Wake up

why should i ever contribute to Holla Forums again if nuking the board at random is part of the randomness of the board?

You shouldn't.
Nobody should.
That is why everyone is leaving.

This, just fucking go

Just leave to /bbbb/.

this, tbh

the funny thing is anti /bbbb/ fags like to claim that /bbbb/ is only for pedoshit but there is only 1 pedo tread

They're also trying to say that the BO is censoring free speech even though he gave the spammer a second chance while allowing people to criticize him.

Yeah, and what do you contribute, user?
Cause I only ever see low effort threads on here.
When an intellectually engaging one is posted, it is usually ignored.
Honestly, it's these things that prevent me from ever feeling sorry for the losers on Holla Forums
It's not that they cannot do better. It's that they won't.

t. b/o of /bbbb/

stop shilling in every thread you fucking faggot

And most of the others are not half bad quality wise, I see. It could catch on with everyone bailing on this place. Not sure if it is for me, but as a temporary place to go just to be rid of this shit I can see the draw.

That is exactly OP's point. Why should they when they see everyone else's efforts get shit on. Even when a good thread does show up here it either gets shit on or deleted for no reason.

ill be here when this shit finally dies tbh

I won't

good threads get shit on, yes, but they don't get deleted.
Unless your idea of a good thread is the pedo threads. they are the ones that get deleted.
and they should be

Why should you do anything, when everything you do will eventually be lost in the inevitable heat death of the universe?

I don't get it, I make a thread asking to get banned, but it only gets deleted? Pretty dumb.

quadsanon dont leave us :(
i dont blame you

You don't need me (even though I'm the most talented one in the room) I'm tired of this awful shitridden dump, that's all I'm saying. Mods hate me. That's why they're keeping me trapped here, to make the place shittier. Fuck the Holla Forums government.

holy shits you again 'smartest one in the room' user
bye and good riddance mediocore shill/troll :)

How am I trolling? I just want to be fucking banned, and here some sickos laughing behind the scenes not banning me. Just fucking ban me already tbh. I'm too talented and hard-working for this. You're a bipolar pedo too, right?

its not nuked its just set to 5 pages

what do you expect, its a slow board.

we've been through this numerous times yet it seems like you're still indifferent to anything anyone says.
if you want to leave then go ahead. Literally no-one is stopping you, 'smartest one in the room' user.

I don't even remember what we've been through. I should be able to look through my post history, but I can't.

do you need a psduenoym along with your post history?

do you need a psduenoym along with your post history?

wew muh internet


Yes I was thinking of something along those lines as I was typing my thoughts and comments out, and maybe if possible we could look at eachothers post history to expose eachothers bullshit.

Yes I was thinking of something along those lines as I was typing my thoughts and comments out, and maybe if possible we could look at eachothers post history to expose eachothers bullshit.



well feel free to leave at anytime user :)

I need to get banned first

just fuck off

I can't fuck off until you officially ban me

I will ban you for 17 bitcoins

this tbh

god, at least I don't get banned for stupid shit here. I just got banned from 8ch /a/ for not capitalizing a sentence. then the nigger went back an edited the post. why does every damn board on every damn chan have to have OCD autistic mods.

it's fucking Holla Forums i ain;t writing a damn thesis on your waifu.

I'll do it for 6 quatloos.

grammar is good but its not fucking reddit or a fucking email to your fucking boss
people are judt nitpicking niggers tbh

I just don't see how anyone could see a friendly productive conversation between users and ban one of them cause "she" instead of "She".

Talk about a stick up your ass. 4/a/'s mods are still being niggers as well, not sure what I expected.

That is why i only contribute things that i would delete anyway.
