What sports do you do? For how long have you been doing them and how important is sport to you?
If you don't, please start. We want to be representative, pic related
What sports do you do? For how long have you been doing them and how important is sport to you?
If you don't, please start. We want to be representative, pic related
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Sports are bourgeois. The only worthwhile "competition" is philosophical debate and dialectics.
ADF-Fuensalida is miracle of the universe, don't be disrespectful you sinner
You must be fucking kidding me. As long as there has been a working class, there have been working class sport teams.
Of course all sport institutions today are bourgeois, but staying healthy and strong and doing sports is not bourgeois.
I'm relatively sure he was joking.
I play ping pang in a sports club and jog almost every day on the school running track, unless it's closed or in use, after school. It's not very athletic but I've always been quite fit because of it.
I beat up Nazis and fight cops.
You don't need sports or teams to stay healthy and strong. You only need Hegel.
I go to the gym and workout five days a week. I maintained that schedule for four months last year. Just getting back into it–been going for about three months and have seen considerable gains. :^)
i want to be tuff n strong so when I tell ppl I'm a leftist they won't ridicule me as a lazy, worthless, scrawny bum
I workout and have been boxing for 5 years. My physique is similar to the 2nd guy in the Soviet pic but I'm probably one weight class above him.
I go gym five to six times a week. A 3-5km run is how I warm up.
I play football with friends for fun (I'm not very good). I also scuba dive, free dive, snorkel, kayak and surf.
I'm an anarcho-communist and being active is very important to me. Can't fight in a revolution if you're fat. I mean you can, but you'll probably die quick.
You're probably joking, but you really should want to be tough and strong
I want to lift but I'm too poor to go the gym (€50/month) so I do bodyweight exercises at home.
Fair enough, if you really want to lift, can't you get a job/ a better job to afford a gym membership or buy a few weights? Not trying to be reproachful.
Free/cheap exercises:
- running
- swimming
- calisthenics (pushups, situps, core: planks, superman, etc)
- buy bands, they're cheaper than dumbbells and you can do resistance training to build muscle
- buy or make a pull-up bar
- pirate p90x (whole body strength training, and especially the abx exercises) and insanity (excellent cardio workout)
- look up shaolin/qi gong exercises
- find books on prison/cell training conditioning, I think there's one called "Inmate Conditioning"
Tricks I learned in prison:
- get two gallon clorox bottles, fill them up with sand and tie loops into the handles, use those for biceps and shoulder exercises
- make pushup blocks out of scrap wood so you can get deeper into the pushup and also orient your hands differently
- put a chair against the wall and use it for dips
- raise your legs onto your bed while you're on the floor and do crunches
All I can think of right now, I'm in the gym.
What have you been in prison for?
I jog, squat, and do yoga. That's all really. Don't really see the need to get bulky nor too complacent that I get pudgy.
Is it okay if we're small and cute instead?
If you're a female, yes
Well if you're a grill I hope you do squats for booty.
Cute is good, but squats give you good booty and legs so do them.
I work out pretty much every day, taking a break from weights on Sunday and sometimes Saturday. I used to be about 80lbs overweight and it was shit, so I started working out and eating better. It makes you feel a lot better, and qts like fit guys. Don't really play team sports, but I go swimming when I can.
I work out with a bodyweight routine ~4 times a week. I'm scrawny tho because I burn through calories like a hot knife through butter without even lifting a finger; hope that gets better when I grow older.
not my comrade
True, next to gathering knowledge and debating skills, we need to work on our strength and be attractive
Just eat well comrade (well = a lot).
When you aren't hungry anymore, eat some more carbs and proteine.You'll accomodate to eating more and more. Of course do not do this until you just become fat, but find a good balance between eating well and doing sports, so that your physique improves.
can't someone be athletic and cute?
Representative of what, exactly?
I've been into powerlifting for a couple years.
Scouts. We make fires and shit, were going to build some targets soon to be able to shoot with our gas guns.
Of an ideology.
Also poor rhetoric on posting the Hulse video.
Oh my fuck I'm so glad this exists as a webm. I only managed to get it in .gif form before he took it down.
No. You should try and eat less carbs, more energy can be gotten from fat.
Why not pioneers?
Carbs are necessary if you want to cultivate mass. Ketofags are really onto something with weight loss, but you need carbs if you wanna get huge.
I agree that we should be fit for general health reasons, but I disagree on the point of us needing to somehow represent our ideology through fitness. Fetishizing personal fitness tends to be more of a reactionary and fascist thing, imho.
Also, what's wrong with me posting the Hulse video?
No idea what that is. I live in europe.
Why shouldn't it be a leftist thing? I'm not talking about fetishizing it, but rather encouraging it and putting fitness and healthy living as an ideal to strive for.
They were the commie version of scouts in the Eastern Block.
The most conventional way to gain weight is to eat more carbs, which is why I would recommend it to a beginner and the functionality of this method is undisputed.
Probably the only thing fascists got right imho.. Fascists probably drank water, does that make water bad?
As said, why shouldn't physical strength and fitness be a leftist ideal as well? I think this would make the left more attractive to a lot of people.
In other words, fetishizing it and alienating yourself from sport activity.
I think its because traditionally the fascists and reactionairies strive for "ye olde" which means masculine men and feminine women, old norms. Whereas leftists strived for equality.
Of course, we can just be rational and realise that tradition, and masculinity and femininity as they exist today are spooky af and mostly ungrounded in reality. Therefore we can strive for fitness, a good physique, regardless of sex, and leave the hyper-masculine aspect of it behind.
Suppose these two guys had the exact same knowledge and debating skills and they go on a campus trying to get young people into questioning capitalism and reading into Marxism.
Who has the better chances?
The guy on the right, but more because of his apparent cheerfulness and approachability than his muscles.
The guy on the second picture looks like shizo through. I don't think I would take him seriously.
How is encouraging people to stay fit and eat healthy alienating from sports activity? Why shouldn't it be considered ideal, with being fat and eating shit being considered flawed?
Monson, but to be fair Unruhe looks like a pedo and generally unlikable.
That's pretty rude to Morson
Show me a fat communist or socialist who is cheerful and approachable and would have the same chance as Monson
I think it might be the facial expression on this picture, watch some of his interviews, he's actually very likable (imo)
True but I would argue that in general more athletic, healthy and "sleek" people are more influential when providing the same knowledge.
Mate, I'm not disagreeing with you, just pointing out that being fit isn't as big a factor as you think.
Asking the good questions. This is exactly why, anons, you need to get your ass in the gym and get a fucking haircut.
I bartend, I workout, I play sports and I generally keep a pretty charismatic demeanor. You have no idea how much this helps the cause. I have swayed so many bar patrons into socialism or at least considering it thanks to just my people skills.
Don't leave us hanging. Post your go-to explanation of socialism. I'm partial to the "democracy in the workplace" angle.
Well, it really has to do with empathy. What are they talking about? Bullshit wages? Empty suit politicians? Recent events?
People skills is not bringing a message to them, its taking their concerns and making them look at them from a different angle. One of the biggest ones is local politics in my city, of which everyone complains. I've also worked in local politics (pretty fucking eye opening, goodness), so it helps to speak from a position of experience.
It can alter someone's perception of you when first approached. That initial impression colors how they feel about what your saying. It's certainly not the deciding factor an interaction, though.
Yeah but a jolly fat guy can be just as endearing as a jolly muscle dude. Fat dudes are usually less intimidating too.
I disagree. Being fit, attractive, and someone who looks like they take care of themselves is a *HUGE* factor in life in general.
Attractive people have a huge advantage in likability and general ability to get people to look at what they're saying in a positive light. If Unruhe were an attractive dude, he would have so many more viewers just based on that.
Keep it up man. I can imagine Monson is reaching some young lads in the gym as well.
I wasn't even trying to sound harsh mate :)
Staying in shape and being attractive simply helps getting the message across and making people think. It might be a primitive principle, but others will perceive you and your views as more important.
They look at ADF and Unruhe -or even take any unconfident guy- and aren't paying them any attention for obvious reasons.
They look at guys like Monson and think that he must be doing something right.
Let me also say that I think right-wingers are ahead of us in these aspects and therefore are getting more popular in western society amongst the young people.
Thanks. That's a very good point. I was thinking about it a little to narrowly I guess, trying to find the best meme to counter the red scare bullshit. I guess I argue with boomers too fucking much.
Oh totally. Unruhe really just doesn't give off good vibes.
Because "ideal" is oppressive thing by itself. When an individual strives for ideal, he sees himself miserable compared to his ideal. He's not doing sports for the process anymore, he slaves away for future self, for ideal self, which he probably will not accomplish and will become more unsatisfied with result. Even when he become fit enough, he will still be unsatisfied, he still didn't reach the ideal. Because ideal does not exist.
That's what happens when you put any ideas over yourself. Idea will just become your inner oppressor, who will rule over you even if you are "free".
Ideal is a spook and tool for turning people into slaves.
Btw, why are you seeking representative of ideology? Seems like an idea has taken over you. I recommend you to check your ideology.
Are you kidding me? It sounds like you're just insecure as fuck, and you've turned cultural hegemony into something to defend your own insecurity.
Ideal can be something you conjure for yourself, it could be a goal you set up for yourself instead of having a foreign image that someone else conjured. That is the essence of being unspooked.
I enjoy doing long distant walking (Now able to do 27km and want to work to 50km) and did jogging and fitness back in the day. Walking is nice and relaxing and especially when you are surrounded by comfy cattle in the fields.
Bullshit. There's nothing wrong with ideals.
Whimp detected
I want to go hiking for 50km. Longest I did was 20km. Is there anything you would recommend other than just doing it a lot?
Well just slowly build it up and increase the distances. Go for like 3x 20km than 3x 22,5 than 3x25 and than so on and so on untill you got 50. You can increase it by going from 20 to 25 to 30 to 40 but you need to enjoy it. Only the last 1/4th or 1/5th of the whole distance should be a struggle while the rest is comfy.
Also plan your routes, be so mutch around nature and animals and avoid the city's.
plz more pics like this
Sports are a spook.
How does one train, when capitalism drains all your energy in daily office work and you have to spend the rest of your time in entartainment and socialization?
Oh right, bulking up, yeah. I just meant it in a general keeping fit and working out regularly sense.
I like to be toned, agile and strong. Don't really want bulk as its not very useful for anything but lifting heavy objects.
Having a strong core is the key to strength, so if you're not doing abs every day with core workout 2-3 times a week you're doing it wrong.
core training twice a week is enough
The guy was complaining about being too thin. If you want to gain mass, eat more carbs, that's it. Doesn't have to be a proper bulk routine
Any other climber commies out there?
Climbing is pretty much the only thing I do. I tried weight lifting but found it dreadfully boring. I can motovate myself to climb fairly easily, but going to a regular gym is a challenge for me. Luckly I've been seeing good gains with climbing alone, but that's probably just cus I'm a skelly (former skelly, not underweight anymore). I'm climbing 5.11s' at my gym, although I think the ratings here are fucked so I might be on 5.12s' if I went back to my old gym. I boulder around a V5.
Climbers are mostly environmentalist and green liberals from my experience. Pretty much everyone at my gym including the staff (who are like 50yo trad climbers) are Bernard supporters. Everyone I've talked to about Actual Socialism has been pretty receptive towards it though. Not exactly suprising given the nature of climbing as a sport though (cooperative, requires trusting your life in another person's hands).
I tried it a few times in the mountains with a friend who's an experienced climber and actually liked it but I didn't keep up with it since other sports were more handy (considering the preparation, long drives etc.).
I think it's a great sport though and it gives you a great physique (especially the back)
You should look for a climbing gym in your area if you really want to get into it. Outdoor climbing is best obviously, but as you say the preparation is annoying. I live in the desert too, so for about 4 months out of the year it's impossible to go outside because the rocks bake in the sun. So having a gym near by is pretty essential to getting gud. Especially if you can find one with good bouldering. Then it's nice because I can plan trips like mini vacations and go to places with hard climbs.
Karate and ~5 mile run three times a week each. Maybe if a sport I actually enjoyed was popular in my area I'd get into it, but otherwise I've never been all that competitive. Video games are another story of course.
Holla Forums told me this is bad…
lol fuck you dude. Lifting is one of the best things you can do with your body, the health and aesthetics benefits are numerous.