You can't make this shit up.
/bbbb/ owner gets triggered and threatens to ban me for "whining"
All of this is all so very cancerous. No one cares. I don't. Why would you? Why would he? Does dysnomia fucking care? Does anyone have common sense around here no more?
Damn, you're such a crybaby retart that you gotta make 5 fucking threads on every board whining about shit. I hope you get banned from life by a nice, hot glass of lye, you literal nigger.
aaaand I'm banned.
Good onya , lol.
Keep making that faggot work for his …. nothing ?
newfag board is self destructing, who would have thought? these retards actually hired a vol that used his real first name for his vol account. i was gonna volunteer to vol, but i knew it was all down hill from there
wow this is so fun and interesting
with how hard they shilled their board here are you surprised anons are happy to see them fail?
I'm surprised anybody gives a shit, yes.
kinda interesting tbh
It's not interesting in the slightest you dumb idiot. Ban me
still pretty interesting
if it wasnt why these niggers keep talking about it
They're talking about it because they're wild bipolar beasts. They're programmed to gravitate to the shittiest thing, I've seen this fucking cancer before.
this and the pedoshit is what i come and stay for nowdays sadly
I come here to be an active anti-pedo
Congratulations! You just did the exact opposite thing that you intended to do, give me more exposure while at the same time making yourself look like a little crybaby bitch. Well done.
well hello there anti im fence
nice to meet you
Doesn't mean shit
What the hell is this shit?
You sure are active today!
Thanks :DDdd
fug you OP, you are a shill and you deserved to be banned
the difference between /b4/ owner and dysnomia is that dysnomia isn't triggered by what anons say and threatens to ban them
dysnomia just doesn't care and bans for lulz
Dysnomia's not a robot, He has secret pleasures and desires.
probably but that's not relevant anymore
I'm a board volunteer. I unbanned you, I'm awaiting input from BO about it, but I didn't agree with the ban after looking into it. We must maintain muh liberty.
It doesn't matter. Your board is now officially dead. The BO showed his true colors. It's done.
after 'one' ban the board is suddenly dead?
Well aren't you a pissyfaggot
Just let them have their way
fuck off Blake
Actually it was two bans. The first was for no reason, the second was out of anger. That is an epic failure on the BO's part. Not even dysnomia has done anything that ridiculous in the years that he's been here. The faggot /bbbb/ BO did it in a single day.
hence why i said 'one' instead of one ban
and the other vol is a third positionist
t. the other vol
Well, I don't really know about that.
We need a proper way to moderate. Often boards have an oppressive small group of vols that are tyrannical. If not that, too many people are vols and it's just a ban free-for-all.
The rights to freedom of speech, assembly, press, and thought are inalienable. We need a peer reviewed mod democracy.
inb4 lefty is libertyfag
theres only 2 vols, me and you and i havent done anything wrong tbh
It's very fucking simple. You delete shit that is illegal and that's it.
What's /bbbb/ about and why should I care? Bumping only because you got dubs
It's a board with a eternally triggered BO who bans people he doesn't like. Basically like Holla Forums on steroids (not in a good way either).
a board with likeminded individuals like Holla Forums but hopefully not owned by dys2.0
Only one fucking person was banned, and now he's unbanned.
he was banned twice for no reason, lol you are a dumbass.
He was banned a second time because he told them to do it. The ban was removed though.
He was banned because your BO got triggered.
In all fairness, you do sound like a whiny little bitch.
so everyone who whines on imageboards should be banned?