Name one person who ages like milk
Ages as milk
Steve Miller ages like milk. Why'd the mods delete my Steve Miller milk thread anyway? Fuck you.
don't know him tbh, but tbh i just searched up him up google images and tbh he doesn't look like he's aging like milk tbh.
Tbh i i was expecting someone else tbh but tbh
mods are fags, they deleted my tread on why ross ulbricht did nothing wrong and should be free
What the fuck you fucking nigger
Stop saying tbh you fucking anti-social freak.
They should delete all your posts. My Steve Miller milk thread was very well crafted.
fug of and go back to facebook you anti freedom scum >;(
Wow, I just realised something very big
The ID in our posts looks like a frightened man with a double chin
idk, maybe masha?
Your mom
Okay seriously, let's all adress this as an issue that being sexually as a child strongly influences the child in alot of and only negative ways.
And yeah, aging as milk are one of those consequences.
Beat me to it
Blatantly false, deserves to be hung by the neck until dead
Demonstrably false, semen actually has a rejuvenating effect and if you ever try and pull that shit you again will get stoned
Try squatting for intestinal clearing because you are all full of shit and chan is for dead goyim
you're full shit, never argue with a fucking pedophile.
masha who?
ur mum
your mom who's still using soviet perfume
like milk you say?
omf fuck off, don't start this bullshit again but adress this as an SERIOUS ISSUE instead.
sexual child abuse is NOT funny you piece of shit and if you think otherwise then you can straight immediately fuck off to pedochan or whatever thhe fuck.
it's a slavic problem
That's a pretty good song tbh
go die bitch we are tired of your froward mouth the bible condemns you get stoned kek
Top Kek, a pedophiles attempting to insult a normal fag.
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