Today I got the courage to tell a girl I loved her and she rejected me, what do Holla Forums? I feel like shit

Today I got the courage to tell a girl I loved her and she rejected me, what do Holla Forums? I feel like shit

You just straight up told her that you loved her? Don't do that until you have been in a relationship for a while, that shit scares them away.

Just tell her it was all a ruse and then proceed to ridicule her for believing you until you drive her to end her own life out of shame and self-hate

I didn't say I loved her I told her I had feelings for her through text

she rejected you how?

Dont worry we love you fam

How exactly did you tell her? Literally

You just learned an important life lesson m80.
Faint heart ne'er won fair maid.
Although she was probably a fat cunt anyway.
Texting shit like that is for weaklings, real men get rejected in person.

Fuck off retard.

Oh no bro.

Jesus christ OP.

You poor soul m80


Drink. A lot. Then drink some more

OP is pic related you?

Bad idea.
That's a no-no sentence.
You literally never want to say to a girl that you love her.
That sentence will never bring her to love you back, or even consider.
It will most likely bring her to avoid you or abuse you.
All you can say to a girl is "i love you too" in response to HER confession.

she hasnt responded and its been 6 hours since I sent it

because of circumstances out of my control I cant see her for a while and I couldnt hold it in anymore, niggers

might work

thanks fam

cant under probation

she hasnt responded and its been 6 hours since I sent it

because of circumstances out of my control I cant see her for a while and I couldnt hold it in anymore, niggers

might work

thanks fam

cant under probation

What for ?

Exact words
Look (R )the reason I ask is because I had developed feelings for you over time,just tell me its unrequited and I'll stop bothering you.

If its been 6 hours, that relationship is through, user. She will not resppond. You better abandon all hope. Fortunately, you have your Holla Forumsros, to cheer you up.

no nigger DUI

she may just be "digesting" that information. don't panic and start sperging on her. just let it be and see how she reacts to you next time you see her. you act normally, like you did nothing wrong because all you did was own up to what you were thinking and you were honest. if you can do that, then you won't be seen as a beta fag. if she doesn't feel the same way, then oh well you just treat her like a friend and go about your business as usual. that's damage control. don't act like a pussy and act butthurt because she doesn't reciprocate (and she may yet say something). don't push her to ask how she feels. you manned up and said what was on your mind, so feel good and confident about it. not just don't push her to get her reaction or make her feel uncomfortable by being a lovesick creep.

Well user, rejection comes with the game. Learn from it. Did she ever show interest in you romantically?

You did it all wrong op. You were supposed to walk up to her naked in front of all her friends and say

literally do what uve been doing up until u knew her/started trying
life goes on, u made it this far without her

I'll wait till tomorrow afternoon, if not this glass is going in my neck

Yes, but I acted like she was nothing I regret it she was the best thing tomhappen to me in a while

Women have nothing to offer you. You're a beta bitch. Man up.

you know what chad NEVER tells stacy?
A; exactly what you just told this sloot…
just move on, you've lost this battle - she will NEVER respect you now, Holla Forumsro…

lel I remember this thread.

Do it puss.
Bet you won't. Beta as fuck.

Do et pajeet

You have horrible looking hands

As long as the faggot mods dont remove this thread tomorrow, you watch nigger

meant for

Pornhub is the answer, OP.

you stupid faggot. this is why you'll be a beta faggot. be proud. you said what you felt and STFU about suicide! you said what you wanted to say, that's what a man does and you own that shit. now don't pester her and act like a little bitch and you'll be fine. quit acting like a child!

you stupid faggot. this is why you'll be a beta faggot. be proud. you said what you felt and STFU about suicide! you said what you wanted to say, that's what a man does and you own that shit. now don't pester her and act like a little bitch and you'll be fine. quit acting like a child!

fuck this broke shit board

Are you a foreigner, OP?

Dude. Just, dude. That ain't the dance. That doesn't get shit done. Real man gets together with her IRL, makes her laugh, makes her feel good, maybe gets to fuck her. "Confessing" - just fucking hell - even the word induces cringes - it's just offloading your personal baggage on her and making it pretty damn clear that you want her to fix it for you. That ain't fun. That's not what Chad does. She's gonna put out for Chad.

OP word of advice from a man rejected 2 times , it never gets better. Not the rejection or the pain.
Im going to stream on my birthday , my advice is dont let yourself go through that shit thinking time will fix it.

she rejected you because she wants to keep riding the cock carousel. wait until she hits the wall and becomes desperate for your sperm because nobody wants to knock up an incredibly loose cunt.

Oneitis is the curse of the nerds. She's not unique, there was nothing meant to be. All those special feelings are INSIDE YOU. You own them. The real path to enlightenment is approach -> rejected -> approach -> rejected -> approach -> success. Rejection is 1. inevitable and 2. invaluable. As you get used to it, it reduces your ego investment in the process.

Go out somewhere and approach three different women and get rejected. Then get drunk. You won't care about initial bitch as much in the morning.


OP ignore the 4chan nerds , all they do is talk
It will help me sleep to know youre not suffering like i am

hang yourself emofaggot.

What a fag OP is. Just text back and say "I meant i Loved you in past tenths but I think i found someone that fits me more now". Now shes a reject and will just be a useless whore on society much like your own failed self.

Ive explicitly stated that i will , but not now dou
