The (((Trumpettes))) of Bel Air

The (((Trumpettes))) of Bel Air

Inside the high-society circle of Trump supporters: jewel-bedecked, ideologically flexible and even less politically correct than he is.

BEL AIR, Calif. — Past a pair of Rolls-Royces parked in the driveway and a bodyguard who answers the door, the first thing you encounter upon entering Toni Holt Kramer’s house is a picture of Donald Trump.

This Hollywood reporter turned bicoastal socialite is the founder of “Trumpettes USA,” a group of mostly high-society female friends and admirers of the GOP nominee — including Gennifer Flowers, of Bill Clinton sex scandal notoriety — dedicated to making Trump America’s next president.

Kramer gathered members of her club here, at her palatial home in the Los Angeles area, while their candidate worked a barn full of farmers in Iowa last Saturday. They discussed opportunities for pro-Trump events and venues for fundraisers, but mostly these ladies who lunch spent six hours together talking up the man several of them consider a longtime friend. And in the process, they provided a gilded window into the ultra-elite social circle Trump ran in for decades, before he descended a few steps on America’s glamour ladder to conquer the Republican Party.

The world of Trump and the Trumpettes is unsubtly wealthy, full of knuckle-sized bejeweled rings and multiple vacation homes. Its residents are ideologically flexible: Like Trump, they have donated extensively to both parties and claim friendships with power players across the political spectrum. (Kramer says she has been both a friend and donor to Hillary Clinton.) And like Trump, the Trumpettes and their male counterparts, “the Trumpsters,” are politically incorrect — often much more so than the proudly irreverent nominee himself.

Those gathered at Kramer’s home were largely dismissive of criticism that Trump’s campaign has played off racial tensions (“Black Lives Matter and all that bullshit”) or that some of his supporters are motivated by bigotry (“I was raised by a black nanny, there’s no prejudice on my side”). They disbelieve polls that peg their candidate as deeply unpopular with women — and some don’t think any woman should be president anyway (“You think ISIS is going to listen to her?”). And if they have quibbles with Trump’s rhetoric, it’s because they believe he has been, at times, too restrained (One “regrets” that Trump dropped the birther issue).

The Trumpettes are a socioeconomic world away from the populist blue-collar workers who have fueled Trump’s rise. But their visceral opposition to President Barack Obama (“he’s the racist,” one said), their approving view that Trump is a “strong man” who will keep the country safe, and their deep unease with Muslims would all fit right in with the rank and file at a Trump rally. It’s evidence that the Republican nominee, long accused of flip-flopping on a range of policy issues, perhaps hasn’t strayed so far from his roots after all.

To the Trumpettes, the candidate’s lack of governing experience is irrelevant. The proof of his ability to make America great again is in his business empire and the properties contained within it, places Trumpettes know well.

“The reason I love his club and Trump International is because it’s perfection,” Kramer said of Mar-a-Lago, his private Palm Beach club, and Trump’s nearby golf course. “That’s the way he’ll run the country.”


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Trumpettes USA was founded last fall during a gala at the Beverly Hilton, where Kramer and several of her friends from Palm Beach, Florida — mostly Mar-a-Lago members — decided to officially launch a pro-Trump women’s group, populated by people with ties to Trump’s properties or to Trump himself.

Like Trump, who had the Clintons at his third wedding and donated to Hillary Clinton in the past, Kramer is not a lifelong Republican. She once hosted Hillary Clinton in her backyard for a fundraiser (“I knew she liked yellow, I did the whole party in yellow,” she says) and in her second living room, she displays pictures of herself with Bill Clinton.

“We were friends, I hope we are still friends,” said Kramer of her relationship with Hillary Clinton, which she says originated at the final party the Clintons threw at the White House. Kramer was in town for George W. Bush inauguration festivities, but found the long lines, the plastic cutlery and paper plates at some of his events underwhelming. So when a friend called with an invitation to the White House, she headed there instead.

That relationship, however, is outweighed by her admiration for Trump’s law-and-order platform, his promises to play tough with terrorists and his pledge to use his business experience to make the American economy great again. “There’s nothing to decide,” she said. “I love America more than any friend. My decision to go with Trump, to form the Trumpettes, very simply put, No. 1, I believed in the man.”

Trump’s and Kramer’s ties to both parties are not uncommon in their circles, where, for reasons both business and personal, people often maintain connections across the political spectrum. Such was the case with the women she had over on Saturday.

Kelly Day, the ex-wife of finance titan Robert Day, has known the Clintons for years — she hosted a lunch for Hillary Clinton on her yacht during the Monica Lewinsky scandal — and is heavily involved in fundraising for Trump.

Nikki Haskell, a former television host and weight loss expert who calls herself a Democrat, used to frequent 1970s New York hotspots like Elaine’s and Le Club with Donald and Ivana Trump — “No one gives Ivana credit for bringing up those children,” she noted — and she has Trump family wedding photos, including from several of the Trump children’s weddings, on her phone.

Onetime model and actress Ann Turkel, former wife of the late actor Richard Harris, encountered Trump two decades ago in her show business days. Now, Turkel is involved with another pro-Trump group, “Real Women 4 Trump,” that is considering a merger with the Trumpettes (the Trumpettes are a very loose confederation of women — several of those Kramer assembled weren’t part of the group until they showed up at her home).

Joined by Pat Boone, a chart-topping star from Elvis’s era, and lawyer Fred Ascari, who has long considered Trump a friend, the women spent a late August Saturday in Kramer’s sun-drenched mansion, sipping white wine that matched their outfits. (“We only have a few more days to wear white,” Turkel said.)

But while they’re well-versed in the niceties of high society — and several did say they wished Trump wouldn’t always feel the need to tear into his rivals — the Trumpettes had no problem offering statements about Muslims and women that make Trump look politically correct by comparison.

“You think ISIS is going to listen to her?” asked Haskell, 75, who added she’d still like to see a female president at some point. “I don’t think, at this point in our history, anyone is going to listen to a woman, whether it be Hillary or anyone else, as a leader. We need someone tough, strong, that they’re afraid of.”

“We need a man,” Kramer said. “A man who is strong, who is the symbol of Superman.”

Trump has come under fire for sexism, both for comments made during the presidential race and for womanizing remarks he publicly made for years. But he has said he would like to see a woman become president, just not the one currently running against him.

And while Trump has in the past called for a ban on Muslim immigration — a position he has de-emphasized recently — the Trumpettes went a step further, worrying about the influence of Islam within Clinton’s inner circle.

“Her secretary, she’s a Muslim!” Haskell exclaimed, referring to Huma Abedin, the Michigan-born vice chair of Clinton’s campaign who is one of the candidate’s closest confidantes and is widely respected, including by Republicans like Sen. John McCain. “I don’t think we should have a Muslim in power, someone working for the president.”

“We have a Muslim in power,” Turkel said, apparently referring to Obama. (Obama is a Christian.)

“There’s a group of peaceful Muslims,” countered Day, who has an endowment at Rice University that focuses on women and human rights in the Middle East. “They try to get their message out there, but they can’t.”

Boone, meanwhile, was dismayed that Trump has largely dropped his questions about Obama’s birth certificate, after, to wide mockery, Trump obsessed over Obama’s birthplace during the 2012 election. Trump “caused the man to produce his own smoking gun,” Boone said, saying he doubted the veracity of Obama’s long-form birth certificate that proves he was born in the U.S., not in Kenya, as some birthers alleged. (Experts do not have doubts.)

Trump has faced criticism for being slow to disavow racist supporters, like former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, and his heated rhetoric toward Muslims and Latinos has outraged some on both sides of the aisle. But the Trumpettes reject the idea that Trump is bigoted. After all, they say, Mar-a-Lago is one of the few clubs in Palm Beach to have no history of quiet discrimination, and Trump has a record of hiring and promoting women.

“Donald’s not a racist,” Haskell said. “He’s not anti-gay. He’s a businessman. He’s a man that has everybody working for him along the lines of every race, color and creed. His daughter is Orthodox Jewish.”

Kramer also wanted to make clear that her own criticisms of Obama, and support for the Republican now, weren’t rooted in intolerance, but rather in the sense that the country is not better off now than it was four years ago. “This [was] a monumental step, having a black president, which was wonderful, had he done a great job, I’d be a big champion,” Kramer said. “I was raised by a black nanny, there’s no prejudice on my side. I’m not bigoted. I’ve had people who have worked in my life, Hispanics, black, they’ve all been in my life 10, 15 years that work for us.”

>“I don’t think we should have a Muslim in power, someone working under the president.”


That's no way to treat Donald Trump's Kikess supporters.

Shame on you.

lol okay, so?

Pasta because CTR thread

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

My apologies.

Step your game up mate

What's that? You want more? Okay :^)

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself

Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban

Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East

Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds

Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'

ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’

Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'

Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?

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Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s

Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content

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Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

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ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach

Jewish donor dumps Trump after community backlash: Republican developer Martin Selig ‘stunned’ by blowback from Seattle Jews

Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

They won't

Thanks for gorrecting the wrecker.

Donald Trump will save the entire world you guys, back off on the revolutionary ideas, back off on all your movements, just sit back and vote for Trump.

Don't do, don't think, don't question just vote for Trump. The people are powerless otherwise.

Go to hell, Kyle.

There's the problem. We don't care about the rest of the world. It's Europe's job to uncuck itself while we don't intervene one way or the other. You'll only get that with Trump, dumbass.

lmao you faggots keep thinking Trump will "save the world".
You seriously think he'll reform NATO.

Every fucking election Americans become retards

I specifically just told you that I don't care if Trump will "save the world" or not, I only care about saving America. It's Europe's job to uncuck itself after Trump takes the position of non-intervention.

my record has been corrected thank you

I don't care about you ant.
I care about the general consensus I see in Americans here on Holla Forums

Step your game up mate

They tend to agree with me unless they are trying to shill against the man, Kyle.

this election will be the last lines of this poem

1/3 chance of peace.

Better than zero.


DA FUGGG?? Holla Forums has been ((overrun))

Like you don't post the same shit over and over, LARPcuck?

You had your chance. Shut the fuck up and let the adults handle it now.

how could you not be #HillfireMissile after reading all that?
smdh tbh fam. y'all are sus as fuck and need to get woke.