Actually punishing the guilty offenders and not giving into idpol/political correctness would be a good start.
Take Chicago.
But seriously, more people get shot there on an average weekend than pretty much the rest of the country combined, and they have some allegedly stiff gun laws.
But though possession of a handgun is illegal, it's a misdemeanor, meaning they get a few months in county at best, and possession by a felon isn't treated any worse.
The average felon in Illinois has at least 10 prior convictions, tacking on one more for illegally possessing a handgun won't change anything.
Personally, I think those guys should be locked up and kept that way, because most of them are the textbook definition of lumpens.
They have no revolutionary potential or class-consciousness, and the fact is that a lot of them have made far more money through criminal activity than their peers do through legal enterprise.
The average crack-dealer makes more in one afternoon that the average worker makes in a month, and trying to tell them to go legit and play by the rules isn't going to work.
And before some bleeding heart comes in and starts whinging about racism and poverty and education, I can tell you from first hand experience that most of those guys living the gangsta lifestyle give no fucks about that shit.
They are a lost cause, and the sooner they're treated like the scumbags they are and not being coddled or excused by well meaning but ultimately foolish do-gooders, the faster that bullshit will stop.
Yes, there is some legitimacy to the argument about economic conditions and opportunity, but ultimately, people have to be held accountable for their own actions.
These clowns aren't raising their own people up from poverty, they're feeding into and fueling a dangerous, wholly manufactured lifestyle that ultimately only exists to perpetuate more crime and death.
An entire generation of people has been raised to believe they have no alternatives for success but to be a basketball player, a rapper or a criminal, and they eschew education because of farcical racial beliefs being perpetuated by their own people and the porkies running the show.
Is it fair?
Probably not, but I'll be damned if I can think of a solution that doesn't ultimately involve draconian measures, even though I'd prefer one.