A new hero of the alt-right has been born.
Why are Trump protestors so stupid? There are so many good arguments against Trump, but all they can do is cry about racism.
A new hero of the alt-right has been born.
Why are Trump protestors so stupid? There are so many good arguments against Trump, but all they can do is cry about racism.
Because they're liberals. It's all they care about.
Also, Trump isn't a racist; he's an opportunist.
Because that's what the media has trained them to do. Trump is awful, but the bourgeois criticisms directed at him have no value. He's denounced because he's significantly less pro-plutocrat than Clinton, and the so-called progressives eat it up the propoganda.
Yes he is, most people are. But he isn't abnormally racist and, as said above, he's only called that so people will fall in line and vote for the corporate candidate. Hillary will win, that was already decided from the start.
As much as I hate to say it, we should eventually start making memes for $hillary's inevitable victory to trigger Holla Forumsyps. The butthurt when trump loses will be astronomical. It'd be a shame if we don't capitalize on it.
Holla Forumsack here
Our best memegicians are at work to defeat Crooked Hillary.
Evola tried it with Mussolini and failed. But we have like 3000 times the autism Evola had access to. We are talking about high level, unrefined autism here user, the likes of which the world has never seen.
People who routinely fap to weird japanese doujins.
People who have never been on Education, Training nor Employed.
Real basement dwellers, channers from the First Days whose minds are long lost in the maelstrom of chaos… true mediums if you ask me
Why is Holla Forums so cringy?
Because they're edgy teenagers who can't get laid.
this. we should start $hilling for Hillary
Why? Isn't she just as bad. That'd make Holla Forums look really bad.
mostly just to piss of Holla Forumsyps
And risk attracting capitalist social liberals? And looking like people who would really support a right-winger like her? No. We should stay out of it and condemn both. We'll win either way if we do this, because they'll both suck big time.
he seems young and impressionable tbh, it doesn't help that the other black guy goes "dats racis" on every argument of the other side.
most Holla Forumsfags are newfags
all my keks
I thought alt righters hated high energy blacks and assumed they were all chimps on crack?
Y'know, and I realize that this is an unpopular opinion over on Holla Forums (and the alt-right in general), but I'd honestly be cool with a non-racial American Fascism. Miscegenation is an issue we can work out later, but in broad strokes I don't really give a shit about race as long as an explicitly non-racial meritocracy is in place.
You from CPUSA, Comrade?
wew lad
I'm surprised That Guy T isn't campaignimg for him.
no surprise here. only a subhuman would be gullible enough to fall for trump's ruse.
i want trump to lose just so i can see how assblasted Holla Forums and r/the_donald get. the salt would be even better than after the 2012 election.
so like everyone who posts on chans?
But it's economically superior to socialism.
The collective asshurt will echo throughout eternity.
He still has a good chance, Bernie left out so many things to attack her on, which is actually quite difficult considering it's fucking Hillary.
Nice try shillbots.
Many Trump protestors are incapable of providing decent counterarguments for the same reason that liberals are incapable of justifying liberal capitalism. It isn't that somewhat intellectual arguments do not exist. It's that, when such beliefs are integrated into culture at large, people take it for granted. Beliefs which had intellectual arguments to back them ossify into dogma. So many liberals in the world, but how many became liberal because they read Locke, Mill, or Rawls?
One can go into similar statements about Trump supporters.
Sup reddit.
Because him being a populist is all that bugs them. Otherwise they're the same thing, spineless shits in need of a god-emperor.
Isn't that what Obama is?
Turned Italy into a prosperous country, also did the same for Germany, which was like modern Sweden before Hitler came.
"Everything I don't like is Fascism!"
So it had one of the highest standards of living in the world?
Fuck off, I don't agree with the tankie poster at all.
I just think it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some "you could have stopped this" Bernie memes, and shit, I dunno.
Note my non-racial fascism. We eliminate welfare and rapidly expand civil service in a new deal sort of way. Government service is mandatory for all citizens (be it military or something else). We adopt protectionist trade policies and annex Canada.
This will create a nation of hardened class collaborators. In all honesty, I think that Trump is, for all his faults, reorienting the Overton window in such a way to allow for this in the near future.
And that's why despite all her glaring flaws, I would rather vote for Hillary.
Your Hitler dubs say otherwise.
I guess I'm not understanding entirely. It seems like the communist's natural enemy would be the statist-based neoliberal, but here you are picking her over someone who emphasizes the good of the community, in his own self-serving way.
Come and fucking try it you amerifat bastard. For every one of my countryman that falls, we'll take 5 of you assholes.
god you're awful, faggot. typical underage tumblrgoing shithead. standard-issue dumbfuck. another miserable pissant without the slightest clue as to what a blessing this man has been and is being upon the world. doesnt understand the indelibly cherished impact this gleaming, distinguished beautiful human being has had on the planet at large. of course garbage posters like this aren't keen to look into that, either. they're hard-wired to yak up the same old memes til they just aint funny no more, so their opinions are natural extensions of the omnipresent bought-out media machine's latest propaganda efforts put forth to salvage scrap flesh from their increasingly irrelevant carcasses. like fucking clockwork. you LOSER ass, go to hell
is this a copypata or original content?
He's not a communist in any serious meaning of the term if he wastes his time voting.
They don't teach you about this down there, do they? After we've finished with you again, you'll be paying for the new border wall.
Even if that is the ratio, we'll still win.
After Hitler it did. Before it was teetering on 3rd world like Sweden Today.
That was a long ass time ago when the US was just a pissant.
Italy was never all that prosperous and any prosperity Germany may have created was highly ephemeral because the Nazis blew all their money on weapons and military infrastructure and could only keep their system going by conquering and looting other countries.
So, Greece is better off than Sweden?
Then why is everyone telling me I should leave Greece for Sweden?
It turned it around entirely. Weimar had insane debt and hyperinflation, moral degeneracy of the highest caliber such as pedophilia was commonplace.
Unemployment was entirely eliminated in the reich, and with it went poverty. The currency was labor backed and debt free (the biggest sin in the eyes of the globalist cabal), and the people were happy as fuck. Let alone the economic and industrial explosion of growth. Guns were allowed, physical training was encouraged, and companies and banks were heavily regulated to prevent abuses. Hitler loved unions as well.
Mussolini's Italy was literally founded on bullshit. He just sold it well enough that in the short term, enough people believed it.
You're right.
Because they're retards who've never been there, or Swedes in denial about the state of their country.
They've been steadily going down the sitter since the mid 90's.
Eeeer.. that's capitalism failing. We all are going down.
Also, soon they'll be fullNazi. SocDem is how to Nazism 101.
Also.. … eer.. Greece isn't getting better, though…
Eeeer.. No, that's globalism and soft-core socialism failing
The chart you posted is hilariously wrong; go take a look at your retarded "projections" vs what actually happened, and then also take a look at inequality-adjusted HDI. Sweden is doing fine on both counts. Now that you've been effectively BTFO, stop trusting Holla Forums as a news source.
Ok. You're an idiot.
What's socialist about neoliberalism?
Are you guys going to give any sources or what?
Christ in heaven you people
Do you know anything about history? The condition of Germany before Hitler's rise was not comparable to Sweden today. Sweden ranks 7th in the IHDI (an version of this ranking that's adjusted for inequality). Germany pre-Hitler suffered from massive unemployment and hyperinflation. The currency became so worthless that people were pushing wheel-barrows of cash around just to buy common goods.
Your only basis for calling Sweden a shitty country is a 15-year projection, which doesn't even show Sweden's standard of living significantly decreasing, but rather other countries' standard of living increasing rapidly.
also the fact that you consider 15-year projections meaningful is pretty funny
didnt mean to say sweden whoops
this is greg gutfield and his puns
So the countries with the freest markets?
And yet Dolan has yet to pick up on many of them.
No country in Europe is actually socialist, but most have strong welfare states which is what I assumed you meant by "soft-core socialism."
Anyway, of the countries I mentioned, only Australia and Canada rank higher than the US in economic freedom (by merely a few spots), and the US still has a comparable effective corporate tax rate to many of those countries and an even lower one than Japan, which ranked first in your HDI chart's projection.
His chart is lying.
It lists Sweden as 25 by 2015 but it's 15 or 14 right now and Inequality adjusted is 7.
Apparently blacks must vote democrat because they popped out of their mom's vagina with dark skin, according to the left.
I hate Idpol, but this is purest form of coonery makes me angry.
He is literally an irl token black
Do you think those two blondes got BLACKED?