Communists and anarchists being okay with the bourgeois corporatist government taking guns away from the people
Hello notreadfriend, you seem to be lost. On Holla Forums we are opposed to gun control and want to arm the proletariat. The disarmament folks are on reddit, try there if you want to talk to them.
which ones?
bad b8
Read the FAQ you stupid faggot
You seem to be lost, new friend.
Stop bumping shit threads.
you can't tell me what to do
why are you telling us this when literally everyone here opposes gun control?
Why aren't you in the woods hugging threes or something
You must think we are pic related
I have a very strict tree-hugging schedule with breaks dedicated to tripfagging on Holla Forums
You mean the bourgeois dictatorship called "democracy"?
Full wildwestism when?
True capitalism has never been tried.
Nah, dude. Anarchist protests would be alot better with a few AK-47s
Not even. /r/anarchism is anti gun control.
I'm not a liberal, comrade.
That's not what "corporatist" means.
I rarely see this, OP.
And I don't meant that in a "oh but those aren't real ____" way: I see plenty of moderate leftists wanting the government to have a monopoly on guns, yes, but not people who actually describe themselves and commies or anarchists.
>>>Holla Forums
dat pic.
i like it.
You also are just insanely naive. If you're planning some sort of op for martial law you're going to have a way easier time with a disarmed populace than with an armed one. Think of how the Ferguson unrest caused so much instability throughout the entire nation, that was only, what, a few tens of thousands of people? Maybe a few hundred thousand, I don't know. All in just one place. But now think of that happening nationwide, millions of Americans across the country. That's an insanely chaotic situation.