BO on /bbbb/

The moderators on /bbbb/ edited my post like the rulecucks they are, AGAIN! It's quite obvious that their board is done for.

Other urls found in this thread:


What did they change?

They changed what my original post said because they're fags who censor everything.


Keep crying bitch ass nigga. While your at it, pretend like you didn't literally ask for a ban.

The only thing that is obviously done for is your few remaining brain cells.
reported for spam (not that it will accomplish anything)

Tell me more about your sorrows, OP. I want to hear all of it. Vent your heart out, I'm all ears

Like where you came from?

I'm just here to piss weak faggots like you off. Your impotent rage feeds me.

Does anyone else find it funny that these fags are clearly spending more time monitoring Holla Forums than trying to make their own board entertaining ?
Going to actually serious for a second now.
bbb is currently shit, there is no threads there even worth a small giggle.
Rather than being massive homosexuals running around on damage control why not try and get some fun threads happening on your own board ? So far all you have is whining,boring shit and continually replying to cunts that are clearly just winding you up for a laugh.