Something cuckish about the alt-right

Is anyone else somewhat alarmed by the isolationism and anti-imperialist instincts of the alt-right?

To listen to some peoplle like David Duke and Jared Taylor, you'd get the impression that aggression and imperialism are somehow fundamentally Jewish practices and tendencies.

To believe this is to spit on the valour and struggle of tens of millions of Europeans who spent their sweat and blood to conquer not just the New World, but also Africa and huge swathes of Asia for the West and for the white race.

It strikes me as effeminate and supplicating that these days even far-right whites feel like they need to speak the language of anti-colonialism and equality to pursue their interests.

"Oh no nice Jews and colored people we would never attack or dominate or rule over anyone besides colonialism and slavery was all the work of the Jews anyway that was horrible we're all about the equality now just leave us alone in a few trailers in Montana so we can jerk each other off and drink warm beers into oblivion"

There's something ignoble and pathetic about it. Pointing out the hypocrisy of Jews and other non-whites who want to rule over whites while kvetching about past white domination is one thing, pleading like a giant homo for equality and fairness is another.

It's not as though (((they))) are even sympathetic to the idea of letting whites be just one stringy and weak thread in the multicultural patchwork anyway, it just makes whites look weak and despicable.

Other urls found in this thread:


muh white genocide. Do people actually believe that?

If you're pro-Imperialist and a believer in "might is right", then you have zero reason to hate Zionist Jews. You've been conquered and defeated by a stronger foe so just accept your fate.

Or maybe imperialism is a load of shit and the world would be a better place if everyone stuck to their own kind and were isolationist nationalists.

I'm not saying I actually believe in might is right.

What I am disputing is whether there is any point in whites making an appeal to fairness and justice. That only works/ed on whites, which is of course why we are in the current… situation.

Alt-right is a nexus, you can really find anything you want in there.

I'm very pro-imperialism myself. Conquering the world, colonizing it, curbing excess population etc.

Being a hippie like this let's something soulless and foreign like China to rise as a superpower.

Do you honestly believe that? If you really believe that imperialism is bad, you have to disavow most of European and Western foreign policy going back more than half a millennium. Not only that, you open yourself up to trite "go back to Europe gringo/Boer/[insert white diaspora ethnic group here] arguments.


Israel isn't self sufficient. Without USA aid and diplomatical ties, it would be overrun by arabs like Rome in Barbarian invasions.

It's like a 7 months baby in the womb claiming to live an adult independent life.

Don't they realize they are acting like kikes who do muh holocaust? Something which clearly did not happen or twist the story to make it look like something malicious happened?

Do they expect to get normal people to come to their side by trying to guilt trip them into believing they are the victim?

Like what is the purpose of it? I see them spam that shit everywhere on youtube videos. Youtube videos which have nothing to do with race etc. Is a stormfront propaganda thing right?

What was the last foreign adventure this country involved itself in that wasn't a fucking disaster? How much blood and treasure do we need to squander before we realize it isn't worth our time to interfere in every shithole corner of the world?

would have been 0/10, but pugs are genetically crippled abonimations

There is no such thing as the alt-right.

This is exactly what I mean. Just because your current leadership is leading you into conflicts not in your interest doesn't mean that war isn't a legitimate tool of statecraft. You might as well chop your balls off right now with this pacifist bullshit and just hand the reigns of the world over to Arabs or even the pathetic Chinese who used to be considered a military laughing-stock.

I don't give a fuck, we aren't the alt-right. kys newfag

Replace "alt-right" with the term of your choosing then; it's an undeniable tendancy throughout the far right/white nationalism/identitarianism/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit in general.


Jews aren't isolated to just Israel.

They control every facet of western life. Media, academia, politics, police, finance, you name it.

No, I don't care what you call the "alt-right", call it whatever you want. We're not apart of the alt-right, we don't associate with it, endorse it, nothing. It's controlled opposition.


My faggot dog picture was intended to represent the plaintive, submissive expression the typical isolationist cuck might have on his face while pleading with a Jew or Mexican for his acre of scrubland.

I find it quite interesting that "anti-isolationism" is the latest topic brought forward by the type of shill who unironically uses "alt-right" as a term. Seems like it just started in the past few days too.

Sup newfag
Using conscrips as martyrs, how novel. Bet none of them even got a tshirt.
Yeah maybe because every empire from rome to great britain has gone to shit because of it.
You strike me as jewish
Instead of crossing the ocean and sacrificing themselves so kikes like you can profit off it then offshore their jobs at pennies on the dollar to the country they just "liberated". I'll take warm beer.
No, just avoiding hypocrisy. Only "chosen" people seem to get around the whole do unto others thing.
To whom? Jews? You? How about this: an isolationist america that lets Israel fight its own wars with its own money. Let them deal with refugees, the IMF and perpetual war, in return I'll live with looking weak to a bunch of parasites.


Who on the "Alt-Right" advocates for "isolationism"?

Do you mean non-interventionism? Those terms do not mean the same thing.


Are you so obtuse as to be unable to realize that there's a difference between opposing specific conflicts in the Middle East right now, and being a general pacifist?

David Duke and the like are race realists, not racial supremacists like yourself. The idea, stemming from National Socialism, is that every man regardless of race has a right to preserve his culture and heritage, along with his nation. You are an orcish nigger with nothing but a superiority complex. You're probably an atheist as well, another thing Hitler, Himmler, and the NS ideology rejects. It is not effeminate to realize that the enslavement and destruction of one's fellow man is immoral and disgusting. This is something that the Jew practices, not the goyim.

The ally right has a much bigger problem in its faggotry.

The jews did not take control via might but by deceit and trickery like they always do.
If everyone rose up against the Jews and no countries like the US stop aiding them there is virtually nothing that they can do, because they have 0 might.
Their power lies in deceit and money.

nice trips but let's not go too far here



So… are you saying that imperialism was fundamentally wrong? Sounds like you want whites to all go back to Europe and start living in mudhuts like in the Middle Ages or something

If even some of our technology was financed by imperialism or slavery starting in the 1600s clearly it would be immoral for us to continue to benefit from it amirite?

Once you give in to the >muh colonialism meme, you can expect local niggers and foreign nigger countries from Jamaica to China to India to pretty much anywhere to rush you with demands for reparations because you overthrew their kangz and stole their flying pyramids, and by your own logic they are morally correct to do so.

Jews dont take control of anything by might at all or trickery. It is simple usury and the "anti-might is right" poster is merely a jew attempting to stregnth-shame aryans into accepting the controlled op cuckolding.

We have been brainwashed into pacifism and that is the ultimate death and slavery.

Might is inffact right and we can easily overcome the jewish media brainwashing into "pacifism" and fight back with force and deceit.

…If we allow ourselves to fight for our race's life!

The alt-right is nothing more than a series of right-wing movements which are tied together by the common foundational trend of anti-Semitism.

Your citation of David Duke and Jared Taylor suggest you don't know what the alt-right is, nor are you a part of those movements.

Simple question:
Are you an anti-Semite?

Yes or No.

Nice quads.

In a way, it's irrelevant to the point I am making but OK user, 14/88 gas the kikes, race war now! Now what's your point?

Trips confirm, alt right isn't a movement and is headed by pacifistic fags.

Inherently our race must decide its own will to live is tied into the subjugation and extermination of jews and non-whites.

Jews never answer yes or no questions.

I'm just Goku.

You reek of an outsider peering in.

OK then how about I be a giant trolling faggot and say NO I AM A KIKE. What's the difference? How about you try responding to any point I made rather than just waving your arms around shouting JIDF JIDF JIDF


None of your commentary addresses the blatant disparities in OP's assumptions.

Buncha Semitic shills up in this pile of fail and AIDS which might be considered a thread.


That's my issue with paleos in general. Have you listened to Ron Paul on terrorism and foreign policy? And then when you call out their bullshit they call you a neocon. Pathetic.

As for Israel, I get get it, they are Jews are we are not supposed to like them, but come on, get that sandnigger dick out of your mouth. If we are calling out the Zionist/multiculturalist hypocrisy, we must be consistent and admit that Israel is doing for Jews exactly what we want for whites. You can't have it both ways.

No, anti-semitism isn't the common thread. It would seem to be "white rights" and "anti political correctness" is what binds them all together. A disparate group of white individuals who are sick of being blamed for being brilliant.

Wtf!? I'm a JewzMissile now.

Nope, its anti-Semitism, that is the common thread between the alt-right movements.

If you are not an anti-Semite, you are not alt-right.

Its just that simple.

And anyone who suggests otherwise is a coopter or disparager, attempting to take control or divide and conquer.


You forgot that the corollary to the right of conquest is the right of self defense.

There's no reason to "just accept your fate" within your moral framework. It's perfectly acceptable to resist and ultimately triumph.

You should know this fam.

Trips of truth

The alt-right doesn't exist.

Wew lad, you're getting really blatant in your 'muh good Jews' shilling.

There are no good Jews.

Well, it's probably too late to evac continents like North America and Australia, but no European blooded man wants for anything but a homeland. Blood and soil are all that matters, and foreign soil holds as much relevance to our people as foreign blood.

This seems to be one of the most confused statements I've ever seen made by a shill. There is of course the "we wuz barbarians" meme which has been pushed by Cuckstians for centuries, but that refers to a time before the Middle Ages. Mudhuts doesn't define the Middle Ages as much as "peasantry enslaved to serve the interests of court jews and their Cuckstian servants".

See, expansionist folly seems to be the new matter pushed by shills.

That's Holla Forums, not the alt-right.

You can restate your post as much as you want, it'll still be incorrect. Alt-Right as it is right now, might question jews, but most under the umbrella are not anti-semites. /r/thedonald, redice, late comers kikebart etc, don't go to that full extreme.


The white race's will to live must be inhieritly tied to the subjugation of the jews and other inferior races.

Furthermore, the alt-kikers (you) who constantly believe that imperialism is bad and aggression of whites is evil have your own agenda of subversion and take-over of our movements?.


… if they allow themselves

If you care about the (((Alt-right))), you might just be a /r/etard, kike, nu-male or maybe all of them.

What happens when niggers and chinks want to expand???


You'd know that too, right kike? Your gaza strip is a blatant example of the pathetic attempts at imperialism, dwarfed by aryan legacies.

Not really, no. If anything, that sounds extremely Jewish of you.

The suggestion that the alt-right movements find imperialism bad and/or the aggression of whites evil is an assertion you made, without backing - in fact, you cited David Duke and Jared Taylor, neither of whom are particularly viable for definition as 'alt-right'.

And I already pointed that out.

Yet you keep going on as though what you said holds water, is legitimate… Very much like a Jew.

This. And we shouldn't really care about Alt-Right.

Holla Forums is not Alt-Right. Holla Forums is Always Right.

See also

Holla Forums has been a significant influence upon the alt-right, largely responsible for the emergence of that common trend of anti-Semitism.

Nah, its the truth, and you've presentednothing to suggest otherwise.

Then they aren't alt-right.
Again: To be alt-right is to be anti-Semite.
If someone claims to be alt-right but is not an anti-Semite, they are coopters or disparagers.

No matter how many times you say otherwise, it won't change that fact.

Now you're not even trying.

Variably alt-right, pretty anti-Semitic, though they'd likely prefer the term 'counter-Semitic', meaning the same thing.

Not alt-right, at all.
Coopter as fuck.

Its neither jewish nor wrong. All life wants to grow, all growth happens by war, all life is war. This is a simple strategic fact. Try atating an argument against it, shill.

And I already pointed that out.

Firstly, check the ID's shill, I never cited david or jared for anything. Theyre both quasi-semetic alt-kikers.

Secondly, I continue asserting my point with history.

Even the second and first world wars were based on flagrant imperialism on all sides as all war, and all growth of a race-state is, you would know that best with your extermination of palestinians.

Lastly, I can also cite both Hitler, and hitlers hero, Bismarck, as great german imperial heroes. As nationalism is merely imperialism on the defensive side.

Further, the cucking of the alt-kike pacifists and your constant shilling of the thread makes this topic one that you kikes would never like to see again, a strong aryan empire subjugating you filth and the subhuman masses you built-up to destroy us.

I'm pro-isolationism, but I agree that being against war, power, and expansion in some absolute sense is for cucks.

I think it's mostly a rhetorical strategy to show people how bloody and pointless "humanitarian" wars are.

You see the same thing with respect to miscegenation. The replacement of white nations by half-whites is bad. But the replacement of non-white nations by half-whites is good. It's just that we are currently mainly trying to prevent the former; no one really cares about the latter.

I don't care if Jews colonize the entire shithole that's known as the middle east, just get the fuck out of my country

There's a fracture point: Anti Imperialists and imperialists.

We dont use that word around here, that's (((their))) term to label any criticism of them.

I think ill make a quick statement on the alt-kike controlled opposition.

Both jared and due inherently serve jewish interest either deliberately or unknowingly by trying to cite pacifism with non-whites as a possibility.

Non-whites have no desire for peace with whites. Ever. And want wholly the subjugation and extermination of our race wholesale even without the jewish manipulation of their ideas.

With the jewish manipulation however they are at a frothing mouthed fury that simply want to destroy and rape as many whites as possible, as this is inheritly true in the mass crime against our race and the mass flooding with subhumans.

The brainwashing of our women doesnt help. Bt what does the greatest damage is the pacifism, both on the "nationalists" and the leftist scum. They both fail to understand the planet is alot smaller than we think, and the subhumans would want to invade as soon as they could find a weakpoint.


War for survival, not subjugation.

The European people can live quite comfortably, and thrive and prosper, without any need to subjugate all others through bloody warfare.
Try stating an argument against it.

Sure thing cutie.

And how did that work out?
Oh, right, European powers manipulated by Jews into destroying one another unnecessarily.
What could possibly go wrong pursuing the same ends going forward?

Nazi Germany did not engage in such, they merely reclaimed territory taken and defended themselves and their folk where necessary.

So, basically, youre argument is that if you don't want to kill all other peoples of the earth and subjugate them as slaves, you're a pacifist?

Hmmm… That reminds me of something… What could it be…

What time is it in Tel Aviv?

No its not.

Anti-Semitism is opposition to Semitic interests.

There is no hatred for Jews - deserved or not (it is, fully) - is required to be an anti-Semite.

And, as usual,
There are no good Jews.

I appear to be a psychic.

David Duke and Jared Taylor are not alt-right.

That you keep trying to push as though they are only makes it more obvious that you are amongst the disparager camp - just as kikes on one side attempt to coopt the alt-right, the Semitic other hand attempts to attack the movements through dissemination of false information.

Neither David Duke, nor Jared Taylor, are alt-right.

After all, they aren't anti-Semites.



Argument done, kikeshill.

When did they destroy one another based on warfare for racial growth? Name one.

Going forward to where? The moon? Equality? The second coming of kike? Nobody goes forward, war is life and human nature.


White nations are in no shape to conquer anyone else at the moment. Mostly because it's hard to call our nations white due to our current demographic problems. We have to take back our own lands first. It's simply not workable to try to rule other countries as our own homelands rot from within.

But why even bother speaking the dialect of your rivals and enemies? that's the question.

Never in my posts have I "pushed" jared taylor and the alt-kike.

I firmly stated.

You LIE that I support them, a typical KIKE attitude.

That you keep trying to push as though they are only makes it more obvious that you are amongst the disparager camp - just as kikes on one side attempt to coopt the alt-right, the Semitic other hand attempts to attack the movements through dissemination of false information.

No they're alt-kike. Just like you. Lets look how you lie poorly again in your next post.

This is how we know youre both a kike and a shill. ANTISEMITISM TO JEWS IS NOT SOMEONE WHO HATES JEWS, BUT SOMEONE THE JEWS HATE

Taylor is a philosemite, thats not debatable, his wife is a kike whos e mother of the anti-fa movement and he has rabbis regularly speaking at amren.

Duke however, is, and you try to "catch" me here and pull e argument away but you just cant.

Duke both supports palestine and attackd jews as a whole through anti-judaism (religion/race via anti-zionism. You'd know that.

Both are After all, cowards and owned by jews who attempt to lead us astray from our one and only mission.


That's why I support global eugenic Aryan Imperium and white supremacy, not "nationalism."


Underrated post


We could do it easily, that's not the main reason to be pro-isolationist

Pick one.

Anyone who doesn't name the jew is an enemy.

Because the alt-right is baby's first right-wing group. They're all a bunch of softies who finally realized that neocucks are just marxists who pretend to be conservatives. They're also falling into the PR trap of continually giving ground to people who whine about you being too mean. And being co-opted by the next generation of neocon traitors as we speak.

They're still correct to pursue isolationism at the current moment in time, we need to break ourselves from globalism and rebuild our integrity and self sufficiency as nations instead of continually weakening ourselves to prop up failed states (israel included) and feed the perpetually starving africans.

There's no point in an aggressive imperialist stance right now because A) It will push too many people away because conquest has been out of fashion for at least a century now. and B) If someone tried it without dealing with the internal problems our countries face right now it amounts to simply throwing away the lives of more white men for some foolish quest of glory.

We need to fix things at home first and then we can start throwing our weight around again.

Reminder that there's plenty of room in the WN movement for based traps.

As long as they're qt and don't sleep around, of course. They should be traditional submissive monogamous wifeys.



Globalism and imperialism can be both defided as "the idea a nation should not be allowed to control their own country".

"it's ok when we jew it" is a poor justification. Either you believe each race deserve their own indipendent country or you don't.

A lot of us oppose it because it's the sole cause of multiculturalism, progressivism, and cultural decline. You're eventually forced to take care of the people that you conquer, look how well it turned out for your country. In contrast, isolationist countries like Japan have prospered.

10% is enough. I also want to genocide 99% of the non-white population, just keeping some communities like nature preserves.

It's not the sole cause of either of those things. The European conquest of the New World started in the mid-1400s and yet the European continent had a negligible non-European population largely composed of Jews and gypsies until well into the 1960s.

The idea that colonizing other countries means letting the natives of said colonies to colonize your anus a few hundreds of years later is a leftist meme.

Two different threads with this crap? God is watching you, user.

Romans 1:24-32 King James Version (KJV)

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Not really. Only if you believe all people are equal, which isn't the case. In reality, Jews are blood sucking parasites and unfit to rule, while whites are the most noble race fit for stewardship of the planet. It is a difference in quality.

Your sort of thinking is how people justify crap like anarchism. "Well, if this government is bad, then that means all governments are bad per se." But really it isn't government itself that is bad, just the quality of the leaders (especially in democracy, which selects conmen and puppets for plutocrats). This thinking comes from an inability to differentiate between qualities and an underlying egalitarian ethos.

You mean kill them and take their shit? Yeah. That.

a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
"the struggle against imperialism"

Globalism definition, the attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations.

'''>imperialism puts the importance on white races and not others

You couldn't be more wrong.

Here's an interesting idea you mightn't have considered before: it's called "taking your own side".

I'm not even an edgy blood-for-the-blood-god might-makes-right kind of guy but it's clear that if everyone else is rooting for the home team and you're spending your time trying not to step on anyone else's toes you're not going to get the best of it.

fuck off with this faggot shit.
that's a dude, traps are dudes and you are a faggot.

There is no "alt Right". Nobody even knows what that is.

This, everybody, is a universalist cuckold souped up on egalitarian propaganda.

Might does make right, and this is a simple fact. This doesn't mean we should bow down to kikes, it means we should become strong ourselves and exterminate them. Being an effeminate little anti-imperialist cuck who cries about equality is exactly what they want.

not even Trump knows what it is.

So you deny that the US grew from imperialism and is multicultural as a result? You didn't see the latest Olympics at all or what?

I shouldn't care anyway. If you want to delude people into weakening their identity by taking more eggs than what they can carry in a basket, then by all means, go for it.

That has never worked in practice since it's bad for both you and them in the long run.

Who am I kidding though. Those actions totally weren't responsible for the deadly terrorist attacks made by immigrants from Afghanistan and Syria.

Imperialism is globalism, mainly because you prioritize the white world over that of any other nation.

Before the Immigration and Naturalization Act, 1965 the United States was a 90% white nation.

Look at Latin America

Hitler did that, and he ultimately failed.

No, it isn't. If it is, then we'd be descended from Apex Predators, not apes.

Survival is about adaptation, not might.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

This isn't about equality. This is about stability and sustainability.

Pacifism is shit, but so is conquest for conquest's sake.

I see a semi-Europeanized continent of Spanish-speakers which is a fairly good result to me, what do you see when *YOU* look at it?

Actually, there were more African Americans in 1790 than 2010.

do not mistake kike imperialism for Israeli interests with imperialism designed to benefit our race and our race alone.

No race has any "right" they do not secure themselves with force and violence. In this world of eternal struggle, only the strong have any "right" to survive. That jungle nigger squatting in his own filth has no "right" to the resources he squandors simply because his worthless race has lived there for a 100 generations. If it is in our best interests to take those resources and exterminate him, then we should do so.

I find it incredibly funny how you actually bought into the "Hitler was an anti-racist" meme when he explicitly talked about superior and inferior races. Just accept the fact that you are sitll trying to rationalise your egalitarian libshit ideology with right-wing thought. It's okay. You'll come around to reality eventually and realise what must be done.

European imperialists who were absorbed by those whom they conquered.

It's the same way kikes feel from seeing you guys shitpost on a taiwanese fingerpainting board while listening to 2 hour podcasts. You should convert into being one.

Thanks for outing yourself as an outsider.
You don't seem to understand Might makes right is simply a statement of reality. If you have enough might, you can decide what is right, because your enemies will all be crushed
Survival is having the might and will to prevail over your enemies who wish to destroy you

Stop trying to use evolution to justify your pacifist egalitarian ideology. We are the apex human race and we should exterminate those inferior races who pose a threat to our dominance, lest we fall back into our current state.
No non-whites to threaten us and a global white perium sounds pretty stable and sustainable to me

There weren't more (although they represented a higher percentage of the US population than today).

But whats your point? Blacks declined as a percentage of the population thanks to national immigration policies specifically designed to do just that.

Again, if all you can do is cry about kikes because I disagree with your pacifist sensibilities, then you should fuck off. A successful survival strategy is a successful survival strategy regardless of who employs it.

Or are you one of those "principled" cuckservatives who would rather die and keep his "values" than live to see another day.

I heard Dicky Spencer cut himself after Trump said that.

An irrelevant jungle of shitskins good for nothing more than ecological study and living out pulp adventures. Technically part of the continent lies in areas that would be under consideration for the establishment of space elevators, but that would be an offshore endeavor anyway.

So who is it that is making this push to introduce violent globalism into the Holla Forums ecosystem? Posts seem to be a bit too intimate for the paid political variety, which leaves the Goons and chantifa. Granted, there's also no original research supporting this narrative nor memes being forced (yet). The anti-Japanese shilling from yesterday was eventually revealed as the same source of the "not art" shitposting, did anyone ever unmask the source of that idiocy?

Someone should probably draft up a guide for identifying this new wave of shilling if they intend to keep it up.

Today Spain is still largely >white (in b4 arguments about Moor and Jewish blood), while Latin America is mostly mestizo with both a European and Indian minority. That sounds like a victory for Spain, and by extension for Europe.

Would have been nice if most of Latin America had been totally Europeanized, but not every country can become >white like Argentina.

How in your books is Spanish men having gone to South America and Europeanizing it (albeit not completely) a defeat for Spain and the West?

So Hitler won?

Genghiz Khan was mighty once. Where is his empire now?

Survival is adapting to new situations. Might and power does not always guarantee survival.

This isn't about pacifism or might is right. It's about survival, and survival is not always synonymous with might or power.

It depends on which non-white country you're talking about.

And how would that imperium work actually?

That's not true, though. Much of Latin America is heavily white and even if there is a lot of non-white blood in the population, they're still more European than Asia or Africa. Yes, it's disappointing compared to the result of European colonialism in North America, but nevertheless it having fallen into European hands precluded it from being colonized by Asians or other non-Europeans.

In my book, it's still a good result for us.

Are you being deliberately disingenuous or are you just stupid enough to compare these two blatantly different things

Holla Forums has always been in support of white imperial interests, because we value strength and might over weak pacifism and egalitarianism.
Do you call other people a shill to insulate yourself in a cocoon of self-reassurance? Calling someone a kike doesn't make you right.
What the fuck are you even going on about?

Because those very same half-breeds are flooding into the US

In practice, that decision has been made and as a result those decisions were reversed into the opposite extreme because your people found them unethical. So why would you want to do it again? Why would you advocate a "survival strategy" that is an ineffective and thoughtless plan for suicide instead trying alternative solutions that have worked?

Quit body-building and get a brain for once.

OP outed himself when he tried to use the meme alt-right seriously. Anyone taking his opinion seriously beyond that is retarded. The board has been getting spammed with alt-right faggotry at regular intervals since shillary gave her speech.

So you believe in the Holocaust? Typical alt-kiker
definitely new
This is a non-argument. It's the same shit anarchists use against the institution of government
If you have no racial foreigners to replace you, then your race literally cannot die out
But when it is? Do you still oppose it then?
You want me to give you a carefully refined point-list of how the inner workings of a hypothetical world-wide racialist empire would function? Sounds irrelevant to the topic at hand

Argentina is white!
You realize you can't even maintain the illusion of being a Holla Forumsack when your arguments are literally ancient memes, right? It's like trying to trick someone by wearing a bedsheet and calling yourself a ghost.

I'm sure you'd have no problem pulling up archives to support such an assertion, because it's not as though you are lying through your teeth in a way which is most obvious to those of us that actually frequent this board.

I think there is a very important distinction to be made here though. It has to be obvious that mentioning the alt-right destroys one's credibility here, so why are these shills doing so while also advocating globalism? What's the objective for this horrifically ill-conceived narrative?

Imperialism has been a fact of white civilisation since our beginning. We only came to find it "morally unethical" after kikes infested our government and forced anti-strength, pro-weakness ideologies of egalitarianism into our heads - ideologies which you seem to lap up.
What alternative solutions are you implying? Tell me how a removal of all non-white races would result in our own suicide? Why is this wrong in principle?
I wonder (((who))) would despise the physique of a fit white man?

The "alt-right" has been talked about before shillary made her speech. It has always been rejected as a label by Holla Forums, but that doesn't mean we never mentioned it. OP is not wrong - pacifist faggots have infiltrated this board to spread their racial solidarity nonsense

I am not wrong, though. When most of the board were libertardians this was less true, but since Holla Forums took the real redpill and embraced hard-right ideology, there has been no problem with pro-white imperialism. There is literally nothing wrong with it on a moral level. Please try to come up with a reason, though.

out you go

What does South America having been colonized by Spain have to do with a pathetically lax US immigration policy today?

Besides, suppose South America had been colonized by Japan or something. The attack on Pearl Harbour might have been launched from a Peruvian dockyard instead of the other side of the Pacific.

You assume that Latin America as a lazy, crime-choked place for Americans to go smoke dope and fuck cheap hookers is necessarily worse than the alternative. I suspect you haven't seriously considered them.

And like I said, the fact that the US is experiencing mass immigration from Latin America isn't the conquistadors' fault. In fact, given that many of those most desperately seeking to enter the US are coming from the depths of Central America, it's quite possible that a pureblood Indian Central and South America would be even poorer, more wretched, and an even bigger illegal immigration problem than the region is now.

Besides, the buck stops with the US government. Maintaining border control is their job.

I didn't say this, though. White solidarity is absolutely a necessity. Interracial solidarity is idiotic and self-defeating.

I am pro white, not pro multiculti la-la land

It can.

Natural catastrophes
Extinction level events
Genetic technology

Eliminating competitors does not guarantee survival, and I would argue may even harm it because it eliminates the impetus for competition.

Also, your argument hinges upon white people winning every battle/war.

Conquest for conquest's sake is stupid, and there's no need to devote any time, effort or resources fighting non-whites when we should be focusing on going to Mars.

Once we have done that, they and Earth become irrelevant.

No, of course not. But the argument that survival is exclusively about might and power is retarded.

You're right it is irrelevant, but remember this, a society in theory is almost always different from the actual thing in practice.

If you were correct, you'd easily be able to link archives of the continuous "imperialism general" threads discussing the proper method of colonizing the world. Except no such thing exists. What's the point of shilling a narrative which is immediately evident as false because it contradicts the experience of everyone who posts here?

If this were an accepted ideal and topic, where are your massive folders of quotes and memes in support of violent globalism?

That's not the point. It's not about whether we hate all Jews or just some Jews, it's about WHY we hate Jews. We don't hate them for what they do to Arabs in Israel, we hate them for what they do to us in white countries.

I just used the meme arrows in an attempt at humor, my argument isn't actually a meme at all. Argentinians are of heavily European descent, as are Chileans and South Brazilians. Pointing this out isn't a meme.

If you want to live in VNN-tier EVERYONE WITH AN OUNCE OF NONWHITE BLOOD IS A SHITSKIN WHO SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED fine do that, but you'll have to take out a lot of the First Families of Virginia and Afrikaners.

Imperialism is forced global multiculturalism. It dilutes our people. Imagine if we annexed Mexico. We can try to impose our values and culture on them from the top all we want but in the end they're still third world beaners for biological and not cultural reasons and will just drag us down. Annexing Mexico would be better for them than us.

We don't need to build an empire, the only time we should ever go into another country is to wipe it out completely.

Imperialism was bad because it brought niggers into our countries. It was a noble idea, but in hindsight it was never going to work because you can't civilize savages.

Genocidal imperialism is where it's at. All the world knows it except whitey.

Don't support Hillary's propaganda.

No such thing.

There is no necessary link between the two at all.

Britain owned slave colonies throughout the Caribbean since the early 1600s but had a negligible black populaiton until the 1950s.

You guys keep saying this over and over again but it isn't true. Imperialism didn't bring niggers into European countries, changing immigration policies in the 1950s and 1960s did.

As for the United States, while it was founded as a slave colony, the black population has actually fallen since independence as a percentage of the population from something like 30~40% in the 1600s and 1700s to barely 10% now (although it is currently rising modestly but only as a result of the Immigration Act, 1965). If anything, the US BECAME WHITER during Manifest Destiny at the height of "US imperialism" when the US ruled places as far off as the Haiti, Cuba, and even the whole Philippines.

You guys seem to just be shouting lalalala I'm not listening and ignoring the evidence. If anything, given that the entire West has started to brown drastically since the 1960s which represents the end of imperialism, you could say that there's a correlation between imperialism and staying white.

Your argument is literally a meme. "Argentina is white" exists as a meme specifically because of how ridiculous that claim is. You might as well argue that the holocaust happened, because that is the level of falsehood you reach when you claim that South America has any relevance to Europeans.

And everyone here fucking knows that. I just can't wrap my head around what you lot hope to achieve with such easily dispelled shilling. From the start you shoot yourselves in the kneecaps by even mentioning the "alt-right" and now you bring out an argument which directly contradicts years of making fun of Argentina for being a shitskin infested wasteland. It's as though someone is coming here for the first time and shilling to influence other people just arriving here. That's the only sense that can be made of it all.

Why? So 3rd worlders can follow us back to our homelands after they fuck up to their independence?

Are you new or are you a jew?

That's better decribed as territorial expansionism rather than imperialism. You don't have to deal with the politics of long-term subjugation as an empire does.

Why should we focus on colonizing completely unhospitable terrain rather than reclaim very hospitable terrain right here on Earth at fraction of a cost? Non-whites don't give a shit about whites going extinct now. Maybe they aren't aware of that even. Why should we give extra consideration to them? Reclaim our countries, then venture deep into their countries. This is what they do to us and were it up to them, they'd have the white race dead or enslaved. Stop cucking for them. They wouldn't and never will do the same for you. With your mindset, whites will just keep losing more countries to shitskins.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I am talking about our race dying in the context of imperialism and conquering. All of these other issues exist currently also, and most of them are entirely out of our control anyway. Why should we not want to remove one of those major problems in order to lower a chances of succumbing, even if it's ever-so-slight
Whites have competed amongst ourselves for centuries, and this lead more to innovation than competition with non-whites
Well my argument is about whether doing such a thing is right in principle, not that it'd be a cake-walk every time we might decide to do such a thing.
Conquest for racial expansion-sake, removing threatening populations, acquiring resources, and safeguarding our race isn't, though
So let me get this straight. You want us to waist enormous amounts of resources to go to a dead planet for almost guaranteed unsuccessful colonisation purposes when we could remove worthless nigger populations, colonise Africa, take the resources, and then consider going to the stars when all Earthly enemies has been removed?
hardly. We don't even know of another planet with habitable conditions, letalone one close enough for humans to travel to.

Except you are being obviously disingenuous, since I would have had no reason to save archives of threads about white imperialism to use as "proof" months later that Holla Forums is in fact pro imperialism. These topics have come up multiple times and there has always been a large population of people in favour of white imperialism, because we recognise the fact that might makes right and strength is better than pacifism
But it's not. I don't know where you have been posting, but if you think Holla Forums has been some lala land of pacifist cucks who cry about the "real racists who don't value diversity", then you are mistaken.



You don't seem to understand. An annexation of Mexico would include a genocide/displacement of the mestizo people for white colonisation.

okay then, make a moral argument against racial genocidal imperialism. I guarantee it'll be full of leftycuck appeals to universal brotherhood, interracial solidarity, and egalitarianism.

Shitposting might make you feel clever and witty, but in the end, you would have still failed to refute anything.

oh, my mistake

They control because non Jews allowed them generosity, of which Jews abused and do abuse.

Had non Jews decide to confine them in Ghettos, maybe Judaism as a religion would be dead by now.

You can't claim something has Imperialistic right to live when it relies on PITY from other people

You are the one who said "Literally cannot die."

I'm not talking about principle, but realpolitik, which is the lens that should be used for judging all types of wars.

It is if the risks and costs are too high.

I think that Space Colonization should be our top priority. That's all. Global dominance is secondary to space dominance.

I'll have to disagree

What you mean to say is that no such threads occur with any regularity, because every time you try to push shit like this you are instantly identified. Again, where is the "imperialism general thread #6000000"? Where are the vast numbers of globalist pepes?
Calls for violent globalism have always been treated like the Semitic trash that they are.

You have yet to provide a moral argument for violent globalism. Perhaps you could rely on the vast literature of traditionalism to make the argument for you, since you shills have yet to discuss the philosophers and writers which form the basis for your ideal. Of course in the end, the reason for this is that traditionalist ideology is insular, concerned with home and hearth rather than conquest.

National Socialism/Nazism was about MUCH more than about the Jews. (( History )) says Nazism was just a struggle between White Man and the Jew, when No, it was much, much more than that. The (( narrative )) is set up to serve in a cuckish way the Zionist interests.

The Jews turned Nazism into their Best Golden Cash Cow, maybe more profitable than Usury itself.

Based from experience traveling abroad, non-whites don't really think or care about whites. They just mind their own business.

I want them off my country, of course, but I don't feel any need to go attack them in their own countries..

What matter is White survival and prosperity.

I personally hope that Africa at least gets recolonized by China (possibly with the help of other south-east asian countries instead of disuptes over these islands).

Yes what a great idea letting the most mineral-rich continents fall into the hands of our rivals and enemies what a wonderful thought!

When (not if, all empires fall) it goes to shit, you're left with all the Africans, West Asians that you conquered. History has shown us to leave those people alone. Just imagine how great we would be if we hadn't brought slaves over.

Accepting you've been conquered sounds rather effeminate, desu

Well I obviously wasn't factoring in natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes, no was I?
Principles form the foundation of "just wars". I am arguing that racial genocidal imperialism would be a "just war".
Were the risks and costs too high for the imperialists in the old world? No. Their only mistake was not depopulating the locations they came into contact with like what happened in North America thanks to disease.
Wrong. Global dominace is a prerequiset for space colonisation. If you want to talk about the "costs and risks" being too high, then you should be advocating racial imperialism before space colonisation.
Then You would be objectively wrong

These opinions surfaced regularly enough for me to recognise a trend. Those screenshots are just three of many examples of Holla Forums promoting these ideas. Just recently there was a thread about "how do we fix India (it might still be in the catalogue) and most people were saying "get rid of the indians and colonise it with white people". That doesn't seem to be the pacifist cuckery you're implying is commonplace here.
Why are you asking for a thread I never claimed existed? Stop being disingenuous. Imperialistic opinions are common, that doesn't mean we have numbered generals about killing all non-whites.
globalism in the modern jewish form, yes. Not global white supremacy. Heavy opposition to this is fairly recent and coincides with the influx of 4channers and Redditors during the Trump Campaign


One should be wary of Russian interests in dissident and identity groups growing in the West. It may not be as huge as MSM wants us to believe, and it's not to assume people like Nigel Farage are bought…but Putin does have a geopolitical interest and we must be wary of being pawns

Underrated post.

I might screencap, not sure

Sure, they mind their own business. Like Arabs that went on a conquering spree killing Indo-European empires in the ME and mongrelizing huge parts of Iran, Levant, Egypt and Spain. Or, you know, like Mongols going on a murder spree, where some estimate that 100 mln people died. What people? Russians, Indo-Europeans in the Caucasus, eastern Slavs. Like Turks, which went around fucking everything in Southern Europe, completely fucking over demographics of Balkans and enslaving whites to sell at their slave markets. Look at Greeks now. How many of them still have the aryan look? Or maybe like niggers, who rape missionaries and kill Ebola health workers - people who actually want to go and help them. Like jews, who seek nothing but destroying white race's culture, homogenity and want to undermine wherever possible. Like Indians which massacred entire villages of colonists and continued to do that until whites actually put them down and sent them to reservations.

Are you talking about these non-whites who mind their own business or do you have someone else in mind?

might makes right
destruction of our enemies/competitors
securing ourselves resources and land for colonisation
removing all future ability for non-whites to threaten us

Now it's your turn. make a moral argument against it.
Why are you faggots unable to do anything but make shill accusations? Does it make you think you can declare yourself a "winner" simply because you called your opposition a shill?

Well, shill, I can call you a dirty kike shill too, you shill. What then, shill?

See? this doesn't make me right, it just makes having a rational discussion that much harder
The white man has always conquered. It is in our blood. Embrace this fact

The cucky thing about the alt-right is that they call themselves "alt." If you call yourself "alt," then you're defining yourself in terms of what you're not.

If you want to be the main man, you don't market yourself as the alternative, you simply call yourself the winner.

Which proves that might is not enough for survival.

No, because the native americans couldn't get to them. That's no longer true today.

No, you're wrong, but war takes away resources that could be used to reach and conquer space.


For some reason I can imagine Trump or one of his sons having typed that post.

Ya'll niggas postin' in a shill thread.

A truly powerful man has no need to dominate others. Only subhumans with inferiority complex do that. Gassing the kikes and purging niggers is a purely defensive move.

Kikes promoting imperialism, like (((OP))) want more whites to die for Jewish interests, while they are turning other races/nations against them because of their imperialism. So they watch goyim fight each other while they profit.

Mostly Chinese and Southeast Asians.

But as to your argument about non-whites being violent throughout history. That actually applies to everybody, white and non-white.

Human beings have been violent throughout history.

Exterminating them is one solution. High risk and high cost, but possible.

Personally, though, I would rather build a wall and let the rest of world sort its own shit out.

This is why we have to start

You kikes are so predictable i swear

You claimed your narrative has traction here. Prove it. Where are the vast threads of imperialist sentiment? Where is the traffic in imperialist memes?

This is not a moral argument, it is a rejection of morality itself.
The White race has no competitors and only those enemies we create for ourselves. There is nothing we want for outside of our own domain and ability to create. Non-whites have no ability to threaten us outside of the danger of race traitors. Race traitors are eliminated by killing the race traitor, not the shitskin, and the danger of a traitor persists even in the absence of shitskins.

Globalism provides no benefit, as Europeans have no need for anything other than a homeland and the will to power. Expansion is folly, as it dilutes the concept of the homeland as seen in the failure of the American colonies.

No user, you are the cuck.

Holla Forums is pro-white, and the only way to ensure the survival of european whites is to exterminate the jew down to the last parasitic man, woman and child.

hello FBI

Saves me the time of having to read the rest of your posts.

(Same user on my phone)

Oh really? See

You historical ignorance is not an excuse for pacifist cuckokdry and allowing openly hostile populations to survive

Might makes right isn't a rejection of morality at all, it's a simple fact. Universalist morality, as in treating your enemies how you treat your own people, is self destructive.

I'm still waiting for a moral argument against it, though. Your protection of non-whites is why we're where we are today in the first place.

Let's say that White people declare war on the rest of the world. What happens if we lose?

The American colonies only failed due to kike infiltration. Even with this, American became one of the mightiest nations on earth. Ones homeland is less important than their race and ethnicity. The land doesn't define a people fully

Well we wouldn't do something so foolish all at once of course. We should expand depending on when it suits us and whether we are guaranteed victory, but keep the ultimate goal of total white supremacy

There is no reason to reply to you seriously anymore. Educate yourself and stop posting, newfag.

No, fuck you. I want to see these pieces of shit goddamn die. I want to pull out their fucking eyes with my teeth. I want to strip the meat off their bones with my fingernails. I will pull their legs off and impale them with the stump. I will force my arm through their eyesockets and pull out their kidneys. I will roll up their limbs tighter and tighter until the blood spurts out in my eyes. I'll boil them in their own black blood and bury them without their skulls. I will eat their fucking children and I will shit on their shallow graves.

Do you just call anyone who wants to do what's necessary Alphabet Soup? Our enemies need to die. That's the only way we'll stop them FUCKING PERMANENTLY. We have to start finding out who owns what, and whose fingers are in their pockets, and then we have to start lining them up against the wall.

but not quite yet.

Don't be premature.

Counter argument, there is nothing to be gained from colonialism unless we replace the native population. Before WW1 the UK and German had about the same levels of wealth and GDP per capita. You don't benefit from colonies, unless you remove the population and put whites there. The US used to be a success story for colonialism. Africa never was, trying to colonize it helped us develop some medical techology and procedures, but that is all.

What we want is the mineral and metals in the ground, and we can get that without owning the country and we can it for less than what it costs colonizing the country. Especially now that the chinese has taken that role for us.

I think you're mis-understanding the overarching agenda, which is manifold.

It takes all kinds. Rest assured, once the overton window shifts and the best and brightest move from global capitalism back to build social capital, we'll get the same opportunities to build empires or be left to close knit, small, communities.

I personally think the future majority of population centers will be small, lean, democracies with involved populations, similar to switzerland and iceland. There will no doubt be those like Trump who wish to re-invigorate the American empire and continue the impersonal "American Exceptionalism" that creates megacities and superpowers.

However, I think the the majority of whites will have a home, be proud of it, be prosperous in it and the best and brightest will be warriors, scientists, extraordinary business men and captains of space voyages.

When whites are free to self actualize and not treated like wage cattle, there will be a renaissance in metaphysical literature and the organic brotherhoods that rise up and keep European tradition alive for our progeny.

The top down empire is quick to rise and quick to fall, a top heavy mechanism that is outdated. Whites need to show some agency and reach new horizons of co-operation, where societies have exceptional standards of living, but keep pressure on their citizens to self actualize and reach new frontiers for the pride of their home community/city/nation state.

This is what I hope, at least.

The conquered should never stop fighting unless/until they are exterminated completely.


we are working on it. There is so much info out there then now is a problem with digging through it. Not lack of info.

Isolationism is a farce. How did it work for the Britons? War is nature.


Might is right leaves room for resistance dumbass, it doesn't say anywhere to give up dumbass kike



We DO support imperialism in which we conquer a land, destroy its government, put up our own, colonize it, take their resources for our own, take their women for our own.

We don't support fighting fucking pointless wars and destroying our lives and treasure for your jew corporations' pockets. Wars that don't make Iraq, Afghan, Somalia, Libya, Syria into new places Americans now own.

Don't act like you support "imperalism" when we haven't been imperialistic. Puerto rico can't even turn into the fifty first state, canada is still fucking canada, quebec is still around speaking french instead of American english, Cuba is still owned by some backwater castro, Mexico a failed state hasn't already been turned into a Texas suburbia.

We are going to stop doing what you want all the pointless adventurism over the globe, then we are going to hang you fuckers, kill the disease inside, because an imperialist country can't have faggots like you inside its boarders. We are going to make this nation our own again, then if we want, we will conquer, we will annex, and we WILL be imperials.

But first, you jews have to hang. We have to have some battle standards and your corpses would do nicely.

sounds good to me
not so good. You want to create South America 2.0 with a bunch of disgusting mongrels? No thanks. Complete extermination is the only way to go.

I'm kind of confused at this massive autistic stream of rage. Do you think I support kike imperialism to benefit Israel or international (((bankers)))? Well I don't. I support white imperialism for the betterment of our race. Depopulation of inferior and foreign races for the purpose of white colonisation is what I want.

What makes you think I have any interest in furthering this blood-sucking ZOG empire that is turning our white nations into mongrelised, culturally sterilised hellholes? What makes you think I support the opportunistic wars of Jew corporations?

I think you need to actually read the entire thread and every post I've made before spewing such rage-induced drivel.

I have noticed that too. They seem to not see the world as the struggle between societal organisms that it is. If you are not expanding, you are shrinking. Look at what has happened to the southwest US. The people I have come across seem to think that all men deserve to rule themselves and the world will stop encroaching if they simply proclaim their borders.

Conquering and consolidating land and resources for your progency is the answer. Imagine the US if we had conquered Mexico and Canada when the Europeans were fighting each other instead of getting wrapped up in pointless wars.

This. Imagine what our race could have done with an Africa-wide racialist Empire? It really saddens me to think what could have happened. Instead of a proud, moral racialist empire of whites working for the greater benefit of our whole race, we got degenerate kike (((globalism))) and self-destructive consumerism.

Really? Because according to this article


Jews can totally be alt-right. It's a very inclusive group.

the alt-right is the kike attempt at co-opting the momentum our nameless movement has picked up over the last few years. There's no wonder it's full to the brim with trannies, faggots, kikes, and civcuck "nationalists".

I think the strain of isolationism in the alt-right comes from many of them being ex-libertarians, and therefore still holding some liberal sympathies. They aren't really on the "right", per-se. They probably still hold enlightenment values and outlooks. I would classify most of them as simply racist liberals who have realized they are being conquered. They do not recognize the type of society that doesn't get conquered. They are too used to thinking in terms of the deatched realm of values sets and being ideologically consistent rather than simply having whatever is best for their people or their society at that moment be their moral compass.

Oy vey OP, stop being such a dumb 1488er.


That would be the objective, yes. If more and more lands are filled with your people then the world will be a much less hostile place for you. Obviously it should done when it is the smart choice but many seem to be pacifists, almost.

Very well said. I think what really marks someone's "maturity" as a right-winger, so to speak, is their recognition of the fact that racial conflict, imperialism, and conquering is an inseparable fact of the human condition, and in order to survive and thrive, we too must engage in this activity. Once someone recognises that the strong races have every reason and interest to dominate and destroy weaker races, they have fully "matured" as a right-winger. A racist liberal will still hold egalitarian values, in that they will see non-white races and think that they have "just as much a right to exist as me". They are placing equal value to their competitors and assuming "rights" exist beyond a people's ability to secure them with violence.

An system based around enlightenment ideas of pacifism and egalitarianism is bound to fail, as it will eventually come into contact with a people who do not care about such weak concepts and decide to conquer you. A muslim horde does not value your "right" to exist, thus you should not value his. If they are willing to utterly exterminate your people, then you should do the same to him. Being a "principled" loser is not an option, as you still lose in the end. There's far too many people ITT saying "if you kill your enemies and want imperialism, then you're no different from a kike". What they don't seem to realise, is that a survival strategy is a survival strategy regardless of how good it is. If you hold onto your principles but get destroyed, then what good were they in the first place?

The way I see it, whites need to expand, conquer, and colonise or else the same will (and currently is) happening to us. The happenings of the last few decades of open borders immigration should prove to anyone that non-whites do not give a single shit about our preservation, so why should we care about theirs?

regardless of who employs it*



So whites expanding into America was a bad thing for the race. It would be better being held by the natives.

So basically you think whites were wrong for colonising the Americas? For displacing the injuns? For spreaidng our genes and influence across the globe? For colonising Africa? What could possible convince you of this other than cuckolded egalitarian nonsense? You can cry about "muh shills!!! muh eib gnatzees!! muh pr!!!" all you want, but the reality remains that imperialism, genocide, and strength prevailing over weakness are facts inseparable from nature and the human condition. What is with your hatred of strength? What is with your hatred of the white race pursuing our own interests? What is with your inability to see the fact that just maybe naive ideas of interracial solidarity and singing Kumbaya around a campfire while we hold hands with niggers and chinks aren't based on anything but your own libshit worldview?

Essentially your whole argument is >muh pr and acting like our race already isn't being "exterminated" through non-white propaganda. News flash, faggot - we're already in a genocide and we're losing. Clearly non-whites don't give a shit about your naive ideas of interracial friendship. It's time to wake up and smell the roses. Crush your enemies or be crushed. The strong must dominate the weak as nature dictates. Anything less than total white colonisation and supremacy is self-defeating in the long run.

Notice how this person and everyone else with similar opinions never actually addresses the arguments in favour of white imperialism, instead opting to call their opposition shills or act like they're under attack by government agents? I find it rather interesting

So I guess white expansion was such a bad idea after all. Mongols should have laid claim to all of Russia. Whites beyond Urals? Pfft, not isolationist ergo anti-white am I right? What? Rhodesia? Namibia? Worst social experiment ever, very racist bunch of bad goyim. Good thing it was ran into the ground. Ethnic cleansings in Balkans were such an evil thing to do. After all, whites should stay isolationists and take it up the ass like good goyim. Spain belongs to the Arabs! America was a mistake.

Do you ever think what you are about to say or are you just being a retarded kike shill? Fuck off back to reddit, they'll appreciate your cuck sentiments and noble nigger myths.



good post, fammo

Anglin associates Holla Forums with the (((alt-right)))

Turkroach detected.

anglin looks like a negro tbh

Is taking out someone and getting their resources profitable? Of course.

Now do you have any plan on making this happen nowadays?

Worse, do you have any plan to drive out the non-whites and the jews who control and get their power from them?

No, you just keep spamming your stupid philosophy with no point on get anything done than pretending you are more pro-white.

You first.

Only 4/pol/

That literally isn't an argument. So you say that yes it is good but because there isn't any will to do it at this very minute.

nice shifting the goal post, you fucking faggot. If you are making a statement in moral opposition to white imperialism, then back it up with an argument as to why it is morally wrong in principle. Saying "the white race currently does not have the will to accomplish this, therefore it is bad and should never be persued because muh pr, muh ebil nagstees, muh fascists!!" is not a valid reason. You are not making an argument against white imperialism in principle, only making a worthless and obvious statement that it is not possible to engage in it in our current state

Imperialism is an old idea, not that I'm making a [current year] argument, but it simply does not work like it used to.

Europeans and Americans are cooperating, instead of competing more and more so there is little need for empire.

Furthermore, technology and (((global capitalism))) is putting information, capital, skills, labour and resources in people's hands for crazy cheap as it is.Reverting to a purely nationalist state would avoid wars and the (((corporations and banks))) that benefit from such wars. Even Hitler wished to avoid empire (while Mussolini sought it with every waking breath, to restore national pride, somehow he hoped to achieve this by firebombing starving niggers in Ethiopia, to give an example of how useless and outdated imperialism and empires are) beyond revanchism to restore the austro-Hungarian German populations to the motherland, but his hand was forced, by the west and native German imperialists.

I think nationalism and isolationism are one and the same, as nationalism and imperialism is ultranationalism, which is found in failed states and broken nations all over the globe and history.

Genghis Khan made the Mongolians great and gave them pride through conquest and empire, look at them now, unable to conquer. White men made the west great through innovation and invention, which they will be able to do indefinitely, without ever stepping outside their borders.

Imperialism brings muds into the homeland in every instance and is a terrible idea in general. Not only that, but the wars act as distractions while (((certain people))) make their moves and it only serves to enrich (((those who profit from conflict))).

Nations should always first place their emphasis on strengthening their own lands before even entertaining the idea of trying to conquer others.

There is a skein of corruption in american politics that has resulted in numerous political and military adventures to be undertaken while domestic problems are ignored.

Furthermore some modern civilizations will simply never be compatible with ours and in that sense one is not committing to imperialism in that sense, it is extermination.

Disabuse yourself of any inclination to adolescent edgyness and think about the actual consequences and logistics and externalities that go into such an enterprise.

You are ignoring the fact that whites could very well exterminate non-white populations if we decided to invade. Our goal should be white colonisation, not just conquering.

As for your "imperialism brings non-whites into the homeland" argument, you're completely wrong. See

At least try to understand what it means while parroting what you hear people saying here

What the fuck are you talking about, I never shifted any goal post, I always said how this is just stupid philosophy which is completely unfeasible in the moment, and that you make sure in get in conflict with policies that can actually save white people now, and not empty ideology you keep spouting just to feel more of a white nationalist than others.

Also, "will"? You're so fucking retarded you can't even understand what is happening and what I said, white people don't means to do imperialism right now, let alone will.

*white people don't have means to do imperialism right now

Once again. You're not making an argument against it.

Actually you didn't do anything like this at all. You called everyone who supported white imperialism a shill and then acted like supporting ideas like might makes right and the strong dominating the weak is nothing more than edgy nonsense.
You think I don't know that, you fucking mouth-breathing nigger? Obviously we need to sort out our own nations before we engage in any form of imperialism. For fuck sake, this goes without saying.

No, that guy is wrong.

British imperialism brought in pakistanis.
German imperialism brought in slavs and now musselmen in atonement.
Japanese Imperialism brought in Americans and Koreans.
American imperialism brought in Hmong, Iraqis etc all the people that comprise the comprador elites.

That would be a wildly unpopular and insane idea unless we were attacked in a similar fashion first.

Colonisation and imperialism implies keeping locals alive to act as helpers,imperialism means ruling over other nations and reaping the benefits of their labour. What you proposing is not imperialism but multiple genocides all over the globe.

Good luck with that.

I will stick with 1488 over "only whites should exist".

You people do realize that we as westerners already live a global American empire and it's shit, right?

It's not just because it's (((controlled))), it's because empires breed all sorts of nastiness, like internationalism and material decadence.This is what happened to all empires, by declaring a "white empire" you would be dooming white people to the same fate of all people of all other empires in the history of mankind - most often irrelevance or dilution and extinction.

It is just edgy non-sense shit having a faggot spouting his utopian crap while calling anyone else a cuck.

It's not even about you knowing that shit you moron, why did you even pretend I'm talking about "will". Why are you even bringing this up if you know it. Talk about discord spreading idiot.

You seemed to miss the point entirely. That guy was saying that iperialism itself doesn't lead to non-whites entering the homeland, only kike infiltration causing a change in immigration policy. Isn't it odd that the Brits ran the largest empire in the world for centuries, yet only imported shitskins in the mid 20th century if we were to assume that imperialism automatically equals non-white immigration?
You mean kinda like what's going on right now with our race's entire fucking replacement? We are currently being attacked. We need to awaken whites to this fact and have them realise that we need to stamp out our enemies once and for all or this will repeat. All whites need is to regain their pride and will to survive, and we will realise soon enough that conquering and colonising land is the only way to ensure this.
Think what our race could accomplish with an Africa-sized racial empire. Just imagine.

If you don't recognise how this is an ultimate goal we should strive for, then you are a cuck. Plain and simple.

I didn't Learn to read.

Lol. I didn't. Learn to read*

Amazing how a period can change the whole meaning of a phase.

Are you a shitskin or a kike? Because it would explain the salt. Seriously, go to reddit and circlejerk about how niggers are cool and evil whites should just disappear from the world. You'd fit in there, they like that shit. What's the point of being here if all you want is prolonged stagnation of whites without future goals? Is it some sort of stockholm syndrome? Your leftism, be it full blown or leftovers, is apparent. Maybe a lolberg or something.

Buddy, Alt-Right is a term for Cuck.

Leftists are cucks, Rightist are also cucks. No matter which side you are on, one way or another you are a cuck,

Indians were being shipped into England to be westernized long before the "blacks in the 50s" and long before the Empire was pozzed. They planted the seeds for a larger influx of people.

Show me a single empire in history where this did not happen.

You can't.

The chauvinism of an empire is only a temporary state, eventually it will capitulate to minorities and natural internal forces and die.

I think that white nations, with love of country and of self and appreciation for the culture of other white nations and the west in general is the way to go.

I don't want to wipe out all the other races on the planet, but I want their numbers and influence severely reduced in western nations.

If that makes me a cuck, then you're an autist.

if you want to forego white dominance and power merely because you have naive ideas of racial solidarity with non-whites and pacifist tendencies, then you are cucked. If you do not want to put white interests first every single time, even if that was at the expense of non-white races, then you are cucked.

I respect your argument against imperialism as a means of looking out for white interests (and that is why I am in favour of complete depopulation of non-whites for colonisation purposes if we decide to invade their lands), but if you want to put the survival of non-whites before white interests, then yes, you are cucked.

Again, you just hang to self-masturbatory philosophy while dismissing present successful efforts.

You literally said it

And you actually don't know how to read.

Also go be "salty" with your nigger brethren and your nigger slangs.

setting yourself up for disaster there

wars have traditionally been about different cultures competing. then the jews got involded and started putting white blood on the hands of other whites (civil war, ww1, ww2)

You really are one autistic fuck, aren't you? Nothing in any of those posts by him or other anons indicates what you keep implying you spastic fuck and that being that anons here are jumping ahead toward imperialism without admitting that the present situation needs to be dealt with first. It is literally just a discussion, who the fuck do you think is out there (of the white variety) actively making plans for colonizing Africa? That's right no one. YOU ARE BEING AUTISTIC AND TAKING THIS LITERAL. For Christ's sake you sound like a fucking cunt of a woman to be frank.

Sounds like he's describing Hillary.

Jewish though it may be, it's a fact of life. As long as the Jews exist, in their current form, they will continue to try to undermine and ultimately destroy us, because that is what they believe their G-d wants them to do. Either we keep them out of government, lock them in ghettoes, expel them, or exterminate them - or they will continue doing what they are doing.

Lemme put it this way:

If you fight for the benefit of your own nation, then you are a patriot.
But if you fight for the benefit of another nation and get nothing in return, then you are a ____

If you want to strive to secure prosperity and a future for your own people in your homeland, then you are a nationalist.
But if you want to strive to secure prosperity and a future for another people in your homeland, then you are a ____

If you want to defend your religion and follow its beliefs and help it achieve its goals, you are a holy warrior and a champion of the faith.
But if you want to defend another religion and follow its beliefs and help it achieve its goals, you are a ____

If you are married and you have sex with your wife, then that is healthy and normal.
But if you let other men have sex with your wife while you jerk off in the corner, then you are a ____

They do are you idiot, this guy recently have been shitting up all the fucking board with his shit and calling anyone a cuck for promoting isolationism and nationalism.

It's about meaningless shit flinging this guy bring every thread, but somehow I'm the autistic one who keep pretending other people are anti-white if they don't appeal to his idiocy and insults.

Again where do I'm talking about doing shit for others for fuck sakes.

Your retarded writing aside, there you go again being fucking literal. Where are his or other user's plans for overthrowing current African governments, i said it before but i guess i have to say it again because yes, you are indeed autistic, it is just a discussion (albeit one that rustles you all to hell)

There you go again being a spastic fucking idiot. So which is it? First you get pissy over the mere discussion of the possibility of future imperialism while in our current situation and now you're moving the goal posts and taking issue with the idea of imperialism itself and not the fact that anons care enough to even discuss at this point. If you're against it than state your case instead of attempting to weasel out of it like a slimy fucking kike, like you have been doing for several posts now.

Are you fucking drunk?

Being literal? That guy have been spamming everywhere that if you don't want to overthrown non-white governments and kill them all you are anti-white, it's about spamming and useless shitflinging I already told that a million times.

He ain't merely discussing future white imperialism.

Did you read what his post implied to me?




















So one guy being all gung-ho invalidates all other anons voicing their thoughts to you on imperialism ITT? Are you just lumping them all together and dismissing the difference in ideas for the possibility of imperialism? Where is your case for anti-imperialism, are you even anti-imperialism, see you make it so unclear because you continue to weasel out and dance around the issue.

Yes you're being literal unless you have some inside knowledge of his plans to go out and topple a non-white government.

I'm referring to your shit sentence structure, dumbass.

You don't, I was concurring with you.

I didn't talked to any other user around here you moron. Again making up shit.

And again you fucking idiot I was talking his manner of dismissing anons as anti-white for not being so literally Ben Garrison and not sticking to his philosophy bullshit.

And you fucking accuse me of "shifting goalposts" from a discussion that I started with things you're making up that I should be talking.

Go eat a dick already you shameless fuck.

Jews didn't conquer anyone. They are a parasite sucking on our life blood. 19th century and before you could simply swat it off, but the damn thing has evolved.

We have IDs, you really expect me to believe you were only arguing with one fucking guy?

As i have said before, you weren't only discussing this matter with one fucking guy, you ignorant cunt.

I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt but by this point and judging by your weasel like manner, i'm inclined to call you a fucking hook-nose kike and be done with you.

Says the weaselly kike.


Woah, I talked with a couple of fucks that were defending him, so talked with a lot of people amirite.

I was talking about his manner of shitflinging against pro-isolationism, if you fucking daft cunt knew this you wouldn't be talking shit. It's about his own idiocy not even about politics at all.

And since my first post I complained about wanting to push genocide and shitting others
for wanting isolationism, I was never talking about imperialism itself.

You fucking cocksucker.


Really made me think.


Not an argument, you try hard


Must be pretty sad doing this for a living




Fuck Isreal

We lose nothing if the Palis wipe them the fuck out

this. How can they hate about multiculturalism immigration globalism importation or push of another culture and race mixing when they started it themselves on a mass scale.
Dont like it well shoulda stayed in europe.after the moors.
wtf you guys complaining about youre the majority in 4 contentiants and had major impacts or presence in many regions.

In that case, I'm not opposed - but that's not how traditional empires worked. They tried to take over the operations of foreign governments. This would be a terribly bad idea knowing what we know now about subhumans.

The only reason I might be opposed is because it would unite subhumans against us. Probably better to first stop giving them aid, let as many as possible starve or die from disease, release smallpox or some other disease and wipe out as many as possible that way.

It has to be done in such a way that it doesn't look like it was our fault.

inbreds must retarded when they think they are the most prosecuted.
i aint no faggy sjw, in fact been redpill for 4 yrs…longer then you alt fags

alt fight and feminist are hard to tell apart. You guys easily get triggered, like pointing out your hero trump wants to bred with his daugther. You rednecks are hoping Let america be inbred again

better side with palestine then

It's not in white interest to engage in imperialism or ATTEMPT massive global genocide of all other peoples.Only bad things come from both of these scenarios.

This is plain as day to anyone who has a working knowledge of history and isn't autistic.

I agree. This is a fracture point invented out of nothing.

The alt right is yet another kike subversion tactic.
Why the fuck do you think they are getting all this media attention out of nowhere and there is a literal greasy greek kike at the front of it.

are you faggots dense or what?

I'd rather support Lebanon over Palestine.

Okay, I'm Greek so if this is accurate that's really uplifting and all, but isn't Greece literally the gateway for this entire "refugee crisis"

But there is a link. Yurop imported niggers in the 60s because the USA, the current superpower, declared it was good to have niggers. The current superpower wouldn't have had niggers if Britain, the previous superpower, hadn't founded it or imported niggers into it, with both of these causes stemming from imperialism.

Furthermore, no educated person enjoys being subjugated by foreigners. By offering education to the savages, Britain managed to uplift a few of them, eg Ghandi and Mandela, who went on to become leaders for independence movements. These independence movements made the savages appear sympathetic and civilized, which further served to make it seem safe to import them en masse as well as to create the illusion that they had been horribly oppressed and deserved compensation. De-imperialization was enabled by the tools provided to savages by the machine of imperialism itself.

What a fucking autist you are.

this is what I was thinking. Weaken them by cutting off aid and technological assistance and then colonise later.

You dirty injun fuckers really can't help yourselves from crying oppression every chance you get, can you? No one takes your whining seriously here. We ought to finnish you fuckers off next time the chance comes around.

they don't stay in greece. They just continue to Germoney

But no one's advocating a global genocide all at once. If whites were to expand our territory, it would have to be for the purposes of compelete population replacement. Bit by bit we could expand into the territories of shitskins and replace them with our own people.

I don't even know what the fuck 'alt right' means, and I don't care

Sure thing, Moishe.

Nope. White makes right.

No, you don't seen to understand the concept.

this is beyond retarded

Dude, why don't you want to get cancer? When you get cancer you get bigger.

Yeah it makes you sick and the long-term consequences are fatal, but a few of your cells get to be slightly bigger. Why aren't you doing your very best to get cancer, as opposed to just being it?

I've read through the thread and haven't seen anyone say this directly yet, although it was alluded to.


How do you think the nations of Europe came to be? or any nation for that matter? Did they pop right out of the ground? No. Every nation/organism on earth is predicated on nature's imperative of growth and expansion. In a civilizational context, this means conquest. If the indo-Europeans didn't conquer, Europeans wouldn't exist. If the Neolithic farmers from the south didn't conquer, Europeans wouldn't exist. If the Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals, Heidelbergensis didn't migrate, conquer and expand, Europeans wouldn't exist today. If you deny the vehicle by which nationhood is realized, then you deny the concept of nationhood itself.

Ethically, by definition, one must right a wrong, correct? If we all live on stolen property, we should give it to its rightful owner, right? If that is the case, every organism's moral imperative on this earth is to give back to what preceded it, right? If this were to be actualized it would mean every human on earth would have to give it's land to the former tribe that was settled there, X amount of years ago (street shitter puts it nicely in at 1:27); however it wouldn't stop at humans. Every animal, would have to give its grazing grounds, shelter, whatever, to what preceded it. To be consistent, we would also have to say EVERY form of life would have to live by this moral imperative. And why stop at life? To take this to the most extreme logical conclusion, every body of mass would have to become complacent, stay stagnant, and lose its kinetic energy that allows it to travel through the cosmos and interact with other bodies to be moral. We would have to rewrite the laws of gravity, so larger bodies don't intercept smaller bodies and the formation of planets don't occur. This, however, is all predicated on there being entities to participate in doing what is "moral". If there aren't many, the few who do participate are simply shooting themselves in the foot.

Of course, we can't rewrite gravity, and we can't rewrite nature. Fundamentally, if you are a nationalist, you support the organic state. The telos of ANY organism is growth and gain. How else is this realized in the nation but through ethnic conquest?

The highest law is nature's law. That means might is right – fundamentally there is NO expectation of morality between cohesive organisms(in this case a nation). Morality(as in justice) exists within an organism for the purpose of order, harmony, and holism. Just as what is internal to the human body is ideally harmonious, where foreign, hazardous entities are found and exterminated, so too does this principle exists within higher order wholes/organisms, namely, the nation. External might(the masculine), internal harmony(the feminine). That is nature's law.

Just because a battle is lost doesn't mean an army surrenders. The European is asleep, not dead. And how do you know who is truly the stronger foe before a single shot has been fired? Regardless, this stagnant/pacifistic thinking is more in line with those anons who are anti-imperialist.

This needs to die. Rosenberg himself wrote very fondly of extermination:
"The true shapers of the Roman state stood implacably against them all[The Etruscans, Ligurians, Sicilians, and Phoenicians], and, on the basis of racial folkish principles, subjected and partially exterminated them. Only that spirit, that will, those values which revealed themselves in this struggle, deserve to be called Roman." –The Myth of the Twentieth Century, Rosenberg
Fellow men only exist within the confines of a harmonious community/nation, through which we create a higher, more ideal organic society. Those without are not fellow, and are to be dealt with according to the fact that no morality exists between us and them. Those within are to participate in the struggle against those without. This means war, bloodshed, conquest and extermination.

It's worse than that. Logically there would be no end to reverse migration. That's why anti-imperialists are anti-nature.

How do you think domestic soil comes to be? Was it always domestic, or is it forged? If it is forged, then what preceded it was at the time foreign. In other words, genocidal imperialism is the vehicle of nationalism.

War is an imposition of one's will. Therefore it is irrelevant whether it is defensive or offensive as the latter is the more essential version of the former.

What's the point of sustained comfort? Comfort is the goal of bourgeois liberalism and always degenerates. There must be a sense of self-overcoming and struggle for there to be any meaning in life and this means war in the macrocosm, and self-improvement in the microcosm.

Why don't you read my post.

Might is two fold – the internals of a body must be harmonious as to not be destroyed by itself from within, and a body must impose its might on what is external to it so that it may expand and grow. Genghis Khan did nothing to ensure his empire didn't fall from within and didn't create a cohesive society all the way through(with cultural and biological genocide of that which was not Mongol) so that internal revolutions could be thwarted in the long run. His empire wasn't mighty enough.

The will to survival is simply the lowest will to power; If one doesn't survive he cannot impose his power. Survival and power are on the same axis with different values. Might and power DO guarantee survival since survival is required for it.

Boy, I wonder who made it (((unethical)))

The time when non-white competitor groups have pruned white populations has passed. In fact, your entire argument assumes on the onset that extermination will require no competition. The act of eliminating competitors itself is an act of competition.

Is shitting for shitting's sake? Are you really this stupid? Conquest is never for conquest's sake, it's for the purpose of growth and expansion, the fundamental predication and telos of all natural entities. Why should whites pursue interplanetary growth before earthly ones? For fuck's sake, do you actually think it's a cake-walk to colonize AND terraform other planets? To draw an analogy, it's like a child trying to walk before learning how to crawl. You've already accepted conquest is something to be pursued, but instead you want European civilization to grow in someplaces while disregarding their home planet. You're basically pedaling white flight.

Resources that will be built up once more, with the added benefit that no competitor groups will exist to interfere.

No. An expectation of morality exists within, not without. Where there are no agents to enforce a moral code, the morality of nature always prevails – survival of the fittest and might is right. If a community/nation/civilization exists, to keep it cohesive, an ethical code is necessary. Morality (as imposed by man, not nature) allows holistic thinking and acting, where everybody thinks of the whole unit instead of themselves. By saying that there needs to be moral acting between Europeans and non-Europeans, you are making the statement that there is a whole between the two to begin with. In fact, in a scenario where there are two groups competing for scarce resources, for each group to act morally they must employ an ethic of might is right against each other, because otherwise they would not be moral internally. They would not be putting the prosperity of the whole above all else.

What whole exists between Europeans and non-Europeans? Why must Europeans be moral or just towards non-Europeans? The burden of proof lies on you to answer that question.

"Life itself appears to me as an instinct for growth, for survival, for the accumulation of forces, for power : whenever the will to power fails there is disaster." –Nietzsche
In a civilizational or territorial context, growth means conquest. BTW, how do homelands come about? They're expanded onto, they don't always exist. After expansion, a homeland is forged.

That form of imperialism didn't have the explicit purpose of expansion of ethnicity, but was rather for hegemonic dominance. If you make the express purpose about ethnic expansion from the onset, you won't run into these problems. Or rather, these problems won't arise from the ethic itself but a force within society, be it Marxists or kikes.

meant to say *(in this case, between nations), as in from one nation to another.

Also forgot to mention, the entire point of the might is right ethic is to never accept your fate, to never become complacent, and to say, "I'll stay in my land without ethnic expansion, you stay in your land without ethnic expansion". You've completely got it backwards.

*and to never say, "I'll…

Jews were the driving force behind (((Western))) Imperialism historically. They were the primary stockholders in all the colonial companies. For example, you know how Britain conquered India and forced the Pajeets to produce opium, then forced China to buy it? Well, that was all mainly (((David Sassoon))) the British Colonial developer of India (in actuality, an Iraqi Jew), and the Jews were the main profiteers from opium trade.

Even before the American colonies were founded, it was the Jewish Merchant Adventurers guild who ultimately funded everything and controlled most of the stocks in the colonial companies.

This is literally what happens. Unless white people somehow magically become accepting of outright genociding the other nation this is how it will go every time we meddle in other nations.

Holy shit, mate. Nice fucking post. Capped

Reminder - Hitler would've gassed the Alt-Right:

"The future of a movement depends on the devotion, or more correctly, the intolerance for other beliefs that its followers exhibit in defense of it as the only true cause. They must be convinced and enforce the belief that their own cause, as opposed to other similar causes, is the only just cause.

It is a huge mistake to believe that the strength of a movement can be increased by uniting with another similar movement. Growth by merger means an immediate increase in numbers which appears to outside observers that the organization has increased in power and resources. In truth, the organization has simply absorbed germs which will be a source of inner weakness and this will cause suffering later on. No matter what anyone says about the similarity of two movements, such closeness never really exists. If they were truly so similar, there would be only one movement and not two. It doesn't matter where the differences are. Even if the difference is in the inconsistent abilities of the leadership alone, then we have found the difference. The natural law of all development never accepts the joining of two unequal beings. True joining only occurs when the stronger gains victory over the weaker. When this natural selection happens, the strength and energy of the victor is increased by the struggle itself.

Uniting two similar political party structures may produce momentary advantages, but in the long run, any success gained in this way will cause inner weaknesses to appear later. The greatness of a movement is only guaranteed by the unhampered development of its inner strength, the protection of that strength, and the constant increase of that strength until it achieves final victory over all rivals. More than that, we may say that a movement's strength and its right to exist increases only when it recognizes that adherence to the principle that struggle is necessary for growth and that it will only reach the peak of its strength when complete victory is finally achieved. The movement can never attempt to accomplish this victory through instant or short term gains, but only through perseverance and absolute intolerance of any opposition. Only in this way will the movement enjoy a long stretch of growth.

Movements which have expanded from the union of similar organizations, where each made compromises to achieve the joining, are like plants grown in a hot-house. They shoot up quickly, but they lack internal strength and are not substantial enough to stand the test of time or to resist violent storms. The greatness of any powerful organization, which embodies an idea in this world, depends on the absolutely religious fanaticism with which it establishes itself when compared to others. It must be fanatically convinced that it is right and just, and it must be absolutely intolerant of any idea or organization that is counter to its own teaching. If an idea is right and it takes up the sword of battle with this mind-set, it is invincible and any persecution only strengthens it.

The greatness of Christianity was not established through compromise. They had no reason to engage in negotiations of appeasement with those who had roughly similar, ancient philosophical opinions. It was created through unyielding and fanatical delectation and defense of its own teachings.

The apparent head-start that movements gain by uniting with similar movements is more than offset by the steady increase of strength that occurs when a doctrine and its organization remain independent and fight for themselves."

Ive been toying with the idea that colonialism was in fact a "left wing" idea when the basis was not "we are going to take these peoples land and resources and make our nation strong" but rather "we will liberate these people from their primitive ways and advance them as a culture trough our existing might" of course result was that jews did in fact get rich of the whole thing and noone got any advancement but the jews in this regard i kind of view the colonizers as some kind of proto-useful idiot.

Altough it comes to me that war,conflict comes from natural sources too,resources are scarce in some areas in some they are not,some societies hold some type of resources while others dont,now in some perfect isolationist-nationalist world it can be assumed that each and every nation will always seek the best deal when resources are concerned, such as i would carefully measure if it is worth more trading for a certain resource or simply conquering a another land for that certain resource my people need,dependable on the percieved worth of the resources and the relative need of my people of the same vs the possible losses a war for that resource would entail if the possible losses are lower than the worth my people percieve for this resource than war is a go if not trading it is.Im really torn on this subject everytime i run it trough my head it just comes to me well,it would be judged on the situation itself,would Hitler attack Italy or Japan if he percieved that Germany would be better off?Im sure he would but im pretty sure he wouldnt have a chance or a situation where that would be desirable for him to do.Its very strange.

The Imperialism of the past can't be repeated. I'm not saying it's inherently wrong, just that it may not be worth the effort and cost anymore.

1. Brown people have countries and borders, they're not just tribes occupying some land. Yes they are no match militarily, but attacking another sovereign nation is always messy and breaks traditional international law.

2. Populations of brown areas are much greater. In 1900, Europe had nearly 4x the population of Africa. Now Africa has a greater population than Europe.

3. War is much more destructive. Before we usually faced brown people with sticks and stones. Now we'd be facing explosives and automatic weapons. If they use the same tactics that we've faced in the Middle East, we'd lose a lot of men.

4. Taking over Africa could unite Africa against us and risk war with China, who see Africa as key to their status as a future superpower.

5. Technology means everything would be recorded and broadcast within seconds. It would be very difficult to cover up the inevitable nastiness of war, which could damage morale at home and lead to instability if leftists rise up. In the past, the public rarely knew what was going on.

6. Before anything could be started, we'd have to make sure our countries were ~100% white European and had undergone a complete cultural change, perhaps even a reset, that meant a large majority of the population were entirely on board with it and didn't have any racial cuckery left in them. Getting everyone to unlearn their leftist brainwashing is a challenge in of itself.

7. We'd have to learn from the mistakes of the past and avoid another WW1 type situation, which may not be possible.

whatever you say shill

How's it going, alt-kiker? Suck any Jewish cock today?

this man, listen to the words being passed on by this man.

Holla Forums is for the truth, any compromise on that and we loose who we are.

why is someone disseminating wisdom for Uncle Adolph's own mouth a shill?
Explain that.

you better study that lexicon they gave you a bit more carefully if you want to fit in here

wtf i hate hitler now

Never heard of alt?right till this week after I saw msnbc


Globalism even when controlled by whites gives jews power to leech off. If we became isolationists and stopped giving 17 billion to isreal a year they would get bulldozed by moslems in one day. Isolation would mean war could become detangled from complex orginizations and international globalist alliances, and return to the healthy role it played in a states health pre WW1. Such a detangled state of war would remove the globalist parasites from our world. And on a final thought standing as a independent state free from globalism is more masculine than parasiting off weaker nations for your livelyhood. Not to mention most white nationalists and alt right memebers support colonialism (colonizing new lands with white people) just not imperialism (forcing ourselves upon already occupied lands).

Isolationism isn't an option. Racial expansion and conquering is a fact of humanity as ancient as our entire species itself. The iron law of nature dictates that you either become strong and exterminate your weaker enemies, or they do the same to you. Isolationism is merely an attempt at postponing the inevitable need to expand and conquer and spread ones own race across the world. Isolationism is stagnation and weakness. Racial imperialism is strength. The white race gains nothing from leaving our enemies alive to come knocking on our gate. As much as we would like to convince ourselves resources are infinitely abundant, this is simply not the case. Sooner or later your enemies will realise that you have something they need, and they will not hesitate to put their own interests before your own.

There would not be a white race in the first place without expansion and conquering. That was how our ancestors arrived in Europe in the first place. It is our biological imperative to spread our race as far as possible by all means necessary. It is our biological imperative to exterminate all threats to our survival or ultimate dominance.

The strong dominating the weak is a fact that underlies the interaction of all life on Earth. You either become strong and exterminate those who threaten your survival, or you become weak and get exterminated by those who are strong. There is not and never has been a middle ground to this eternal fact.

Never said I didn't condone genocide. Genocide is different than imperialism, long term imperialism where the lesser race isn't destroyed leads to miscegenation and countries like mexico. Imperialism, Colonialism, and Genocide are three very different things.

then we're on the same page.

Get a load of this shill.

We are not the alt-right. We are Holla Forumsacks and /news/men.

Attention whoring jewtubers and faggot brietbart writers are the self proclaimed alt-right.

We are what keeps this movement going. Not them. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever let them steer what our ideas are. Or our ideals.

We are either on the rise of a new age for the west or we are on the collapse of it. Be wary of those who get paid to be our media mouthpieces. For they could instigate a nation wide black bagging of our populace here.



Get a load of this nigger-loving cuckold

outsider. outsider. outsider.

This. We need to repeat "We are not alt-right" like we did with RWDS.

This would deliver a blow to (( our representatives )) and (( journalists )) who want to tell us what our opinions are.


That means you, Schlomo.

Jews love the current imperialism because it favors them. Such sentiment must be purged. Everyone who screams for empire must die. Not because empire is evil, but because we are ruled by the jewry, and our empire is their empire–for now.

isolationism leaves room for others to still have those socially aggressive tendencies though. its anti imperialist for the whole but imperialist for the individual

It would really help if you mouth-breathers read the threads you shitpost in.

I wish Mugabe would just realize that what he needs to do is let his country die so they can finally free themselves.

this is a division that popped out of nowhere.

kikes are just getting us to fight with each other for no reason.

No it hasn't. It's always existed and I've noticed it. Maybe it just wasn't mentioned prior, but it definitely needs to.
Cuckolds who threaten the integrity of our movement should be kept a healthy distance away.

You're putting worthless jungle niggers before the interests of your own race. You're a fucking massive cuck. Kill yourself

Yes. The British Empire and American sphere of influence didn't happen by being isolationist and "anti-imperialist".

No. Why are you so worried anyway? You're probably just another useless virgin LARPer who's never going to experience violence personally.

Go back to your board games and your costumes.

Same to you, I'm sure.


No. Try harder nigger.

Yeah, I don't think OP's the useless one here.

And it's called Oceania, not Asia. GTFO

I'm not the one who masturbates to some 19th Century style geo-political-racial program while our houses are on fire.

When our countries stop being invaded and destroyed from within then you can come back here and talk about imperialism and I probably won't call you a stupid useless LARPer.

You're the one who shitposts about how other people are LARPers who aren't helping their countries while you've never done anything more useful than said shitposting.

random question, but why does the alt-right never try to explain white genocide
all they would have to do is say, "these people are worried that they are becoming a minority in countries like germany, england, ect."
people are instantly turned away by the word white genocide,
so if it was explained in that statement i think anyone can agree with, it would get a lot more people on board and sympathetic to our cause.