
Crime and Punishment.
Great book.
I fell for the Holla Forums meme and I'm reading Ego and It's Own. I like it so far. Not gonna become an egoist but will absorb the parts I like and add them to my personal philosophy.
How to Read Lacan, by Zizek.
Ayy, are you the guy I linked that PDF to?
Reading this rn. Apparently the author is zizeks ex wife lol.
I'm eventually gonna post pics complaining about how lefty told me it's 100 pages and then I bought it (I don't like reading on a PC. I don't have tablet) and it's more than 300! the letters are big
But I bought it for a friend who's into egoism.
I prefer my colectivism and leninism.
Bouncing.between Aristotle's Rhetoric and The Book of Disquiet
The former is interesting allow kind of dull at times, the latter is depressing as all hell
Not sure what ill read afterwards, maybe Descartes or Wizard of Earthsea (yes, I'm.basically buying into all the /lit/ memes)
Currently reading the works of Rosa Luxembourg
The Social Contract, Rousseau
Especially the anarkiddies
Let Us Talk of Many Things - William F. Buckley
The Abolition of Britain - Peter Hitchens
Das Kapital
Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola
nationalism ideology and peasant revolt Ukraine 1917-1923(25)(i think?)
crowds and party
Trotsky Protests too much
nope, but I had seen the book on amazon before and was interested, so I downloaded it. So far it has been good on revealinga few more takes on Lacan's most famous words and the examples it gives are quite entertaining as well as educative.
Now that you mention it, I watched her Paradox of Choice video a while ago. Is the book good?
The Secret…of The Anal Gape - The First and Only Anal Dilation Manual
Reading Sartre's criticism of Marxist materialism. Will be reading about "new materialisms" after (Althusser, Zizek, Badiou).
that's not a very helpful or systematic intro to Lacan.
please read 1997 → 2007 → 1995:
Anyway… You as a conservative are willing to read Capital? Respect.
Comrade I have already read all the three books, except for the rest. After this one I'm going into that Verhaeghe's book you recommended mea while ago.
Ride that tiger well, mah boi
Yes, it's very good. Definitely recommended
If anyone is looking for readings, or wanting to discuss their self-education, pop along to >>>/freedu/ and get involved there!
(cri evertim)
You might want to check out some phres lacanian periodicals after: Interventions, Lacanian Ink, SIC series, SUNY series in psychoanalysis, UMBR(a)
I will, thanks.
Reading Origin of atm, moving to Orientalism next
The gulag archipelago
Reddit obesity is banned?
Fucking nice. No wonder leftypol has been so good lately.
ML pls go
Now that's some diva shit
I hope you enjoy reading propaganda written by a fascist who was supported by capitalists and nazis.
So he's full of shit?
Citations please
What's funny about that?
Can you give me a proper tile to the book? thanks
The conquest of bread
The ego and its own
Communist Manifesto
Going to try and read Capital but it's a lot too read and I get distracted by my gf and other shit.
he reads HAHA
Your lack of partner is the reason why you like Kierkegaard so mutch.
Currently reading Contending Economic Theories: Neo-classical, Keynesian and Marxian by RDW
Rereading The Stranger by Camus.
The Situationists and Anarchy by Miguel Amoros
The biography of Edvard Munch by Atle Naess.
I would like to read some books by anarchists but I'm fucking poor and pdf's destroy my eyes.
you can get an ebook readed that don't fuck with your eyes
The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas
Yeah, I thought about that but I need to get a job, I'm really broke as fuck.
50 Shades of Grey
the holy bible
I just finished Meditations by Aurelius, and now I'm onto Waiting for Godot by Beckett (which is really something, in fact both are pretty good).
Good books.
I've got a really cheap one without any of the fancy features and it's great for reading epubs from the anarchist library.
Currently reading On the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche (I got kind of triggered by the surface-level appearance of Nietzsche's mentioning of superior races and talks about the blonde beast and so on but the edition I have is annotated by Walter Kaufman and he does a good job of demonstrating how that is a huge misreading. His book on Nietzsche has a wonderful chapter about how the Nazis basically intentionally appropriated Nietzsche completely out of context to create propaganda and that there's tons of things directly in Nietzsche's work which show he was anti-Nationalism, pro-irrelevant shiting etc. Interesting stuff)
American Fascists by Chris Hedges (kind of a shitty work insofar as the journalism but its helping me gain a better understanding of Fascism and the Alt-Right phenomenon in America)
The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein (the next time Holla Forums starts talking about Jewspiracy tell the to read this book, btfo the idea that Leftism was invented by Jews and adored by all Jewish people while simultaneously condemning the tradition of American Illuminati Patriarchy and the mythological nature of calling the Jewish holocaust "THE Holocaust" and how this in turn waters down the truly atrocious nature of that tragedy)
Bumping because we need more books threads
I have by chance a tattered old copy of Genealogy, that's cool to hear about it. It doesn't sound like the best place to start with him though, any suggestions?
Currently kinda juggling History and Class Consciousness, The Essential Foucault (New Press), and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Notice how many fucking threads are being necrobumped by some user posting an inane image, usually of Trump? As if that helps their cause…but of course the fascists won't bump anything about reading :^)