A better more private version of Signal that does not require a phone number to sign up and allows junk emails


A better more private version of Signal that does not require a phone number to sign up and allows junk emails.

Work across all devices, end to end encryption on everything and has group chats.

Very simple for normies to use, 'Its like twitter private messages!'.

Based in Switzerland.

Add me @merryswan, I'll make a Holla Forums group chat.

Other urls found in this thread:


btw fuck off shill

Have a direct link then you fucking retard better yet kill yourself.


Where is the source code, dude?


i approve

Friendly reminder that end-to-end encryption is useless as long as you're attempting to use it over an incredibly insecure, already-compromised smartphone.



A lot of F-droid users use Replicant, which is Android with all the nonfree parts removed.

I know this board is shit, and signal is shit, but c'mon

Install gnunet


OP needs a free helicopter ride and some foo fighters.


Just FYI, stay the hell away from this. The Man in the Middle stores a shitload of metadata. They spell it all out in their wehitepaper.

So what should I use for casual communication? I'd like to use Keybase but it isn't viable right now so I just use jewgle hangouts + voice plugin so I can text/call phones. If you suggest something that my 50 year old mom can't reasonably use then I'm not using it.


Signal is okay if Moxie stopped being a faggot.

Discord. It runs well on all devices, even the browser version works great. It has bots, plugins, offline messages, is secure, user has to be added to your friends list or have a connection with you to even message you, name can change on the fly to avoid spammers, etc.

Really, who gives a fuck what these guys say. It is amazing.

The thing I find concerning about it is that I don't understand where they get their money from, which isn't a problem with FOSS projects but it raises questions with a proprietary one like this.

They had money issues for awhile and still somewhat do because they haven't found a solid model yet. Last time I read about it they were considering making unused servers 'expire' after a certain time and charging money for big discords with a lot of active users.

A quick Google search turned this up. support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/210544537-How-is-Discord-making-money-How-can-I-contribute-



Could try Ring, ring.cx/
Have not used it though, it installs but does not register on BBOS10

Both of these are true but they're still the least shitty protocols in the list.

If you don't mind running Java programs, there is the Jitsi client for XMPP. They also have a public and free HTML5 conference on meet.jit.si, much like discord, but without user accounts.

They got $30m from a bunch of huge companies and they most certainly don't give a fuck about privacy.

Trust us dumbfucks!

What's wrong with the MIT license?


it's shit

I don't understand what makes it a cuck license though.

it allows others to make a propertiary fork

Oh well in that case it's garbage-tier dumpster trash, thanks for letting me know

Discord is incredibly insecure, makes very clear they harvest IPs and messages in their privacy policy, and it's bloated as fuck. Stop shilling spyware cancer, kike.

Not hard to mask the difference when the "native" application is just a locked-down chromium consuming half a gig of RAM for a text IM service.

come on anons

Sure, but it's least shit when you also factor in the possible successrate of converting computersheeps.

What I thought it was seven eyes? This is getting out of hand. Now there are fourteen eyes!


Adium, but there are lots of other choices.

I've been using ring for couple months now. It Works pretty well so far, the only issue is with the Android app but on desktop it works great

all i sees one of them der normie baiting pages. waddyucall it, boostrap template?