Talking to girl
Convert her, do it subtly at first, then start with pointing out how many of the issues she identifies are spooks, and how idpol actually isn't real leftism.
this tbqh
I'd have to undo the whole crazy elite 'leftist' -bullshit, make her into a regular class unconscious person, then do the whole leftist thing. That's a lot of work.
This is a bad idea tbh
is she worth it?
Making comrades can be hard work. We should try.
This is your brain on politics.
Normally, reading a post like this would just fill me with envy or mild animosity toward the poster. All I'm getting now is resigned hopelessness.
You gotta realize that Old School Marxism turned into a pretty manly ideology once woman emancipated themselves from patriarchy in the 60s because most women did not work in a physical industry.
That's how idpol came up, to make lefty stuff juicy for women again.
I mean, I am not talking about those poor girls working in the textile industry in Bangladesh. Those will flock to you in no time, once you give them the dialectic materialism.
meh. i actually feel pretty happy knowing there are alpha leftists cuddling with qt commies while Holla Forumsfags and altistic-righters worship trump
I'm so sorry you got raped
this shit just aint fair
how come girls like you never talk to me?
The only flaw she has is that she's from the countryside bourgeoisie, so sometimes we argue about some subjects, but It's the best relationship that I ever had.
He's just pretending to be a girl.
you've got to be making this shit up
it's not fair that some people get to have such good lives ;_;
Well, I'm pretty good looking and really at ease when talking to people in general.
But I don't think that my life is "good", it also has it downsides, comrade. I'm poor as fuck, I can't find a job because of my origins and people's prejudice, and my whole family is doomed to be poor and exploited. My gf is the only reason why I don't end up with kurds killing some fashs.
I also had a gf who was a fucking neo-nazi, but she changed her mind when she found out I was an immigrant.
if only it were such a sham then it might be easier on everyone
About you or being a Nazi?
About me and immigrants in general. From what I heard by a friend we had in common she totally cut any relation she had with neonazis and other fascists.
My nigga. Where you an immigrant from and where you living now?
The rest of you fags need to get fit and cuck the alt-right or get qts. It ain't that hard.
Currently living in France, but I lived througout Europe, like Norway, Poland, Spain, as a kid.
I'm from the ex-SSR republic of Georgia.
didn't you get the memo? that's what far left is now.
congratulations comrade you really showed le eebil bourgeoisie what it means to be hardcore
I beg to differ. the realization that the core of modern western society is the reason for exploitation and feelings of alienation is much more difficult to internalize than spooky black and white moralism. When people believe in a stark good and evil dichotomy, they feel they have something more substantial to hang on to. I think most rad left experience more stress.
I definitely have the opposite problem where men arrogate to be leftists and then end up being at best hardline Bernie supporters, or are in some amorphous vague way 'anti capitalist' but call Sweden socialist, but regardless continue to try and impress me with fucking wrong statements about what they think exploitation is.
It is your own fault for pursuing biologicals.
Translate that into non-autist, please.
I'm hoping that I can meet a class conscious qt at uni, maybe impress her with my youtube channel, but I know I'm much more likely to only meet SJW's through the marxist groups and alt righters through my STEM classes.
It's ok though, I'm legit thinking anonymous sex every weekend would just be easier than a relationship anyway.
It would, at least in this age of psychotic victim feminism.
I smell pure virgin butthurt here.
It might be, but each successive cum will be less fulfilling than the last. Besides, masturbation is easier than both, and you can fap to whatever you want.
mfw all my loved ones r going 2 gulag
Yes but masturbation is less stimulating than intercourse.
Just realized my Lenin hat wasnt on for these posts for some reason. It's not someone trying to impersonate me again I swear.
You just haven't been doing the right kind of masturbation!
what if I do this but I still want to have sex with people?
You have to find more holes to fill, then.
Ok then that + sex.
Now I legit want to die.
Now start finding a new reason to live.
Become the new you.
It's ok. We all know it's you anyway.
… I hope you're jocking about "using channel to impress" though.
Well, if I did actually meet a leftist girl I do think my channel would play in my favour, dont you?
No . Only an autist would think they could impress girls with their tiny leftist youtube channel.
You're channel is awful and edgy.
Well I need something, I'm too autistic to actually be likable and my looks while probably not as bad as some of the neckbeards here wont be able to match up to Chad McThundercock.
Don't do it. Just don't.
Do it AFTER you gained trust and cleared the possibility of viewing you as a faggot.
Channel is great, but "hey, I also have a channel on YT, with 700 subs where I analyze how Lenin was a playa" is not what I'd call "impresive".
Now, if she knows you FROM the channel, that's a different story…
Oh god yea I never said it would be my leading attribute that I open up with.
Just realized how people were probably interpreting it like that actually.
jus b urself, as sartre would say.
What channel?
He's referring to mine, Xexizy.
This is actually the worst idea ever. As Jung would say.
Don't worry about it. Just socialize normally and you might meet someone nice that doesn't mind too much that you're an autistic faggot.
You cannot enjoy yourself unless you are authentic to yourself, though of course care should be taken that some sacrifices may have to be made for the good of the relationship.
Tell them you're a pretty big deal on reddit.
I'm not rebel obesity though
That's not something to be proud of
Good job, you gave up a potential relationship with a self-identified far-left anti-capitalist because
And then made this stupid thread on top of being an autist who makes decisions in life based on vietnamese pizza boards.
Fucking kill yourself.
It's not a true story
pass it on
Nice nihilism
I never dared to reveal power level, but we still had some good time.
edgiest guy around
south koreans are even more low key brainwashed than burgers it's kind of scary
A good discussion is more valuable to me.
Your saying that reveals that you've only experienced one of those, if either.
kek. Was this intended as some form of renaissance comedy?
idk wtf is wrong with me
How does that make me a homophobic arab islamic terrorist?
Is the question you're looking for.
Im not attracted to men, but I do have slightly homo tendencies sometimes. I dont deny any of that, im still primarily straight.
Ah, we're making progress.
Keep going.
If I was gay I should have had way more crushes m8.
Or you'd write them off with
Being turned on by extremely feminine dudes is not the same as having a crush. Wanting to fuck someone is just being horny.
if you're horny seeing a dude, you're a fag comrade.
Yeah seriously, I've had like 11 or 12 crushes in the past 10 years, and I'm turned on by feminine dudes, which make up like 3 of the 12.
Days later
why does everything have to go this way for me?
that's literally all you need to do
people who know something's wrong with the system shouldn't be immediately discarded for not being revolutionaries. They should just be shown the right path
this is what socialism is all about
class consciousness isn't intrinsic to the working class, they must be educated by other fellow comrades
just teach her our ways, user. We're counting on you
you sound like somebody who has never talked to a female in your life :(
Don't mention the Youtube channel until you know the people. If you make a Youtube channel seem like a highlight of your life, you'll look like a dweeb unless you're multi-million view super-successful (which you're not). Do something cooler like write a book or smth
of course it is but it's also a shit, literally just worse masturbation
you'll stop enjoying it as much as soon as the "dude I'm having SEX" factor wears off
sex with a slag who you have no attachment to will never be as good as it is with a leftist qt who you love
What university did you apply for? What STEM?
Can't attract/talk to women? Underdeveloped anima. Homosexual desires? Underdeveloped anima. Like traps? Underdeveloped anima. Male autism? Underdeveloped anima. ADHD? Underdeveloped anima. Pathological narcissist that beats your kids for not making their beds to military specifications each morning? Underdeveloped anima.
You clearly have an underdeveloped anima.
She'll won't convert she'll just "hamster".
What does underdeveloped anime have to do with anything?
r9k fag detected
tfw you're a girl still trying to find a commie bf to join forces in dismantling capitalism together and seize the means of production
I can confirm this is all true. Fucking some girl you'll forget about in a week can't compare to cuddling and talking with a gf.
If you're a girl, I want you to know comments like this really hurt my feelings. I try so hard to find a leftist gf among the hordes of Stacies, and every time I try to communicate with a self proclaimed "lefty girl" on here, they completely ignore me and proceed to complain about no bf. You might have no bf, but at least you probably don't have your hopes crushed with this kind of thing on a regular basis.
this meme spicy
All my commie friends are strictly friends. Personal policy.
have you ever tried (are you willing to try) online dating?
Rape her
In about a year, I'll give it a whirl. I'm saving up to move, so I see it as kind of pointless to be looking for anything serious now, but once I'm grounded, I'll try it. I was mostly just lamenting for fun, but it was a struggle before I knew I was leaving.
Speaking of which, any comrades have luck with finding qt's online?
No. I tried okcupid for several months and while seeing a few "communists" they were all tumblr lunatics.
No, I met my fiancee at University. Online dating didn't work and Tinder feels creepily like being ordered off a menu.
This is the current problem for sane leftists.
it feels bad man