How do you know you've hit rock bottom Holla Forums?

How do you know you've hit rock bottom Holla Forums?

Vid unrelated; was the first thing in my "weird shit" folder.

When you start mass deleting threads for no good reason, you have hit rock bottom.

when you stop asking yourself if youve hit rock bottom you will have hit rock bottom

I want to fuck her mouth so bad. Is she even still alive? The only thing about her that I know is that she's Russian.

When you don't have anyone anywhere to ask stupid questions like: "how do you know you've hit rock bottom", is when you hit rock bottom.

Now stop being a whining cunt and get a job.

…why would you want to fuck her mouth?

I don't know. Why would she be dead?

I have a job. I'm living on my own. It's just that I feel like everything's completely meaningless. Days just blend into one another. I go to work, come home, play vidya, go to bed, and then go to work the next day. I feel like a drone.

Are you fucking gay? It's not like she's ugly either

I mean, I can see why it would be nice, but I don't see why in particular you'd want to fuck her mouth.

Because she is an attractive woman and I am a man, also that's not me who said they wanted to fuck her mouth in the first place

seriously, check your hetero status my man

From certain angles? Sure. Head on? She's pretty average.

When you are too drubk to do anything but sit on your phone and listen as two bitches try to fight a pack of niggers over a nail in the closet.

Related its me right now

What's with the cat ears?

i wonder what it feels like to shit out a whole mouse skull.

when you start using your own feces as lube to fap with

When you're making videos eating live mice for money, you know you've hit rock bottom.

Bet you faint when people eat hamburgers doncha you frillyhomolalaman

When you start spanking statues you're hitting rock bottom

lol you think this is rock bottom? cmon kid, she's just eating a mouse, nothing wrong with that.

Even if it is your fetish, you've got to admit that there has to be something pretty fucking wrong with her if she records herself eating mice.

you browse chans

Abyss doesn't have a bottom.

They get paid very well. I'd do it if I were female. Sure beats getting genital warts or having to let a nigger fuck me.

you know, they could just get a job

And? You've still gotta be fucking insane to take the health risks associated with eating rodents.

… and how well paid is "well paid"?

IIRC she charged $100 per mouse

I'm 30

Engineering dropout

Fell for the startup meme and did one

Got funded, still my powerlevel got out, spaghetti everywhere, business tanked

Now I'm back with the old folks which are dying from old age

Beat that niggers

Yes, that's because you don't have a family, and by family I mean a child.

The only way for you to get fulfillment in life is by having a child, mate, and I really don't know what exactly you expect to do with your life if you don't plan on having a kid very soon, honestly. You're not getting any younger, and your life isn't going to get better if you're still single and over 20 years old. Choosing to spend your free time wondering on internet forums what is the meaning of life is simply idiotic, if you're not doing it for money.

Here's my advice: Find some random white girl to impregnate and make a child her. Your life will improve by ten fold in the first 10 years after the child is born.

The mother doesn't really matter since she'll probably leave you after a couple of years anyway, so you don't have to be picky, as long as she's white.

Now, if you don't like what you're hearing and if you'd rather just bitch about your life for stranger who don't care about you, just remember that you're the only one in control of your destiny, but if you really think your free time is better spent looking for meaning in video-games and internet forums, rather than raising a white child of your own, keep in mind that no one really gives a fuck about your existence. So, it's your choice to stay in this perpetual stage of self-pity and angst, or to evolve into a fulfilled adult, either way, neither I nor anyone else really gives a damn.

men don't have the fertility window 3DPD have

It's not even a problem with fertility. That didn't even cross my mind, I'm talking about old age, and natural health decay. Once you're over 27 mate, you're done. It's all downhill from there.

Any guy who genuinely thinks he should only think about starting a family in his 30s will probably be surprised by how quick their health starts going to shit once you're past a certain age. Ask any 40 year old, and unless you've been an athlete your whole life, it's very unlikely you'll make into your 40s without, at least, one major health problem.

You're delusional if you think a man in his 20s is still too young to be thinking about starting his own family.

I didn't say when and if any man should have a child, just telling you that there is no reason to rush if you're a male.
Best thing you can do for a kid is to be prepared, and have a good job.

The OP is questioning his own existence and he's not even in his 30s yet, mate. This type of behavior is a direct symptom of someone who is lacking responsibilities, who doesn't have any convictions, and who is also excessively comfortable with his own situation. The guy probably doesn't even want a solution at all, he just want other people to agree with him, and validate his extreme lack of commitment with anything.

You shouldn't feel sorry for this type of person, especially if they're men and if they're in their 20s. In fact, you shouldn't feel sorry for anyone, if they're still in their 20s, for that matter.

I've got a job. It's not like I'm a NEET. And I lift, shoot, and go camping innawoods in my spare time, so it's not like all my recreational activities are useless.

Not wanting a woman to take 90% of what you own is "lack of commitment?"

Yeah, that sounds like a nice plan. Live out the rest of my life as a nigger and/or cuck.

More like raising someone else's child while my ex takes 90% of what I own and half of my income to blow on parties and vacations so she can "find herself."

shittin out kids wont help anything you fuckin retard