I don't think this business knows who it's customers are. Black lives matter needs to know about this..
Cops eat free at KFC
Free chicken for da poe lease? smh fam
KFC was started by whites in Utah and niggers don't even like it that much
niggers like popeyes and shit like that, whites like KFC and chick-fil-a
What the fuck are you sliding?
Free armed security for the price of a meal..plus the local ratchets and thugs know the po-po are in and out of there constantly. sounds like a good business plan.
Convince stores offer free fountain drinks to cops for this very reason
This is actually an attempt at recruiting black police officers.
The theory is if a black is trained to care about his community and is paid to defend it from crime, he will be less likely to partake in "peaceful protests".
And as we all know, monkey see, monkey do; Chimpouts will become less severe over time.
This not only for white people but can even keep niglets from reaching their full nigger potential because their father had a job and stayed in their lives.
i wish my country had kfc
the FBI investigation on Hillary's email is being slid, HARD
Sounds like a plan.
Fuck off, vegan
white here. KFC is hands down the worst fast food chicken there is. I'd rather have McDonalds nuggets than KFC.
can one of your worthless hotpockets sticky the shillary/fbi thread s osome of these kikes stop trying to slide it?
Eat a cock you ratchet sidewalk simian.
Fuck off, vegan
Probably need some more protection against their ☻☻☻customers☻☻☻. I guess a free meal is payment enough to keep ☻☻☻people☻☻☻ from trashing the place when the special dip sauce runs out.
it sucks asshole, real fried chicken from the country made by some midwestern/southern mummy is god-tier
This. Church's chicken is some of the best.
Aren't McNuggets made out of anal sphincters, gullet stones and toenails though?
t. obese neckbeard
Popeye's is some damn good chicken
But they are tasty as it goes.
why invite criminals into your shop!?
It was really good before they franchized and incorporated it. For decades, the original set of stores in Kentucky continued to be separately run and were great. They also had buffets. Polite sage for a slide thread.
Yes. You fucking degenerate.
How does this thing urinates?
Probably has to empty one of those special bags that Hillary wears under her trousers.
you have to really try hard to create that mess of flesh… I eat fast food basically every day and my BMI is normal. But I usually eat 3 meals a day… Obese people almost always have some kind of psychological issue where they continually eat to ease their pain. If you notice a loved one getting fat, get them to a doctor so they can get on Alli or some Wellbutrin
WOW this place is being shilled
Fucking bad. Holy shit. Even useless/slide threads are being shilled. Why are you fags even bothering?
"huehuehue were gettin dem soo good!"
You know the drill, folks. As usual, leave the shills to themselves to argue with each other, thinking their stupid shit could come within a country mile of a real Holla Forumsack, kek.
Threads like this are a clever way of spotting the fat cunts on here.
Yes, you really have to try to get that fat. That said, it's not always issues with eating too often, but also not eating often enough. If you eat only once a day you'll train your body to store fat more easily and fuck up your metabolism - add that to eating a lot in that one meal and it really fucks you over.
There are also cases where people eat because of depression or even boredom, but that's another discussion entirely - to be like the fat fuck in that picture you actually have to try.
Also, it's not the "fast food," it's the sugar. You can easily maintain a decent body weight eating fast food every day, as long you do portion control and don't drink a fuckton of sodas.
Did I say EVERY DAY?
This is true. I had tears in my eyes at the end of Look Who's Back?
Best fried chicken around as long as you order the spicy.
You got too be kidding me.
Can't this be considered bribing an officer of the court?
Is he smuggling an illegal?
I think you are a nigger, KFC filth. Popeye's is true Aryan fare while KFC is degenerate food for niggers and spics. Only wannabe subhumans eat at KFC. Now join the Grand Cult of Popeye's and repent for your KFC sins today.
chick-fil-a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popeyes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kfc
I see more niggers in Popeye's than any other race by far.
Popeyes us where niggers eat for their wedding days
Top Kek.
They tell LE to not accept any sort of discount that a civilian would not receive.