The documents from the Clinton Email investigation were released just a few moments ago. You can find them all here. Time to start parsing!
FBI Clinton Investigation Documents
Other urls found in this thread:
oh what the fuck every doc drop happens when i'm about to go to work
how spicy is this
The Kremlin is reporting on it.
No archive because this is not really something worth to keep around but more as a "This may be legit" kind of thing.
p22 is interesting
Any idea who could be under the blocks op p22?
- Pages 34-47 COMPLETELY redacted
- She can't remember if she received training on classified information
- She relied on aides to determine if material was classified
Fit for president.
She had memory issues and could only work 3 hours a day at State after her concussion.
She also can't recall anything now. Severe memory loss?
How convenient.
I bet she remembers the launch codes
Maybe that is why she want`s to go to war with Russia? She still thinks they are the USSR.
You’re a neckbearded *NIX user who hasn’t left the basement in 20 years, aren’t you.
Hmmm, intrasting. Why would they block his name though?
where do you think we are?
Now now user, I know that he was being rude to you. But that does not mean that we neglect to check. Checked.
Somewhere that knows better not to use the shittiest browser ever made and yes I’m including IE 5 in that statement.
wew lad
Slow updates? Afraid this might get slid. No coincidence this shit is released the Friday before a 3 day weekend.
Jesus fuck, has there ever been a bigger internal threat to national security?
the Army puts her on the same level as two mass shooters
And they're wrong for it.
Mass shooters couldn't possibly be as threatening as this president candidate.
Hypothetically speaking if she were to win the election how quickly would she be zapped kerpowed and splatted?
Not inciting violence so FBI shills fuck off:
I firmly believe that if elected Hillary would not survive her first term. I think there's a 75% chance the job kills her and a 25% JSOC/The SS has her splatted.
Aparently all cellphones related to the server were smashed with hammers, including Humas.
Hm, Hillary apparently told the FBI that she did not believe "deliberations over potential drone strikes" might involve classified information.
Almost all technology that transmits or stores classified information is destroyed physically at the end of it's service life.
It doesn't surprise me one bit the phones were destroyed. I'm surprised the FBI even got a hold of them AT ALL.
Given that she has something around a 3% approval rating among the military, quite.
Just a wild guess
Considering these are notes from the July interview, they would have already arrested her if there were anything illegal or treasonous.
Still fun to go through it all, though.
HRC didn't even know the basics of her own department's information retention policies?
I love the catch-22 of these interviews.
Either Hillary cops to a federal crime, or she admits to being a retard.
We all know she's a genius level rat fuck, she just can't cop to it so she's on record looking like a doofus.
Is Trump getting spammed with these on Twitter yet? More fuel for the fire.
This is just pathetic.
It's comforting to know we had a senile old woman in one of the most powerful positions in government.
Unbelievable, what a mess
Pretty much sums up anyone who has ever been brought before the courts. Deny deny deny.
Remember: They have to prove your guilt. You do not have to prove your innocence.
Holy shit. I knew James Woods must be a closet-channer but this and the trans-pregnancy article proves it.
Seems to be it.
Massive sliding taking place. Please sticky mods, there is a lot of information we have to go through.
Hillary has been
and says she doesn't know what it means? Most of this bitches life has been inside the US government, ==HOW CAN ANYONE BELIEVE THAT SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANT??==
She knew that a (C) at a the top of an email meant that it was marked 'CONFIDENTIAL', but when a (C) was put in front of a paragraph, she thought it was "referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order"?
"Hillary Clinton told the FBI she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling sensitive information as she made the transition from her post as U.S. secretary of state, due to a concussion suffered in 2012, according to a report released Friday.
[I]n December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head). Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received," the report said."
So, her poor health is now her defense. They have run out of options, no doubt.
Oh to be this naive…
why no sticky?
Probably because I half-assed the OP just to get the word out.
Pick one.
Why the fuck wont the op faggot post them here?
You're retarded or a paid shill. Of course this is all very illegal. James Comey recommended pursuing prosecution but Loretta Lynch had the final say on that action. Loretta Lynch has is good friends with the Clinton and should have recused herself. She didn't recuse herself though and denied Comey's recommendation for prosecution.
Who is this male, ex-navy?
You can't post PDFs on this board.
And she's going to be the next president of the most power country on earth. We're completely fucked, aren't we…
First the tranny breastfeeding and now this?
Holla Forums has people eveywhere.
Does anyone know what page this is on? I'm compiling the screen shots and would love to have the contradictions as well as her looking like unfit, senile, lying, old hag.
FBI failed to obtain the Apple server. I have not followed the emails closely enough to know if this was already out there, but from an IT and investigative point of view- this is a major failure on the part of the FBI.
not just failed to get her apple server, they failed to get any of the 13 devices she used.
That's really strange!!!! Why redact Philippe Reines? He's not that important and her other aides names aren't redacted. Something is off about that.
forgot one
Very badly memed, friendo. Opera was very popular on Windows at one point. But it's no longer even in OpenBSD port system, and in fact they ripped out Linux binary emulation altogether (good riddance!) The closest is some remake thing.
Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera
(12.x) UI using the Qt5 library & the WebKit engine.
These two pictures are the two pdf compressed in 7zip and exported to jpg.
Rename the extensions to .7z and unzip them.
Too many pages.
He may have testified or given a statement in exchange for immunity so they shielded him.
However clearly that threat was a bluff since no one got in trouble for this
What ? The two pictures I posted contains the two pdf. One with 47 pages and the other with 11 pages.
I rechecked and everything is in there. You'll need to rename them as .zip if .7z didn't worked.
Here are the pdfs, you lazy Nazi weebs.
Hillary R. Clinton Part 01 of 02 1353814-0 - LHM.pdf
Hillary R. Clinton Part 02 of 02 1353814-0 - LHM.pdf
Seems like Reines was heavily involved with Benghazi, and a journalist who was researching the events and Bergdahl had an (((accident))). Seems possible that Reines had him removed or was involved in some other way.
Do we have any hash tags about this trending?
What's that?
Hillary Clinton is a whore and a lesbian rite u guise?
If Hillary Clinton is a lesbian, for the love of God never, ever post proof. I shudder just thinking about that dried up old prune vag rubbing itself all over some other ….
ok I'm done.
None of that matters. This is how it worked out. She has been exonerated by the FBI and won't face trial no matter how much you bawww and whine on Holla Forums.
Everything you're seeing in this thread has already been seen by the FBI. They are, after all, the ones who released it. It's not a matter of me being a "le paid shill boogeyman". It's a matter of the reality of what has happened. We can get funny memes out of it all we want, but we don't have the authority to do what Congress and the FBI did not do.
You can pull the "Lynch was good friends with the Clintons" all you want, but guess who else is good friends with the Clintons? Donald Trump.
Nigger we are talking about Hilary now in the press, Trump always goes up when her scandal is forced to be talked about by the kike press
She comes off pathetic here, we knew she would never get arrested Ffs, she has dirt on too many to go down
He can, but he won't. Obama could have called for war crimes prosecution against Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, but he didn't. There's a reason and it's deeply political.
Well, it's good to see someone around here has the right attitude about this mess.
I'd give her the ride in her early years.
Oh, hell yeah. I would too. Before she went all law school sjw, she was hot.
I seriously doubt that.
This document is one of many, I started a thread but no need to have it, if we can explore other documents too in this thread.
To stay up to date with Guccifer 2.0 use RSS feed,
File Dump hosted unzipped at
Congratulations to those of you who are WHITE enough to give a shit about these documents.
How do you find browsing inside the terminal compared to GUIs does it cut out a lot of the crap?
I don't watch much porn, but when I do, I view it in a terminal.
Oh no, I posted in the wrong thread. Sorry.
Isn't Opera in the process of being bought by the Chinks? Most of the diehards including the Opera 12 nerds went to Vivaldi. I don't like it much though, shitty javascript UI.
It is very political. The entering administration doesn't prosecute the departing administration. It's the reason Ford pardoned Nixon. It's always been this way and it will always be this way.
Yes, we've already determined that only whites are intelligent and moral enough to be concerned about blatant corruption and incompetence. Thx
No she hasn't.
1) The FBI didn't recommend prosecution because they claim it was a minor case, minor cases usually aren't prosecuted, but the person involved faces consequences (loses security status and is fired).
2) The FBI was dishonest about it being a minor case, but this is a judgement call. A way of weaseling out of it.
3) It's NOT the job of the FBI to recommend prosecution based on such things. They should ONLY recommend or not based on the strength of the evidence. It's the DOJ's job to determine if the person should be prosecuted or face administrative punishment.
4) The DOJ REFUSED to do their job. It's their job to decide to prosecute or not. Lynch should be fired.
5) All the FBI and DOJ did was weasel around and try to confuse people while passing the buck so they couldn't be directly accused of protecting Clinton.
6) Not prosecuting is different from exonerating. The FBI has admitted she has done the elements of the crime. She can be prosecuted at any time.
7) If Trump is elected and he replaces Lynch with Gowdy Clinton's ass will go to prison.
user pls
She still won't be prosecuted.
Giuliani will do it.
new memes every day
She won't. It's not the President's call to make. So, Trump getting elected won't make a bit of difference.
I don't think you realize just how illegal that would be. Hopefully Trump is smarter than you are.
Roast in hell, CtR.
Yeah …. I'm pretty sure at this point everyone on the planet is smarter than you. You're about as sharp as a throw pillow, boy.
Roast in hell, CtR.
Who are you quoting?
I find shattering people's preconceived notions about how government works to be extremely fun.
What part is illegal?
Go back to reddit and stay there.
No, I very much got the reference. Clearly that retarded beaner is asserting that shitskins aren't concerned about corruption. Hence the state of all their shitty countries and the effect they have on nations they are forced upon.
While I'm sure they did so with good reasons, that will significantly reduce the use of their OS. Many things are not ported for BSD.
Comey is in cahoots with the Administration. He's part of the conspiracy to protect her. He's effectively the source of the "she was careless" narrative. His Congressional testimony made him look like Hillary's defense counsel.
They clearly all got together and decided "careless and dumb" was the narrative they could get away with pushing with what the public already knew.
This "she's sick" stuff is more of the same. More narratives to draw attention away from the fact that she is guilty of high treason and espionage.
The part where Trump promises someone an appointment for campaign support is illegal.
Is this video worth a pinned thread?
I probably wouldn't ask if the answer was yes.
Clinton endorsed most of Trump's immigration policy, that much is obvious… but we have to add that he FAILED to deliver on his promises.
Then say that Trump's immigration policy isn't radical - it's bipartisan.
We also know that Hillary endorsed building a wall along the Mexican border in 2008. It was one of the primary reasons she eventually lost DNC nomination.
Holy shit, Trump's campaign needs to use this in an ad or speech, it'd absolutely BTFO Hillary by her own husband's words.
Love how entire pages under under blocks.
ProTip" She's lying.
WHITE immigrants Bill, white immigrants.
I'm white, can i immigrate there?
Hello Rabbi. How are you doing today.
>mfw I've probably called Mel Gibson a faggot and directed him to >>>/reddit/
the head nigger and hillary are both soro's bitches, and lowretta lunch
and cumstain in the fbi are their bitches so what do you expect to happen
any form of truth and american justice? fat fucking chance, im surprised the jewfuck media is even reporting this.
must be a coverup/smokescreen if it makes the news cycle of jew propaganda.
Kill shot for Hillary's FBI troubles:
Hare-Brained Hillary!!
Do you like it? A kill shot needs to have some bite to it, and it helps if the phrase has not been used politically in the recent past.
Thank you
You have no idea how government works. In reality, you're a liberal trying to feel better about having to vote for your garbage banana-republic tier candidate. You deserve to be tortured to death. You deserve to watch your family have their skulls cracked open and have their brains forced down your throat. You should be slowly dissected alive, kicking and screaming for mercy like the subhuman coward you are, while you're sliced apart and your bones are systematically cracked, then you're fed alive to filthy starved pigs in some shithole feeding trough. Liberal subhuman scum. You seriously deserve to fucking die. Kill yourself, piece of shit.
Get a load of this shill. "Not prosecuting" is not the same as "exonerated" you fucking faggot.
#MentallyHill has way more bite.
This is what any authentic national socialist thinks.
We'll save enough rope for you weebs
I'm thinking big league! Just imagine Katrina Pierson saying, "Hillary Clinton's harebrained management of classified information is a disqualifying weakness in the mind of everyone who cares about the safety of our service mem and women!"
The FBI didn't just say "we're not going to prosecute". The DOJ said, "There is nothing to prosecute her for".
That is exoneration.
That's not an exoneration retard, for it to be an exoneration that nigger would've admitted that THERE WAS WRONGDOING but it's okay.
Forgetting Hillary already has been using hers and far better than you, and that's not even counting what is in her pants.
You mean like promised for Obama?
Go be a faggot somewhere else. You're just pissing in the wind. All sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Allum got a new article out?
amateur audiobook of FBI report for people who don't want to read it
Reported for obvious shill.
Is that the whore from GOT?
She did some cuckold music video or something where she swaps spit with a dindoo.
Bill's so fucked up he can't tell arse from quim, you expect him to care about his nation's colour content?
for context, he works for media matters
I'm still taking it as a compliment
Apparently minorities find this Banana Republic shit to be acceptable.
It always happens when I get in bed and do a quick Holla Forums check on my phone before sleeping.
#Clintonsmemory is trending on twatter; if any anons are bored, this is a good opportunity to drop some Clinton info
go back.
such glorious salt!
that's sarcasm you retard
how is this possibly sarcasm?
totally not fam :^)
so much cancer on this fucking board
yeah sure, im the cancer, but at least i can recognize a parody when i see it, fucking newfag
congrats on being the newest of all newfags
What, did you expect people to pretend it's not a parody? Or are you actually so fucking new to the internet that you haven't seen the original video?
underrated post.
Before we start making shit tier uninformed legal arguments let's actually define some legal terms via Black's Law Dictionary.
To lift, remove the stain of being called out for blame, liability, or punishment. It is more than just freeing an accused person of the responsibility(The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any injury it may have caused) for a criminal or otherwise illegal or wrongful act(the name that is given to an act that will damage, physically or emotionally another person). It is publicly stating that this accused should never have been accused in the first place.
Do the facts fit the definition?
Key facts: Comey made a public statement about the decision regarding the recommendation for prosecution to the Department of justice. Comey gave details of the wrongful acts committed by Clinton. Without using the term, he implied there was gross negligence in handling of classified documents and systems (Quote; "there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information") however, due to a lack of evidence of specific intent a reasonable prosecutor would not take the case forward. In no way does he say she should have never been accused, in fact he goes on to say "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."
So what IS the word for what happened?
Director Comey's recommendation was based on a 'lack of direct evidence of intent', which is not necessary for gross criminal negligence. The closest legal term would be EXCULPATE which is defined as follows: "Removing blame or accusation from a person. Typically for a non-criminal act, like a traffic accident." However this term is also a semantic over-reach when 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information states:
>(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, …note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Intent of the legislature determines strict liability; no mention of specific intent in sections (d),(f).
Concurrence of mens rea and actus reus not necessary in mishandling of classified documents
FBI Statement Archive:
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information:
Probably because she's not mentally healthy
Fuck sake.
Isnt that outdated by computer searches?
Check out Gorin v United States.
Its a rather relevant and needed case to see where 793 comes into play.
lol good laugh
FBI did nothing wrong.
You mean the final solution
Got the legal citation?
I got 61 S.Ct. 429 (jan 31 1941)
You're lying.
There is plenty to prosecute her.
The problem is that this situation is unprecedented. Nobody is quite sure what people should do.
It is a very well written petition with many supporting links.
Thanks very much for your help. Please share this wherever you can.
thanks for the belly laugh user
Holy shit. Source? Proof that this is real? This is PRIME redpill material.
wtf US army.
That's retarded.
Wait a sec..
If you check the validity of the law electronically, you could find some of the precedent the FBI relies on could be outdated.
Where to post this shit on Twitter?
Normalfags deserve the incoming Nuclear Winter.
The DOJ said they don't advise to prosecute her, and explicitly stated that anyone else under the same conditions would be prosecuted.
It doesn't even make sense, since when are paragraphs put in an order other than they are written?
Has anyone ever seen an example of paragraphs being put in alphabetical order?
Not on hand, but basically it just summarizes that intent is required and gross negligence is against the rest of the law. Its why its a nonmatter in this whole thing.
Its pretty much been reduced down to one of those many other statures out there that should be culled and gone back to destruction of property and so on.
Which of course is why three sitting senators and the past 3 SoS have all done this or worse with email.
The real reason is that the most to be hit with is an internal administrative action if still employed at the State Department, and the grander bit is that they hit many other people and do some wonderful housekeeping long before they get to Hillary.
You do remember that there are people who explicitly and knowingly sent classified intel, one guy doing it from memory in the dump, and they aren't being prosecuted.
Its a soothing statement left for people, as many want Hillary gone for being a bitch.
Well that and the 40 years of constant investigation and finding of no charges or anything to be brought against her in a court of criminal law. Tends to warp people's mind at that point.
Note the very specific words chosen first here.
FBI : Clinton didn't know C meant CONFIDENTIAL
This. While we're at it, we should make fun of her for not knowing what (C) stands for.
SURPRISE. It Looks Like Clinton Foundation Officials Illegally Obtained Diplomatic Passports
The keks keep coming.
It amazes me no one is talking about how she compromised security due to clicking a porn link.
Now I'm wondering what sort of porn Hillary was looking at? SO she's ill, a druggie, corrupt, and not a porn addict. Holy shit. I seriously wonder if she is a furry at this point.
Catholic Porn
meant for
She'd want something more degenerate. We should make fun of her on twitter for this as well. A separate hashtag for each thing found and flood twitter with them. Hillary needs to be synonymous with the worst shit one can think of as well as a punchline.
More like two criminal cunts meet eachother
Opera was made for Windows and made for front-end convenience and a nice polished minimalist look.
The exact opposite of *NIX.
Original complainer is just a fucking retard who heard it was for le hipsters, hurr, who wants to keep track of their tabs hurrrrrr
I hear nearly this exact line about lots of shitty non-functional plugins so I have to just ask straight:
Does it have real Opera-style tab stacking (Y/N)
Dear god please no, Baidu 2.0 made from Opera's corpse would be heartbreaking. I'm still convinced people in positions of power tool
I can confirm she is an Erinyes.
Those dubs demand it.
I wonder if she will blame the Russians for this as well. Maybe accuse the FBI of working with the Russians. I honestly hope she does something this stupid.
You didn't actually pay attention to Greek mythology did you?
I paid more attention to your dubs than your comment honestly and was just looking for an excuse to check them since I was being polite. I was tempted to call her a harpy but those were supposed to be pretty depending on who you ask.
We really should do this. This puts her in an interesting bind.
And Bill Clinton married Hillary,a nd people find her good enough to dress in a slave Leia outfit and play with gimp Sanders at places.
Let's go with beauty is entirely in the willingness to have to see it more than 5 minutes a day.
I'd also like one for Trump's actual record, and not just a note that is written on a dead father's stationary in the back of the car and worse than the forgeries at school.
Trump is a recording artist?
I think he plays the Ukulele.
/monster/ is not a reliable fucking source, harpies were ugly as sin.
Originally they were depicted as pretty but still monsters. It was the Byzantines I think who started depicting them as ugly.
The only thing one can get mad about that letter was that it was not the example of how one is written. The manner in which it was done though is in line with how some doctors put out shit like that. In the end, whatever they write is done so they don't get sued or lose their license. The guy would probably just re-write what he wrote before in a different format.
I'd like to know he isn't a CDC nightmare with being positive for everything, and why he is on blood thinners just like Hillary.
Cause right now I got this finny image of a meeting of the minds and Trump being so thick headed he bashed in Hillary by accident and they don't meet out of emberassment.
I'm still not convinced he isn't her falsflag/strawman/plant.
This is where Trump thinks he needs to play to win.
He is also not actually paying for the get out and vote measures, leaving that up to the GOP and their dwindling donations from #nevertrump donors.
Should Trump not win, the GOP will be dead.
Oh and to top it off, check Trump's picks, all establishment cronies who should be kept well away, Fannie May, Goldman Sachs, Citizen united…
You know, exactly the people you don't want in.
When you listen to people on this here Peruvian keetle drum chicken cooking site, they aren't interested in going out and breaking narratives, saying the media will show the rubes Trump's shillascious light.
And then go on about how the media only badmouths him and says mean things.
Then praises Trump for buying no ads, then go full nigger and demand free ads on the basis Trump has money.
Rappers have money, they still have to pay, Trump isn't.
And then there is the hilarity of the nodispargement clauses Trump makes all staffer signs, and the loyalty ones.
How odd that the Clintones part is peicing the outer edges of the puzzle to guess the center, yet here Trump does it and people just cheer it on.
Classic cult behavior, same way I've set three up.
Working hard for those shekels I see
So you're doing it for free? What happened, Sanders make a promise? Both will fall and he shall rise the kike he is?
Here you go, these are my best guesses after reading and re-reading the documents.
Good post.
Badddd post.
Goat post.
Only 3 copys of that image on the internet, one from a PBS article (
Do not save/share his tracking image.
Do not argue with shills.
Filter ID +
Yuri was right
please download a hotfix for your meme module
You mean the pixel I dumped there in MS paint because I used that image elsewhere on the site?
There's nothing to indicate this unlike Hillary.
It's not unusual for people of that age to be on daily aspirin, especially since his brother had blood pressure issues. While that was due to alcohol, a doctor could be looking at liability issues if he did not throw the suggestion out there. Trump probably took it. That is probably why his blood pressure is so low despite his size, further evidence he is probably healthy.
Days since last Clinton corruption scandal: 0
Very interesting.
You honestly sound like a shill, especially since you're not saying anything of worth and ignoring the fact that Trump ran a similar campaign in the primaries with great result.
That's stupid and does not make sense.
speaking of Yuri, ShadowSquad just made a series on Yuri and Facebooked it for the normies, it's getting good traction
You mean the Final Deal
Please do not teach the shills.
I'm a bit of what you would call "cancer", but in reality I'm nothing more than a skeptic - which means I'm a "shill" in the Holla Forums handbook.
I have not made up my mind. I will do so on November 1st, like I do every election. Until then, the candidates have the opportunity to sway my vote. Not their shills, not their fanboys, but the candidates themselves.
But, the "with me or against me" attitude assumes that just because I'm not (at the moment) voting Trump, then I am therefore voting Clinton. I can assure you that neither one of them has my vote yet. Andrew D. Basiago has come closest. He wants to save the Sasquatch race!
Trump won a plurality in the primaries, here he needs a majority. A very different sort of game is now needed.
Nor are you addressing his direct and chosen picks for political positions. Please, do tell me the plan behind them and how it makes America Great Again.
That makes me wonder, how could they even get a hold of it? Were they still lying around?
Only vermin supreme posts on Holla Forums.
If your only prepared to listen to posts made by the actual candidates themselves then you should try a different website.
I don't care if you're a shill or not but you sound like a reddit nigger
You are not a skeptic, you are a fool. I dont give a fuck who you are voting for or even if you can vote but this whole attitude about ignoring facts and just listening to one person is retarded.
This isn't the only website I hang around.
Of course I do … to you, everyone sounds like a reddit nigger if they don't jump on the Trump cock carousel.
And what makes you think I ignore facts? I ignore memes, yes, but memes are not facts.
No, I don't even care about Trump. Retards who laugh about le randomfunnyxD shit like your sasquatch nigger sound like redditards
Depends, me I wager they have been holding onto it since 2014 with the intent of using this as the golden bullet sinking Hillary.
OTOH, since it was not a classified capable phone, it was just sitting there along with other stuff waiting around to be handed over to the FBI.
It's not a matter of "le randomfunny" … he's a genuine candidate. So is Vermin Supreme. Every candidate, regardless of how odd sounding, gets my consideration. Frankly I'm surprised that the zombie LaRouche hasn't taken the stage.
Hannah Chanpong (CBS) posted this on twitter, deleting it shortly afterwards.
It is expected that Hannah will suffer a tragic accident within the next few days.
Post archive nigger, I am seeing nothing so I'm calling fake
FBI Report on Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation for Mishandling of Classified Information.pdf
Congrats on being brown enough taking money from Saudi Arabia is a good thing.
(You) can bet that will be his top priority the second he's elected.
You're first against the wall.
I knew the eggplants were involved.
Why can't we jail the bitch after Trump goes to jail? Once Trump is in he will be able to clean up the FBI.
Are you dyslexic or attention deficient?
Reminds me of one particular movie
If jailing his political opponent is his top priority, then he's not a candidate … he's a dictator.
fucking faggot reddit cucks
Oh neat, another ID to filter
Hillary won't be an opponent once Trump is elected you cuckold.
Yes she will be. Every citizen of the United States will be.
Do you think he'll imprison us all for not supporting him? Just who are you backing?
You know what, you're right, Trump isn't even a political candidate, not only did he not break the record for most votes for a candidate in a single primary cycle, literally zero people actually voted for him during that entire time, and now he's running in the general election having had zero people vote for him and he's going to win the general election by having zero people vote for him, I'm not supporting him, nobody on this board is supporting him, nobody in the whole wide world is supporting him, you're right, I'm #MentallyHill now, filtered, reported, called the cops, triggered, fuck off and die.
She should have been prosecuted for this shit long before she decided to run for president. Saying "hurr durr but she's a candidate" does not change this. And this is just surface-level shit, there are far worse deeds that Hillary has done and continues to do, it is simply that this is the one thing that there is still a chance to get her for. It's not Trump suddenly giving an order to throw her in prison, she has been under the scope for years from all the shit she had done but always had her ass covered by Bill and so because and only because this shit it still in the view of the media she can finally be punished for it. And the sweetest part of all about this is that the laws she has broken explicitly state that she cannot hold any office within the US government if declared guilty in court, which now simply requires a court ruling if she doesn't manage to somehow get away.
Extraordinary clams require extraordinary evidence, fam
The people of the United States give him his orders. What's he going to do with the people who give him orders he doesn't like?
The primaries don't count anymore. This is the general. Maybe you didn't notice.
Doesn't make a bit of difference.
what's this? that could explain some of her neurological disease symptoms.
I don't think you understand how representation works, m8. You vote a person in whose job is to do only the job he is assigned to do. And the reason individuals are used for this represenation is so that they could autonomously make decisions, assuming that things are done as permitted by law, without the need to consult people every single step of the way, since otherwise it would defeat the entire purpose of electing an individual. Soldiers get orders, they are told what to do and they may only act autonomously if it is deemed necessary by law or by their commanding officers. Representatives do not get orders, they are voted in so that they would act independently and in order to ensure they will act appropriately people tend to discuss what they are likely to do BEFORE they are put into their position.
The president can't just go and whisper in the Army's ear to murder everyone they see. I know the image of a ruler simply wiping out huge masses of people is a very dramatic and romanticised image but in most cases you would just ignore shit. There are plenty of political groups in the US and so suddenly opening fire on the mere mention of your name would become very hard to fulfil. And on the motivation to act on the things he has stated he will do, he still has a business with his own name on every single square inch meaning that if he fucks up hard then once those four years are over he will very likely be broke as this image of distrust will continue to haunt his business until it crumbles. And if he plans on getting re-elected then he has to make sure that he maintains the same type of momentum that he has up to this point by doing the things he has stated he would. And I know very well that most presidents' promises are almost instantly forgotten after an election but in this case we have someone that gets shit on from across the entire political spectrum so they could be much more likely to cash in on any moment of weakness.
You were stating that jailing Clinton was morally wrong because "then he's not a candidate…he's a dictator", I stated that it was not wrong from a moral standpoint by stating that the issue is independent of the presidential race. It certainly does make a difference, faggot.
Thanks user
Just came in to say you're a huge flaming faggot.
she loves that orange jumpsuit and hanging with niggers
strong signal colors mean positive vibrations, clean conscience and innocence, dont you get it goyim?
posing with a porn star, how presidential
You deserve to die. You deserve to be slowly, horrifically skinned alive while you scream for mercy and beg for your mommy, pissing all over your naked and flayed body in terror as every inch of skin is peeled from your worthless liberal meat. Liberals deserve the absolute worst. Hang yourself, you fucking worthless liberal scum. Fucking kill yourself.
No matter how much you ape the Assyrians, you will never be a white male running down kikes in your chariot.
Chump and Cunt are on the same team
anyone who still believes this is a real election is a fucking piece of shit
how the fuck can you be so stupid that you still fall for the fucking divide and conquer / controlled opposition bullshit? Chump and Cunt are good friends. This is not a real election. Kill every member of the government.
you have corrected le record XXXDDDDD, here go grab your money from one of our finest darkest offices in the third plane of torment.
you are an idiot. not even worth explaining. obama should be convicted of aiding a known terrorist organization as well as fraudulently circumventing trade sanctions. iran is designated a state sponsor of terrorism by the state department.
Good goy.
Trump needs to win in certain states and has altered his plan for this. The polls despite being slanted against him show his strategy is working, despite all the media against him.
That doesn't excuse the fact that you gloss over obvious explanations in place of your own bullshit, You just complained about him not arming himself with proper people and criticized his network yet kvetch at him getting people who are suitable for the job he is trying to do. He has little time and thus he is working with what is available that he can control or hold leverage over.
As expected from a leftist.
Also, CNN on suicide watch.
You dumb fuck. You must be a leftist, only leftists are this dumb. It's a 2 person race.
Just fucking kill yourself, you fucking programmed livestock. You're braindead and worthless. You're bad stock and you should be culled.
That's a hammer dog.
Anons have forgotten the art of hiding shit in pictures it seems.
Both PDFs are in in the picture. Open it with 7zip, Winrar or whatever
nah, a lot of us got savvy with he malware that gets hidden too.
a lot of that shit was going on in 2010 with the wikileaks fiasco on 4chan
Are you aware of the
subreddit? You can play the subversion game and drop subtle redpills on the supporters there.
They don't think that the Emailscandal is that bad since Comey said so, kek.
Anyone who is tech savvy enough can rake through the files and avoid any suspicious files, concealed executable, malwares etc.
Besides that brown box bullshit spread so fast due to fucktarded newfags.
I used to do this shit to share books on Holla Forums threads of yore in 2005.
You might as well start banning toolkits, DDoS tools because newfags don't know which end goes where.
It's a underrated tactic to say the least.
Oh the brown boxes. That was fucking hilarious to watch.
It's commonplace in written law.
Hang on. Hang On. Hang on.
Hang onto what? That fucking narrative that you were spoon fed, like everyburger else, that is, was, and forever shall be, broken beyond all hope of repair?
Dude I'm just here for memes that piss off my fat sister.
I cant believe that cunt, like it would disprove anything if they didnt destroy them with hammers. Typical (((media))) latching on to something irrelevant to try and invalidate things with
Not a big fan of due process? She has to be convicted in a court of law before a jury of her peers, not in tabloid rags or internet image boards. Innocent until proven guilty. It counts for her too.
is there a YT link? most here don't kikebook friendo, and can't see FB posts w/out being logged in. post YT equivalent.
Niggers are animals.
I actually feel bad for the nog on the other side of the hammer.
In one thread there was a discussion on this video and it turns out that in this neighborhood somebody wrote a review for a local restaurant complaining that it was dangerous and that the residents of the area would hang out INSIDE the restaurant harassing the customers, rapping and asking them for food.
It's like the GTA series memed a bunch of stereotypes into existence.
If you like Hitler you’ll LOVE SHITLER!!!
From the Turd Reich’s New MTV, OBZEEN presents: Shitler's Birthday Bash
fuck off shill.
One of my buddies is ex-military, browses cuckchan Holla Forums, and highly decorated. He has buddies in it still, especially special forces types. They're apparently still EXTREMELY pissed about Benghazi and have more or less vowed that if she's nominated that she won't live to see Inauguration Day. Funnily enough they also have a whole code for talking on social media because apparently Zionbook has a program in place or something like that to detect wrongthink specifically from ex-military typrs along from us plebs and apparently there's been a bunch of Vets and active duty guys going missing lately, who funnily enough are also hardcore patriots and Holla Forums types too
But you faggots didn't hear that from me, capische?
I don't give a flying fug, guarantee I'm on a half dozen watchlists anyway. Once those FEMA camps get activated me and my buddy are gonna be sharing a party van and then a bunk before anyone else does
Does this mean we should vote for who has the best vice?
Hello trips?
So … threatening a US Presidential candidate, eh?
Ain't a threat son, apparently those guys don't do threats
I know what you're trying to do faggot, I clearly stated it was them and not me, I'm nofunz at least until I buy a hooker pistol to defend myself with when planet of the apes inevitably happens
Familiarize yourself with these terms: Accessory to a Crime, Obstruction of Justice.
Honestly, I don't believe you. Just another full of shit internet tough guy pretending to be something he can never be, but a lot of those guys have gone down for just posting something on the internet that constituted a credible threat.
You want nofunz? The FBI is the epitome of nofunz.
Sure thing bud. Unlike you I actually took criminal justice. And how am I being a tough guy again? By spreading info? You're getting mighty worked up over nothing son, am I talking to the fabled CTR? Upset the military doesn't like your boss because she's a piece of shit who throws their lives away like candy wrappers? Hope you got a back up job in case, I imagine it doesn't pay well
Do you have anything to back this up?
Nothing but hearsay, which I clearly stated which shitbird I've been replying to got his panties in a knot over. But I trust him though, he's a typical White dad type except he also browses Holla Forums and doesn't like the government either, unsurprisingly. Has all sorts of dirty shit from his time in Iraq, photos and the like which I've seen. He was pretty serious when he told me, apparently those special forces guys don't fuck around and certainly don't make empty threats like that and I do know that a ton of people in the military are still out for blood over Benghazi
On top of all those guys going missing now too, a few (((disappeared))) while out on patrol and others went missing in their homes and the bases and even in the fucking barracks. And they were apparently all the types who'd browse here or want a good old American revolution going. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what might've happened to them
Come the fuck on. She wouldn't be assinated.
She'd commit suicide by shooting herself twice in the back of the head.
Are you ready for the future?
Maybe in an alt universe, but the truth is that she is going to win, and Trump will return to the position he was in before the elections.
The difference between a right wing hirarchy and a leftwing hiarchy is that the right wing hiarchy is based on trust and ability while the left wing hirarchy is based on sociapathy and decit.
In a way the left wing hiarchy is using more intelligence to achieve means.
People think gamergate was useless, but it outlined exactly. That was your redpill.
But then most go back to normalization, but it is more like law of nature after that if you want to take a lesson with this. Really simple basic stuff, always have been always will be the same story, just a different story and different circumstance. But in the end it doesnt matter the hats and scarfs and smartphones and technology the motherfuckers wear and the words they spew that mean jackshit all, it doesnt matter your ideology and the concepts you learned and how they are refined. The map in your head is always the same, what matters who walks the path, and all that stand in the way are just obstacles, and they materialize in your american leftist hermaphrodites in the most basic structure, they need to be cleaned up first, because they are the biggest waste of human grace.
World line shift is coming this month.
We're already in an alternate universe.
THat was expected. Pendulum always swings.
Nice attempt at defeatism, fucking shill.
Go take your alternative time-line bullshit and shove it up your ass.
I activate my Pendulum cards!
Did you admit that you're playing children's card game?
Srsly that is sad, very, very sad.
It's too late for some of us. That bridge was crossed a long time ago.
Jesus fucking Christ. And this poor, confused old woman wants to be President? That she can even be contender means we're fucked.
Mother Theresa and HRC… how appropriate.
They both sold children and used that money to bolster their foundations.
My biggest concern with HRC is not the woman herself. She and her husband are has-beens, and are already being moved out to pasture. Because of their fast lives and fast drugs, they've aged. HRC is now nothing but a polished shell who still gives good speeches, but with no soul left underneath.
Instead, my biggest concern is the political machine which the Clintons set up. It's overtaken them, and now seeks to drive the US into war. A vote for Hillary is a vote for unbelievable corruption, yes, but that's not the worst of it. The worst is that supporting Hillary is tantamount to vying for an all out world war. The people that run Hillary, and they very obviously do, are the very well connected (((intel/Neocons))) who want the US to go to war.
My biggest concern is that you're not posting Art.
No, I'm not.
kill yourself ctr
Yeah, spreading information requires actually proving your claims. Otherwise, you're just another "blah blah blah you gotta belieeeve me" faggot.
Might even break her neck on barbell in her gym.
Kerrect my record much more an ill kerrekt ur face n make u ded.
There is a difference between due process and calling someone out on their bullshit. You're not jailing someone when you are exposing them You are literally arguing against exposing Hillary as well as arguing against having her tossed in jail if found guilty as well as arguing against pointing out that she is in court for a crime while running if it comes to that. You are outright defending her. Kill yourself already.
Most of the claims if not all of them are proven so again, you're full of it.
suicide by cruise missile on the ecuadorian embassy when?
assange to drop the bomb next week.
about time. i got sick of that old cunt.
oh jew
haha the dude on the left is literally called "Shlohmo"
test "==test== asdf"
Allahu akbar
When the fuck did that happen?
Hey it seems mr Goldberg and mr Steinberg were at it again manipulating media to favour Clinton!
Oscar Flores
They don't need to believe it. It just need to be an answer that's not incriminating. They all know she is an evil liar. They simply cannot comprehend voting for a non-Democrat. These are the people electing Hillary. They know she's bad, but remember to them, every Republican is LITERALLY HITLER.
If you hate her so much why would you want her to be in peace in the afterlife? :^)
You mad, plebs?
Stay salty.
Trump is making a "check those dubs" pose
How can people be so fucking stupid, maniplated, lazy and ignorant…