I was playing chess online with a buddy and the game ending with it saying it was a stalemate. Am I retarded and don't know shit about da rools or is this just a shitty website?
Also chess general, Post strats and counters
I was playing chess online with a buddy and the game ending with it saying it was a stalemate. Am I retarded and don't know shit about da rools or is this just a shitty website?
Also chess general, Post strats and counters
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Need a bit more info to answer this.
Who's turn is it ?
How the fuck do you get 3 queens on the board ?
It is blacks turn
I was fucking with him and took all my pawns to the other side, that allows you to turn them into any special piece (Queen is obviously the best)
stalemate still means you won since he is left with no more moves.
Not if they're following the rules correctly.
You can chose any piece already taken off, you cannot have pieces that are already on the board.
I'd say it's just a shitty website.
And both sides still have moves they can make so it's not stalemate.
"Promotion is a chess rule that requires a pawn that reaches its eighth rank to be immediately replaced by the player's choice of a queen, knight, rook, or bishop of the same color.[1] The new piece replaces the pawn on the same square, as part of the same move. The choice of new piece is not limited to pieces previously captured, thus promotion can result in a player owning, for example, two or more queens despite starting the game with one"
Huh, that's the complete opposite of what my copy of Hoyles Book of Games (1934) says.
I guess we're playing different games then.
Not saying you're wrong but I play chess competitively and I've never seen it played that way.
Also, fuck Wikipedia.
It became a stalemate, because it was black's turn to move, but while he wasn't in check, whatever his move was, would result in checkmate, thus he had no reason to move, thus it became a stalemate.
Tbh it looks like one of those "is this situation possible" pictures to me.
Are you one of the faggots who still play whenever you only have a king left? Go fuck yourself
It was a timed match, so if he didn't move he would lose
Are you one of those brainlets who would get fucked up by his friends and they would bully you after? I feel sorry for you sport…
hang yourself redditnigger.
That's not a stalemate. Both sides can move, you're just a retard and the guy with 3 queens is retarded for not ending you sooner.
nevermind, it is a stalemate
Did I hurt your feelings?
I'm the 3 queens guy
"The diagram from the game between Bobby Fischer and Tigran Petrosian in the 1959 Candidates Tournament shows a position in which each side has two queens.[6] Four queens existed from move 37 until move 44 (Fischer 2008:113–14)."
then you are a moron for not killing off those pawns and getting the guy in a checkmate sooner. All that time you spent getting more queens could have been the end of the game but you're an idiot so you figured getting more queens was the best option. You got greedy and ended up tying the game. Fucking failure.
we already established its no stalemate, can you read?
its absolutely a stalemate ur just trash at chess dude
explain why?
black cannot move anywhere and is not in check, therefore it's a stalemate.
ITT people who don't know chess
your win: 1/0
your loss: 0/1
this game: ½/½
also use lichess, the jews don't control it
Did you play some repetitive positions user? like moving back and forth over the same positions? there is a threefold repetition rule a.k.a repetition of position which can which can trigger a stalemate. I think after three repetitions your oponent can claim stalemate, and if they don't and play on and there is a further repetition then it automatically becomes a stalemate. I believe that it is something like that anyway, I haven't played in years now.
Top bait, black has many moves that can be played on that board.
It doesn't matter if it's a timed match. The moment it's your turn, you aren't in check and you don't have a valid move, it's stalemate. And moving into check is not a valid move.
If you're going by current FIDE regulations, then 3-4 repetitions can be claimed by either player, and the game is considered drawn at 5.
Which ones? You can't move into a checked area as a king. The only option is to give up.
To give up? A stalemate is a draw.
yeah, you tip the king and give up, there is no battle. It's called a stalemate. There is no choice so you give up.
Maybe it's a cultural thing, but that sounds a lot less like taking your rightful draw and more like a blunder of mistaking a stalemate for a checkmate and giving your opponent the win.
Also, king tipping in general seems needlessly theatrical in most situations.
i hate those chess puzzles. Who am i supposed to move as now? Who am i supposed to win for?
It's not a puzzle, just a situation OP got into.
If white were to move, there are at least ten moves for white to win. Qe8# to name one.
Black can't be to move, there are no valid moves, it'd already be drawn.
what if its a "situation", where u have to win with whites? They both have moves. Who moves 1st?
If it's a puzzle, then the author usually specifies which side is to play. But traditionally the side to win is the one to move first.
But in OP's situation, black has no valid moves, and black's king is not in check. If it's black's turn, then the game is already over, drawn, stalemated.
If it's white's turn, then Qh8-e8, Qh8-e5, Qh8-h5, Qd5-b5, Qd5-e6, Qd5-e5, Qd5-e4, Qd5-d3, Qd5-d2, Qd5-d1, Qd5-f3 and Qf5-f3 give white the win.