Important: Self-Hating Anti-White Christian Cuck

Cucksesrvative Russell Moore is really amping up his anti-white, pro-immigration message on Twitter.

He is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), a “conservative” Southern Baptist group.

In fact, Russell Moore is the liberal media’s go-to “conservative evangelical.”

In reality, however, Cuckservative Russ is a pawn of George Soros.

Russell Moore’s open-borders Evangelical Immigration Table is funded by George Soros:

Holla Forums really should work to expose this fraud to the general public.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here we go. Christianity as a doctrine is not compatible with white nationalism.

what makes you say that, goy?

b-but I thought the baptists were supposed to be b-based like the Holla Forums christians told me!

Why don't these stickjews cut out the middle man already, they don't get any benefits from being martyr cuck fetishists

1 desert religion is ripe for the scrapheap
2 to go

Southern Baptists are the gayest. Raised in the south, these are always the ones who are trying to have 'youth pastors' who are 'just like us' who fuck underaged girls in the congregation and play rock music. In reality they're just degenerates who want to feel none of the uncertainty that is inherent with the reality based world view that there is nothing to suggest there is anything after death. Institutionalized fear of death is a good way to describe religion in general, really. I'm afraid of death but I don't think that thinking things that would be comforting would make them any more true.

Time to support Uncucked Christianity:

It's time

Really getting sick of this word.

The way it's practiced now seems to be all about bringing as many people as possible into their churches, regardless of race or culture.

I guess there's nothing stopping someone from starting a denomination that preaches separatism… until the government decides to pull a Waco.

if it's being used to describe anything other than the intensity of a color, it's most likely being said by a faggot

The apostle Mark himself established a church in Africa.

Thought you were talking about Common Filth for a second.

Being a cuck is a sin (literally) its like saying that worshipping idols is ok because catholics do, please ignore black metal tards or shills mixing lies with facts.

The right thing to do is conquering "problem countries" then bring faith to them like spaniards did with America.

"Hmm, why would the kike bother subverting Christianity? It's almost like it's not as JEWISH as /r/atheism would have me believe!"

What the hell? Is this their version of meme magic?

No, meme magic is the cheap copy.

I am being serious kids.

Yet another christcuck thread.

99% of the general population are degenerate
99% of christcucks are degenerate

So why do I need christcuckery? It's obviously no recipe for avoiding degenerate behavior.

Why can't I just try to be a good person without complicating shit by bringing Jewish deities into the mix?

Because Christianity has stopped Indians and Mestizos from being violent, 70 IQ savages.

What the fuck happened to the Southern Baptist Convention? It used to be so based during the early 20th century.

Love and support your race, my white brothers and sisters.

It was pozzed up. Independent Baptists Churches are still based but it's hit-or-miss but most of them I've seen are pretty damn solid.

Yeah, he established a church in Africa. He didn't pay to bring thousands of Africans into the Christian parts of the empire in the hope that they might convert to Christianity

I don't know, the same way you can't truly be a white nationalist while also being a nigger.
Atheists will hang with the rest of their liberal commie kikes on the DOTR though.
Nothing personal, just business.

Hmm I'm glad to have all you anti-Christians on our side, but why not direct your critiques at Dr. Moore and his ERLC?

Dr. Russell Moore
The two posts
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Why not give him something to cry to his rabbi about?

I have a proposal to Christians: Make the Middle East into Christendom.

If/When you have your Crusades or Purges or whatever, I think the Christians involved in the fighting ought to be given a partition of the land they fight for that they may establish their own communities while Europe returns to the Old Ways - and when the Middle East becomes the Christian nation, we can have trade and Christians will be provided free travel to whatever you name the place.

Segregation would be a necessity since Abrahamists by their very nature attempt to convert others, so why not segregate Christians from non-Christians with national borders? We could even build a mutually beneficial wall. Maybe two walls to protect Christendom from Africa.

Hispanics are "christians" so the christian cucks want their butts in churches.

They rather destroy the country with immigration then fine tune their message to convert whites.

Also, the Hispanics are a shitty mother Mary goddess idol worship of Christianity. So they are not real Christians. More of a Moloch version.

Someone accuse him of building Babylon and that God will strike it down until humans are ready.

Some irrelevant kike from a dying religion. Who cares?

Jesus was raised by a cuck you moron.

What you're proposing is cuckery. Why should we give up ground?
I'd rather place the Middle East under Christian European Colonization.
It was in our grasp before - we can achieve it again.

Yeah… says the TALMUD.
Something you wanna tell us?

What about my post implied I wasn't suggesting colonization?
I said Christendom should be centered in the Middle East which it came from and that Christians ought to do with that land whatever thay like. How is that cuckery?

Christians love immigration!

The guy, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, is something like the Barbara Spectre of the Christian Church. He speaks openly about how the Christian churches view the world. or

No, you're suggesting kicking Christendom out of Europe and taking it over with larpagans.

The Southern Baptists were once pretty based, but over the past 150 year or so, they've went full-cuck on us. If they're not down on their knees trying to suck off random Ashkenazi Jews, they're ushering in waves of immigration from the third world.

Fortunately, the people who would identify as Baptists aren't completely down with that. As far as I can tell, they alll believe that Israel can do no wrong. However, the sandniggers are a completely different story. As this pro-immigration campaign escalates, they'll be forced to make a choice. Which is better: The feeling of Benjamin Netanyahu's cumspray on your face, or a nation without terrorism? I have faith that most will choose the latter because that's what the Confederacy would do.

Don't let me down, Christucks!

Exactly. You renounced your European status when you bent your knee to the Jew god.

Why not take the Middle East for yourself and your religion? Is your Semitic Abrahamic urge to eternally proselytize Europeans too strong to want self-sufficiency?

Why not take both?
Don't worry, you'd still be able to have your silly little covens in your friend's basement.
You're presenting a false dichotomy. After all, Europe was the most self-sufficient when it was the most Christian.

Some of the Southern Baptists were okay, but the Evangelical movement as a whole was pure poison. Take, for example, evangelical social reformer William Lloyd Garrison. He was opposed to not only slavery, but laws against miscegenation. This is in the fucking 1830s.

>For the radical abolitionists who organized to oppose slavery in the 1830s, laws banning interracial marriage embodied the same racial prejudice that they saw at the root of slavery. Abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison took aim at Massachusetts' legal ban on interracial marriage as early as 1831. Anti-abolitionists defended the measure as necessary to prevent racial amalgamation and to maintain the Bay State's proper racial and moral order. Abolitionists, however, objected that the law, because it "distinguished between 'citizens on account of complexion,'" violated the broad egalitarian tenets of Christianity and republicanism as well as the state constitution's promise of equality. Beginning in the late 1830s, abolitionists began a several-year petition campaign that prompted the legislature to repeal the measure in 1843. Their efforts—both tactically and intellectually—constituted a foundational moment in the era's burgeoning minority-rights politics, which would continue to expand into the twentieth century.

I do believe heathen Rome wants a word with you over which period in history was self-sufficiency in Europe was most strong.

Tell that to the 'pagan' Euros you forced to convert at the tip of a sword. Lying is a Semitic trait after all.


Rome, you say?

D&C shills BTFO

Even a weak Semite-worshiping Jackel can have the upper hand against a lion when the lion is down.

Christianity is very much alive and well in Latin America, which is why that cuck wants open borders for America. He wants to turn America into a theocracy and the only way to do that is to flood the country with Christians.

Don't forget the African Christians that European churches import by the boatload.

If that's the case, then can't the same be said about Christian society in its state weakened by Atheism and leftism?

Though I hate the term "christcucks", it's undeniable that christianity formed the earliest basis for doctrines of racial equality in America. Literally every single one of the abolitionists, dating back way before the 1830's, were all preachers from New England. Quakers were the worst among them. And yes, the majority of people back then who wanted to abolish slavery didn't give a fuck about niggers and just wanted them out of their states, but the super-religious abolitionists were different: they not only wanted niggers freed, they wanted them able to vote, and own land. In Pennsylvania which passed the first anti-slavery law in 1780, (which stipulated that all current slaves would remain so until they died, but their children would be free), religious abolitionists in the PAS (Pennsylvania Abolition Society) took slave owners to court for trying to SELL THEIR SLAVES OUT OF THE STATE. Because they wanted the niggers there, living among them, and valued niggers well-being over the cohesion of their own communities.

This is just one example of how pseudo-marxist doctrines of racial equality did NOT originate with marxism itself. The cancer goes back much further.

as much as I fucking hate pagans I hate this image more because it shits on vikings.

Christian nihilism ("Duh wurld am wicked n' fallen creation) and egalitarianism ("There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.") taken to their logical extremes.

The Law of Nature (The same one your brand of Abrahamism tried to usurp) does not allow these concepts to survive.

Let's face it, most christians and pagans are useless, because neither group holds some secret, sacred doctrine that really promotes racial nationalism or even encourages association based on common genetic lineage.

Anyone who says "X RELIGION IS THE KEY TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS GUYZ" is an abject retard. The only exception I can think of might be the principles of Alfred Rosenberg, which isn't really a religion, more an ethos.

This, hit the nail on the head. Nationalism and racial policy is a secular matter.



Materialism is never the right answer.

Well, that's sort of the thrust of Rosenbergs "The Myth", which doesn't so much endorse stuff like Asatru, but does make an appeal to the genuineness of native European religions. Still, it doesn't mean that those religions should be "practiced" (in the way we tend to think of religions being practiced) just that the spirit of them lives on in their descendants.

I know exactly what your complaint is: The act of groveling before your Gods in supplication like a worthless Abrahamist does.

Remember that Aryans don't beg their Gods in worship - they invoke them and channel their power directly.

really? jews hate christianity? All I ever hear on Holla Forums is how christians are the goodest of goyim, and indeed the biggest jew-fellators these days are evangelicals. Don't you think that a better reason for jews and the left's aversion to Christianity (if it exists at all) is more because their mental image of a christian is a square-jawed, upstanding, middle-class white man with a wife and three kids? If most white people in America were muslim, and had been for over 200 years, leftists would defend christianity to the hilt.


protestants are not christian

Catholic churches import shitskins into Europe all the time.

See, your contempt for fellow Christians who happen to be of a separate sect is precisely why Christianity did not, does not, and never will unite Europe.

one of the things that you shills always seem to slip up on is pushing for a european union europe cannot be united by a mere man. its like thinking a black hitler would unite all of africa its simply not possible. please explain the middle ages

You're implying it's not the Christians themselves who claim Christianity united Europe and made it what it is today.

You bring up Africa; Why has Christianity failed to uplift the niggers like Christians say happened to Europe?

because europe has aristotle and plato the "The word" is a concept that the european pagans found easy to accept. africans arent known for their philosophy as you may well know

A shame too, that they accepted Yeshua ben Yosef's 'word' Which has nothing to do with the Stoics' Logos you disingenuous Semite-worshiper

It's good that the future of Christianity is a South American and African one, since it is a cuckold religion for 'godly' niggers.

Hell is forever!

That is heresy.

Christians should take over parts of cities instead of rural areas.

christains need to be massacred wherever they go.

christians are like pigeons and a plague. they must be eradicated imminently before they can multiply.

mexicans are superstitious because of their lower IQ.

Try to make it less obvious next time, Schlomo. You may not be getting your paycheck for long if you keep this up.

literally missing the point of Christianity. We are all one in Jesus.

"Thank you God for making me white" is literally the same as when Jews pray "Thank you G-d for not making me a woman, gentile etc.". Both Satanic and impure.


ah ok so no one is a real chrstian

go away cuck

There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your race. God was the one who created all the races of the world, yet you do not see fit to thank Him for making you a part of the great White race? Sure, as Christians, we should strive to make all people Christian, but niggers can go be Christian in Africa.

If any anons want to learn about racial conscious Christianity,
is a great site.

I do agree race worship is idolatery, but…

You're suposed to make your body a Temple for God. If you take your whiteness as a reason to make it the most perfect and well treated possible, it is Biblically fite-able.

Great post!

One reason that some Jews dislike Christians is the ridiculous amount of effort and money Christians spend trying to convert them.

Exhibit #9,452,486 as to how completely worthless Christians are.

Nothing related to having imprisioned them in Ghettos, having forbid them to work in anything other than usury, torturing them in Inquisition, and the possible cultural nuke card of calling them out as "Christ-Killers" and "Satan agents"?

Just that they get annoyed at missionaries? Wew, what a gentle world we live in

obvious what?

pisstianity is from the middle east - period

same as muslims and jews, pisstians accuse each other of not being real christians.
well i tell you who real christians are
the guys who believes in jesus
the messiah of the jews

pisstians always refer to jews as a religion. if a jew is converting to pisstianity than everything is ok for pisstians.

jews are a race!
a jew can be a christian or a muslim!
therefore christians need to be executed

Oh, it's just another religious D&C thread.

Shilling the Christians with

While using the above mentioned tactics to scare off anons from religion and spirituality (or those, that would benefit from a purely Christian way of life from Christianity itself), while adding:

I am happy for the blessings bestowed on the white race, however I will not hold myself above other people. I am not a huge fan of blacks or Jews, but if they are believers of my faith, I cannot judge them. If I am to be better than them, I need to do it with good works and deeds, not only pointing to my own race. Whites should do exactly that. Just continue our course and be better than them with our deeds. So excuse me if I do not go

What is this we are christian and we want everyone to be christian? What about cultures and religions that are not Christianity?

Nah. Churchian at best.

Cease your fedora and LARPaganism faggotry.

slightly corrected the picture

And what if we do not stop worshipping our ancestors?

Get gassed, you autist. Your ancestors worhsiped Christ.

My ancestors did not worship Christ, they worshipped their ancestors.

The white race is older than Christianity, though. And in it's existence it has worshiped more than JC.

It is correct that Christians discriminated against Jews. However, that intolerance was a primary feature of Judaism and all of the religions derived from it. By contrast, pagans were tolerant of other religions, so long as they did not appear to be anti-social cults. The Roman word for this was "superstitio."

So while Jews were treated as an outsider group by Christians, they were at the same time much nicer to Jews than they were to their fellow Europeans who were pagan, people who may have been completely identical to them ethnically, but who did not believe in the Christian god.

Wakeup call: Most Christians lived as serfs serving a lord in the Middle Ages.

Wakeup call: Christians were forbidden from engaging in usury, one of the most lucrative professions of the Middle Ages. Jews were phenomenally wealthy compared to Christians in much of Medieval Europe.

Wakeup call: Torture was a normal and abysmal part of the legal process during that time.

Wakeup call: If you were a pagan, you were treated much worse.

The toxic narcissism of Jews like you is what is most disgusting. You only look for things that were done to you, never the crimes that your tribe perpetrated or what was also done to non-Jews.

Pagans are multiculturalist, yes. Christians don't tolerate other cultures.

Judaism only existed after Christ's resurrection. Judaism is Kabbalah and Talmud, not the Old Testament.

Go back to Reddit.

In the actual meaning of the words, that is largely true. Christians look to destroy other cultures and turn their religion around to the worship of Jesus.

You can't get anything right, can you?

decide already moishe


==EXACTLY==: christainity turned white people into slaves and the jews acquired wealth.
then the jews played white people to became all brave and neat and created finally the federal reserve and started to finance both sides of the fabricated wars.

while the jews control all the money, pisstains still today discuss how many nigger feet the pope should lick daily.
niggers btw are a great part of christianity, church is donating massively money to niggers.

Pagan Rome was sacked multiple times by Gauls and others.

This was in Roman republic era, not the pagan Roman Empire era i.e. Augustus.

They are only intolerant regarding religions and faggots, they do not care if a christian arab lives in Evropa.

Imperial Rome saw countless civil wars over petty disputes which eventually ended up splitting the empire apart. This has nothing to do with Christianity. It was Roman degeneracy that tore the empire apart. After all, it was the more Christian eastern part that survived the longest.


You're like those morons who say dumb shit like "volkish" and other bullshit shill lingo.

This was only a year after the crucifixion of Jesus.



It's funny when shills use the slur kike on Jesus, since the word kike was given to the jews specifically because they hated Jesus so much.

Are you saying that you are on Holla Forums right now and to you "völkisch ideals" is shill lingo? What the fuck, kike? Get out of here, go shit up redcuck or Holla Forums or something.

All of this racist anti-Christian rhetoric! Maybe this will warm your hearts and allow you to see Jesus in every human being:

It very much is. It's something shills say to fit in.

A little ironic that a Christian would go for this non-argument, as your cult has been pushed to the margins on Holla Forums over the last 12 months.

they have their own board but they prefer to post here instead.
really interesting is they dont spam the muslim and fag-boards with their rubbish because they get imminently a ban.

but not on Holla Forums, admins tolerate most christian threads and delete all with criticism of christianity .

100% legit

Remember how bad they were a year ago, when they would post Christian bullshit all over the place?

It would go something like this

A very shitty and manipulative game, but that is the kind of people they are.

Another part of what they did was to shift discussion as much as they could away from issues of race and hard news, and instead focus on "degeneracy," similar to what Common Filth does. In that respect, Holla Forums has also definitely improved in the past year or so as the Christians have either left or toned it down.


The irony is that Christians will complain nonstop about Pagan LARPers and Atheist Fedoras, but both of those groups are barely noticeable on Holla Forums. Pagans never talk about the specifics of their religious practice, but you see them in the European history and mythology threads, and the occasional philosophical/theosophical threads.

Atheists are even more invisible. I'm an atheist, and I'm fully aware that so many contemporary atheists are faggots. I bring up the names of people like Sam Harris in a disparaging way as much as anyone on Holla Forums…I don't post


when someone rips into some New Atheist faggot. I don't care about making more atheists, only pointing out toxic ideas in the Abrahamic religions. Compared to them, the other major religions are pretty harmless, and I could care less if people are pagan.


Tbh that is a fine fate for the faggot, but I presume he only dropped the name, but let his autism stay.

It isn't a zero sum game. Least of all for you, who have actually no say on the matter.

Says the bible.
God cucked Joseph by impregnating Mary (and also taking her virginity away).


Hatred of the natural world is a common trait in Semites and Christians. Don't lie to us with your Abrahamic revisionism - Christians hate the natural world and call it sinful and wicked and a fallen creation all the time.


found your home

No says the bible


Jesus came for the 10 lost tribes of Israel.
Europe became Christian.
Therefore the Europeans are Israel and all Christian Europeans are worshiping the true God of their earliest ancestors.

This is Matthew 22 playing out:
You want to abandon Christianity and act like a bunch of niggers? Then you'll be be replaced by a bunch of niggers.
like an insurance payout you get the value of what you lost… sometimes more

This is the fate of the modern Jews.

Christian Identity: Not Even Once.


She forgets Christianity preaches forgiveness and so it's not acceptable to hate yourself endlessly like that.
In spiritual terms this endless self hate/condemnation has always been identified as originating from demonic influence.

Latin American has been Catholic since the late 1500, early 1600. There might be some Christains among them, but that's rare as fuck.

I need more of these. I'm trying to figure out how to talk to these liberalized Christians who stand on no values and are sifted away by whatever the culture is telling them is good and tolerant.

When Christianity doesn't abandon the notion of God's judgment, the forgiveness thing helps people to name their failings and face them. We don't have that anymore because Jesus has been re-marketed as a cosmic mother figure.

His message of brotherhood has also been repackaged as a blank check for multiculturalism and tacit approval of unitarian hooey. That he was telling small communities how they should live among their families and neighbors is lost on practically everyone, and we are now expected to turn the other cheek for people who hate us and wash the feet of anyone who shows up on a raft.

nice factionalism.
don't forget, the goats will be separated from the sheep.

You should really commit to a full study of the bible (KJV not [X]KJV just KJV). You'll need as much of that info as you can retain just sitting on the top of your head if you're going to go all out with them.
One thing you can do to figure out what kind of people you're dealing with is to try and talk about impending disasters. The whole point is to gauge their reaction.

Look into just how it is they're being/have been deceived. That should help you figure out how to address them.

absolute super fag



shills plown the fug owd