How do does child protective services fit in during a transitory socialist "state" or whatever you want to call it? Is there any theory on this?
Pic not related.
How do does child protective services fit in during a transitory socialist "state" or whatever you want to call it? Is there any theory on this?
Pic not related.
If you see someone abusing, mistreating or neglecting their child it is your duty to help that child and not rely on the State to do it for you.
People on this board want to break up the nuclear family and have children be raised collectively in boarding homes. For some reason they think everybody will be okay with this. Cuz revolution.
You can't make this shit up.
It's already on its deathbed :^)
No. People on this board merely recognize that the nuclear family is contradictory in capitalism.
In the overwhelming majority of cases CPS causes more harm than good.
In the minority of cases where they improve things, the job could be better served by treating it as a mental health problem rather than a criminal justice problem. CPS function more as a branch of law enforcement than as a body acting in the public interest.
I would say that's a minority of people on this board. Families are one of the few social structures for which we are well adapted by evolution. Of course, it would be better if we had entire extended families living in the same locality.
How so?
A nuclear family is only feasable for those in the upper echelons of society.
Most families have both parent's working 9-5 (or more if they're particularly poor), which is in stark opposition to what society deems a stable household that should be encouraged.
You can't both encourage traditional households while making it impossible for most people to practice them.
You got anymore of that ass OP?
What do you feel is the optimal alternative to capitalism for this dilemma?
Im going to go on a gamble here and guess everyone here will say socialism.
I'm pretty sure there's more than one form of socialism.
My best guess of sauce is rosee divine.
Certainly had to fap to her after seeing that pic.
This is not true everywhere, ofc. Where I live most people involved with tje cps are satisfied with the cps and the cooperative nature of how they do things for the most part. If anything they are shackled by laws that favor parent's rights over children's well being. Their bad rap mostly stem from families, especially eastern european immigrants, who abuse their children violently and then make a public fuss.
Sorry, no idea. It's from my random stuff folder.
Those tanlines are awful. The world needs more nude beaches for just this reason.
Hell no. Tanlines are the best.
Mutual adoption clubs a la Huxley's "Island" for me thanks
Instead of a kid farm or whatever, think rather of having more or less equal representation from all ages, where the main objective is the safety, well-being, and education of the kids. Old people need shit to do, young couples need to learn how to raise a kid, etc. and it's not like there is reason to keep adults in these arrangements for life, just as there is no need to coercively enforce kids to go to mutual adoption clubs. Nuclear family should be default but we know the family is often inadequate or that kids sometimes need time apart but somewhere safe to go.
it's ok to be gay, user.
Why should a 19th century early capitalist familial arrangement be the default? It is not something that humans are naturally inclined towards.
the (extended) family structure is fairly universal throughout history tbh
Yes, the idea of the capitalist nuclear family as a default needs to be abolished, but that doesn't mean parents shouldn't raise their own children.
This could be extended by some form of communal upbringing, but to completely do away with family is kinda dumb.
Jesus fuck, this is why the "cultural marxism" meme exists. If marx was right it will wither away naturally once we establish socialism, so stop worrying about that shit.
Also, children did move out, they didnt sleep in the same huts/houses as all of their family, but earlier humans lived in tribes, while agricultural humans often lived as a nuclear family with grandpa and grandma in a nearby house with the oldest son. Daughters moved in to the husband and the other sons got taken in the army, a guilt, the monastery or went to places with virgin land.
Penises are lines and so are tanlines, homo
Holy fuck, you're right.
I'm never toeing the party line again.