Every now and then a Wizard will appear on Holla Forums. I hereby create this thread for the purpose of our gathering together.
No /r9k/, no pulling rabbits out of hats. I mean the true Magicians.
welcome to die?
Hm, I would be lying if I said I was not the same person that created that thread.
This thread, however, is different, or so it is proclaimed to be. We shall see.
magician in the jungian sense?
you ruined Holla Forums fuck off retard
I would like to propose this as a more simplified and improved sigil.
cpl save me im dead
Yo my dude how do I become a wizard, I have nothing better to do anyway.
30 years of virginity, or alternatively, 30 years of celibacy.
Don't quote me the latter.
Well, alright. Why have you called us here?
Tch⦠you wanted your wizards and then you go and pussy out?
I shall protect this thread.
Well, it's about time.
I miss Fringechan.
turn 30 on the 15th of this month
i don't drink. but im planning on getting drunk that day at least. i need something to escape this horrible reality of being a 30yo loser virgin
kinda hoping my mom lets me borrow some money so i can buy some alcohol
I will never tease a girl and be teased as a way of sharing a deeper and unspoken respect and reassurance of our love.
it hurts knowing every other guy out there got to experience young love and experimenting with girls. Knowing there are 12yos out there sucking dick and it isn't your dick
In just a few days, when the parts arrive, I'll be assembling an upper midrange gaming system. It's going to have a 500 gig SSD, a Ryzen 1600 and a GTX 1060. It's going to be three times as powerful as any system I've ever owned, by every measure. I should be ecstatic. I feel nothing. When I eat I taste the food but it brings me almost no joy. When I masturbate I can barely finish because I almost feel no physical pleasure. Am I depressed or have I finally begun to feel the appropriate level of pleasure from these ultimately shallow and unhelpful acts?
life without pussy is no life at all
you're just finally realizing how fucked you are as a wizard
just like all of us on Holla Forums
And if it's the latter, how can I anticipate any pleasure from a life that is unlikely to contain success and triumph?
you just get used to it. this is your life now
just turned 32 last month, being a wizard is truly a spectacular thing.
turning 22 in a few months. Any advice you'd give yourself at my age?
cast away your insignificant feelings such as pleasure and pain, let there only be knowledge and video games. with these you can become the most formidable wizard.
just grabbin a cold one with the boys
Thatβs neat.
i've jerked off to this thing more times than im willing to admit.
half nude = half erect
why are furfags shitting up this thread?
how does this turn people on? they look goofy.
Get out of here Fedoras.
yeah. i feel you dude, im sharing my autism bux wiht my mom, she only gives it to me if i do chores or havent bothered her with stupid stuff
this is your body telling you that you've shed the inferior pleasures and achieved full euphoria, you can bask in the glory of virginity.
eat shit normalfag
More >>>/fringe/ posting?
>More >>>/fringe/ posting?
Yes, and less >>>/r9k/ posting.
Is The Kybalion just a New Age meme? Seemed like it when I read through it. Also, anyone who unironically thinks Principa Discordia is relevant is objectively retarded.
Yes but it's also older than that.
It's alright to be uninitiated. The more you learn the more it begins to appear.
I was speaking in terms of content, not chronology. I know it was early 20th Century, but every neophyte and their mother parades it around as though it is representative of the Hermetic tradition.
Ah so there is more of us in this shit hole, what a refreshment.
Indeed. I say we post more and turn this board around.
Why not, eventually we may even get an interesting conversation in here. This place need some after the influx of halfchan.
i say you all fuck off, you faggots ruined this board the firs time around you fucking cunts i hate all your guts.
We ruined this board? That's laughable. What are you doing to improve it?
Then you can pack your bags, because I will stay, here. Even if the sole purpose of it will be to piss off a cancer like yourself.
you're the cancer faggot. you fags divided the entire board and spammed your stupid shit everywhere. You fuckers ruined this place.
what are you doing? nothing. My threads get more replies here than any of the other ones. And have atleast brought some OC here.
Eh, we didn't divide anybody. If anything we united many.
So you didn't do anything and a few morons did the work for you? You should really try to contribute more.
If anything divided this board it was, it's shitty BO.
That for some reason thought his role here was anything more than a simple janitor.
Then we had entered "beautiful" era of low effort threads, rate threads and porn all over the place.
Also quantity of replies to your threads is worth jack shit, if by lack of anything interesting more and more leaves this place.
are you this mad about >>>/catscradle/?
wrong, the reason this place is so dead is because you come here and theres nothing to fucking do. Every thread is an unfiltered autismal circlejerk of ironic shitposting. You come here and post the stupidest shit you possibly can and then you maybe wait a few minutes to see if you get any replies and then you leave. I quality threads that get a lot of activity promote more activity. If we had more threads like that instead of spam threads and pedo circlejerks we might actually get in more users.
The BO and mods definitely didn't help. We had constant cyclical thread for both ponies and pedos, on top of that they would branch out and make separate threads outside of their cyclical threads. So we would have multiple pedo and pony threads on Holla Forums a board thats supposed to be random. The ponies have left but you can tell by the pedos that however the mods handled it didnt work out so well.
Yes i hate all of your guts. I was in the thread before cats cradle was even made. The sigil thread that started all of it. I made these and a bunch other i no longer have and was spamming your cancerous shit as soon as it popped up. I didn't know you guys were trolling either i just thought you were all /x/ tier schizo's. Another user was making sigils with me, he made a pepe sigil that i saved but lost. There was another user who would help me spam your threads, he would only spam granny porn so i called him granny porn user and he was my friend. I think there was another guy who spammed scat too but my memory is fuzzy. I'll always blame you guys, the ponies, and the pedos for ruining this board. The BO or mods didn't cause this but they sure in the fuck could have prevented it.
do it, we'll see if you classify my thread as quality or not.
i do, and i blame others for not
i left around the time of the cats cradle threads. started only browsing Holla Forums, didn't even find out it was a ruse to awhile after i left. I only started coming back because now Holla Forums is going to shit.
the board is too slow for that, i don't really like this thread but it isn't toxic circlejerking and ironic shitposting so i don't mind bumping it.
dysnomia started that or are you just trying to make me hate him like everyone else?
>That was the entire point. A good troll never lets you know if they're actually serious or not. So basically, you're mad that you got trolled, and this somehow ruined the board?
i'm not mad that i got trolled, the fact that it was all a ruse actually makes me less upset. I was fed up with the pony and pedo threads like they said, they were absolutely flooding this place. Then the cats cradle threads came along and they had their own cyclical threads, thats what made me mad. We had pony, pedo and now cats cradle threads cyclical, plus threads that branched off from those, people didn't just stay in their cyclical threads they had to make there own and shit up every other thread with their shit. Holla Forums which is random now had nothing but pony, pedo, and some what i thought were a bunch of stupid schizo /x/ posting tripfags. Wether the were trolling or not though doesn't change the fact that they still shitted up the place. Threads that didn't fall into those three categories we're threads bitching about them or they were 4chan tier porn threads. I remember one user made a paraody of the cats cradle threads which i thought was funny, he called it dogs hammock or some shit like that.
>That was me. You really are clueless to what is going on in this board, aren't you?
yes, and that looks like i made lel. Are you made that one?
Yes. dys was the main guy behind all this shit.
It proved that any retarded group can flood the pages and be granted a special thread. That was the entire point. It made everyone mad and showed them that the pedo and pony groups didn't need a special thread and that you should not grant any group of spammers a special thread just because you don't like their content and want to see less of it. The old BO's picked and choose what was and wasn't spam and disregarded the two groups that were trying to turn the whole board into a circlejerk.
Not that one but I was the other who made a sigil pepe. I didn't save it, but I saved all of yours.
(((Wizard +13 checking in)))
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