Alien News Cycle - Looks Somewhat Contrived


The eight foot aliens who live on 'Earth 2.0': Discovery of Proxima b just four light years away reignites bizarre 1950s claims beings from the area visit our planet

UFO Researchers: 8-Foot Humanoid Aliens From Proxima B Visited Earth in 2012, and they are still Living Among Us

Alien Interpreters? How Linguists Would Talk to E.T.

Proxima b: Is There Alien Life Just 'Down the Block,' or Even Closer?

That strong 'alien' signal baffling astronomers? It may have come from Earth

Mystery 'alien' signals did NOT come from ET: New observations by 'Breakthrough Listen' suggest they're something else entirely

Did UFO cause Space X explosion? Shock claims of anti-Facebook alien interference

Alien Hunters: UFO Spotted Watching Over the ISS

‘Alien cliques’ may be keeping Earth isolated - study

Arrival review: heartfelt alien-contact movie communicates spectacular ideas

KREMLIN CONSPIRACY Russia denies it’s hiding discovery of alien civilisation after mysterious space signals send conspiracy theorists into a frenzy

'Alien' Signal Source Reportedly Located (It Wasn't The Vulcans)

The Search For Life: Have We Found Proof Of Alien Life?

World’s first probe into suspected 'alien base ON EARTH' about to launch

Bizarre 'rotating island' that conspiracy theorists say is mystery alien base set to be explored

Has ANOTHER alien megastructure been found? Scientists left baffled by distant star

NASA Director Predicts Discovery of Alien Life in Next 10 Years

NASA Director Reveals the 4 Places Most Likely to Have Alien Life in Our Solar System

Alien: Covenant Heard You Like Some Horror in Your Sci-Fi

Pope Francis 'will reveal aliens exist at major interfaith religious festival THIS MONTH'

Elite's Players have Found a Crashed Alien Spaceship

Google Maps UFO discovery reveals 'entrance to alien base'

"The Genesis Project"— Scientists Propose Transplanting Earth Life to Alien Planets

Shock claim Vladimir Putin is testing secret alien weapons in Syria

'Swastika crop circles' in UK spark Nazi, alien conspiracy theories

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck, this is Holla Forums. aw well my apologies


Ayy lmao my friend, ayy lmao …

I know, I realised I'd started the thread in the wrong board pretty much straight after I posted it.



Can't wait til aliens invade so I can get my HFY shirt and start shooting me some goobacks.


Still we might aswell have an ayylium thread considering that news from the other day and also the fact that killary said she'd disclose ayy shit if she gets elected, god forbid.

also /x/ is a dead board - there is very little point posting there. You'll go grey just waiting for replies

Iv said it before that I wouldnt put it past the globalists to try some project blue beam shit as a last ditch attempt to keep hold of the currently slipping from their hands reigns of power.


I wouldnt put it past them to have this as a contingency plan cooked up by some vile kike funded fabian socialist think tank decades go.

That crescent shaped body of water kinda does seem to be too perfectly shaped to be natural. Not saying it confirms ayy lmaos but I'd be interested to know how it was formed.

bump, i like this discussed here

is in taco language, but it will work

Maybe she goes like "Well, aliens don't exist. I have fulfilled my promise haha, i told you what i know about them"

But yes, it's perfectly possible that they will try to pull some kind of hoax to advance their goals. They are basically trying to replace "gods" with ayyliums in public consciousness for quite some time.

We just need to see through their cheap magician tricks.

An interesting excerpt after jewgle translating it:

Here's everything you need to know in order to know that you don't know anything about "aliens". Where you go from here depends on how many layers you think there are to the Trickster.

hory shit thats a lot of ayy lmao news
officially spooped

sure thing, pals!
"Elite" of this planet worship those "deities" has nothing to do with worshiping Adolf.

go back to your TV and CNN.

It would not surprise me.


Most of this is shit tier /x/ garbage and almost everything has already been proved fake, kill yourself OP.

We all know that Trump is a secret Nazi using Tesla technology to save Earth and correct the timelines.

Reminds me of pic related.

Ohh… memories from the past :^)

>she's actually a reptillian jewlizard and they throw her ass cloaca into space jail

bonus points if any dispute between people is settled via dance off

I think Hillary is trying to get the Alien crowd to vote for her across party lines.

She promised that she would prove the Ayys are real This seems like a hard push towards that

Howcome the mods never prune this shit?

What's the matter? Not enough Trump threads for you yet?


Holla Forums is a news board too, you know
this is interesting stuff if true


So OP fuckedup and posted on the wrong board.

Project Bluebeam. Who has some juice redpills on that?

You can tell any news about "aliens" is bullshit if they have them drawn looking any way like humans.

Dude, Whites came from space.
If they are planning a large scale false flag attack as that weird lady who worked with Braun said they would then it would make sense that the Ayy Lmao`s would look like the Sci-Fi characters.

overview on bluebeam

Koji je ovo mindfuck od sajta jbt

You can tell any news about aliens is bullshit if there's any news about aliens.

No news = alien believers are nubjobs, bluebeam is a conspiracy theory

News = alien believers are dupes, bluebeam is a fact

Only a handful of those exist within the first 5 pages. The rest are weeks or even months old. Blame the shit moderation here. There is no reason to have 375 threads. They just don't want to do their jobs and guard against spam.

Thx user.

There is a strange amount of alien news as of late. Is Bluebeam gearing up?

Did Crowley make the a in his signature look like a dick and balls on purpose? He was a huge fag so it wouldn't surprise me if he did.

t. ayylamo


And I feel fine

kek nice OC

time to get comfy lads, shit's going to get interesting pretty fast here.

Contributing with rare pepayy.


Well well well

contrubuting KYLE ODOM archived thread


They certainly look martian.

I didn't know Martians are Jewish

Makes sense tho.

Where the hell is that?

Nice ID.


The white man must become the dominant being in the universe

They're all jews.

welcome to the matrix

aye le mayo

What? They are all Jews. WTF?

Fuck you, I'm not breaking my oaths.

Go back to reddit please.


I know it's a joke, but I can't unsee some of their resemblances to frogs, especially the smiling ones

Is this OP Vatican approved?

Shit, I didn't even notice that

But White Men are Ayys.

Project Bluebeam

Reverse psychology

You already lost.

Lost what?

your oaths


stop breaking the links you fucking nigger

Slide it

that's the noobfag's way to avoid having to archive the links himself
by breaking the links, he prevent the character string to be read as an url and avoids Holla Forums to appear as a referer all over the normie internet