What are some of your crazy middle school stories?
What are some of your crazy middle school stories?
i kissed a girl once in middle school it was totally dank to the max. I was a chad in middle school
A girl in art class let me rub her ass all the time in class. Like hardcore, and she had a firm round ass too. She forbade touching the front though.
About 8th grade. Didn't lead to anything.
8th grade was normal for that out in Ma's Country
Fuck. I mean
out in
so yeah they thought I was gonna shoot up the school because I wanted to get better at drawing guns because I was fucking 12 and didn't know any better.
Sitting alone at the back desk.
literally nobody is even acknowledging that this is happening
had no reason to go
>really don't actually have any interest in her, though I think she was doing this out of pity and thinks that the incident from earlier that year was because the skater pricks thought I liked her and not just because she was the nearest object to fuck with me with
it wasn't
I have literally never spoken or interacted with that girl since that night. In fact she acted like it never happened, and even if I wanted to I'd never have had the balls to talk to her again and ask her out or anything. Her ass was pretty nice though, never really noticed before I didn't have a choice.
bunch of failed normalfags in this thread, holyfuck. get out get out GET OUT
wew scat man is back
stories like I wanted reeee normies get out xd
attacked my teacher with a jim beam bottle in 7th grade
Oh boy, I have a lot of stories.
I didn't have a gun, I just wanted them to stop.
Oh and I just recalled this:
.fast forward 9th grade
I met my wife in middle school.
I remember it well.
be me
first day to new semester
a bit nervous but ready to do it
I'm the first one in the room
wait awhile for the others
she walks in
my heart goes crazy
her legs are amazing
after the first week she noticed me staring at her
after school I ask for her number
we smashed raw dog a few times
she started asking I use condoms, I comply with her
we went incognito for privacy because of weird looks
that was the best year of my life
recently married her
she recently visited the school where we met
right behind the teacher's desk
I still teach there
that just straight up sounds like vandalism but if keks were had i can't critic your artwork.
Nothing at all crazy but I thought I'd add some text to feel like I fit in with you guys
1) I persuaded a girl to rub my balls at school. I had got hit in the nuts by her best friend. It was like some sort of act of revenge or something. I spit up blood which was weird. So I couldn't speak for a bit and had the wind knocked out of me. So I start limping away telling her to fuck off but she follows me. So I'm half-crying and tell her to get the fuck away from me. So she follows me behind a school building and I tell her if she wants to help she can rub my fucking balls. Didn't think she would do it. So she starts rubbing my genital area over my pants for a bit. I see that she is serious about how sorry she is so I tell her to rub my balls. I undo my zipper and stick her hand in my pants. She starts cupping my balls and playing with them while trying to avoid my dick at all costs. She is now starting to cry and saying
So I shout that if she is sorry she better rub my balls. This goes on for a few minutes until the bell rings. She quickly takes her hand out of my pants and quickly & quietly walks to class. She treated me differently the rest of the school year. For the next 2 weeks or so I walked funny and my testicles seemed smaller. I was just generally scared since I had spit blood for some reason here and there but was too afraid to tell my parents
2) I'm a small white boy. In middle school I had a whole bunch of black people scared of me for some odd reason that I never knew why. I was a teacher's assistant and one day I was assigned to help these bad fucking kids. Within that group was this big black mofo who was a little off. No he wasn't gay. Or a killer. Just a bit slightly retarded I guess? He wasn't normal nigger stupid. He was just off somehow. So one day he needs to go to the bathroom and I'm assigned to take him wherever he needs to go and make sure he doesn't skip class or leave the school grounds. So I'm following him and he seems suspicious for some fucking reason. He spent like a huge time in the bathroom so I went to check up on him and this big fucking black guy was trying to fucking leave out a fucking small ass bathroom window like his big ass could fit through there. So I tell him wtf is he doing and he hauls ass out the bathroom door and runs away. Mind you my JOB is to fucking make sure he acts right and stays on school grounds. So I fucking run after him. We are sprinting at full speed for like 5-10 minutes. He's taking me all over the fucking campus and the street and everywhere. He then loses steam and needs to catch his breath. Then he stops and looks at me and I thought he was going to start swinging. He then yells
So I tell him
So he just starts laughing and sits down to rest and I rest but still standing up in case he runs again. We then walk back to school and get back to class. The teacher tells us where we've been and beforehand I told him to shut the fuck up. So he just walks to his seat and scoffs at her and the teacher gives me the, "Fuck this ignant nigger" look. I tell her we were at the library. She says where are his books. I say he couldn't decide to pick anything. She then says something like, "Oh!! He's always like this!" and groans under her breath and thanks me. For the rest of the school year im not sure what he told his black friends but they wouldn't get near me or mess with me at all. They seemed scared of me and if I walked past him he'd get out of my way and his other friends would follow suit. Was so fucking weird
You people had phones in middleschool? I'm a senior in High School and don't have one yet
a girl beat me up for insisting on correct pronunciation of the word "Celtic"
an actual black kid moved to our town and we roasted him so bad he moved out of town and later dropped out of school
a guy in my class got suspended for hiding behind the curtains before class to avoid getting sent to the showers for his "Jew Curls"
a girl i liked touched my arms in the middle of class and told me i had nice arms. Didn't lead to anything
other kids drank booze (in soda bottles) and used chewing tobacco in class when the teacher wasn't looking
a girl asked me if i had ever dated anyone and i hadn't and she asked if i wanted to date her for 5 minutes and i said no
i needed to make up an assignment and i asked the teacher for more time after class and she hugged me for like several minutes saying it would be ok and it was awkward as fuck
in one class the teacher played the candy mountain video at least a dozen times
and this pic happened to me but with 2 girls on a field trip. I didn't understand what was going on or why it was lewd.
me on the right tbh
she wanted to fug
what the fuck, are you twelve? how's the latest Smosh video or whatever, sport?
you may have been entertaining, user, but remember that you are still a piece of shit
kissed an 4/10 slut in middle school, my first and probably last kiss
A got asked out not once but TWICE in middle school and i REJECTED them both
So it was like 6th grade or something like that, and i had been on a summer campus. I've known this like all my life (we used to be in the same class) and she was in love with me really fucking hard (for some reason, i couldn't really understand since i was one of the most beta in class and there were much better looking alphas. i guess she was in love with me just because she knew she was to ugly for the alphas).
So, she asks me to dance with her on a disco and i say yes because i thought she looked kinda good that night and i didn't want to hurt her. All her friends get really hyped and shit and start calling us a couple and that sort of gay 6th grade shit. We had been together multiple times before, but i always broke up with her after a month or so.
I don't know why, but i had started to like this chick so i decided to ask her out on a date (i'm suprised i had the balls to do it) and we decide to watch a movie. Don't know if i should hold her hand or sit close to her or something like that. Decide i'm too beta for that so i sit normally and it's really awkward.
Movie has ended and we go out, we hug and say goodbye. Dumped her a week later because i realised how ugly she was and i didn't actually like her.
"normie"? are you also a le based kekistan who hails the le kek?
A part of me was sad that I was left out of the festivities and shit, but another part of me was kinda okay with the fact that I didnt actually do what I was ready to.
i touched my peepee in class and didn't get in trouble