Is Laurelan Southen prebbing the bull?
Is Laurelan Southen prebbing the bull?
Lmao nigga's doing the smug hand 😂
She's jewish I hear so its all good.
He smash
she never dated a black guy
She's not jewish
lol Holla Forums memes are so funny
she's said herself that her grandparents had to escape nazi-occupied hungary
if that doesn't mean she's jewish, i don't know what does
Actually, she has stated how she narrowly escaped the Nazis in 1938 by fleeing to London.
Because the nazis only hunted Jews, right?
Don't forget the other half of the holocaust victims. The jews were only about 50%, but of course we almost only hear about the jews.
Yeah her grandparents might've been homosexuals.
Considering they were Danes, they were probably gay commies/artists
Homosexuality in Denmark at the time wasn't that accepted, I highly doubt that.
Them having communist affiliations sounds more plausible, since communism was also on the rise in Denmark at the time.
Yes, and for what is 'communism' a euphemism? Judaism.
Even if Communism has something to do with Judaism or the other way around, that doesn't mean all Communists are Jews, mate.
Lauren's grandmother, or whoever it was, could be like one of those sad leftist sobs that we see today. Thinking Communism is the better choice.
We should try communism some time.
what is the danish girl
bitch what?
I am not saying it is, you fucking mongoloid.
I am saying that might've been what they thought back then, you have to remember that Stalin's "golden" age wasn't for another few decades.
Fiction, you fucking idiot.
The novel is from 2000 and the film is from 2015.
Yes, ignore what I said afterwards. Embrace your bias. All self-proclaimed Communists are fully aware of what they're doing, they aren't being manipulated by (((them))).
were in berlin in the 1920s, was a fad there. not hard to believe there were homosexuals. quit being a little sperg.
>All self-proclaimed Communists are fully aware of what they're doing, they aren't being manipulated by (((them))).
Holy shit, this is so bizarre. I am finally experiencing what it's like to be called a leftycuck, when I am not even close.
I was being sarcastic with the last bit, you god damn autist. Do you need a proper Sheldon "Bazinga" to hit it home properly?
Of course they are being controlled by (((them))) now, but being controlled doesn't mean they are Jews themselves. Can you even comprehend what I'm trying to tell you?
Are we gonna discuss weather the holocaust happend or not? 'cause I honestly wouldn't know.
I've seen plenty of evidence to the contrary, but in the end, it doesn't change the fact that according to the sources that say it happend; Jews weren't the only people persecuted, yet we almost exclusively hear about the jews victimhood.
into the trash it goes
finnshill detected
Adolf was a painter himself, faggot.