Sup Holla Forums
You know that nigger that hit a little girl? He set up his own Jewbook page.
Do with this what you will.
Sup Holla Forums
What did she do to deserve being hit?
The fact the kikebook even allows this page up is disgusting, if the situation was reversed they would take it down instantly, they are fully aware of what they are doing. Just remember this sort of shit when you're driving your knife into some kike and he's screaming in pain, relish that fucking pain, every last last one deserves it.
She was 5 years old and went to the same school as a 17 year old known criminal.
Oh. Sorry, I missed that story. That's terrible.
Look at the comments, people are posting he should get hanged. I bet they are going to turn this around and go muh racist white people tryna lynch a good boy
the trips confirm that this is what they're going for, but it's getting to the point where it won't even matter. the silent majority of white people are fed up and they becoming less and less silent. soros and co fucked up with blm. the riots and police attacks showed the true colors of niggers. the year of the fire monkey is changing everything
why do you think the recent blm marches have been so quiet? all of the prime chimpout opportunities have resulted in practically nothing. I don't doubt that the black supremacists who have picked up the slack are soros connected, but just better hidden.
the Saxon is beginning to hate again.
Why are you autistic faggots mentioning Holla Forums by name in the comments?
any story link? pics of the girl hurt?
Why does your fashy wojak look like he is as high as a kite? Got something to confess to us, degenerate?
It's supposed to be a depressing Wojack, like he's been crying
Nigger hit the kid on a school bus. School tried to cover it up by flipping the picture of her and saying he sat on the other side of the school bus.
it looks like wojack is high as a kite in that picture.
We heard you the first time, lad
> #justicefortavon
What kind of justice does Tavon feel the need for? Does he want people to shrug their shoulders and say to themselves, "Well, that's just nigger cultureā¦", and drop it? The guy manhandled a five year old girl, trying to teach another (black) girl how to conduct violence on a white child. He knows it's racist, that's what motivated him. And now he's feeling that he's been unfairly targeted? Wow, just wow.
He wants Obongo to drop the charges. Doesn't he realise that in-group loyalty is nonexistent among niggers?
He wants justice, a rope around his neck
even his tiny groid brain knows what he deserves.
You've already ascribed too much cognitive capacity to the pavement ape
To the weapons Holla Forums.
what a waste
>Police believe they may have proof 17 year old Tavon Walters is responsible for the slap that left marks on a 5-year-old's face. They believe the picture was possibly flipped which could answer the question about why the mark was on the opposite cheek from the assault in the school bus security video. Walters is charged with assaulting the girl because of the security video but school officials don't believe the mark came from the bus assault.
Pertinent information. I sure hope that those radical BLM activists don't discover it.
7/10, btw.
According to the Kikebook comments he's broken his probation too.
I disagree, Roy. The heat he's bringing is necessary. Feel me, dawg?
lord have mercy and save us from this filth
hey faggot, why is your Wojak high as a kite?
not defending the nig, but that's literally the opposite of what he said
ya illiterate burger
This is why sending a kid to a school with any nigger population is child abuse and it should be the number one aim of Americans to segregate schools outside of the laws, ie Parents need to fucking do the work
Also The school officials are always the enemy
who do you think im asking us to be saved from
jig spotted