4 weeks left

Reminder that we are nearing the completion of the Jubilee Year

Read this thread if you want to know why the kikes always pull it in September.

Shemitah is the sabbatical year occurring every seventh year. Debts must be settled before the end of the sabbatical year, which ends in late September, which is why we see a huge hickup in the economy at that interval.

Yovel is the jubilee year occurring the year after every seventh sabbatical year. It is the year when every man shall return to the house of his fathers.

Shemitah, the Sabbatical Year, the year of rest and release: kingjamesbibleonline.org/Deuteronomy-Chapter-15/

>Of a foreigner thou mayest exact it again: but that which is thine with thy brother thine hand shall release

Yovel, the Jubilee Year, the year of return: kingjamesbibleonline.org/Leviticus-Chapter-25/


The plan for the Greater Israel is about to be set in motion. Are you prepared?

Other urls found in this thread:



Well done. 5 shekels for you.


Another thing to remember:

09/09/2016. Add the numbers of current year together and what do you get? 9. Therefor, that day is 9/9/9.

Too far into ride to get off, next part looks grim. Being very vigilant.

Also, today is the third, 6 days until the 9th. 9-3=6. 9/9/9, also can be 6/6/6 and 3/3/3.

Interesting. Will investigate further, looking for signs.

Polite sage.

It's always darkest before the dawn

Bibi "BoomBoom" Nuttyahoo is going to go to jail and stop embarrassing Israel for us. We'll elect some new idiot and it will do nothing to stop civil war. The end.

Are you goyim happy?

Not until you are all dead, no.

Its all gonna fall apart.

Not worried myself, plenty of bug out options. Will punish kikes and their astral allies later.

who is making these schizophrenic economy threads?

Yes, because its not like the kikes pull some shit every 7th September.

Not falling for this one again.
Yeah, nah. What was supposed to Happen was a total meltdown of the global economy that sent everything into total chaos. Instead we got Trump.

Counterbumping the shills.

So are you autistic or just plain retarded?

A lot of people were saying that if it something was going to happen, it would happen at the end of the jubilee year, not the beginning of it. I guess now we'll find out.

Daily reminder that next year is when pic related happens. It's what I'm really looking forward to. The end of the world is the only thing keeping me going at this point.

Die in a fire

K guys, maybe the kikes where pushing the total happening last year sp that we would be sceptical of it happeming this time?

The kikes made us blow our load a year early.

This time the happening of all happening will happen!

When is Obongo going to kill the Internet???

Oh that's right, at the end of September.

You using Tor is not going to prevent that.

Kek. That's what you said exactly one year ago.

Septemberfags BTFO

No, but it keeps Jim out of my ass.

Bretty good, revelations/10

If bible then Niburu is going to show up and fuck over Earth with meteorites and blot out a third of the sky sometime during August - September next year, and it's direction of approach will be somewhere close to Virgo. I'm not holding my breath though because bible prophecies.

I'm ready

Are we really going to LARP this shit again?

Should I withdraw all my money and put it into silver?

I watched the September threads in 2015 too, and now I'm really on the fence about setting up some sort of fail safe. Shorting stocks might be possible here in Europe.

The issue with that is if you are setting triggers and some sort of shoah does happen, there is (from all brokers I have experience with) a clause in the terms to negate the orders, usually blaming liquidity.
I had it happen to me when i had a bunch of orders triggered to short when the jap markets crashed.

It's a good idea in principle, the kikes have anticipated it (while using it themselves)

You're a little late, shoulda bought in last aug-last winter

Buy weed. That will make all the excuse making and bullshiting on Holla Forums come October even more funny that's what I did last year

Are we really going to go through this bullshit again? This is so previous current year.

Every year until you like it!

MAGA soon fellow Holla Forumsack.

but the whole shtick last time was that there was a 7 year cycle of market crashes. Saying the shmita is habbeding in 2016 would be 8 years. The whole thing falls apart



This is not shmitah. This is yovel.

Bought some, and now I see it's risen a bit.


the shemitah can't be every year, dingus

the lack of comprehension o nthe matter is ridiculous

no one said this year is a shemitah year you fucking mental defective

we might end up even worse without fullfilling the prophecy so hurry up and build that temple and sell your eternal soul to antichrist

September is the shemitah, firestarter media/GATE aspie well poisoner.

You don't want to ring in the apocalypse with a hurt butt now do you?

Can you elaborate on that? Are you telling me a school program created in Commieforina in which they take "special" kids to monitor them is on the level? I would like to hear your reasoning on that.


Why are you being serious in a troll thread

Because the internet is going to be given to the internationalist's whims at the end of the month.

Oh no were going to have access websites with there IPs instead of URLS whatever shall we do

Okay. So you don't really have a reason? Good to know.

Thanks for confirming.

This is a slide thread

You do know greentexting isn't an argument. So why is a school program made by kikes in califorina suddenly okay since it's GATE? You seem like you just want to yell about tinfoil hats at this point.

Confirming what? is that what you are fraking out about? If the UN starts removing domain name to IP mappings from the central DNS, all someone needs to do is make their own DNS server and people can manually set the IP as their DNS server in their network config.

That, or make a custom HOSTS file.

Or just bookmark IP addresses of sites that get kiked.


He thinks a sticky can get "slid" he's clearly a newfag

I don't think that's the issue. The main issue is the fact that the (((UN))) can now say that X site is bad for Y reason and shut it down. No amount of DNSs or changes to your host file won't change the fact that the UN can shut down the server if it breaks ANY law in the world, including copyright and (((EU))) laws. Better get it out of your system, soon you might not even be able to yell nigger on the internet without your ISP getting you in trouble because you broke some German law.

6:10 Rabbi Shlomo, kek.

It's not happening because of Shemitah, it's happening because we have memed it during the previous September. Now September is the honorary month of economic happenings.

We persona 2 now! Rev up those rumors because the year isn't over yet!

They can't thought if anyone bothered to read before freaking out they would know this only effects the domain.

Come on, trusting the UN with the internet is akin to trusting Israel with Palestine. It's going to end badly considering the UN's track record. Are you REALLY sure they will only stick to fucking with the DNS server when they are already creating the narrative for the normalfags that king nigger is handing over the keys to the internet to the (((UN)))?

Why is it any different the trusting the US. I would be more likely to believe the UN would stick to just the domain since they US has a longer track record of forcefully interfering with other nations even more so then the UN.

Taurids are active in that period.
Tonguska and the Clovis comet that ended the megafauna 11600 years ago are believed to be from that comet stream.
The Hancock/Randal Rogan episode discussing that was pretty spoopy. Additionally we're going into the Aquarious age, which is one of the "Attention danger" eras where impacts are more frequent.

Confirmed for talking out of your ass. You are either woefully ignorant about the world stage or you are just a low energy shill that can't even produce a an argument outside of "Well if X is doing it despite who is pulling the strings then who cares? lol".

Means dawn of a new Great Year era. The autumn equinox is transitioning from Virgo to Leo while Pices is going into Aquarius.

So the transitioning to the new age will bring about a powerful ruler.
Kek, who can it be?

I wonder who the roth dragon is. And what the numbers mean.

Sea=starry sky
Leo going into the equinox.

Fucking jews.

Reading bible for the first time is fun.

Your predatory anti-gentile practices are the cause. We can't get the nigger out of you even when the US saved you. Now there will be no "allies" to save your people from the wrath.

What time frame are we talking? Shit going down every other century or one massive pelting?

When nothing happens, wat do?

Oh I thought it started on September 7th?

September 7th, 70 A.D. – A Roman army under Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem.

Oh well if you aren't stocked yet, its only a matter of time before Jamal pumbles your face in with a stone.

that is supposed to be when "nibiru" shows up and devours the "king" aka jupiter. if you survive tell september 2017 expect massive happening.

2160 years of a bigger possibility that an extraterestial body impacts Earth.
We basically go through a meteor shower.

Harvest is October for outdoor in these parts. Should be fun.




Won't that not appear in the sky, because the sun will be out?

Uhm lads, look up the Jewish Year that will be starting after this month.


You can't possible get more than one shekel for posting such weak bait.

They'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to crash the economy with no survivors right before the election. That would guarantee a Trump presidency.

If you were around last september and not a recent transplant from cuckchan, you'd know it's completely correct.

Not if ✡circumstances✡ make it necessary to postpone the election indefinitely.


Do you have anything other then add homs or are you going to defend your point?

You mean the fact that the ones that used the US until it is nearly a husk is now abandoning ship to find their new (((greatest ally))) which points to China? Like I said, you seem woefully ignorant about the world players at the moment. If you were this booty blasted when the US held the reigns, just wait until the UN gets control of this.


nah black sun is judgement day.

Listen there's still one way to stop the haredis from taking over Israel.
You aren't going to like it, the haredis aren't going to like it, and (((they))) aren't going to like it, but it's the only way.

…We must send the whole diaspora back to Israel.

It's either that or you know what will happen when the haredis take over.

Mossad tries to kill Putin so that Syria can descend into chaos before the time is up, but noo, nothing is happening here goy just keep your eyes on the ground.


The kikes aren't up to anything. Stay asleep goy!