Brit/pol/ #1192: Oldfag feels

There are no links, everything you read on the Internet today is shit any way!

Other urls found in this thread:

We're old fags mate. Not the retards who are there now. It was a very very different time and community.

We were edgy and creative. Now we're just edgy and screaming scientific facts at people with people thinking covering Blink 182 songs and saying nigger is creative.

Shit thread tbh

fo the grove edition




fuck off newfag

Not a newfag, just don't see the point of masturbating to lost memories.


Why is his mother not white?

His mum's also a man.

That's the joke.

I visited chans for the first time in 2008.

because it's late

was waiting for the last thread to auto update tbh lads

didnt even realise it hit bump limit

(You) silly sausage

Remember when women wore sexy clothing like this? See through gowns, dresses, corsets without dildos attached?

FUCK! Goddamn the abyss.

That's all we do on Brit/pol/ We masturbate to our country before the invasion. We masturbate to our empire. We masturbate to white people having a home.

Come back in a few hours when we're asleep if you don't like what we masturbate to.


to drunk to brit/pol/ tbh lad

I haven't seen this shit for ages.

No one has. It's completely fucking dead because women can't do a slow tease any more, they do anal and rimming instead.

What happen's when the west is Islamised and anti-semitism is noramlised like it is in muslim countries?

Price of sex is so cheap these days.

All you had to dindu wuz nuffin

what colour ties go with a blue shirt?

also what goes with a pink one

Please let quitting internet porn fix this.

Feels bad when you're in the same camp as the Muslims.

How blue? Baby blue? Also depends on the colour of your trousers.

If so, blue, grey or black.

Fucking Hell French Christian turned vengeful crusader


Is it? The price of sex seems pretty high to me. The price of cummies is cheap. I have no interest in cummies mate and you can't find a girl worth having sex with.

Was drunk once, didn't enjoy it. Have a shandy maybe once a decade and it's like 80% lemonade when I do.

Muslims drink and take drugs lad.

It's a myth they don't drink




Kikes are smarter and too better armed to truly let it happen. They're content enough to see muslims wipe out white people though.

Needless to say, people don't care about the finer inner working of things or why they're happening. they just want a solution.

BNP had it right in the late 90s and early 00s on what issues to campaign on and the grassroots work, just like UKIP are doing now, only stronger.

We've got tons we can work off, it just needs relaying in the right manner and not wrapped up in something people can class as "fringe" or "conspiracy"


because they are missing a part of their brain

Drug one tomorrow. Cuck them with their own tactics.

You should've picked em up after mosque tonight tbh, lad. Muslim girls are slags.
it's only worth it if you can get them honour killed or shame their family tbh

Good for you. Booze doesn't work for me anymore either.

pretty good

I've never been drunk tbh

looks like they assimilated well


Sikh girls are super slags.

I doubt their family would honour kill them.

They'd have done it already.

Tfw no arranged marriage

Talking to a Sikh guy I know. Some Sikh bitch had to get an arranged marriage with a guy in India because none of the Sikh's over here would marry her as she was such a cum guzzling little slut.

For the amount of empty calories I'd rather drink a dr pepper or an irn bru than a bottle of beer.

At least fizzy drinks taste nice.

You pretty much confirm what I suspected. Some are pretty fit tbh.

Don't really need to do that, they're dying for a racist white guy to fuck em. None of those millenial nu-males get a look in.

Fair point, muslims just like to be hypocrites and try to bash the west for being immoral. What a joke.

That was the church where the priest got killed btw

it was truly shocking

I'm not roman catholic, but it was still shocking and made me rage.

But mate, they believe that as long as they wear a bath robe and stick their arse in the air five times a day and are reeeeaaaaally sorry over what they did then it's all fine. Pakis honestly believe that rape, murder, bestiality and drug abuse are fine but touch a ham sandwich and you're going to hell mate. They really are fucking stupid.

I feel sorry for his Dad.

I'd want my son dead if he'd become that though.




The BNP made a smart choice in letting sikhs join when they had the non-white membership ban overturned.

As CENTRAL as race is to nationalism, this isn't as huge a problem as it is made out. Like I said just a few seconds ago, miscegenation is. What I mean concerning the race is issue is that most white nationalists in particular think it is feasable to just throw all non-whites out, implement segregational policies, throw the Jews out and that's it. That would be ideal, the problem is unless we're in a civil war or societal collapse scenario it won't be doable without being rebelled against by the system which is more heavily armed than we are and not likely to be successful, it would probably just speed up the process that whites get killed. Many people are also just waiting for this to happen, we haven;t got time to wait and as we wait, more people are also being suckered into the other side of politics also.

they're like £1 at charity shops m8


That's actually a really interesting dilemma.

I'd never thought about it until now.

the eternal taig


fucking northerners

but if a guy takes a piss he's on the sex offenders list


Lel Jack Sen is a fucking Pajeet, look at his sister.

Mulatto abomination should be flayed.



I mean aside from the flat Earth, muh shieldmaidens and that spastic ranting about Charlemagne they aren't all that bad.

They just decided to go full retard over the homosexual thing. I mean I get it, but lets not go full spastic.

Not sure why so many faggots are attracted to this movement tbh

Government launches £1.5m contest to find out how to stop youngsters become terrorists


you lads still in Europe?

I mainly hate them because they're unhygenic, smelly, dumb, rambling paki scum.

The sikh also raised a good point about repatriation; because only those who are truly loyal to the UK would choose to stay here rather than take the money.

We know which races commit the most crimes and why so it's a non-issue for us, if race relations and affirmitive action programs are thrown out and we do the right thing and deal with criminals how criminals should be dealt with (whether black or not) then there's no problem.

1) The cowards: these unfortunately make up the bulk of the right-wing. Blokes who are nothing by themselves join up to be part of a gang, give it the right large one when they are at a Nationalist event, sticking the boot in when the numbers are on our side but in reality are the sort of blokes who would watch a couple of spades push in front of them in a queue and do nothing about it, just look away. You all know the sort; without the beer for "Dutch courage" they're nothing.

2) The inadequates and losers: again the "right" is full of these types. They join because no-one else will have them. They don't fit into any mainstream groups and so they turn to the groups that accept anyone - the "right-wing" - where they have instant friends and drinking buddies.

3) Faggots: because of the nature of the movement, which is comprised of a lot of young blokes, queers tend to be attracted to it for deviant reasons. Some of these perverts will claim to be racist but don't be fooled by this: they are nothing more than subhuman degenerates. Most of the faggots who worm their way into Nationalist organisations often find themselves being very quickly booted out - quite literally.

4) Passing-trade: these are people who suddenly appear in the movement out of nowhere, have a short burst of activism, and then disappear as quickly as they arrived. These people may just be looking for a new experience - something different to the mundanity of their everyday lives - or they may be among us for more sinister purposes. Whatever the reason, they are a complete waste of space and should never be trusted.

5) The sickos and wierdos: these are the sort of freaks who believe in the Hitler=Evil equation that is spread by the media. These types are usually involved in "Satanism", cults, paedophilia, you name it. Luckily these people are very few in number but always prove to be the most embarrassing when they are exposed in the press etc, and we are all then tarred with the same brush. These people do not belong among us; if they hadn't infiltrated the "right-wing" they would probably be in some sort of cult. Our enemies love deviants such as these (often because they share the same interests) and will often encourage them to join us.

6) Drunks: mentally, these people are among the weakest specimens of humanity. They are in their element in the "right wing" because most of it is just a big drinking club.

So there it is: you may not want to hear it but it's true. The "right wing" accepts anyone and everyone - it has NO standards. We set ourselves up as though we are better than everyone else and talk about the general population as though they are all scum. Well the truth is that, percentage-wise, we most probably have far more scumbags in our midst than exist in the so-called "non-racist" general population.

The "right-wing" has a choice to make: either it cleans up its act and introduces some standards to ensure the quality of its recruits or it carries on being a freak-show for the liberals to laugh at on the TV.

tbh lads

Are those quotes by William Luther Pierce?
I'm not a NS myself (outgrew it a few years ago) but the article is still very true to the situation today.

1- Destroy all Mosques


What program are you using there? I'll use this for based Joe Owens vids and most of David Duke's and UKIPers..

That list could be about any political party tbh


To download an entire channel
youtube-dl ytuser:

To download all videos on a playlist



Dr Duke is a legend.


You can never get this point across to Holla Forums

Then again I feel like there will be a lot of what are considered misfits in the group anyway.

I think there's a point where you draw the line though.


This type of thing is why I dont go out drinking anymore. Had some savage fracture my jaw years back, bit me aswell, worse thing was he was the barman. He was play fighting with his foreign buddies whilst a heavily busy crowd waited to get served. I called him, he grabbed at my hat and it escalated. Send them back, its not just a language barrier , foreigners just arnt that bright.

None of us here is going out drinking at night.

Outsider movements will attract the broken people pretty easily. They don't fit into the current system so look for a group they do fit with.

That guy must have some kind of numbing injection before he does that.

Too bad we didn't get the stuff before he purged the videos back in 2008.

I care. Half of Brit/pol/ cares I wager. Think about the sort of person that puts out content but closes all discussion but private correspondents… Unless he's believably specified he's a very busy life and doesn't want to go through comments, just read emails and make reply videos, I find it suspicious. It's like he doesn't want anyone challenging him, or bouncing his ideas off each other in the comments… because he has something to hide or has no strength in his convictions.

Tbh I'm tired and was thinking of that Brother Nathaniel guy.


[download] 75.3% of 713.94MiB at 2.70MiB/s ETA 01:05

Gordon's videos are as huge as the fag himself.


How many videos did he have pre 2008?

ttpw had good taste in music for a mental tbf

mornin' lads

just got back from the pub

Biggest loss for any NS organisation is that they consider racial separatism the bar for what's "right wing" and what isn't.
Same with ideologically pure commies. They go nowhere because their bar for what's "left wing" and what isn't is nationalisation of the means of production.

At this point in my opinion racial purity is a lost cause. Way I see if there's two ways you could go about creating a white ethno state:

1) Separatism.
Huddle yourselves away in some kind of white North Korea.

2) Genocide.
Pray for a racial holy war.

Both options sound like fantasises. The first is inherently defeatist and even then, non ethno states find it incredibly difficult to secede and thrive in the modern age. How a white supremacist/separatist state would work where they fail is a mystery to me.
The second is an even greater fantasy imo. If you think about the number of whites that have some kind of white friend or relative then you think about how you're going to convince them they need to pick up a gun and shoot said friend/relative it just seems ridiculous. I don't see how that could happen or will happen in the modern age.

*some kind of non white friend or relative

Looks like I'm in the night shift tbh

The Koran is about scoring that sweet young sticky icky amirite they don't care about curved horizons or whatever

No he didn't.

Lost to the sands of time mate, was a fair few though.

How old lad?

Don't you know lad? Every white who doesn't want to participate in mass slaughter will also be killed.
This is what yank/pol/ actually believe



18 months

ttpw pls go

you'll be first into the ovens


Better be white, well good luck with her.

Day of the rope is never going to happen tbh.
SF weenies just sitting around waiting for evertine else to act first

The Turner diaries covers this in day of the rope. Most whites are passive supporters, you don't need to have them fight for you. You just have to scare them into line and then put them to work in a way that makes their lives better than they were before.

I agree with you, there won't be a full on race war, that's silly because 90% of any group is passive. But those 10% will act and are beginning to act in preparation for the Us presidential election.

I will leave the machine running.


Think you mean "better be celtic, norman or saxon." to be honest mate.
We're not yanks.

Lad why

M8 we need to archive his descent in to madness tbh.
Atleast archive what there is left to archive.

sad times

Most right wing whites are passive.Most left wing whites won't be passive.
They'll side with your opposition.

So at least 50% of your own team are always going to go against you.

I don't think that's true. I think they will go along with the party line until someone else takes control of them. They will scream racist but they won't pick up arms.

Have you read The turner diary?

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

C'mon, you guys don't even put the effort in to get news links anymore. Go to your own board. Mods should bumplock/delete this thread. Not politics.


We really should be rising our game.
We've lost our mojo since brexit

Feel really in the mood for a Spanish horror/thriller/mystery movie like Rec, the few good ones by del Toro or Sleep Tight tbh.

Chronis was good, from memory anyway

Lads, am I better off alone?

The IRA were literal communists at one point you do realise?

It's set in the 1990s. I don't think it really applies to the modern era anymore.

Life's too hard to go through it alone, lad.
you have us

Such a good song

And probably tbh, dont worry though you will always have us tbh lad

Read it mate. I think you will find it's very related to modern life. You can see parallels in every step of the journey.

It's 2099 lad


I'm starting to be attracted to white women again.

What happened? Wew.

Who is this semen demon?


Google should help you find her. She's slooty as fuck but she's also right wing.

You're a nigger. Stick to your own kind, I know you're stupid so I included a picture of one for you.

I'm white.

How did America get that bad in 10 years?

Probably would tbh.

She's got so European in her.

You're reading the wrong book, lad


Have you considered the possibility that Sam Hyde might be mocking us?

I don't want to believe tbh.

The number of mulattoes dropped as well???

Wait what? I thought the White population was stagnant…

It's decreasing, people don't want children/marriage anymore.

What a charming negress.

no (you) are

Whites don't have children.

Well if there are I'm fucked.
I'm a race mixer. I get hanged on the day of the rope.

Wait really? Where did I get the 90s from.

Lads, what happens if we recover our society and women?

We covered this you're a nigger.

Read the damn book.


Except that there are many more single women than men in the west atm. At all age groups.

Also she's a serious qt3.14

And how many of them are sluts mate? Do you want to be number 312 or do you want to her to have saved herself for the right man?

The aoc in the UK is 16 m8


Thumbnail made it look like a brick wall. Or was that the point, a subtle nod to based brick laying?

Guys, you NEED to vote for Trump or else where all fucked. Heil Hitler

But I know I get hanged in it and I know the ending already (they nuke some city, LA I think).

I just don't think its really going to happen.
I mean there's a part of it where a nigger breaks into their house and they get taken away or something for being white, like a kind of persecution. And I think they're disarmed. As in whites aren't allowed weapons.
That alone strikes me as a fantasy though because the destruction of whites isn't being done through physical persecution, it's more just gradual erosion and its more akin really to a kind of rot. Like white people don't actually want to exist anymore. A slow decline because they have no sense of self preservation.
I mean I've had conversations with whites about white genocide. Given them the facts about how Britain will be a non white country etc etc and they genuinely stare at me with a blank face.
Their instant reaction isn't "That's outrageous bullshit!" It's "So what. Why should I care?" Like they genuinely don't care about being a minority (probably because they've never had any experience being one thanks to white flight).

To me the future seems like it'll be a kind of Trump style nationalism. No favours for any specific race, no aggro, just one national identity.

Regardless of all that though I think Muslims will die. Among non whites I get a strong feeling that they resent islam more than most whites.

There's also the ultimate red pill for niggers which is that Muslims by and large consider them subhuman, which is why they're used as virtual slaves in the Arab countries then thrown away when they're of no use anymore.

Jews'll probably go too. At least their ethno state will when America's not there to protect them.

I'm black and I've had sex with this individual on several occasions.

don't worry, we know

Kyle Hunt, based Pagan that he is, sucked the devil seed from her so it doesn't count.

She's been unblacked.


You a yank? I don't believe it won't ever happen, with more non-whites the economy tanks which will make more people violent. All that is needed to be done is if a group purposely attacks whites or blacks to set the fire off. Niggers will attacks whites at some point there's no way it'll happen and in result a few whites will strike back which will increase the violence and the people are forced to join a side. Also Trump is a civic nationalist if he really is a nationalist.


It was pretty based, I stayed up all night shitposting


Out of curiosity how to you explain California being minority white and the richest state in the union? (Economy larger than Russia).

Lad you better stop posting that kike e-cleb round here

Pretty funny observations tbh

Cancerous, coal burning, flat Earther kike with a manly jaw.

She's insane and salty

Are you gay lad?

I just think their drama is pretty funny.

She might be a coal burner but at least she doesn't take poz loads.

Swings and roundabouts.

Kill yourself

what is bosnia-croatia-serbia? what is india/pakistan? what is czechoslovakia→czech republic/slovenia? what is the xianjing issue? what is kurdistan? what is israel?

Into the fucking trash it goes


Cali is 60% white, pretty much the same as the rest of the US

It's like you lads don't even banter.

Nah she's a fucking crazy cunt and attacks almost anyone for not being "Extreme enough" while being a useful idiot herself

Not to mention she's the usual "I'M SO RIGHT WING FASHY BOI'S ;^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))" garbage that you find so fucking often in the far-right it's not funny


That's because of the companies are based there and they aren't in nigger areas. With an increased population means there are more people there to vie over the scraps making them more desperate and the money doesn't trickle down.


Not unless you're gonna start counting spics as white.

Wait, do you mean blacks vs everyone else or whites vs everyone else?

Because California's black population is only about 7.2%.

Meh they don't have anything to offer me personally. The Alt Right is largely yank anyway.

We should separate ourselves from their politics.

Clearly that means multiculturalism is our greatest strength!

Personally I know fuck all about spics, blacks are the most dumb and vile creatures but they are the most useful to start unrest in an area.

That's still a majority.


I'd like to be a handsome old fucker like Enoch one day

70-80% of the white working class/middle class yanks(they both make around the same income, there isn't that big, if any of a separation in the US as Britain)are armed to the teeth with automatic weapons and machine guns…and all secretly fantasize about mowing negroes and mestizos down In a balls-out race war.

Brits have kitchen knives.

solid argument lad, pretty sure that the balkans is 2nd world if you actually know the terminology and aren't just some pseudo-intellectual plebeian shitposter practicing autistic Holla Forums entryism on a dead thread on a friday night

Fingers crossed we age gracefully lad

north dakota is like 96 percent white you moron

Your point being? Also if that was the case why hasn't America have republican after republican government.

No lad.

Woes did though and his channel turned to shit because of it.

Honestly I can kind of see why Sinead is so buttblasted.

Faggots are welcome but women are not?

Obviously she doesn't understand the concept behind why women are generally not welcome on the very "merit" of being women and I doubt her husband has the balls to explain this. On the other hand faggots are allowed to mince around talking about how the take implicit white loads and that's ok.


Who/what the fuck is this ridiculous cunt doing?

lrn to electoral college if you want to pontificate about le yanks
all the states with high counts in the college are convienently high density shitholes filled with xenos

that was quite a blow to my ego m80

so basically whiter than the UK then?

its some yank version of a pikey, they have gained access to the internet along with the niggers and within a span of 7 years have perfectly manifested mike judges idiocracy in reality

by 1.7%

No brother, that's called a plurality.

It's akin to crossing the finish line first with a blown engine.

Sinead has always been a cunt tbh but it is a shame that Wews feel for the Alt-right meme

I've never liked the term or 90% of the E-clebs that surrounds it tbh

Woe's shouldn't have let the term become his identity

Being a woman

I am a 'yank' so i have no idea wtf a pikey is or mike judges. please translate haha

No, if 80% were ready to mow niggers down left and right you wouldn't be such a mixing pot of shit tbqh

eat it cunt, midwest master-race
we make all the food in the world and when we get nuked by the russians all you urbanite zombie people with your soft hands will starve to death just as fast as the niggers in africa, your blue screens just as worthless as their rusty pangas in manifesting civilization

What's with all the fags that Brit/pol/ talks about getting the pozzed look lately???

Owen, Milo and others are getting memed to the grave


Friendly reminder that Southerners are the master race

Gotta get them shekels.

Shameful tbh.

Woes could have set up a really good UK network if his Rotherham series had taken off but alas he fucked it.

It's been on hold for ages after delay after delay. What we do get is far too long.


pikeys are our shanty irish cousins across the seas who could not adapt to post-bronze age civilization and stagnated. they fare better over here but sinead is trailer scum from kentucky and trailer scum has no buisness dictating politics

Brit/pol/ has made meme AIDS real.

because we have a shit ton of darkies and brainwashed low information white Normies that get pursauded to vote for the "hot new candidate" by the Jewish media.

Also, do some research on the demographics of the population of the US. Most of it is located on the north east coast and California. There are hundreds of miles of white rural areas in between.

Also…white working class urban white guys are usually racially aware and redpilled af. Same as Britain I'm sure. It's the muds and cucks…and idiotic low info suburbanites that elect Obama.

I'm just saying that there is a reason why the Jew media in Europe and North America has made "Bubba" the American villain #1.


great argument lad, filtered to low-born stephen blackpool tier industrial laborer british plebeian intellect levels

the niggers won't make it outside of the cities lad, the spics will be an issue in the southwest but that is over 1000 miles away (look at a map tbh)

Feels bad to this day tbh

eh its debatable, pretty sure that the midwest is the true master-race, I would prefer if the capital of the US was moved to dallas though tbh. we can agree though that the coasts need to be nuked correct?

The British betrayed us. We would have worked as willing partners with them. Those bastards cast us aside because they could get their cotton cheaper from Egypt. They fucked over their white brothers for fucking cotton.

God why

You could have just paid your taxes you faggot.

the south was using brown bess muskets you stump jumping half-spic, they were running guns to the south for the whole war (and they cry about muh IRA gun running) they didn't actually care about the south it was just D&C so they could reclaim the hudson bay area and reassert themselves in the northwest and the caribbean. the south was just their golem pawn to stop the industrial might of the north from growing into a continental super power

Say what you like but right now 80-70% of white Americans aren't ready for war if they were America would be a very different country. The media hasn't been pushing America is the enemy it is the people of Europe that don't like America.

It's 3 am cba to give long replies

Why not, they might be stupid but I'm sure one will say hey if we be running out of food lets go to the farms and shit.

You could have done without taxing us to hell and back and gotten your shekels to fight France elsewhere. Fuck you fam

dallas is a better position in war and it has redundant infrastructure as well, too bad its over-run with coloreds


Honestly what the fuck is the Taigs problem with Nelson exactly?

Idiocracy is Brave New World for people with an IQ of 70 tbh lad.

Barrow, Alaska is my dream capital.

wew lad, those taxes be sky high and shit right..?

southerners are the original LARPers tbh, at least post some traditional southern pastimes and dress (such as your police wearing cowboy hats instead of 5 points)

19 year old detected


so literally completely isolated and next to russia?

tfw your Mostly Anglo bloodline hails from England but has lived the American South (Mississippi tbh can any yanks lurking tell me how that is???), New Zealand and Australia

The jewish industrial north beat us because they could out produce us. We were and always will be better fighters.


Not so sure about that tbh
I can play some minstrel songs on my guitar and I get a good reception from people whenever I play them.

Everyone likes a nice country sing song. Lots of people grew up with that kind of music on the radio or on telly as kids.
Muh pure evil white Southern racist meme seems like it only exists in the states. To all the people I've done it with they find it sweet and endearing, even when I start singing some of the riskier verses about niggers etc.

People couldn't understand why you were destroying all those old confederate memorials and church windows.

God damn right.

It's becuase they live in a tiny, insignificant country, lad. They don't understand that you could drive 20 hours through the US hours without seeing a mud.

They don't get that whites just moved out to the burbs and country when the blacks came to the cities. We didn't have to cram into shitty council housing and wait in line for antibiotics like socialist, unarmed, cuckold slaves.

They don't get that we literally border a non white shite hole country and these creatures sneak in through a 2000 mile land border. They aren't actually invited like the muzzies in Bongland.

They don't get that they are the population of California and the land mass of Ohio.

They don't get that we already started with a 13% black population from the idiotic and short sighted English Colonists that decided to bring over African slaves to pick cotton and export back to England.

They don't get that they are a laughing stock midget country of cucks.


I can trace my lineage back to near Yorkshire england in the 1600's. And my family (like most families in the South came from Northern England and Scotland. Most came in through VA and spread along the costs and went West.

bullshit meme
the south fought at full conscription and got rekt by like quarter conscripted north and also the best regiments of the war (most flags captured) were midwestern regiments. southcucks are the worst historians about the shit they LARP as.

Actually I'm in my 60s tbh.

Is that why 40% of the Union army was first generation immigrant?
Because they had an excess of men?

C'mon now.

Nigger are you high? The Army of Northern Virginia walked all over the North all the way in to Pennsylvania. The only reason we lost was because Lee was too honorable to fight defensively despite his closest advisers telling him to. And the North adopted a policy of throwing bodies at the South because they knew that we would eventually run out.


tbh though I've got a family member that's really into ancestry and researching that sort of stuff

Might take it up myself tbh since when they die it'll be a valuable part of my families history gone if we don't keep tabs on it and pass it down

you guys suck at talking shit honestly.

dystopian fiction is basic bitch shit, yevgeny zamyatin wrote a better book that that english poof did and he didn't need to romanticize feather niggers like all west euros do

That's fucking sad tbh

All true tbh how do I get American beauties like this?

Smh tbh fam

There is always that one crazy Aunt that keeps massive records of family history. I feel like every family has one.

look up the stats lad

McClellan wanted to fight defensively because he was a democrat and wanted to end the war in a two state solution. you southfags are fucking morons


C'mon now.

Well one of Cromwell's generals is my ancestor that's as about as close as I'm gonna get tbh And in my birthname

Sorry for fucking us over lads

Pale faces BTFO
Feathernigger revenge is sweet

No McClellan 'wanted' to fight defensively because he got his shit pushed in at Manassas and was traumatized.

I'm off lads, night

kill yourself
the south was fed on conscripted goons with a high desertion rate while the north was only 2 percent draftee. the south made the same mistake as the germans, don't fucking invade snowy areas without shoes for winter and rely on draftee against a much larger force who will get volunteers since you are invading them


I still can't fucking get over this tbh

Like yeah sure I can understand the Mediterranean browns because the ">Italians >White" shit is a bit of a meme A bit but North Africans?…………fucking really??????????

Nigger you really must be high. The North was taking Irish and any other Europoor and handing them a rifle and sending them South to try to do anything to stop the ANV.

tbh Robert E. Lee was a shining example of chivalry and an example to all men and anyone that says otherwise is a faggot

Don't forget Indians too

the immigration act of 1965 was pretty much the most civic act of all human history

God damn right he was.

wow cool, do you know how many regiments in the north were not the "irish brigade" that you saw in gangs of new york? pro-tip: there were quite a few non-immigrant regiments. the 7th cavalry annihilated the myth of southern cavalry

you mean some civic niggerlover who forever cursed the united states with the stain of 'free' niggers? thanks southfags

Who exactly do you think taught em how to speak? The fuckin injuns?
Where ya think the shorthand came from?
You some kind of nigger, boy?
You wouldn't be a nigger now, would ya boy?

southerners are half-niggers anyway from all those years of fucking them since you couldn't score a white women in your mosquito infested shitholes

C'mon now.

Where was this amazing Northern Cavalry in the Shenandoah valley?


I see you understand no concept of "the one drop rule"

Niggers down here are White. The average White southerner is 99% White, and that 1% of non-White is statistical noise.

That's what happens when you're not a fucking spic and you don't have a caste system. All non-Whites are fucking niggers. Ya'll best learn how to deal with that if you wish to keep your bloodline pure.

forgot to add the 20% part. 20% white.



Oh shit! The Brits really count the muds as white eh? So really, that tiny little Island is Probaly like 70% white? They didn't have to deal with the 10-13%(thanks to English colonists)black African deficit from it's inception like America did.

We be even and sheeet when it comes to mud demographics. Britain has ocean surrounding it also. Not a giant shithole country full of dumb mestizos that border it and invade regularly like merica has.

no your original statement was more proper to the truth tbh, you faggots are all mullatos down there

As I said before yankee scum, the only reason we were forced to give up the field was because we had war criminals in our back yard and we were out produced by jewish yankee merchants. You and I both know that should a war start today your ass would be grass. Keep your neck North of the Mason Dixon or you might find yourself in a tree. I need to go to bed, night night.

Aye, because gingers are mulattoes.

You're shitting on the most Anglo part of the country, son. None of new wave of immigrants wanted to come down here.

He was talking about the US you mong.

Actually fam he was talking about yanks

So America is really about
54% white

Why do you like the fact that the U.S. is almost half non-white so much, user.?

didnt know where else to post this just came across it on fb. they are from illinois …

we both of jewed by karl marx .the british aristocracy wanted to intervene with the royal navy and even stationed troops on the border with canada but the union blockade was stopping imports of cotton from the csa.this lead to the workers being laid off which the kike karl marx used to sway public opinion towards non intervention.with the usa split we wouldn't have been jew out of an empire by the yanks with the atlantic charter

Somewhere that isn't brit/pol/?

Actually ginger is unique in being a hair colour non whites can have too.
Genghis Khan reportedly had red hair, as did one or two Turkish Ottoman sultans.

So even when whites are gone red heads will still exist.

Don't think you can say the same about blondes though.

even the russians in their maps of a post-break up america designate the south as new niggerland. you guys are all talk

to me, being british means being muslim first and black second while also accepting england as my sugar daddy

to me it captures the essence of brits

who cares look at the stats, you live in nigger/spic ville you are 5 years from living on secluded armed farm compounds like the boers. up north the niggers stay in the tri-state area and I can go places were I won't even see a non-northern european descended white for months if not years


Can someone link me that "Oim the Joker" vid?


I know he was, you dizzy nitwit.

The thing is, there are a minimal amount of North Africans in America. We are "60%" white becuase we have a gigantic land- desert border with a shit hole mud
Country that has been illegally invading us since the mid 60's. We also started out with a 10-13% black slave population from faggot Yiddish…ahh I mean British colonist/merchants.

Meanwhile, the U.K. Gets jizz in the face becuase they asked for it. No 10% black population from its nations birth. No ridiculously huge land border with poor and desperate brown people. You cucks just opened your mouths and took it.

this is now officially an air-strip one thread, american politics and history only, all brits report to freedom camps for gelding

Never mind, found it.

>Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
- Benjamin Franklin on German immigrants

this tbh
outside of dearborn the mudshit infestation in america is still very small


filthy mason should role in his grave for fucking over daniel shayes

I think you need to calm down, I know you are worried about being a minority in your own country but don't worry us Europeans will take to heart what happens and make sure the same doesn't happen here.


Because he's an insecure little Englishman. I believe it's called "little man's syndrome" with a side of being somewhat blue pilled about his nation's importance/insignificance in the year/world.


im not so stupid as the southfags to not know that the D&C the brits were playing was a tool to allow them to control the Caribbean and expand canada into the midwest and northwest. southfags are the ultimate goyim, they die by the thousands for the jews and they sent their sons to kill their cousins on the behest of jewish slavers and their jewish banker british cousins

I'm not even a yank and those graphs are still depressing

nigel is a midwestaboo tbh, he came here lad.

You're not even trying dude

Dixie doesn't have spics dumbass.
And the south is still 2/3 White. Whiter in the non-coastal states. Don't remember the boers ever being 2/3 of Southern Africa.



the south should be its own country tbh, build a giant wall and throw all the niggers down their with their southern brother-father-cousins and let them all smoke vape in lifted trucks until the world ends tbh


Kek. You don't get it, imbecile. A big reason we our 65% white is becuase of historical and geographic reasons.

Brit-Cucks have no such excuses…and you have dull kitchen knives to defend yourselves. Good luck!



How's that revolution coming along?
Oh wait, "White" Americans only use guns to kill themselves.

Mongols don't have white in them, son.

our local politics is pretty civic libertarian tbh

S T I L L 2 / 3 W H I T E




Good thing the American south never recieved any Mongol immigration then.

But keep arguing your point that doesn't apply to niggers and Whites miscegenating.


Not for long tbh.

H A D S L A V E S F O R 4 0 0 Y E A R S

show us the last brit who died in a hail of lead for what he believed in?

Oh and btw, the south has been getting Whiter ever since the civil war. Nogs were up to 50% of the population in some places.

Just leave that part out though. Doesn't add for good memeing.



quintessentially british tbh



stop posting southcuck, once we defeat the foreign bullies you can go back to chest thumping

We don't need to, we aren't a minority in Britain

It's going pretty good. We still have guns and are allowed to criticize Jews and minority's without going to prison. Mostly becuase it would be a blood bath for "them" to try to take those rights away. Unlike England, that just pulled its pants down to the NWO immediately and gave up both rights. You have a genetic bottle knecj of robotic drones in England. Might be a good idea to restock the herd with some outside whites. It's scary how cattle-like you all are.

How's the "guns and criticizing Jews"/holocaust/free speech thing going for the Brits?

You missed the point boyo.

I was going to make a joke about that but then I sort of felt bad and was implying real brits. I watch a lot of syrian videos and whenever I hear a british accent coming from a rat-faced sand monkey I die a bit inside tbh



its too bad that niggers culturally appropriated all of our purebred american big-dogs

tfw you can be imprisoned for hate speech for telling a woman to get in the kitchen

Take the back pill lad it's liberating when you realize nothing matters that much

Feel good tbh

Wonder who this is…

Those are only White in the FBI's criminal statistics, not the census.

Will never stop chest thumping tbh.

Go "conservative Americans are the only Whites in the world to have above replacement birthrates"

Might not be so good in the long run tbh. White people really do need to have more babies.

the winds are shifting

Holy shit I was just thinking about that song.


sure politically in the short term be we have lsot the demaogathis war.
Also what do you think is going to happen when these brainwashed millennials get the right to vote. weimar germany was conservative by today's standards

its just brits being bullies from their island tbh, bombed the wrong european country tbh


lost the demographics war*

It feels good to be a rapidly shrinking majority in a socialized country in a tiny land mass-Island? With a government swinging the doors open to hostile invaders that want to dominate you to thier religion and culture? At least the Negroes and mestizos are fucking stupid, shiftless and lazy. They have no goal other than getting some easy money. Your "immigrants" are a differant story.

But I'm glad you feel comfy about the state of Britain. Are you heavily medicated?

Yanks (and that includes "Southerners") are truly the most insufferable of all hispanic peoples.

I agree we should have focused on bombing the krauts you on the frogs


in america millennials are in their 20s and 30s now lad, don't know what they call them over there in eurabia. sure lad, we will never probably see the return of the "second age" of the numenorians, but there is still plenty beautiful and virtuous times to come for our race and I do mean OUR in the walmart limp bizkit american WN suburban richard spencer sense tbh there is still noble blood in our race and its worth fighting for, all the worthless chaff will be burned away and perhaps the darkness will sweep over the lands. but the sun will rise one last time lad, and it will be a bloody red sunrise out of a dark night

And I love to see the sun rise blood-crimson.
And I watch his spears through the dark clash
And it fills all my heart with rejoicing
And pries wide my mouth with fast music
When I see him so scorn and defy peace,
His lone might ‘gainst all darkness opposing.

Lads what does it mean when your bones hurt and you're already an adult? Could I still be growing? Or is it… boneitis?
But seriously this hurts tbh.

CRIME statistics. The census, as in the thing that actually matters, doesn't include them as White. They're hispanic/latino in the census.

I'm actually convinced they do it so the disparity between non-hispanic Whites and mud people isn't available.

Here's actual stats, however shameful they may be.

We didn't drop 15% whites in 10 years unlike some I could mention
Bit like you and the spice but you have way more
No, I'm not a mixed race mutt with mental health issues.

I'm bantering, lad. I don't actually dislike /britpol/…or Brits.

I'll leave it there for the night before I hurt more feelings.

any pakis on this board? how much money is it for me to buy a couple of british slave boys for my buisness? I need some general laborers so none of that faggot shit you muds like to do


probably from lifting either that or you are getting bone cancer hope this isn't the fact tbh

you honestly don't think everyday I wake up in this country I don't want to scream? lad you don't honestly think that I like driving every day past the graveyard in my town that has been there since the 1812 war and look at the civic faggots in city council take all the catholic imagery off the 150 year old mausoleums and watch the civil war monument from 1908 get taken down or a pavilion to be built for teens to have garage band practice at?

i fucked up. i meant to refer to the tennager's growing up now
don't worry i will do my duty to god and country when the time comes

Your butthurt is showing, lad.

Yes. I blame Texas. When we annexed them, they brought in a shit ton of Spanish Tejanos that hadn't intermixed with any of the feral injuns. Northern Mexico still has a lot of actual White people. Most of the fucking beaners that come to the US are from the southern tip.

In New York they're importing literal jungle injuns that speak local languages like mayan. It's ridiculous. They're having to ship in translators from Mexico just to teach people how to communicate with them.

Gas them all.

did people put up a protest about the monument?

I haven't lifted in years. Haven't got any exercise in months tbh. I am almost skeletal. I hope I don't have bone cancer because that's like 90% of me having cancer.

Becuase we have a third world hell hole directly to the south of us…You dumb fuck. The drop in whites is a result of Paco crossing the 2000 mile long land border in 1994 and having 8 anchor babies. Packo's Probaly a grandfather now.

You don't get it Cuck. Brits are becoming wiped out by hostile conquering mudslides becuase they are actually unarmed and drone-like pc slaves. The decision for the mudslides didn't have to be "back-doored" by some shady amnesty bill to make sure Paco and his kids and grand kids get welfare. No, the mudslides were actual Legal immigrants let in by a pacified white population.

See, Americans and thier ancestors at least have some kind of history and geographic reason for a sizable non white population.

Britis have none other than pure conformity to pc/Jew "rules" and cuckoldary.

Also, the "King of all Jews" Lord Rothschild uses your country as his family's base. Has been doing so since the 1700's. So do many other Jews. Would you like some examples?

got banned for posting these images in the jap politics thread yesterday tbh, I now know the pain of the brit

fuck no, now there is more space to catch pokeymonz and twerk to big sean lad
Ill give southcucks one thing, they do respect their monuments to the war, unfortunately theirs are being targeted outright, where I live people just don't think 'its relevant' since they are all cosmopolitan cancerfornians carpetbagging gov't jobs

might be muscular stiffness from lack of working out then tbh, go for a nice jog

think the only solution left is to move to siberia like the first americans and start a new society.

But it feels like scratching inside the bones of my arms. Almost like there's bugs trying to dig out.


lay off the drugs maybe?

Sounds like bone cancer.

Come on lad excuses don't change shit

go to the doctors lad i doubt there are any medical professionals on pol at this hour

supposely putin will pay people to do that, if I flunk out of graduate school I might consider it as long as I get a russian qt or at least a tartar qt to be my translator-wife, but most likely by that time all americans in russia would be imprisoned as potential spys for the clinton satrapy

this tbh its probably just the drugs though

I used to smoke cannabis habitually but not for about 3 years now. I would love to say I've completely regained my sanity but that's not strictly true. I am pretty sure this bones thing is physical though. Maybe it's just because I've been drinking coke today. Could just be sugar messing with me. Might be my blood rather than the bones, the blood is just flowing past the bones. I don't even have sugary things anymore usually, I just got given some coke today. Usually stick to bread, cheese, beans, soups and cups of tea.

you are the one coo-key guy who /rk9/ posts at night aren't you?

drink camomile tea and go to the doctors in the morning tbh, its probably just anxiety from drugs or whatever you are doing

Depends what you mean by that. I never got into browsing /r9k/ though I am autism tbh.

I'm pretty fucking sure those girls are from goddamn Jersey

Yeah, which is why there's a Brit license plate in the second shot.


"When I reached the ground once more I was greeted with 'was it you Robin?'. 'Yes I've strafed the beggar this time', I said, whereupon the whole flight set up a yell and carried me out of my machine to the office, cheering like mad."

What a negative Nancy you are. *rifles blackpill on the ground and steps on it*
Are you redpilled? How could you go to graduate school? Is it for a Science? If so, I can understand that.

articles a bit eurocentric tbqh

its for heritage site restoration and managment lad, its a yank professional degree for a career path. you prevent historic districts of towns from being altered, etc. basically bricklayer meme plus history tbh

That sounds decent. I was a history major. I got a little discouraged after my senior year from further studies when I became Jew wise.

Looks like a nice little niche thing you have going though.

(((The black pill)))

I'm so far gone this isn't even erotic to me. It's just aesthetically pleasing.

yeah history undergrad is pretty much a 20-30k blackpill on society, you can make it work though get into IT and work at museums "digitalizing" their catalogues and etc. lots of shit to use history as a base. idk though I might just end up a shitty contractor in my pick up truck painting facades of some old grandmas barn in the some farm-town (shit you can do with 6 weeks at contractor restoration school)

I really want to work on churches and get into stone mason shit tbh

showing leg used to be considered extreme like 40 years ago, now 14 year old boys watch sasha grey extend her anus into another womans anus

Church of England Bishop says he is gay and in relationship

Day ruined before it even began.

Bitter Jahans:

Yeah I make around 50K after taxes as a skilled "blue collar worker". I guess I wasted 4 years in college. tbh…I went to Uni to play on an athletic team. I was always a "history nut" but no way I could have been making 35K as a history teacher and conforming. *flicks hair out of eyes*
I maybe could have taught and been a coach. That would have brought my salary up to 40K…With the summers off. Not that bad of a deal tbh.

Lads my weekend has started shitty, my blood lust is high. Why are people such selfish cunts?





>I am the Bone of my bones
>Calcium is my Body and Spooks is my Blood.
>I have created over a Thousand Bones,
>Have withstood stress fractures to create many Weapons
>Yet Mr Bones will never hold Anything.
>Unlimited Bone Works


[download] Downloading video 80 of 1009[youtube] F2jqM61UKsQ: Downloading webpage[youtube] F2jqM61UKsQ: Downloading video info webpage[youtube] F2jqM61UKsQ: Extracting video information[youtube] F2jqM61UKsQ: Downloading MPD manifest[download] Destination: Scripted Videos Are Coming-F2jqM61UKsQ.f136.mp4[download] 81.4% of 701.00MiB at 4.77MiB/s ETA 00:27

It's going really slow.

Why are you doing it, lad? It's not like you can watch all of them.

Who /comfyhistoryvideos/ here?

Farage on LBC at 10AM

Also I think Eddie Izzard is coming on at some point to talk about how "it isn't too late to stay in the EU", but that will probably be earlier.


You could have done the white thing and gave the colonies representation.

But no, you just had to act like nigger King George and piss us Yanks the fuck off.

And as far as the Southern poster, you deserved to get cucked by the Brits for trusting them in the first place.

Bringing niggers to the white man's continent? You deserved Sherman.

One day Gordon may wake up and delete all his videos. We need a back up. He purged them once in back 2008.

You're doing God's work, lad. Wonder how he'd react if someone re-uploaded his videos and pretended to be him.

'March for Europe' rally to be held in London to protest Brexit vote (today!)

I would like to reupload to but for some reason I the s3cmd is not working as it should be on my computer so I can't automate the uploads.

I fucking hate Europeans lads

For fucksake


Black Lives Matter hits France

Send them to Calais, see how well they do.

Eddie Izzard talking on LBC



Who /thinking/ here?



Take your anti-semitism elsewhere pal

No one disputes Soros funding BLM though.

Do you?




Fuck off.

Soros has his hands deep into Black Lives matters.
Fucking disinfo shill.

Kek, when will they learn



You have no fucking clue about the book. That's like describing Bargain hunt as "some old bloke looks at old vases".

You're a civic retard and don't deserve a country.


Heres the stream

Morning lads.

cheers lad, should be a good show.

Anyone calling in?

Morning lads


Ohh nice, woke up just in time

thank you

tbh I could take him in a fight

Stream is over 5 minutes delayed, the audio stream is here


Being modest and a good house wife is the fastest growing genre in porn. Think about that for a moment.. Our society is so fucked up men want porn of women acting like women.

This is comfy

Nige about to Talk about Trump now





Slow down sperg.
And I dont like the tone hes taking with are nige…

Some guy with a mail order bride tries to Barage Farage


This is the second time in a row half pol has gone down whilst are nige is on LBC


Does he want to fuck us?

Fuck off and die cunt

Refugees not welcome

Why the fuck are Anglos so hard at lying? An Anglo must have helped ghostwrite the current Holocaust narrative.

Is this Bristleback?

Its what you get for being stupid Tories tbh.

I love this meme.

This caller is a moron and doesn’t sounds a tad civic.

sounds a tad civic*



The lbc callers need to be put away tbh.

Don't worry lad they purposefully filter in kebab and leftists so Farage can refute it, he doesn't like living in a hugbox so he has to let the loons in.

tbf he's only accepting pro-remainers

This lad sounds like one of us

I know lads I just get wound up hearing these cucks.


Requesting webm of Nige chuckling about fascism



Who is that and how do I insert my penis in her asshole?

What did he mean by this?

Johnny foreigner accusing ARE Nige of being a Frenchman.



What the fuck is this person? NIGEL FARAGE ISN'T PM (though I wish he was)

Did this bitch just reeeeeeeeeeeeee?

My fucking sides



oh god how I fucking wish you daft cow.

This sick bitch. Kill all women. Purge them. Make it painful.




Has anyone pro-farage called in?

Did she sound European to you or abit pajeet ?

Yep but him winding up that immigrant woman was by far the best call.


LBC has a shit listening crows clearly.


Noseringed South African has shown me the light. I'll wait for Russell Brand to tell me what to do or something now. Fuck this salvaging whats left of our country nonsense. Our country…. sorry that's not what I meant obviously.

Farage should have laughed tbh.





He's mining salt isn't he?

How the fuck do these people get the time to march?

They live on gibs never need to work

It's a saturday. Just a fun day out for them I think.

Necessary Banter.



'you'll be my friend for life'


Big spoiler, available to everyone with Facebook.

They're Uni students arranging to meet at marches like social (justice) events

Student loans pay for most of their living costs and their parents pay the rest. they're doing this rather than studying but taking propaganda classes so it doesn't matter to them.

Uni students the bane of generations to come.


Oh. Right.


He shut that one down.


Felt like Nige was giving a sly wink tbh.



Alright which one of you was that

Fuck sake, you shaky voiced mess

For fucksake.

He just didn't want to discuss it either way tbh

When is Nige going to gut a white supremacist on live+



Problem is, only the autists are autistic enough to call in so this happens

It was you wasn't it you shake voiced spurge.

Why is the "Libertarian" party policing language?

You should have left the "white supremacist" stuff out and just asked him if he knew of the Alt-Right

Remember to let the people who are for remaining decide if we leave or not

As if I would be able to call in. I am too spergy to do that.

Gary Johnson is the worst candidate the Libertarians have ever put up, hes just a Neocon so ignore him, Libertarian party stopped being good right after Ron Paul left.

because he's a border state governor with a 50% Hispanic population

wew lad

A fucking Hillary shill



He sounded like a shitskin too. I am sure he loved having his country bombed so he could come here.

CTR are employing Nigerians! Femi tried pretty hard to disarm Nige with flattery before trying to drop his blue pill.

Libertarianism failed, it became clear to the sane people to jump ship to the Alt-right as race issues are bigger than government issues currently. This left the LP with nothing but WEED LMAO 420 smack heads and degenerates. Social justice is the only option they have..

Izzard that pozzed retard not even a single argument.

Here's a question for you autists

So I listened to Hillary's speech, and I'd like to run a few of her allegations by you:

I think he's trying to change the meaning of the word "libertarian" to "please give me bernie votes"

For calling in Farage.

She really is mentally ill.

Hillary should butt out of UK politics tbh

I already know his response, its obvious why the Russians would want Farage on because hes the only politician not trying to force us onto the road of escalation in the Baltic states.

We need more migrants to fill the hospital beds

Got to remove the white goyim in a pointless war.

Can't believe the Nazis really did this

That's a nice word for 'mental bitch'

Wow, maybe ISIS is really inspired more by the Nazis than the teachings of Muhammad PBUH.

So cute :3

What is this cunt going on about?

Without sound that is a real comical scene

Should add some Looney Toon effects


Wtf is this cunt talking to Nige about.

A public figure had a mental breakdown and its really public and they were a witness

Strange I just see wogs.




Its boring me to tears.

He has sexual fantasies of dominating the right physically because he can't in real life and he doesn't have a hope in hell of dominating them psychologically or in an argument/debate.


Throw me a link lad I ust finished my morning housework and could do with listening to some nige goodness.


Judging by their expressions I think it may be a female reporter.

thief has already learned to hide his face from cctv.

lol how is his patreon going

Ok figured it out

Basically explaining that the NHS is fucking terrible where it counts

Sounds like me wanting to pump bullies full of female hormones and dominating them tbh


Mental health is a huge issue tbh.

All the mental inbred invaders clogging our services don’t help at all.

Its a Troll account retards

Is there a certain address I need to put on my UKIP Leadership ballot? or is that Electoral Reform Services thing on it all the address I need?

Read my post you mong.

I was referring only to the image, not the account which trolled Douglas Carswell.

how was I meant to know that?

Don't know lad, I've been busy recently securing an apprenticeship in engineering to be honest.

Thanks lad.




NHS mental healths a fucking joke. Fucker was probably scouting the house for my playstation to flog at pound savers.

By noticing the extremely stereotypical old-fashioned yiddish name and checking the twitter profile?

Also can't believe he actually thinks people believe he's interesting when it's more like watching an inured ant flail around when you've never seen one do it before.

All medication for mental health issues is pseudo scientific and should only be prescribed to people with severe conditions such as schizophrenia.

Hope you are doing better now

Build more beds you filthy insomniacs.

Godfrey: How Brexit Won
and why the european union is a rotting corpse that is going backwards economically & demographically.



How rich is he?

Nein mate, fucks me up and I get relapses of that shit occasionally. Don't take shit any more and never will again.

He lives in the same room he grew up in as a child so…

it's a kike propaganda

nothing like that happened in the real life

"Nazis" were the good guys

How is this stuff being pushed if it isn't properly researched? Did the companies bribe it through approval?

So do I lad. Well we moved a decade ago

Didn't they buy an expensive painting recently?

The current Gordo arc is fucking sublime. Best show on the internet.


What was your diagnosis?

The people who do the research and the testing are all 1 group.

We have no better options. We have no fucking clue what we're doing with the brain so anything is better than nothing when they're whacked off their faces.

Just when you think he can't get more insane and pathetic he goes and awakens sexual desires that he can never ever satisfy by taking hormones.
Absolutely perfect, now we just wait until he finally snaps and we can use him to warn others of the dangers of communism.

And this is more humane that the padded rooms how? Or is it just cheaper?

Everyone has to start somewhere - even Woes was making that little at one point.

Gordon's going to make it.

NHS doesn't even give diagnosis any more lad. too expensive.

It's more profitable.


How bored are you right now?

maybe you could meme that going on a boat is haram because you could be in the middle of the western south pacific and in the spot where you can't pray towards mecca?
think this could deter some muds from coming?


don't need clothes

cannabis induced psychosis
Peter is right again.

I stole it from 4chan for (you)s

Grab a handful lad.


It's an institutional problem.
In the 70s the medical industry moved from cures to treatment and abandoned a unified approach across disciplines. The pharmaceutical companies try to come up with solutions to problems that are just symptoms of bigger underlying problems.
It is impossible to solve most health problems just with pharmaceuticals, but when the results are "close enough" they call it a day and flood the market with their product and start promoting it. There always side-effects and negative long-term effects, but they're "close enough". They can't be sued, they're helping people in the short run and everything is peachy.

I think that's my cue to leave.



There are a couple of chief reasons.

Mental health is a complex subject; there are contributing factors to the decline of the mental health of the nation that the Government do not want to address. Many of them are incredibly politically incorrect and as we know human life holds less equity than political correctness does.

Yes drug companies aggressively lobby to have their drugs prescribed, doctors and medical chiefs are guilty of a betrayal of trust by submitting to this pressure but one has to understand that whilst they can’t be absolved of criticism (long hours don’t negate the contract of care you sign when you decide to become a doctor) they don’t have the resources, time or training to deal with mental health issue. They just prescribe drugs to shut people up and get people out of their office ASAP.

In many cases with "depression" which makes up the majority of head med prescriptions (as an example) this is just not true.

Group therapy is FAR more effective.

They're teasing you for bantz, kid

Looks like Sarah Palin. damn.

This fat fuck is getting $2 a month from 2 people to play games and post videos

Well fuck, I've got far more bants than him, I'm sure I could get more NEET hipster bux than him.

Make 2-3 hours of videos a day and I will give you $3 a month, lad.

He will get more once he will attend those far-right conferences.

Depends on who gets the house when his parents croak

When will Gordon make a comic?

disgusting mentally ill freak

Jahans have the real Van Gogh in their kitchen. Gordon's father boasts about it on Twitter.

It must be a terrible life sat around pretending to be a woman and playing retro games all day

Nige just mentioned Enoch.

Enoch mentioned

I can't stand looking at tranny faces for more than a few minutes, it just makes me feel ill

There is a Tory council"woman " who does that

You're on lad.


What a beautiful story Nige.

They're so obviously sick you just know they would have been purged in any saner times.

Is that real? Top kek.


thats what happens when you try to barrage the farage

He just told us the story on LBC in a discussion about mental health.


What a load of nonsense. That's not politics.

When is this split in the CoE going to happen, or was it just conjecture?

That was the cover story for one of Nuttal's outbursts of bloodlust.

NEET just called in

Was it a based NEET?


Gonna spend my day playing Verdun and Project Reality.
Is this a wasted day?

All NEETs are based, lad. He's probably plowing some MILF now while her beta provider is at work.


Nah he just talked about having aspergers and mummy taking care of him while he takes anti-depressants.

Nige was almost knocked unconscious by boredom.

not if you have fun, cant be serious all the time


March for Europe LIVE STREAM

Am I un-banned yet?

They're doing this shit again?

Thanks lad, that's my aim, just to have fun and relax.

On another note, the BBC is pushing the story of the Gay bishop of Grantham hard, how progressive the church is.
Seriously the split in the Anglican church can't come fast enough.

Not even going to check your post count, lad. Welcome back.

Thanks for link lad.


You too lad?


Had to be done lad.

hahahahaha get fucked

that "jerrycuck" was me



Went out drinking last night, lads forgive me for i am an ultra normie

10/10 night tbh.

It wasn't even us that was spamming that thread. It was some /int/ 4cuck faggot, and krauts who were arseblasted at the Bomber harris posters. They spammed the threads non-stop but instead of the cunty mods dealing with them, they bumplocked the thread and banned anyone who tried to make a new thread. Fucking faggots sometimes the mods are.

Mother-of-three Manal Morrar, 46, of north London (left), has been accused of 'taking the p***' out of taxpayers' after receiving £170-a-week in benefits while living in an £11million 'billionaires' row' house near Hampstead Heath (right). The mum boasts of rubbing shoulders with music stars Bill Wyman (inset) and Will.I.Am at glittering red carpet events.

Well fuck off to Europe then, retard.

Actually it's a continent, but do please continue to wave your shitty banner, you total fucking imbecile.

Why can't these fuckers get alluh ackhbar'd? Why's it gotta be people celebrating national holidays, and not cheerleaders for jewish internationalism?

I understand, lad

Good night! We were just masturbating while reminiscing about chans 10 years ago.

Great mods we have tbh.

How the fuck was she eligible for taxpayer gibs when she's rich as fuck? Do the government not even check who they are giving money to?

fuck you

Why do I see this drawing posted everywhere?

Holla Forums's only successful meme ever, Stirner.

same lad
got absolutely trashed with beers and bourbon then drank something that tasted like mouthwash
helped set up a dj booth, hugged some chick and passed out on the train home
had the entry stamp on my face so thats something
occasionally being a normie is hard

What? I don't get this 'news' channel sometimes. Or is there aim just to destroy America no matter who they have to side with in doing so?

Thanks lad

>tfw had to resort to halfchan's brit/pol/
It was awful, they worship Sharia May and revile Enoch. Their OC is awful too.

They're nonces to be honest

Yeah. Russia Today is biased for Russia in everything and does whatever it can to destabilize other countries.

If you know something is biased though, and can account for it, bias is fine.

>>tfw had to resort to halfchan's brit/pol/
Fuck off back there you traitorous cuck.

fucking degenerate you deserve death

Remainers are broken records. Pathetic tbh.

God, I hate clubbing. Thank Christ I'm beyond that age. Sadly I haven't exactly worked out decent normie living yet.

Waking up hung over as fuck, tasting like an ash tray, with a shitty stamp on your hand and vague memories of inner city nignogs twerking: I could do without that.

It's amazing just how nightmarish nightclubs are - particularly the 'hip' ones art students like. Stokes Croft in Bristol is more or less Hell's central chamber. Burn it all, I say.

Its Max Stirner, a guy who trolled the fuck out of Marx, Holla Forums has latched onto him as their goto meme

Mods betrayed me

Thought I could smell something. You reek of try-hard normies, lad.

Tbh I literally haven't been back to cuckchan since the exodus so I don't really know how compromised it is. I know one person who goes on halfchan Holla Forums and he's genuinely either an autist or a sociopath, and he literally doesn't understand any of the culture he latches on to to feel better than other people. Fucking gimp.



desperate times, lad


Yeah i never go out clubbing to go to clubs I only go because i have friends that work in that industry and more than a few alcoholics so if i want to hang out with a group of people who know me i have to

i woke up this morning with palpitations that didnt subside until after i downed half a carton of OJ than i ended up just tossing aside and passing out again next to
i avoid most of the 'hip' ones tbh just stick to a few average ones around town

Good lad. What beer were you drinking? The bar I go to has the entire Wychwood brewery range and plays classic rock, love it. There's always proper qts there too suprisingly. Fuck the stupid boring NEETs tbh.

No one went clubbing you sperg

Well someone at the BBC is getting vapourised


If you have those problems waking up after a night drinking alcohol, a poison, maybe you should stop. Or at least instead of drinking booze, drink soft drinks while you're out.


Coopers pale ale, its medium strength, tastes like piss and vinegar and goes for about 4 quid a litre where i am

Farage and "the cooks" were right, big pharma are sketchy as fuck

Parks are racist & oppressive.

Is this lefty/pol/'s attempt at memeing?
They've managed to steal the memes produced here, and turn them into a giant quantum faggot bomb.

Go to lefty/pol/ if you want to find out how people without any self-awareness speak.

Can't go wrong with that lad

Ill quit drinking and eating pork pies after i convert to islam lad
or maybe i should follow cromwells example and quit the drink and start eating raw onions for breakfast, lunch and tea and going into churches and beating the congregations for singing hymns while im at it

I get triggered you're ruining your life but since you're like that I'll laugh when your heart finally gives out years too early

How's Comrade Corbyn doing in the purge lads?


It was my first time back there since the exodus. Didn't even last a day because the quality has fallen so incredibly low. Hard to believe that was once our home.

Effort that I can't be fucked with

Just stop binging you fucking idiot

So when did loving ones own country, i.e. nationalism become a dirty word? WW2? So in order to not be seen as a 'RACIST' we're supposed to suicide our nations?

its not really binging if its just slightly more than i drink most nights when im at home anyway

Liberal cucks

Back to reddit.

You're a fucking idiot, you moan about how ill it's making you, people give you advice how not to feel ill anymore, and you shit on them, ok lad. Have liver disease, heart attacks, brain cancer. I couldn't give a shit, it's your body your life. Just don't you dare use the N.H.S, my tax paid money funding it, when you need hospital treatment.

He's Gordon.

Ah, you're an alchy

You sound like a fucking idiot, mate.

Fucking pillock.

This can't be new to you, lad. Acknowledgment of this, and the (((people))) assisting us in our suicide is pretty much the basis for this board.

Kek, you're right now.

That's some COLOSSAL Autism.

Who are you and what are you doing here?

Whatever braindead cunt

It's not new, but it's just disgusting how they're still pushing this even after the literal death of nations before our very eyes.
Brexit can't come soon enough.

It's peer pressure that causes people start binge drinking. I've never known a strong minded person that does it.

Alcohol is actually pretty shit.

Not only gets you fat and lethargic but numbs your brain.
There's not really a positive argument for it either, as can be made with caffeine.

I don't drink at all.

Brexit - my arse.
What we need is a short, sharp shock to the system: something that completely destroys any decadent notions of a multicultural future in the sun. And of course a glorious revolution.

you're bemoaning about alcohol giving me cancer but recommend soft drinks and im the idiot
you should look into the effects of phenylalanine and aspartame lad they're practically tumour growth supplements

a functioning one lad

well ill agree on the fat and lethargic but public school has done worse damage to my brain than any pint has tbh

I'm strong minded, and I did it.
It can be pretty fun.

but don't you enjoy a nice drink at meals lad?

I'm a normie and i'm making little pathetic NEET losers unable to talk to anyone but their mummies bawl their eyes out into their pot noodles.

Hahahaha twat.

The worst people who shill for alcohol, are the ones who think if you don't drink or rarely drink makes you a Muslim so in order not to be seen as a muzzie lover you must drink, drink, drink. The religion of alcohol.


Right lads i missed the Farage show, did i miss anything kek worthy or important?

Honestly I disagree with this, if it's "free" it should be "free" for all

He said that Trump at the rally told him 'you'll be my friend for life '

Getting sloshed on a Friday night is the last stand of implicit British identity.

When you drink you're numbing yourself, at least temporarily.

No, I don't like the taste and since I don't drink I have no immunity to it. Meaning a pint would end up with me fully drunk.

Grow up.



when will they learn?

The biggest problem with it is when fatties get fat removed like this, they just gain it back in no time. It not only costs a fuckt on of money, its a massive waste of money.

im more wary of the collective douchebaggery of straight edgers and teetotallers tbh

and thats bad why?


I just want to be a bricklayer now tbh.

oldfags rule

Same lad.

Yank detected.

its just a word you dip
I cant really come up with a more accurate synonym
twats with holier than thou syndrome

But what if I actually am holier than thou?

