I'm in highschool, in one year I should graduate hopefully, if I don't get expelled again that is.
I want to work in manual labour, ideally an oil rig. I want to work in an other country such as Canada or America.
I do not want to work in Japan for personal reasons.
How can I work in an oil rig in a different country?
Do i have to go to vocational school, or can I work with no experience?
How can I prepare for manual labour?
Thoughts on this career path?
Thanks guys.
I'm in highschool, in one year I should graduate hopefully, if I don't get expelled again that is
What the fuck is your problem?
S you're saying you want to be a petroleum engineer, with absolutely no training?
blue collar , roughneck
Yeah no, you will wind up being responsible for killing your fellow workers and polluting the ocean.
Petroleum engineering is an incredibly hard, dangerous and well paying job and as such actually requires far more training that you think it does.
You don't literally rock up, get given like 3 weeks of training and get sent to a highly dangerous drilling facility that literally pumps thousands of gallons of highly flammable substances on a 6month rotation.
It takes years to be trained for that mate.
Go to university and become an engineer, then you might be able to. Honestly though, if you could find someone willing to take you on (hire you) for this job without any training, a) they're shady as fuck, b) they don't give a fuck about your or anybody else on that platforms safety and c) you're probably gonna wind up dead.
there are people with only highschool diplomas that get into oil rigs, what the fuck are you on about?
petroleum engineer =/= roughneck
He's going to need atleast 4 years training.
btw roughneck = used to be an apprentice or equivalent = 3-4 years training and fire safety and ocean survival training
absolute moron you are xD
No mate, I really am not.
But sure, go ahead and find someone willing to take you on an oil rig with zero safety training for heavy lifting, working at heights, ability to understand technical plans, fire safety, ocean survival and various other skills you require, and also no background in the trade.
Never mind that it's an incredibly dangerous trade or anything.
you're an absolute spastic, kill yourself xD
I work at a mine with absolutely no experience. This town I live in is nothing but miners and oil drillers or whatever the proper term is, roughneck I guess. Dont listen to that faggot who says you need a degree, everyone who works in this field is a redneck hick who barely made it through high school, and these facilities are always hiring, and they happen to pay twice as much as any other job in town, except maybe that of the mayor and the one real estage agent who owns all the apartments. Bottom line is, if you apply for an oil rig job, you will get an oil rig job. They are always hiring. Of course, it would maximize your chances if you actually lived nearby the facility, but if you explain that you're willing to move provided you're given a visa, they will at the very least set up a phone interview.
I pissed myself laughing when the guy said you need 4 years of training and a fucking petroleum engineering degree, what an absolute moron. xD
like a bunch of fucking petroleum engineers could handle hard manual labour lmao
Hey man, how good is your pay?
Do you feel safe when on the job?
$20.25 an hour, and I have the legal right to object to anything I deem unsafe. That being said, I have yet to feel unsafe. I am provided free of charge with hard hat, glasses, emergency respirator, and fall harness. But, these fucking bucket loaders we drive are impenetrable, so I hardly need that shit.
how strong are you, i go to the gym but i dont have the strength of a powerlifter
That's great, how much did you make entry?
Did you get along with the roughnecks?
I am smol framed. There is little need to be strong. Everything worth lifting you will be provided with a big machine to lift. Tge one time I had to do any heavy lifting was when a conveyor belt broke and we had to drag 200 meters of new belt into place, that shit is heavy, but in situations like that you will almost always be working in teams of ten or twelve
That is my entry salary. Or, rather, my entry salary was 19.50, and rightly would be except I switched to night shift which pays slightly more. And I get along with most just fine though I dont usualky talk to anyone. Everyone's friendly except for the old guys who treat every one of us 'spoiked kids' with disdain.
are you planning to leave the field in the future?
like work in real estate, self employement.
are you happy with life, not falling for the college meme?
do you get looked down upon by white collar wage cucks or family?
ow when did the pound sign become the hashtag? It was dumb enough when it changed from the tic-tac-toe sign to the pound sign, but the HASHTAG? …
That's one
of an evolution.
No, we're not talking about monkeys or apes here, this is the REAL DEAL..
… the
I mean, the next time I'm at the science club, and 2 people are arguing about whether not evolution is real, I'll just be SITTIN' at the back, sittin' and whispering "psst.. heeyyyy. Hashtaggg.. Haaaassshhh-taaaaaagg"
Seinfeld music
It's an easy job and it pays well, but I do work 84 hours a week, mostly cause we're understaffed (hence always hiring). I'm gonna collect money for a few more months then be off to write a book. Or attempt to. If I were working 48 hours a week four days of 12 like I was promised, I'd be totally content with this job. It's comfy and lucrative. Nobody looks down on me, not even my dad with a master's degree. He'd still like me to go to college, and I would like a degree just for bragging rights, but as far as quality of life is concerned, I'm pretty content.
How long have you been working there? Enough to collect yourself a decent amount of money on your bank account?
user will probably never read this but what the hell.
user if you don't want to go to college that cool, it's totally fine. But you don't want to be a roughneck. You want a job that can give you a nice home to come to every night. A job where you have enough money so you can get a hot chick that sucks your cock every night. Where you can visit friends on birthdays, have some project in the garage you putter with on the weekends. Roughnecks don't get that kind of stability.
A job that DOES do that and still pays well is becoming a utility worker like a lineman. They are desperate to train right now.
First few years you wont make a lot but you'll learn. And that is a skill you can take anywhere in the U.S. you want. When you're friends are graduating college and telling you how they are making 45K a year. You'll be a journeyman making 100K easy. Don't mind working your ass off in winter? You can leave town for a few weeks and work after ice storms up in places like Michigan, Canada, Minnesota making $100+ an hour.
Go that route and by the time you're 25 you'll have a nice house with no mortgage a skill in high demand. You're friends will be wondering about buying their first house with all their student loan debt.
It isn't even that hard. Talk to a lineman and say you like adventure and want to work and learn and you'll get hooked up
Is your personal reason that you're a weeaboo?