There is now a "The Mist" TV show because fuck you I guess

There is now a "The Mist" TV show because fuck you I guess.

Were two guys kissing in the trailer?

This doesn't look anything like The Mist.

Is this the one with the pirate ghosts or the one with the aliens from alternate dimension?

Monsters from another dimension.

And yet, the focus of the trailer seems to be gruesome injuries and gore seemingly not inflicted by giant bugs and octopi.

Mist inhabited by dumb creatures isn't cool user! Gripping human drama is cool, just like AMC's The Walking Dead™! The fog is just a catalyst to talk about feelings'. Don't you see, we'' were the monsters all along! But don't you worry, we've put plenty of gory violence (not too gory!) and gratuitous sex in there so there's lots of excitement! Check it out over on /r/SPIKETheMist if you're a Stephen King fan like us over at SPIKE™. Totally hyped for The Dark Tower!

That was such a fun movie to watch. The remake was ok and it added a lot more to the lore of the town. I understand the girl being that Leper's reincarnated wife, but it did seem a bit off. The ghosts were much better off being purely agents of vengeance rather than some faggots who were murdered 200 years ago and can still love

The Stephen King movie did have this as a central theme. Everyone in that store could have easily survived, but they all went crazy to some degree. The religious chick lost her mind and started a cult and the army guy went full on retarded and said something that would piss them all off. I think it would have been a better movie had they gone building to building as a means of escaping the town rather than running into a car or waiting for the Army to show up. That huge glass window should have been completely destroyed halfway into the movie.

I really liked the film and I liked that it was mostly in the supermarket too, it was cool. I just think this version looks like complete trash. The film had some really crazy designs but this looks like bland SyFy tier shit.

Sure I imagine like an anthology series where stories last an episode or more but a mist story for a whole season or show? Nah its fucken stupid

It'll probably end prematurely before it reaches a happy conclusion, like the scene at the end of the movie.

The ending ruined the movie for me. Showing the military at the end rescuing people and killing the critters completely defeats the whole point of the movie, and it happening right after they all kill themselves just adds to the moronic gotcha! moment.

Nobody expected the religious nut to be right.

Why do I have a feeling this'll be just another gorefest?

Completely missing the point of that statement, and how all the men agreed that people would brutalize each other and it was the single, sheltered female schoolteacher who didn't want to believe that. They purposely made the decision to have a woman make this statement to further remind people how fucking smart women are. I'm tired of this shit.

lel its in the book man, you're jumping at shadows, having woman characters say insightful things isn't a direct assault on your values

so that's what the remake added? wew. i had my own ideas for a fog remake years ago, something along the lines of being awakened by some sort of event (ie disturbing resting grounds) and all the people they specifically killed were the conspirators' descendants (since the priest was one in the original), but that's all i ever made up.


will crabbro make an appearance?

Reminds me of the 456 from Children of Earth

oh boy, there's gonna be a scene of a gay couple being prosecuted for being gay by Mrs. Carmody's congregation to send a message about sexism, racism and homophobia. fuck off