Why do i hate everyone?
Is there something wrong with me? I recently suddenly started to hate everyone.
Why do i hate everyone?
fuck off please
My dude.. welcome to the club we are 7billion+ people strong. Why the hell are you so late?
everyone is out for themselves. those competing goals make life frustrating. that's probably why you hate people.
It's because people dislike you. You start hating because you are hated.
because you want to feel special
you're not, you're shit, you're the same decaying matter as everyone else
you are not a special and unique snowflake
sorry to tell you that, live with it, die with it.
Because you just begun teenhood, your voice will also start losing its high pitch and you might grow pubes in your bepis
I don't think everyone hate's, just today i was trying to talk a girl but this other asshole was constantly talking to here so i couldn't.
I'm just so fucking pissed off that i'm missing this opportunity to get to know this girl but some other guy with a pepe pic on his phone background is taking the opportunity.
Yeez faggot just ease up, take the bullet and then you will never have to worry about life anymore.