Jews & Arabs vs. Whites
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with "now" I mean now openly, instead of all this time when they tried to hide it.
Reminder that Iraqi military intelligence already exposed the House of Saud as being Crypto-Jews.
Saudi Arabia is pretty much the kike blueprint for their world rule. Except that it will be much poorer.
This. Sauds are Sephardi Jews that converted to Islam then took over the Arabian Peninsula. The world thinks they're different peoples now so they can openly work together because no one realizes they're the same folk.
Reminder ALL semites are the same brand of sandy scum and must be removed by fire or the white race will never be safe
How legit is this? Got anything else on it?
is that why the kikes and arabs hate nothing more than they hate Iran?
I dunno if it's trustworthy, you'd expect the Saddam government to put out a propaganda document to that effect.
Here's some articles that talk more on the subject and provide some background.
Saddam was one of the few good muslims that has roamed this earth, rest in peace.
All the nato sheiks are crypto-kikes
he was a fucking puppet, how bluepilled are you? he only started being a bit based near the end, which is why he had to be killed.
Predicted it back in 1979, all they got wrong was the date.
Why not post the crucial part?
ew gay it removed all the spaces wtf? you failed me copypasta god
It's on page 20(22 in the pdf)
Two Old Foes Unite against Tehran
The Alliance Between Israel and Saudi Arabia
Israel and Saudi Arabia, a Suspicious Relationship
Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran
Peace would be Possible with the Arab Peace Initiative at its Core
Israel's Clandestine Alliance with Gulf Arab States is Going Public
Improving Saudi-Israeli Relations offers an Opportunity for the U.S.
Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia Cooperating to Plan Possible Iran Attack
Haaretz Investigation: Secret Flight Operating Between Israel and Gulf State
Secret Flight linking Israel to the UAE reveals 'Open Secret' of Collaboration
Iran Nuclear Deal, ISIS Threat Stimulating Sunni Powers to Unite - even with Israel
nigger, you were a puppet once.
Shit, they aren't even hiding it anymore
They do hate Iran, HOWEVER…
Iran is controlled by Muslim crypto-Jews.
that is the opposite of the truth you retard. if that were true, the arabs and jews wouldntt unite against iran
You severely underestimate the degree of Jewish control. I made both of those posts you link to. Jews were the ruling elite in Iran before the Islamic revolution of 1979. Most of them fled the country after the revolution, but the ones who remain are still a ruling elite. Some of them are Muslims, some of them practice Judaism. Religion is a garment that Jews change at will to suit their purposes.
Current Jewish Influence in Iran
Asadollah Asgaroladi
Habibollah Asgaroladi
Yosef Hamadani Cohen
Manuchehr Eliasi
Saeed Emami
Maurice Motamed
Siamak Moreh Sedgh
Naser Makarem Shirazi
Haroun Yashayaei
Mashhadi Jews
Synagogues in Tehran
Tehran Jewish Committee
List of Synagogues in Iran
Jewish Minority is Influential in Iran
'Us' and 'Them'–The Formation of the Crypto-Jewish Community of Mashhad, Iran
Your faulty logic would stipulate that the United States and Russia couldn't both be Jewish controlled because their governments oppose each other. But that would be incorrect because both of these nations are in fact Jewish controlled and very heavily so.
They have been allies since the beginning, their targets arent jews, its christians, jews and muslims individually could not defeat european rule, so they banded together, the jew inside, and the saracen outside
This was always going to happen, becuase it was always part of their plan
Wahhabism is literally Jewish in origin and has been the cancer of the Middle East for the past century.
This is utterly incorrect. Iran is a shiite government, and consequently protect Christians and other minorities. Jews and Wahhabis seek to destroy goyim and takfir. Hezbollah (trained by Iran) is the ultimate enemy of Israel and btfo them back in 2006. Saudi Arabia is hated by the Ayatollah and vice versa.
oy vey, I bet the recent (failed) coup attempt was also these kikes
Reminder that the non-muslim Arabs are a problem too. It's the whole racial block, not the religion canard.
The Jewish Roots Of The House Of Saud Family Tree
Ultra-Secret Conspiracy in the Middle East Revealed: The Donmeh, the Wahhabi and Zionism’s Sephardic Jewry
The House Of Saud: It’s Jewish Origin And Installation By The British Crown
both semitic
they are like brothers
all arabs are cryptokikes
they share genetics with jews
It is still important to distinguish between Wahhabis and other Muslims who live alongside Druze and Christians just fine, and who openly condemn the issue of European Immigration.
this is what im saying
its not mainly about religion
arabs could be buddhist and still cryptokikes
because they share genetics with jews
they will never side with europeans against jews
jews are their brothers
levantine arabs have different genetics
but gulf arabs and north africans are semitic and niggers
donmeh are jews in turkey
im talking about ARABS
turks are genetically NOT SEMITICI they are eurasian
arabs are semites
turkey is run by cryptokikes yes
im talking about the arab population
im talking about hteir relatedness to jews
turks are not,
I know. FUCKING READ IT YOU CUNT, and then you'll get it
i already did 2 years ago
this is old
Ever heard of the Grand Mufti of Palestine? He totally admired Hitler and many arab nations harbored fleeing Germans after the war. The idea that one is born incapable of self control from lashing out at other (as there have been quite a few genetic Jews who were honorary aryans and our friends) is giving them too much credit.
all you have to do is to look at a photograph of the creator of saudi arabia
then compare to his modern descendants
if this doesnt look like turbo kike to you then i dont know
stop your larping as german, americunt
arabs are semites,, and thus our enemy
then how come you don't know about the arabs when it's literally mentioned in those two links? the first part leads to the arabs specifically in part 2. don't act like you have read them, you haven't and it's obvious.
arabs admire power? so what
niggers do too,
does not make them your allies against kikes
don't try to make the jews brothers turn against jews
100% kike
The dude who started the shiite movment/split was a jew to muslim "convert" his mother was a jew
(((Abdullah inb saba)))
[citation needed]
wut? this is all sorts of wrong. jesus chaim at least try next time.
Inb Saba was 7th century not 15th, also claims of him being a Jew were fabricated to discredit him.
That's something a sunni ISIS wannabe (or shlomo) would say.
Fuck, using wring calendar
Its currently 1400s in the lunar midf calander
Here is a link on (((abdullah ibn saba)))
Im too lazy to find a totally objective source. All of them are biased and (((new findings))) are coming out claiming that he doesn't even exist.
The jews and shias are trying to memoryhole him
yes i am sunni, hence i jokingly just called myself midf, calm down you faggots
Kill yourself Mohammad.
Oyy veyy
born in TX
lol faggot
Shia are the "good" muslims, you fuckass
sunni are the violent savages, sunni are the nigger-tier muslims and shia are the christian-tier muslims
if theres a particular type of muslim you should definitely want gone, its the fucking sunni, not the shia.
on top of that, its the sunni muslims who have a history of siding with the jews.
Calling a jewish infiltration of the ottomon empire by the donmeh jews "association"
which led to the degenerate collapse of the muslim empire
leading to the current goat fuckers hopping around the mountains claiming to know their religion
Then the systematic removal of proper muslim scholars thru the cold war and turning the middle east into a literal testing grounds of ideological subversion
Your views are too kosher
also, why does everyone seem to forget germany allied w/ the ottomans b4 britan and the donmeh infiltrators wrecked their shit and the kept fighting germany in ww2 for the kikes
why are you here? are you that fucking palestianian faggot who always cries on here?
your religion is a scam made by a violent, medieval sjw and the only way you could fight zoroastrian and christian ideals is by killing them.
Where is egypt and why kurds figt assad?
There's no such thing as a good muslim, faggot, only slightly less explosive muslims.
yep its a burger post
Asspained turk-roach detected.
You know what scarequotes are, right?
oh, well my bad then, maybe they should replace the 24 hour captcha with an english quiz.
shias openly say taqqiya is ok
also almost all kind of islam is cancer, sharia needs to be gone
You should definitely use your great iq more. If i was posting like you:
why are you here? are you that fucking ameriburger faggot who always cries on here?
your religion is a scam made by a wimpy beta cuck, medieval sjw and the only way you could fight muslim and scientific ideals is by crusading them and calling everyone heretics.
to answer you, i am a race realist, appreciate the views of george lincoln rockwell, hitler, and other ideological veiws on this board. I detest the jew and their parasitic mannerisms. I see the subversion described by yuri happening here in the usa and its effects in 2nd and 3rd world countries all over the world. I see the effects of the jewish teaching and infiltration in communities, whether it be rome's demise, the founding of israel, the destruction of the west, the enslavment of everyone other than them, their money grubbing slave trade, their globalist agenda playing both sides of war, their literal manufacture of wars to line their pockets at the expense of blood sweat and tears on both sides (9/11). These are just a few of the reasons im here faggot. Since i dont have all day… How about you?
are you pagan or atheist?
we got a twofer here.
look at the IDs
that is me, I dont give a shit about muslims, but these fags want people to ignore the violent nigger muslims and focus on the ones who make up a mere 8% of muslims worldwide and are the only muslims who do not support radicalization.
Shia makes up the muslim governments that havent been fucking with us, and had previously been holding back the tide of islam, sunni muslims are the ones in your homeland, sunni muslims are the ones killing your family, sunni muslims are the ones who created isis.
this is either hardcore retardation or fucking shilling to suggest that focus should be taken off sunni muslims and put on shia, the entire idea of taqqiya was invented by the shia for the explicit purpose of not being murdered by sunni.
sunni muslims are the warband, they have been the ones waging jihad for the last 1400 years. Shia muslims are not good people by any european standards, but they are not the problem, they are 8% of the total muslim population and they are the only ones open to outside ideas, shia muslims have an actual law in their religion that makes it their holy duty to leave people the fuck alone called ijtihad, sunni follow an opposing law called taqlid, which basically means "do whatever your leader says, unquestioning"
so what youre saying is:
I'm not twofer man, also the only reason shias dont mess with west because of the strategy and geographics, please as an ex muslim I warn you people, do not deceived by any muslim.
They talk about "real islam" but when ISIS attacks christians they dont protest, but christians or westerns protests muslims killings.
Show respect them as much as they do to you which is NONE.
I'm not natsoc nor I do respect any kind of totalitarian system, but hear my words about 20 years or less islamist treated worse than neo nazis.
This is pretty much correct. The Iranians are actually some of the worst of the Shia, as they were so fundamentalist (not sure if there is any loosening in the past few years). The Shia in Lebanon are about as based as this shit Abrahamic religion can be, and of course Hezbollah kicks ass.
It would of course be in the West's interests to forge closer ties to Iran and Syria and Hezbollah, the ones who are actively fighting the Sunni extremists on the ground and kicking ass. Of course, that doesn't fit in with the interests of Israel, Saudi Arabia or Turkey, the worst allies that anyone could have.
hahahah you literally know nothing
Im implying/saying:
Blaming the religion is just as retarded as blaming christianity itself, judaism, zoroastrianism, athieism, etc.
I am trying to convince you to blame the retarded arabs who are the useful idiots instead. When i say jew i dont reference the orthodox religion that is being persecuted in israel, i speak about the jewish tribe, you all know who and what i mean.
So i just guess i get pissed when people blame my religion for the fucking things these double niggers do in europe and the rest of the world as if it is the religion explicitly telling them to do this.
They are just using religion to excuse their degenerate behavior by taking things out of context,
Or by declari g "jihad" on innocent civillians.
Fucking retards
I usually lurk but fuck these threads irritate me.
mate no, in hadithes it's declared that anybody who abandon their religion should be killed, do you think it's ok to do that?
there are also some wrong things in theology do not get deceived, there is no freedom of speech in any kind of sharia countries.
also most muslims have no tolerance at all they should stay in their desert.
Sunni don't have a monopoly on the phrase, dumbass.
Jews create and control Islamic terrorism so they have a weapon to use against everyone else.
Recall that Islam came as a result of Judaism, just like Christianity. Any faith which comes from the Abrahamic tree is always designed to ultimately serve the Jews and to put them in power. Even Christianity.
Not only must we defend ourselves from Jewish weapons, but at the same time cut off the head of the serpent.
Yes kill the defectors of religion. If we were in an islamic state under islamic law. Where the guilty party was judged by an appointed judge and then sentenced to be executed by an appointed executioner. Which we are not. I live in america and my religion says in hadith, "follow the law of the land as long as it does not force you to do an act which is explicitly haram"
So killing some faggot for becoming unmuslim in a country which clearly has anti'murder laws is haram.
These retards in europe and the rest of the world who do that shit are disobeying the prophet
I can't stand your religion, but partly agree with you. There is a big movement on in the West to blame everything on Islam, because it allows them to paint Muslims as completely irrational. Of course, Israel and Zionist Jews push this very hard, so people will stop looking at the reasons why Palestinians and others lash out at the Jews who have been oppressing them for decades, and simply blame it on their irrational religion.
there are contradictions in islam, they will follow as they wish, do not trust them.
any chance ar you muslim? there is absoulutely no reason to praise these nutjobs.
I am muslim, im not praising the idiots who take the law into their own hands or kill innocents. I am just trying to defend my religion online with posts like a triggered faggot.
how in the world are you ok with killing apostates?
that law causes people becoming munafiq not harmony or peace. open you eyes, it's totalitarian religion who wants to seek total control of the priest class.
according to islam you worth nothing, you should obey your superiors and have no right to protests, these people would kill you because you're causing fitna. unbeleiveable
Now? Muslims leaders are mostly covert Jews, and they've been controls Muslims for decades.
how come the writting on the Al Quaeda and Taliban flags is all neat and fancy and the isis flag looks like it was done by a 5yr old?
your outdated nonsense is showing your jidf
Its religion mate, faith, follow the quran and sunnah, endgame is bettering the muslim community and getting into heaven.
I honestly believe allah is the one true god and live my life to get into heaven. Studying the creation of god in the sciences and shitposting on pol to curb the jewish agenda. Thats my life. I think that if we segregate the "diverse" elements bringing their culture into another nation back into the middle east after the subversive elements have been removed, problems arising from forced diversity will dissapear. Let us run out land out way and stay out of it and vice versa.
until armegeddon happens and everyone needs to unite to fight the anti-christ
Aka. Race realist
Remeber me mentioning george lincoln rockwell
it's nonsense that forcing people to believe something and expecting good thing.
what a surprise, iran and hezbollah are shia, and the jews want them gone.
dunno about syria.
because isis is a creation of the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia, made to look like they are a bunch of random rebels. it's part of the PR campaign
Not allowed to force religion on peeps dude.
Unless you call a nonmuslim tax in a muslim state forcing
tho athiests and other esoterics are fucked, they gotta get out of the muslimlands, aka exiled
lol muslim nationalism
But then again, old sharia law is out of date and needs new formulation by educated men of the religion. Not by mountain goat fuckers woth an iq of 60
Notice how those "Counter Jihad" cucks all use the Shia "taqiyya" instead of the much more appropriate Sunny term?
They want us focused on the Muslims that are a problem for Israel, not the ones that are a threat to us.
Shi'ism isnt a difference in religious law, its a complete deviance of religion.
There is one Jewish seat in the Iranian parliament, but jews still control Iran.
Asgaroladi had a little help from his older brother, Habibollah, who, as minister of commerce in the 1980s, was in charge of distributing lucrative foreign-trade licenses. (He was also a counterparty to commodities trader and then-fugitive Marc Rich, who helped Iran bypass U.S.-backed sanctions.)
Why don't you fuck off with your bullshit
Some of these crypto-Jews observed Islamic creeds more zealously than the Muslims.
The Mozafarian and Froughi families are among the Jews who have embraced Islam in the past 100 years and found important social and political status for themselves.
Nasser Makarem-Shirazi, one of the Shia Grand Ayatollahs, who is close to the government, had Jewish ancestors. He is now known as a radical cleric. The Asgaroladi brothers, influential figures in the Islamic Republic, are also of Jewish descent. Habibollah Asgaroladi has for years been the secretary-general of the powerful Islamic Coalition Party. His brother Asaddollah is a powerful merchant, who is also the head of the Iran-Russia and Iran-China chambers of commerce.
==The motive behind such conversions might be seen as an attempt to lead a peaceful life in predominantly Muslim Iranian society. Through such conversions, Jews were able to get different jobs, interact, trade and live more freely.
Nevertheless, traditional Iranian society tends to look down on such converts==
Opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even spread a false rumour that he was of Jewish origin to try to discredit him and arouse public opposition to the regime.
Despite having Hebrew names, Jewish Iranians use their Persian names in their identification papers and do not practice their religious rites in public. Unlike churches, which are clearly marked, synagogues are mostly located anonymously in back alleys and side streets.
Iranian Jews, like Christians and Zoroastrians, have a representative in the Majlis (parliament). But only in 2003 was the blood money for Jewish people and other religious minorities made equal to that of a Muslim. Previously, blood money, the compensation that relatives of a murder victim can claim in lieu of the death sentence for the perpetrator, was half for the minorities.
The efforts the Jewish community makes to remind Jewish people of their rich culture include tours to important sites. Among these are Shush-Daniel, the presumed tomb of Daniel located in Khuzestan province and the grave of Jacob’s granddaughter in the Lenjan cemetery in Isfahan as well as Queen Esther’s mausoleum. Visits to various cities across Iran as well as musical performances, hiking and other activities all aim to promote solidarity among Jewish youth.
But none of this has succeeded in reversing the minority’s trend towards emigration to the United States, Israel and European countries in recent years.
Why don't you fuck off with your bullshit.
The motive behind such conversions might be seen as an attempt to lead a peaceful life in predominantly Muslim Iranian society. Through such conversions, Jews were able to get different jobs, interact, trade and live more freely. Nevertheless, traditional Iranian society tends to look down on such converts
Saudi Arabia Mounts Pro-Jewish Media Campaign To Pave Way For Ties With Israel
Can Jews and Saudis be friends?
daily reminder that
Muslims > Jews
almost all muslims outside of saudi arabia dislike/hate the royal family.
It wouldn't be the first time this has happened. Pic related:
They opened the gates of Toledo to the Moors. They opened the gates of Constantinople to the Turks. They fought alongside the Muslims against the Crusaders in Jerusalem, until the streets "ran red with blood." They led the Ottomans as they genocided millions of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians during World War 1.
More like vs goyim. all races have suffered under the "Chosen ones"
Stop dividing. We can promote unity and SEPARATE DIVERSITY(That is, stick to fucking your own races women) at the same time.
Blacks may be skewed but many show promise, it just means we gotta redpill all of them.
Nice try diverting attention Achmed Shlomo Ashkenazi
Crypto-Jews have already been covered in this article:
Sad Fate of Iran's Jews
By Parvaneh Vahidmanesh, Washington
(source: Institute for War & Peace== Reporting)