TL;DR communism was shit.
Response? How do you American rich kids know more than someone who lived through it?
TL;DR communism was shit.
Response? How do you American rich kids know more than someone who lived through it?
you mean TLDR: Ceaucescu was shit
or ML is shit
there is more than one communism user
see flag
According to that article 60% see little change or a change for the worse, so I don't really see what you're getting at here.
Also it's worth noting nostalgia tends to be common among people who lived in those regimes, and fanatical anti-communism among the youth who never experienced it.
I am Polish and despite the fact that my country under lelnism was rather bad(especially from political perspective), it had some economic pluses not present in corporate-fellating Poland of today.
Beat that nerd.
My parents are from a socialist country and say it was great. Are we even now?
I was born and lived (as an adult) in the USSR. I still think that the USSR under Gorbachev is preferable to Russia under Yeltsin or Putin.
Respect muh lived experience.
>mfw edgy teenagers in the US and Western Europe actually think the PiS are going to turn Poland into a prosperous bastion of traditional society
Before I even read the thread
Now guess why is the situation so shit?
Protip: we have one of the lowest tax levels in Europe, nearly linear tax, unions are kill, massive privatisation has been taking place since the 90's, welfare is pathetically tiny, social democrats are accused of USSR worship and so on :^)
why are chan-poles always autistic?
Ceaucescu was the worst ever.
Worse than Hoxha, Stalin and Mao together.
ok… Pol Pot was the worst ever.
My parents are from former Yugoslavia and said it was great too.
To be a pole is to be an autist.
How dare you question my critique of capitalism? I'm living in a capitalist country right now and its shit.
Has your faith in liberalism been shaken to the core by this revelation?
Pol Pot wasn't a commie tho
fuck off with this shit
was meant for>>734900
Never said any of them were commies though. ;)
Kill yourself
It is interesting that Poland actually enjoyed its highest standard of living while under Soviet rule, but still hates the USSR more than anything. I understand hating the political repression and dictatorship, but most other former Soviet republics tend to have a more nostalgic view of those times.
Correct, but let's not forget about the desire to enjoy the western standard of living. Many Poles feel that 1944-1989 were "wasted years", which delayed the process of westernization(le breadlines)
didn't mean to sage
Maybe it has some relation to the fact that I collected the posts of the same autistic polack on KC.
My grandmother lived through Nazi Germany and she was white, blond hair, not Jewish. She said it was shit, and that they would often make soup out of the nettle leaves that grew outside because there was nothing else to eat. She was well off before the German economy tanked, both her parents were upper middle class. Her father got shot before the war ended for speaking out against the Nazi regime (he was in the military). Luckly her and her mother were spared and survived the rest of the war still living in Germany. Of course, now she's a racist christian conservative so I guess she didn't learn much.
We always forget that, appart from slavs, gypsies and jews, commies and people that didn't like having the Gestapo on their necks were also killed.
Also, the "problem" with conservatives, is they don't like commies and immigrands, but wouldn't go as far as support a new Hitler.
unless they don't know he is a new Hitler
No one cares
I forgot, that was other thing, her parents were anti-commie because of the social democrats fucking everything. So as a result, she hates commies too. She would probably vote for Trump if she lived here. The last time she visited, she complained to me for about an hour about how immigrants were destroying Germany.
The best/worst way to answer/troll this people is to say "It's times like these that one thinks Hitler wasn't that wrong". But it only works on people who know what Nazism is about. … It's also not that "cool" long term. More edgy than usefull.
I'm Romanian.
I want this guy dead.
Not American and not a rich kid, but I don't disagree that the version of communism he experienced was shit. You wouldn't declare that every single possible kind of capitalism was shit just because some people suffered under it in a particular country. There are as many different ideas of how communism should work as there are posters on this board, if not more.
This shit is why I hate labels. Labels just make it easy for people to misrepresent your views. They let your opponents skip over the details of your position and resort to arguments based on false equivalence due to similarity of terminology.
Tell us more about Ceaucescu? Was he really that awful of a Stalinist?
He was buddy-buddy with Kim Ir Sen.After the visit to North Korea things got rough.Crazy cult of personality,showing shops on television stacked to the brim with food when in actuality you could only find shitty processed meats that gave you some sort of bowel cancer in a few years.
He was really impressed by what he saw in
North Korea so things took that sort of turn.
To sum it up in few words:A police state bureaucracy run by a political elite that ensured people weren't jobless.Nothing to do with communism really.State police was also spying on everybody.
After the revolution 90% of industry got demolished and sold for scrap.The same political elites formed new parties.
Even tot his day there are no right-wing or left-wing political parties,just a bunch of oligarchs thus romanian people are extremely skeptcial of politicans to the point where they hate them:The social-democrates ,the national-liberals and the democartic liberals have acted in the same way.
Even so,the social-oligarchs(democrats) are always voted in parliment in overwhelming majority because of old people that are treated like shit.
We've been leeching of the EU for quite a while and all of those money again,end up in the pockets of corrupt officials.
Nationalism amongst young people is pretty much dead.
Yes,he was awful.
sry for my bad english
My parents are Cambodian and thought Pol Pot was aight.
Your English is very good and your post is very appreciated.