Meanwhile in Brazil…
Sorry, i don't know how to embed videos or save webms.
This was made by students for a exhibition about different countries in the world. Lots of people are butthurt about this, so maybe it'll get striked.
Meanwhile in Brazil…
Sorry, i don't know how to embed videos or save webms.
This was made by students for a exhibition about different countries in the world. Lots of people are butthurt about this, so maybe it'll get striked.
I fucking wish this could happen
I'm butthurt by that very poorly crafted swastika tbh
Dank as hell. Saving.
Are there negresses dancing underneath a Swastika?
On one side I find this very funny. It's like a bad comedy skit. On the other side I resent the fact that they chose to represent Germany this way.
They must not have been allowed to perform the Muslim Rape dance they were originally planning.
Dude, don't make me laugh.
Keep in mind that they are normies with no cultural background (like the majority of brazilians). I find it funny because it actually conveys a positive message, even if its horrendous in its form.
also, nazism apology is crime in brazil, and there are some people pulling that card (the school says thats not the case though)
Keep in mind the laws in brazil are conmpletely and utterly irrelevant
I refuse to obey.
No way. Leftists that don't want Dilma's impeachment are having a whiff of tear gas and a massage with rubber bullets honor of the Police.
I have to make some things clear.
1- Unlike in goymerica, brazil dosent have a huge holocaust history in its curriculum.
2- the performance was a bit strange, but it was meant as display that germany, like any coutry, is capable of both bad AND good.
3- Instead of multiculturalism, they chose traditional german music, dance, and clothing.
4- Laugh all you want at brazil, but Holla Forums MUST understand the south is like a completely different place to the rest of brazil, and there are LOTS of german decendants here, and yes, lots of nazi decendants. Ando no, they are far fro being as cucked as any european.If something like BLM happened in south brazil the niggers would be lynched.
4- If you are a nazi, and you have visited southern brazil, you know what i'am talking about. Brazillian intelectuals dont call Santa Catarina "the fourth reich" out of nowhere.
5- In cities like pomerode, blumenau and benedito novo, there are records of public displayes, parades, etc in defense of nazi ideology dating back to the fucking 70's
6- If you are brazillian and come to oktoberfest in blumenau, its more likely you will find pure germans there than on the oktoberfest in germany.
7-If you still think this is a joke, i invite you to come to our oktoberfest and see for yourself.
8- Its not uncommon for the organizers to play ERIKA after midnight
If you still think this is not true, or that hurr durr brazil isint white.
Yes, BRAZIL as a whole is not white, but the south sure as fuck is, whiter than many small countries in europe, believe it or not.
See for yourself, googe Nazi Blumenau.
Many of the documents, records, pictures, films, etc we see today, were actualy memetos from german families in south brazil.
My last TWO girlfriends were redpilled wn girls from south brazil, one from brusque and one from blumenau. If you know where to look, they are definitely not hard to find. Le cute nazi 1.14 perfect gf is myth btw, they are as shit as any other girl, but its still nice to be able to say nigger in a circle of friends with girls and not end up receiving hard stares.
South brazilian Ostruppen who's been medling in propaganda and politics with a few other Holla Forumsacks from brazil. Ask me anything.
So the bit at the beginning was the good part and the dancing was the bad part?
That was long overdue. The suffering of the left in brazil has just started.
Do you know WHY temer and co were able to impeach dilma? They promised the military a revenge for the anti-64 propaganda and the Comissão da Verdade, the milicos are gona start hunting lefties behind the curtains, they already started dismantling the drug cartels that created the modern left we have.
Man, the left in brazil has NO IDEA what is about to hit them.
There will be no military coup this time, you will just slowly start realizing leftists will start disapearing or having "accidents"
You have any source on that?
Lets just say my dad works at nintendo, and i dont wwant ABIN knocking on my door on behalf of the cia.
People laugh at brazil not realizing a part of it is much more german ( in both biology and spirituality) than modern day germany.
google south brazil german colonies, i dare you to find a single mudslime in the pictures.
People in Brazil should just fucking die so the trees can grow back again.
Alright, then.
Anything you say?
So, how the population see themselves? I mean, they are not German, they are Brazilian, but it's clear they are very different. How they cope with that?
They don't. Like in the vast majority of the western world, people have been conditioned to be race blind beyond a very superficial level from childhood.
Worth mentioning that the vast majority of buildings in Blumenau aren't actual half timber constructions, they are brick with a façade built in front primarily to atract tourists. It feels really fake and "theme parkish". There are a few groups in the reagion dedicated to keeping real half timber builing tradition alive in the region but they are rare.
Pretty cringe worthy honestly. Mud people mimicking Germany as foreshadowing of reality of a time that'll now never come.
Well, this is complicated in the whole America. Every single country here was always mixed. The whites and blacks are all immigrants, forced or not, so, it's pretty difficult to really see separation when the mixing came from the start.
But, you clearly have different architecture and culture. And I think culture is the most important part to keep if you can't really keep the others too.
Culture right. I'm really not sure how commited to germanic ethos the people in the south of Brazil really are. Like the other user said, they will have Oktoberfest s and even play Erika but at the same time they are mostly complacent with the borderline communist government and don't have the balls to secede either, so whats the difference?
Brazil, I miss having that nationalist military government. Shit worked out better and with less corruption than in the monarch days and I don't even like (((Democracy))).
Hey, take it easy, secede is pretty much impossible in today states. What happened in Ukraine was a huge anomaly and it was only possible because, well, it's Eastern Europe and there was Russia involved. Hell, I don't think the south of USA would dare to try to do it either, and they are much more well armed that SA countries.
If you can keep your culture clean, it's already more than Germany did to be honest.
Now, do you people manage to keep some connections with germans? That would be quite positive, IF we are not talking about cucked germans. A rare breed, but they still exist.
Many schools will have classes in german only in the european valley area and they have managed to keep themselves remarkably racially pure, pic related. If that's enough for you, I do think we should have at least fought harder to keep our guns.
I'm not white, I'm quite race-mixed to be honest, and I'm do not have any desire to mess with the culture from white people, and I wish they do the same with others. Anyway, good luck and keep doing your best to keep the flame alive in there. Don't allow openings if you can.
Sempre fiquei curioso se tinham mais brasileiros por aqui, é bom saber que sim.
You should post some more ice if you want whites to come.
Even argentina is more white than brazil.
nope, they already outbreeded and are now mud like 99% of brazil.
I know how you feel.
Só por curiosidade,da onde você é?
t. 'white' argentine.
actually austrian.
Who cares? Brazil is a shit brown nation anyway.
Do they s peak German> English?
I see myself as first, Brazilian, second, white, even though AT LEAST 1/16 of me is not. My English is a bit better than my Portuguese, if only because I spend more time doing useless shit on my computer than socializing, where of course, most stuff is written in english
I use my 1/16 black as a free ticket to call people niggers, since niggers can't be racist and shit
I wish I could be nationalist here, but fucking politicians are not helping, lucky some of them are going to jail. It might be because I've only started paying attention to politics 2 years ago, but it seems that these last 12 months had more politician prisons than the last 20 years, feels good
Also, quite happy with my Italian descendancy (and soon) nationality, even though I don't see myself as Italian at all
It's fucking beautiful
Oh yeah, on other news, according to my kikebook
lefties are throwing a hissy fits and going full #BLM on São Paulo (well, actually everywhere, some places more than others)
We are already calling for blood.
I think they will tone down vandalism before we start going RWDS, but who knows.
for some reason, Brazil have been appearing on pol quite a bit these last two weeks.
Maybe something will happen
They are just uneducated.
Brasíl is Portugal.
/ReinoLuso/ when?
did you missquote?
vai senta na bicha pra pega o bagaço
I was responding to what you said about the mongoloids overreacting in facebook.
Chilebro here, southern Brazil is based. Actually every southern region of southern American countries tends to be better.
However there is always a (((problem))), we used to be 89% white, now someone form the Socialist Party is pushing Native integration into the German colonies. How (((tolerant)))!
His name:
Álvaro (((Berger))) Schmidt
Queres dizer vinho do Porto ou Cachaça.
Drank a caipirinha moments ago, pretty good.
The meme about us being alcoholics is true tbh.
Planing to leave the country user. Are you sure you want to go to Europe now?
Just because of the impeachment? The left can't accept democracy.
Not bad really.
Better stop him while you can. Europe is a example of why you need to act fast!
nah man, last I head that means:
waiting in the life for a loaf of bread in Portuguese (PT)
sitting on a homosexual for a dick in Portuguese (BR)
These two things are incompatible. Brazil doesn't even have a single racial identity at its core. Everyone is some nasty mix of nigger, injun, and white.
Found something interesting.
Interesting indeed.
good news, but last year stuff.
Just imagine. Third World War starts with the Brazilian civil war.
Would be interesting
Its like the polar opposite of South Africa. Brazil is nice in the white parts.
My god, do i fucking hate any logo created by the Brazilian government.
They always have 3~7 bright ugly colors put together to create this incredibly fake atmosphere of "We are all working together :)" when the reality is that everyone hate everyone else.
nice music
Excellent. Sounds great in the native language too! Hail Victory brother!
Greetings from Brazil - Rolandia.
This has to be the most cancerous thread I've seen on here in a while.
Brazilians are not white and never will be.
Hey Argentina, how are you doing today?
Not even if you guys left NATO and the EU.
Fucking leftists!
Goiás eh? Eu sou do RS mas hoje vivo em SC,feels good man.
Yeah,i know it's old,i just posted because of the music.
But diversity is our strength,goyim! Didn't you learn that it was the African slaves that build this country?
We never claimed Brazil was a white country you butthurt argie.
German blood makes you german not culture.
I usually don't like to get baits but one must really turn off his brain to type that. Now tell, what came first, the white race or Germany?
By the way, Dilma, is, as always, incapable of speaking two paragraphs without stuttering, but damn, the red ones are sore losers. And they are doing a movie to tell her story, hahaha!
The channel is not perfect, but at least is not terrible and quite against leftists in general.