Things are about to kick into overdrive guys. These next few months are going to do nothing short of determine the fate of the world for the rest of our lives. So it's time for a serious discussion, how will things play out?
We've got the first debate between Hillary and Trump, then control of the internet gets turned over to the UN, then we have the election.
What are your predictions for the next 3-4 months?
Zachary Harris
alt right gains power in european union and forms the whore of babylon (revived roman empire) shortly after the world ends
Brayden Foster
How many of these halfchan shit threads do you need? Pick one and have a fucking discussion until it's full. You don't need to reinvent the wheel every single time.
Dylan Gomez
Didn't see a dedicated thread in the catalog.
Camden Nelson
Meme responsibly
Brody Gray
They're going to kill some politician and blame it on Trump supporters or the Alt-Righters like they did with Brexit.
Cooper Ward
Kek willing, this will happen.
Juan Gray
Because you're a lying faggot who didn't bother to look. Not every little tangent needs a dedicated thread.
David Nelson
Shill, it's quite an important thread to have.
Nathan Price
Didn't stop Brexit
Daniel Lopez
They can let Trump through and then stymie his entire agenda. I really doubt the jews are truly worried.
They can still relentlessly attack him in the media after he wins, and mobilize all the cucks and shitlibs in Congress to stop everything he tries to do.
We still have a long road ahead of us.
Hudson Cooper
Trump will win by a landslide unless he majorly fucks up, which is highly unlikely. This will not stop the (((industrial military complex))) from destroying the west, but it will slow it down for a while. I'm not sure this is a good thing.
Brandon Brown
Trump has the leverage because he has the constitutional power to ban any person or group that he wants for whatever reason that he wants.
He'll also pretty much control foreign policy and not to mention THE FUCKING MILLITARY!!!!!
The President has a metric fuckton of power, these days especially.
Justin Turner
Here's hoping
Nicholas Sanchez
Economic troubles, even greater military tensions, then the US elections. There will be political turmoil after that whoever wins, but nothing too serious because i doubt (modern) Americans are capable of revolting, either "left" or "right" aligned ones. Their foreign policy after that could create the real chaos though. Even if Trump wins and stays true to his non-interventionist stance (which i doubt), the consequences of previous policy are yet to fully develop.
So The Happening is pretty much in effect, it all depends how it will unfold. The globalists will push for their agenda anyhow. We are in for some dark times.
Landon Wood
Oh yeah absolutely. But they will demonize the hell out of him for it, even though Obama did the same shit and probably to a much worse degree.
Things are going to become even more divisive. The only way to solve it is to balkanize the country, or deport enough non-whites to bring the country back to 80-90% white.
Josiah Russell
Or bring a massive amount of prosperity dosh going around for everyone tends to make people happy.
Benjamin Turner
Really? Trump's foreign policy is the only I'm not worried about him changing. Why do you think he would do so?
Nicholas Long
Nathaniel Foster
This just needs to happen, it's our only hope and I pray to Kek, Trump, Putin, every last fucking man standing in this meme war. I'm proud to stand with you all in spirit, and hopefully this post I'm replying to ==KEK WILLING== becomes fucking reality!
Benjamin Williams
The Good Ending:
The Bad Ending: >There's a media blitz on the federal subsidies for red states. Non-racist conservatives don't understand why their states need so much additional money. It's directly proportionate to their amount of niggers.
Samuel Clark
With the end of the world.
Sebastian Rodriguez
It's easy to get caught up in troubles vision and rhetoric, but the reality is this nation is fucked whoever wins. The only real major change this past year is the social consequences brought on by Trump and his political incorrect entry into the political world.
I don't waste my time predicting what the people (American or not) will do at this point. Ask anyone and they probably would have told you ever decade they expected a major uprising. Unless you cut welfare that's about the only way you could guarantee one. That part is the most depressing out of all of it. How docile the entire Western world is, especially in America.
Elijah Baker
trouble = Trump
Not sure how that happened.
Robert Rodriguez
the collapse will be postponed if HRC gets elected.
Adam Moore
Nice demoralization fag. With Kek on our side it will be the end. The end of this rotten corpse of a way of life, and the birth of something the likes of which we've never seen.
Levi Gutierrez
Russia will nuke Estonia, but they will rise from the ashes as mutant jew-killing freaks of nature.
Nathaniel Wright
Who said it was demoralizing?
Chase Martin
Matthew Gray
Is it bad that reading that made me hard?
Carter Edwards
Cooper Green
im migrating into the us if that happens.
Matthew Bailey
As kek has it, this is the outcome of the 2016 U.S Election.
Robert Price
I predict another chimpout before Christmas
Colton Thompson
Specifically it'll be a civil war between niggers who didn't vote for Trump and niggers who voted for Trump
and by civil war I mean chimpout
Jose Nelson
remember that chimps are easy to pacify, it only takes one bullet
Lucas Powell
king nigger becomes a dictator
Matthew Scott
Imagine if the immigration requirements survey were done by /pol? We could formulate it in a manner and with questions that only a Holla Forumsack could possibly answer. This would in effect bar all mudslimes and white leftists from sneaking into the USA again, while still maintaining healthy immigration from (mostly) white high IQ hard-working conscious Holla Forumsacks.
Parker Lee
>Hillary shows her stress related health problems in the debate, possibly seizuring LIVE. Trumps wins there and then. Some hacker known as 4chan hack the lights at the debate and turns it into a shranz party. Hillary shows her true form
That's the most that I'd wager will happen till december. Maybe throw a nuke in New York or Ukraine. Their options are: -foreign war -martial law If Trump gets into office, the whole kike agenda since the 18. century onwards(or thousand years as Al Bush senior said) is dead. They are not going to let power that easy.
Now let's just hope that Trump is true to his words.
Adam Miller
Syria will intensify to a point where it's no longer containable and spills over directly into neighboring countries. This would be an loose effort to destabilize Iran.
Russia will continue positioning itself, ready to invade Eastern Europe in order to eliminate the ABM system being set up there. They will even demonstrate their ability to "snap invade" by maybe intruding into East Ukraine momentarily and then backing off. If not that, an elaborate war game to simulate such a scenario at least.
Turks will go full-on Kurd hunting regionally without giving a fuck anymore, even as far as telling the U.S to "fuck off, we're busy".
A far more devastating Hillary "hack" will emerge that will see some agents getting killed or captured in a hostile nation. This will be blamed on Russians but is actually (((their))) work. This could be the October Surprise.
The chaos abroad would be used for Hillary to take advantage of it. Hillary will use all these unfolding events to justify her stance on foreign policy and hostility towards Putin, and call out Trump as being "too weak to handle" the crisis situation brewing. She'll play the line that America's interest are at risk of being forever lost unless "tough action is taken". Trump will likely dismiss the whole thing for what it is, her playing opportunistic warmongering, on a situation that was likely caused by her past behavior as Secretary of State.
Russia will just sit back and watch, preparing for its next move the moment the winner is announced. If it's Hillary, they may as well start going all-out, or at least do everything in their power to undermine Hillary to spark a U.S revolution. Worst case scenario is nuclear war. If it's Trump, they'll likely announce a special meeting at the U.N to try to deescalate the situation. They'll of course try to leverage Trump hard on the matter, but after locking heads, things cool down a bit and the world may be better off for it. Anything beyond January is too difficult to even imagine, let alone predict.
TL;DR: (((They'll))) prime conditions for WWIII before November. They'll play on a war crisis narrative.
Thomas Anderson
*Russia will then just
Julian King
Banks start charging on bank accounts because NIRP People start withdrawing cash Banks closed for "national stability" Withdrawal limits People withdraw all their cash over time Nothing left in banks for governments to loot Required registration of all personal wealth "Wealth tax" of 1% of total wealth per year comes in Rises by inflation each year
Logan Gray
I'm thinking something extreme to make hillary win, for example after trump "allied" with russia they're gonna false flag a terrorist attack and blame it on russia. Or they're simply going to ignore the votes and put hillary in charge. Like literally ignore, somebody calls them and says "Hey, votes for trump 100 and for hillary 12" and someone replies "Yep. 112 votes for hillary allright."
Gabriel Turner
yes please white ethnostate spanning Australia to UK and all of Norh America
Logan Hughes
The memes, ridicule, "post-ironic" aesthetic of Holla Forums and the aut-right runs its course and we become the butt of the joke not the ones telling the joke. This is already happening.
Hunter Kelly
What have you done lad
Sebastian Jones
What do you suggest, homo?
Tyler Hill
I predict Trump is going to win and then Time magazine is going to have a cover story titled "Memes" with a veritable encyclopedia of memes trying to explain our magic.
Jace Peterson
alt right was always a jew term to attempt to define everyone opposing hitlery cunton. Don't accept the label and we can't lose
Carson Hernandez
welp, sorry m8
Hunter Evans
I'm thinking you're a fucking idiot and your trips mean dick.
Chase Hughes
Camden Price
I don't know but hopefully Holla Forums will go back to being more insular after the election is over.
Jaxson Long
*UN and Obama impose tough internet legislation gaining control over content. *Wikileaks final killshot for Hillary BTFO *Hillary gets in *Same shit only worse *uppity nogs and various attacks insue *civil unrest goes on behind her back *pokes at Russian bear while America crumbles around her feet
A bright flash appears over New York
Ian Wood
It's about time. Whichever way it flips. It's going to need major dismantling and reorganization by individuals not just sitting.
Zachary Allen
I think if Trump wins we'll see a few riots from Blacks and Hispanics. Anyone remember the shit that happened in San Jose? Its going to happpen again.
Oliver Clark
Eli Perry
James Allen
They're tricky but they aren't all powerful, not everything is the kikes
Evan Scott
The only part that's missing is deporting all non-whites.
Henry Harris
Let me guess, that mud attacked her for not being covered up in seventy-two layers of burka?
Jayden Diaz
He's got jews crawling all around him, he's militantly pro-Israel, he takes a lot of the same positions on China's actions in the South China Sea that ZOG does, he went on record as saying he would want to protect Saudi Arabia, he made it a habit in past speeches [don't know about lately I haven't been watching them] of praising American oil companies as "wonderful" [even though they are the reason we're in Syria and Ukraine in the first place].
There's a lot of red flags around Trump that are being overlooked because they get drowned out in the noise and he isn't Hillary Clinton.
Jose Roberts
Getting ready for the civil war user
Zachary Mitchell
How about IQ tests?
Nolan Garcia
If we see more of the Trump that gave that great speech in Arizona with firm policy declarations, the one who the same day met with the Mexican president and acted dignified, then he will beat Hillary. This was the Trump most of us were hoping for in 2015.
If we see Trump scattered and flip-flopping like he has been throughout most of the past 6 months, then he will lose the election.
Without knowing that, it's hard to make political predictions.
Michael Phillips
Have you considered the possibility that Trump is a plant? I don't believe he is but it is a possibility. We've seen how the Jew places his own people in power - we must always be vigilant.
If Trump loses, we will know Hillary cheated. If Trump loses and pulls a Bernie Sanders (he's upset but ultimately recognizes Clinton as the President), then we will know he was in on the plot the entire time. If Trump wins and goes back on his promises, we will know he was a plant.
If Trump wins and makes America great again, we will know he was sincere. If Trump wins, Jews will send forth their hoards of useful idiots to attack us.
Regardless of Trumps defeat or victory, we will be in the line of fire even more so than we are now. Therefore, we should:
The war will be fought against Trump should he win. But the Jew can not touch him, therefore, they will target We the People with further division and increased violence.
It's coming.
Leo Myers
IQ tests can vary by a bunch of different factors. Time, sleep, hunger, thirst. It would cost too much to do a proper IQ test for everyone. I think we should do what Japan does:
Ryder Baker
Race war soon.
The Lion Guard will rise.
Nolan Long
Oh this could be fun.
"Okay, who pulls the trigger on every nigger? What do you do in the loo? Who is Barbara Spectre?"