I just bought pic related on my kindle. It's a good read so far. Anybody else have recommended ebooks?

I just bought pic related on my kindle. It's a good read so far. Anybody else have recommended ebooks?

General Tech-Ebook thread?

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But can it sync to all my Kindle devices? No. Thought so

The ironing is delicious.

the irony escapes me

Buy a real fucking tangible book you literal faggot, holy shit.


if i put my ebooks on a usb stick are they tangible?

Because ebooks and books are not the same, If you really want to support the author, then buy a real book. Ebooks should be designed for knowledge sharing. You earn more of a value in real book compared to ebooks because you don't have to deal with any sort of devices in order to read real books.

what if i buy the ebook from the author? i still support him.
i can't trivially copy or modify real books.
i have to deal with the real book.

I like to carry hundreds of books in the form factor of a single tablet device.


There's already a 3.0.


average quality bait tbh



the unix hater's handbook


RMS is not happy with you.

You're a fucking idiot my man.

It's GFDL, not public domain.

>This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org
My point stands that OP is an idiot.

I thought was a reply to this, so I laughed. Well, then I'll ask the same question to you.


Also, you can't read that fast. Anyway, if you like it and you're happy then that's good, but don't dismiss the value of real books.

Fullsize modern thermal printers w/cheap paper rolls when?

If you're going to pay money for a free book, at least get it in dead tree format.

Falling for the lowest tier of bait possible

Our general iq has been declining consistently for months

How can known bait still troll me into anti-tivoization rage? I should have been immune to this already!