You are welcome to post on my board /bbbb/ without dysnomia censoring you or deleting your threads. As long as no illegal shit is posted, you can post whatever you want for all I care.
Dear Pedofags
Please join his newly created board, we'r'a keep shilling.
We already have /loli/
It's a Holla Forums version of /loli/, I suppose. Only you don't have to deal with the autist dysnomia.
be honest. how long is this going to last?
It's been tried before you know.
If theres a pedo thread I'll just harrass them there
I think it will buy us way more time than we have on this board, honestly. My board won't go down in flames until the entire website does, which is a long time from now.
non pedos are welcome too
You know the drill!
Hello, FBI.
Someone will still global report for dost. Fuck, I'll do it just for shits and giggles.
I'm 38.
my gf is 14
I love her
It's hard to keep this a secret she's so beautiful.
she doesn't tel her friends
her mom knew about us early into our dating
her mom failed to break us up multiple times
she realized she can't stop her daughter's love
gf recently told me she is pregnant
I'm so happy
her mother is glad I'm not gonna ditch her daughter.
sex consent laws are fucked up.
stop using the police to break up love between teenagers and adults. the police should be focused on the real pedophiles you know the ones who are actually into prepubescent children? just because I knocked up a 14 year old girl doesn't make me a pedophile. it makes me a father.
so i'll go to your board and get censored by some other bo
i just had a look and you're already deleting shit
well, that's why you feel the need to leave, user. if you're putting actual effort and time and not being a casual who lurks and sometimes posts on this board then you're legitimately doing something wrong. Sorry to be blunt user but if you're not a vol or bo here, stop putting so much effort into 'trying.' just shitpost, shill and larp til your heart's content.
also where u going to if you're actually deciding to leave
fucking wew
and le epig convoluted bump
No, you can say whatever you want on my board as long as you don't post illegal pics. I just don't want my shit removed from this site because of CP.
Like what? If somebody is abusing their power, then I'm able to kick them out from being a vol.
if your talking about those 2 deleted files it was bcz of dost
t. mod
can you repost it and delete it
i'm curious now
don't be another dys pls
He's just trying to prevent dost from being posted so that our new board doesn't get raped by the people running the website. Other than that, post whatever you want.
that's fair
i'll give your board a shot then
but can i still git dem deleted images :3
Sadly, I don't think I can retrieve them anymore. They're gone now.
But I do encourage the poster to post them again.
I wont tbh
sounds good lads
i'll lurk on >>>/bbbb/ :)
See you there space cowboy.
/bbbb/ feels more like home than Holla Forums and i fucking mean that
I wasn't going to sit by and watch everything crumble. Thanks a whole lot, user. It makes me really happy to know that I made you feel at home. I hope to do the same for everyone else.
And that is why we must leave this shithole of a site.