there's a guy at my school with a tattoo covering his arm like pic related. tattoo fags, what is the purpose of this stupid shit? is this what you do when you run out of ideas for shit to paint on your arm?
There's a guy at my school with a tattoo covering his arm like pic related. tattoo fags...
it's not done yet, he's becoming a nigger
i think that's the whole thing actually. the guy at school has the same thing. stops at the same parts of his arm.
He wants to look like he's in the NBA and wearing one of those stupid under armor sleeves that isn't attached to a shirt.
it looks worse in person
What a cool tattoo!
that would be expensive as fuck. The guy is probably some upper middle class fag who spent 8 years in college studying liberal arts. His rich daddy is going to fund his goal to become black all over.
It's called, 'being ironic.'
Attention. Like this snake wearing a hat
Typically, those are used as a stupid last measure to cover up shit tattoos that can't be made any less shit. But since your picture is of a millennial numale fuck, I suspect he got it as some uncreative statement to boost his ego.
that hat looks pretty good on the snake. 9/10 would be friends with.
Could you remove a tattoo by cutting off the flesh?
If you carve yourself out deep enough, sure.
Why would you cut the flesh when there are lasers designed for tattoo removal? Cutting the skin off would be much more painful
no see here, cutting off the flesh is a fine option i use it all the time
But how deep is deep enough? Until you've connected with muscle tissue?
From what I've seen laser tattoo removal still leaves a faint trace of the tattoo behind.
Masochists. Tattoos and body mods in general attract the lot of them.
Tattoos penetrate pretty much all of your skin's layers, so you would pretty much be disfiguring yourself with no chance of regenerative healing later down the line. Not to mention the risk of infection or nerve damage. That's something to regret.
Just like tattoos.
Good thing I'll never get one, especially now after learning that little tidbit.
so no matter what this guy will have a permanent black arm even if he were rich and decided to do laser removal on that ugly shit. what a dumbass.
Well, unless he does some disfiguring shit that causes nerve damage apparently.
He looks like a cuck though so he deserves the lifelong regret for that shitty decision anyway.
that's not the actual guy, though he sort of looks like him. the guy i know looks worse. he has one of those tall skinny bodies, a pony tail, he's like 22 looks young, but has a huge pot belly. looks bad.
I figured that wasn't the actual guy, I was just saying he looks like a cuck.
Didn't mean to sage
It's what you do when you're too lazy to become an alcoholic but want to poison your liver anyways.
For you.
This is a good thread to ask.
What are some tattoos you guys would consider having?
I'm planning on getting one if i manage to accomplish something in life, but i don't want something that screams a need for attentions.
Just save yourself the trouble and have someone stab you in the liver once a day.
It can't be that bad.
god tattoos are hot, especially when girls have them on their ankles
Which Gods?
maybe he is covering up self harm scars
Just imagine how much money these people have spent to look like trashy shitheads…… They could have used that money as investments or donations or vacations or home renovations…..
Either attention whoring, or he's covering up all the My Little Pony tats on that arm.
he actually looks like a guy that could be a mlp fan