'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up


All this, and most people are willfully ignorant. In a society where the general population considers paedophiles the WORST THING IN THE WORLD.

Just a friendly reminder that the masses will not "wake up" unless they're starving, and that's not going to happen until it's too late. Politics is masturbation: lead, and the weak will follow. Wait for a leader and all is lost.

Escalate or die.

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Looks like we need to call based Harris to drop bomb on the mudslimes like we did the kraut scum.

If I met you in real life I'd hit you with a brick until you died. Fuck you, you white nigger.

Tough talk, Larpers.
Two world wars, one world cup, larper.
Jews are based tbh

Kill yourself, race-traitor. Hang yourself in the kitchen the next time you're sad. I want you to die.

You are flying to the UK to beat me then? Ooh so scared.

apparently it's actually


Little white children are being industrially raped under the tacit consent of the government and you're flailing your e-peen around?

You're not a man. Kill yourself.

Nothing cant be solved. We solved the kraut problems, we solve the mudslimes problem like we solved the krauts.
Want some cheese spread for your ass cheeks, lad?

So it seems.

There's still a generation of non-queers of fighting age in this country, though. I think it's time to start street outreaching to young white men with nothing to lose.

And I mean STREET outreach, not preaching to the poofta choir of keyboard warriors

Wrong. You're doing nothing. You cannot reform the system through the system. The system is not democratic. It never was. And nothing you're doing is reaching the elites. They don't care about the destruction of the ethnic stock. They WANT it. It's good for business.

LARPing as an activist is doing MORE HARM THAN GOOD, because it is fooling otherwise productive people into thinking they're making a difference by having a wank on the internet.

Kill yourself. Die.

I am unspeakably angry tbh.

Only lone wolf attacks on shitskins will solve this problem afaik. Either that or serially raping and murdering little paki girls and scrawling ROTHERHAM on the wall in their blood. It'd only take one or two for things to really kick off.

Only when the mudslimes know that THE POLICE AREN'T PROTECTING THEM EITHER will anything change, ie they get triggered into a race riot and utterly butchered.

Not that I'm advocating violence of course

What a beautiful culture. Everyone should convert and learn to imitate their beautiful culture until not a single white woman or child is safe.

Tbh the UK is done.
There are resistance movements in every european nation except in the UK.
They can rally like 5 ISIS neo nazi LARPer who shitpost irl and 10 christ clowns running through muslim towns to stir shit up, thats all.

Leaving the EU won't fix your internal problems.

So we shouldn't let them in unless they assimilate to our culture.


You should be advocating violence. Violence fucking solves problems permanently.

Disgusting as they are, I'm more angry at the arrogant traitor rulership caste who think they can treat their own citizens like cattle to the slaughter for the sake of petty economic gain and geopolitical ambition. And I'm just as angry at my own people for being so weak and demoralised as to do nothing: not even to allow themselves to be outraged.

Childhood was the last sacred cow of our traditional culture, and we've stood by as it was halal-slaughtered. Once we give up the sanctity of the child, there is NOTHING left. Only an abyss of subjugation.

I for one am going to do something about it.

Tiger and elephant. This is 4GW: the threat-identification abilities of state actors are too clumsy to respond to lone wolves. They can do NOTHING, friend.

I should be advocating violence so I can get arrested, you mean? Bravo cunt

People are stupid and that is why west and white men will all die and become minorities starving in their own homelands. You cant expect people to be all philosophers of virtue. You can say all you want about me being negative but this is true and nothing will stop it just as nothing stopped roman empire to collapse or nothing stopped north africa and middle east to become shit after a long eras of prosperity.

You cant expect to win if your enemy is intelligent, owns immense power, influence, tactics, own education and media, politicians, land, weapons and such. To put it simply jews are the winners here because they play it right and a few unimportant awake people who at best can get leaks or hack something are not going to be a bother.

Although the jews dont realize that their reason for doing this wont bring any salvation or any prophesy to be fulfilled but just misery and depression as they lose everything that is important to human and even their own culture.

It makes me angry for as long as I care but it doesnt matter in the end. Jews will all perish one day anyway. They may even be escalating it by destroying intelligent cultures. The first few natural catastrophes will destroy them because their few intellectuals wont be enough to stop it.

Time to level up. One man can make a difference.

Honestly, if nobody's grown a pair of balls in the next five years then I'll probably leave, myself. I want to be able to raise white children who won't be raped, tortured, and drug-addicted by third world savages under the protection of the state. I want them to not grow up hating themselves for being of the race that has drawn closest to the light of civilisation. I want to know that, if there is a backlash, it won't be co-opted by jews as a rationale for sending my children to die in the desert for Israel.

But fucking know I'm not going to leave without having made some sort of difference.

It's almost like you are all afraid to even fucking do anything. Just gather up like 100 like-minded men, and start slitting throats. Strike at night in Sharia/poverty areas, and leave immediately after you're done.

Jews are weak, they pray on the toleration of Christians. If Europe and the Western Hemisphere were Muslim, the kikes would be dead

You're an idiot, L2 4GW

I don't speak retard, sorry.

I'm sure people said the same about Germany during the Weimar republic. Nothing is written.

Oh and PS: sure, every civilisation has to end, but you don't know when until after the fact. Saying a civilisation dies after X generations is like saying a human dies after 70 years. Some live to 12 months old, some like to 128. Fuck that defeatist nonsense

Everyone in the thread understands what I'm talking about and thinks you're a moron. Let that sink in for a while, and then fuck off

yeah this

How about you start killing muslims first? Ignoring your problems doesn't make them go away.

You're LARPing about one of the worst war criminals in Europe's history solving your problems for you. And you have the gall to imply others are butthurt?

Ok Shlomo, and I'll be sure to post pictures here full of EXIF data when I do, just for you

Sit on a dildo, cunt. Have the dignity to be wrong without shitting up a thread to save anonymous face. Fucking nigger

Yes, Hitler was surely a prime example of 4GW in action, wasn't he

Just kill yourself already

nvm thought you were referring to the hitler pic lol

yes bomber harris was a mass murderer and all brits who worship him should be bricked to death

There are three types of enemies in the UK that need dealing with.

How is it wrong to want to kill your enemies? You don't need to be so buttfrustrated over something a stranger posts. If you're not preparing for a literal war with these shitskins then you don't belong here in the first place.

I don't believe that, at least not right now. Every major terrorist attack in the past few years has ended the same way, the perpetrators have been caught or shot. Relatively quickly, too. When I see even one shooter pull off an attack and successfully escape the area without being identified, I'll believe that the State is incapable of dealing with actual threats to its existence (which armed White men defending their families are.)

Is religion more important than race?

This makes my blood boil.

I'm a complete cuck compared to most Holla Forumsacks. I try to keep myself grounded in what I've been told all my life, and not put too much stock in fringe websites, but it's getting too much to say that it's not real. If you'd asked me that this would be happening 3 years ago, I'd have said it was just made up stories by paranoid nationalists.

I started going on 4chan's Holla Forums that year in 2013 after the Zimmerman case. I thought it was fishy, and so I entered the world of redpills and hate facts. I tried to keep myself grounded even though it was making sense, it was according with things I'd observed myself. I didn't want to jump the gun. I wanted to be sure.

Then the Rotherham case, the migrant crisis, cologne, and all the attacks. It started to feel more real. Even though I felt ashamed, itreally felt like I was breathing air for the first time after emerging from a sea of lies.

I'm a cold person by nature, but this… hearing about this shit. To children. People make fun of people who say "think of the children", but when I was completely bluepilled all I wanted was a world where everyone could live in peace and children could play happily and enjoy their childhood without a care. I'm too broken to find a good wife and have children of my own at this point.

Hearing about this, about the pain and suffering these fucking monsters have caused to children, innocent children, makes me want to go full Hitler.

I used to laugh at you lot, but it looks like I'm joining you.

Let's protect the children.

i give a shit on britain. they fought hitler. they deserve to be raped to death

You can't just go on a lone wolf killing spree and expect to solve anything. It's counterproductive and totally ineffectual. Not even the Nazis did that. They built an ordered movement and used it to project real power.

Enemy without, enemy within, and Chaos gods?

I completely agree, but if you're suggesting that this is what the majority of people here are doing then I STRONGLY disagree.

And please, you're obviously ignorant of 4GW so do some reading. Even Taliban or Vietcong are too organisationally complicated for the new warfare. There's a reason Al Qaeda failed and lone wolves with knives and assault lorries have taken over.

It's about asymmetry. Yes, the vast majority of lone wolves are caught, but they're caught AFTER the fact. They use conventional resources to commit an attack that costs the government millions of pounds to POTENTIALLY (and in most cases, not) stop. A team of a dozen highly paid operatives watching a single basement dwelling fuckup 24/7 just in case he lorries a bunch of people. It's absolutely completely unwinnable for them. They are as good as useless. We have reverted to tribal warfare, where there are no armies, no front lines, only wandering tribes committing rape, murder, theft and arson on each other. The problem right now is that only our enemy knows this.

S/T yes, L/T no. Civic nationalist "victory" is blood poisoning, no better than death and conquest

The child is my cross. The last sacred thing in our filthy society. Avert her eyes from what we have to do.

Profoundly wrong. Mudslimes are a low threshold for being fucked with: far lower than us snowniggers. Kill a couple of little shitskin cumgoblins and they will flip the fuck out into a race war. At which point our own people will be triggered by fear into finally supporting their own self-interest, and will bring their demographic weight to bear both on the shitskins and on the traitors who have undermined society.

How could we have known better? We were tricked. Most Germans were tricked after the war too, and still are.

No one comes out of the womb heiling Hitler user.


PS: "The Nazis didn't do that" is pretty much a non-argument. They did good things, but they also lost. And they were also facing a conventional military threat, not a 21st century Bürgerkrieg.


either that or an autistic yank

Instant flood of: they were right, the goddamn BNP were right!

I know about 4GW. It's essentially guerrilla warfare. Pretty much what urban police do right now. Perhaps if every Holla Forumsack joined their respective police forces, something good might come of it.

I'm sorry for doubting you guys. I'm sorry for trolling you back on halfchan.

Well it's not either/or. If I knew at 18 what I know know, I would've joined the military or the police to skill up. I suspect that, in the situation of a complete breakdown of the social order, there would be a factional war within the military itself, as partisans fight globalists.

At least I can say I voted for them. But that doesn't mean much.

Media shills

They all need to go

I'am a german decendent, and yes, it was britains fault the whole world was fucked. But it is stupid to blame british citizens and common joe for what their jewish government did.

Like the user said, they were either tricked or pressed into the military by shaming tactics, the fact remain, however, that the average soldier or citizen knew nothing of things like what happened in dresden.

Only D&C or complete ignorance could compell a Holla Forumsack to atack the current, or even the previous, generation of bretons.

only thing bombed will be british lolis faces with muzzie cum, this is what you fought for.

Die D&C shill. You think any European nation wanted its young men put through the meat grinder of two world wars?

its comments like this that slowly change my views from not caring about the continent to actively hoping the hordes swallow you whole

This is why loli is cancer. It encourages the sexualization of children, who then get treated like prostitutes who were asking it. You probably get aroused by little girls being abused, you piece of shit.

PinkSocks for everyone. Yay I'm unbanned!

I'm not convinced. Muslims, especially pakis, are cowards, that's why they prey on children to begin with. They don't have the balls to start a race war because they'd lose in a flash and they know it. It's why they hide behind the authorities all the time. I don't think they'd act as you say until they had the numbers.

I'm talking about when they built their movement pre-war,not what actually happened during the war. They waited and made themselves strong before they dealt with Germany's internal enemies.

the majority of 'people' raping children dont watch anime lad
they dont translate it to arabic because anime is haram

That's not what I'm saying. Arabs rape because they're arabs. I'm talking about actual British lads who consume loli porn on this website and others.

When they hear about this stuff, instead of feeling outraged, they just imagine lolis being splattered with cum, and start identifying with the Muslims, wishing they could go around doing this. All because pedo porn addled their brain.

no tbh im just outraged
the types who act and think as you've just mentioned are why there are ginger jihadis tbh

If loli is porn, then if you go around calling little girls lolis, even as a joke, then you are priming yourself to view them as sexual objects. That's the one and only thing the feminists got right (only they apply it in the wrong direction).


All those Allied soldiers died for this utopia, better savor it you crooked teeth mongrels.

scientists have already isolated a genetic pattern thats linked to violent bursts and related criminality. it's frequent in males of certain races while eurasians and asians have it less frequently by a couple of magnitudes. they call it "warrior gene", might as well call it "rapist gene".


you are right guys. im sorry.

No you delivered whites unto the jew.

Get cancer and die.

whereas america dindu nuffin

It's okay.

The Jews told you to fix their kraut problem and you complied.

The Jews told you to ignore Muslim rapes and you complied.

You are the compliant race.


You are the worst kind of LARPer, the kind who incites dumb people to lash out while you sit safely behind your keyboard


The sad thing is brit/pol/ is so shit that you can't tell if this is a paid D&C shill or if one of them escaped the hugbox. Doesn't surprise me 1/5th of the /polmeta/ threads want to nuke britpol.

Not all muslims am I right.

You aren't the first. You won't be the last.

No we need to start molotoving mosques in rotherham on fridays. Our government are treacherous whores and our people seem to have grown weak. We need to fight back at some stage.