I just got banned for calling this faggot out on deleting random threads again. Why are we still here sucking his dick?
Reminder that Dysnomia is cancer
I don't like the random bans and deletions either tbh. Maybe it was the way in which you said it?
we can't comment about it because we'll get banned. this is what it is like to live in north korea.
He got banned because he's the faggot that has been spamming porn threads, and he's butthurt that I deleted his spam
I don't think it should matter how we say shit on 8ch, this guy is just too sensitive and on a power trip.
You call making 1 thread spamming? You must really be a nigger…
Oh, so that's the faggot from the 3/3 IP/Porn threads?
Holla Forums gets wrecked again XDD
what was wrong with his spam, mr. spammer?
You are retarded, pic related.
That's true… Wtf happened to us, since when do we have to walk on eggshells?
Dysnomia and Hex, they probably mean well but i think they need to take a break. A vacation of sorts. They seem to have forgotten the bigger picture and gotten lost in small details
hex is fucking based tbh
This guy was spamming my board too. I'm really not all that surprised that he decided to spam this place too.
can't wait until you're permabanned faggot
I don't care what he says, but if he's gonna spam the board with nigger dicks I'm gonna ban his bitch ass
Holla Forums gets wrecked in the asshole again XDDD
That's fair enough.
Which board was that?
I don't care what you say, I would never post disgusting nigger dicks. It was probably a fag sharing the same VPN IP. As i said, pic related.
We have seen your strategy a million times at this point. You spam the board then you talk shit about the mods when the spam gets deleted, then you try to encourage people to migrate to another site/board. How new do you think I am?
In his defence, he hasn't mentioned any other boards.
Pretty new aparently. Cuz i'm not who you think I am.
I'm jerking off as I'm reading through hex's replies
Because it won't work at this point. He has already been exposed. He was hoping to stir up a circlejerk against the mods first
stay mad, Holla Forums
But Hex you gotta admit though that there's something seriously wrong with the board and the moderation on Holla Forums
no ban pls
Don't be mean now :(
I was only trying to call Dysnomia a fag, not you.
? there is no such board?
He means >>>/bbbb/ (pls no ban)
What's wrong with the board is we are being constantly raided right now. Besides nuking the board what do you think is wrong with moderation right now?
Dysnomia is not a fag. mr. spammer is
stay strong, you're being gaslit by Holla Forums
Since when did we start liking Dysnomia here? I agree though, mr. spammer is a fag that needs to be gassed.
Looks like Holla Forums with less cancer
The mods seem to rarely interact with the community, and it's obvious that you guys just do whatever you want without thinking about the anons that keep Holla Forums alive. Dysnomia never explains himself, never admits to doing anything wrong, it's frustrating. I've also seen random threads get deleted for no apparent reason and in general there is a strong stench of rulecuckery which i hadn't smelled since I left halfchan.
Will do.
Yep, well aware.
I'm glad we can still criticise without being afraid of getting b& though, but for how long? I'm afraid of Holla Forums-tier moderation tactics where any type of criticism is considered 'shilling'
The only issue I have with Dysnomia is not permanently removing flags and ID's.
The ban was justified. I don't see why you're afraid that your criticism will be censored.
I try to, but I don't want to tripfag constantly because that also pisses people off. It's very easy to get carried away with using the trip, I'm guilty of it at times. I don't want threads to become all about me by tripfagging a lot.
I don't think that's true. I try to be as reasonable as I can, and it isn't easy because people will hate you no matter how reasonable you are. That's just the nature of being a mod on an imageboard. I'm still always willing to talk to the community, and explain myself.
I don't delete threads randomly. So I guess it really depends on the thread, and it also depends what caused the thread to be deleted. It may have been accidentally deleted. If a mod deletes all posts by an IP because that IP posted a bunch of illegal shit or spammed all over the place, then innocent threads may be a casualty. The mod tools here are very limited.
Can you at least tell me what the ban was even about, what kinds of threads specifically? cuz I dindu nuffin
Trips? You'll be banned.
I'll be banned again? sounds amazing! Maybe if i post pizza.
Then why were you mad at me for banning and deleting all the porn webm spam? I know the thread said dysnomia, but he isn't the one that deleted that shit. I was. Some guy was spamming porn webms with news articles as the thread body, 3 per IP and switching IPs.
Posting pics of cheesy pizaa? You'll be banned for something like that!
Well, that's just the thing we do here, Dysnomia is the cause for all pain and suffering in this world obviously. That spamming faggot must have my favourite VPN server.
I unbanned your other IP, since it doesn't really matter anyway the spam is gone now.
Based hex fixes shit.
While Dysnomia destroys.
Literally God and Satan.
I just want to do what is right. But of course there will be mistakes.
shut up moralfag
Don't see what morals have to do with moderation. I don't moderate based on my morals, or there wouldn't be much content here.
I am outraged! A moral-based lawlessness will lead to anarchy and unwiped bottoms!
I relly never understood why people hate Dys so damn much. I mean, ofc i've said "MODS ARE FAGGETS" before. But i like them.
t. Dysnomia
That's just what happens when you are the board owner. I've been doing a lot of the heavy moderation lately, but I don't get attacked nearly as much.
Keep doing what you do, like always. Make Holla Forums great again.
Spam huh…
just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's spam you faggot.
Though I suppose that if you keep deleting it and I keep posting it could after a while be considered spam by retards.
Go back to cuckchan, trap spamming faggot
I still fail to see how a single thread counts as spam in your eyes overlord hex.
Simple. I deleted your first faggot thread, then you posted it again because your faggot ass can't take a hint that you need to fuck off back to cuckchan with the rest of the trap loving faggots.
Reminder that Drama Queens are Drama Queens.
^ ^
You seem awfully triggered, mr. spammer. Are you sure you don't moderate based on your morals?
Triggered? No. He's one of the ones shitting up the board, and it's pretty obvious.
This is starting to get pretty sad…
Do you guys want everyone to move over to >>>/bbbb/ so bad?
>Do you guys want everyone to move over to >>>/bbbb/ so bad?
Good job cutting off the part of the ban page that shows your trap spam. Let's see. How many anons here are mad at me for getting rid of a trap spamming faggot?
Do you mean these? It's not spamming if I don't spam a whole thread or board with it is it? You are the only one here causing the 'spam' you're seeing.
inb4 faggot mod bans me again for this single post.
post discarded
Hey I agree with you that it's degenerate, but I can't stop fapping to it.
Of course a spammer blames everyone else for his own actions. You create cuckchan threads and shit up the board, but it's my fault somehow because you like shitty cuckchan threads.
Now you're even contradicting yourself
It seems like you're deciding what to remove from Holla Forums based on what you dislike.
daddy's farts are delicious
I see anons all over Holla Forums saying I should purge you cuckchan trash.
Now wonder Holla Forums is practically dead. If you think Holla Forums is bad try expressing an opinion on Holla Forums faggot. If mods think you're even somewhat shitposting you'll get banned.
Halfchan is already overrun with fags like you, go back there and stop posting your gay porn here. The whole reason a lot of people are here is that gays took over halfchan.
Please do! Every other image board is trapped under piles of faggot porn, I just want one where there's actual content instead of mountains of gay porn.
gay is wrong, marriage is between a man and a woman