Not all faggots are leftist but most leftist
are faggots
You know it's true
Stay triggered, right-wing SJWs. Once you finish applying some anal cream for your butthurt work on a new MS paint strawman instead of posting the same one over and over.
Holla Forumstards can't even argue beyond calling people cuck and posting memes with no arguments.
But why do you support the ideology that destroyed Europe and starved half of Asia?
I think you got Nazism and (Not real) Communism confused, bub.
Deaths caused by autistic Nazis sperging out: 80,000,000
Deaths caused by the state capitalist Soviet Union: 0
Deaths caused by the natural famine in the Soviet Union: all of them
Plusgood doublethink comrade you bellyfeel ingsoc good
Not a single argument or fact disproving my post. Holla Forums can literally not argue beyond posting MS paint strawman. Congrats, Holla Forumstards, another centrist just got scared away from the right-wing due to your autism.
You just like communism have failed
Faggotry is inherently left wing though.
What a humongous faggot. Nobody actually wants you on your side, you know.
If Fascism were to become anti-Capitalist, you ought to then desist your hostility. Porky's status quo is the enemy, same as the Jews.
Their side*
Hitler wasn't a fascist; he was a socialist. Fucking commies, man.
Traps will replace women, sorry rightists.
idk if this is a boy or girl but either way they are hot as fucking fuck
I'll give you one then
They're a biofemale.
Only Tradcucks oppose that reality.
You know it's not entirely wrong to say that capitalism has failed here. I would not expect a large amount people in a capitalist society to flush their money down the toilet, then borrow more money than they could ever hope to pay back and flush that money down the toilet as well. That seems like a point of failure in capitalism to me, but then this sort of thing is generational and I don't know if it's fixable by any system.
This is an incredibly ignorant statement
I like vagina but the fact that men are taking over a woman's role in the form of traps shows how useless women really are.
OP's pic exists IRL leftypol BTFO once again
Oy vey!!! We must retreat to the synagogue, gommrade!!1!
cool i love birds
did you post an argument?
excuse me sir we don't allow arguments here
the left still cant meme
who could have forseen
why does the left copy everything we do?
he's just being a left wing right wing left wing right wing left wing right wing left wing right wing SJW right now tbh
HAHAHAHAHA fucking hell!
I honestly fear for the world my kid is growing up in. Look the fuck at those cunts.