Hey Holla Forums, I'm desperately looking for a girlfriend since pretty much 4 years now...

Hey Holla Forums, I'm desperately looking for a girlfriend since pretty much 4 years now. Would be really refreshing to hear about odds for having a gf, or how to finally get one.

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be respectable and become sociable

Eh, everyone finds a relationship in there own way. Not all it's cracked up to be imo. You think it will make you happy, but it just makes your life more complicated. You have to play their games, be someone you're not, and lose your free time and money. I was like you, not having a gf for over 5 years. Found a girl who was young, pretty, and smart. It was nice for the first month or so, now it's sorta meh. You have to deal with their moods, and chase them around showering them with attention and gifts to prove yourself all the time. If your shit isn't together in your life, a relationship isn't going to save you, only make it worse.

If you're really "desperate", then you shouldn't be looking for a relationship.

Eh, everyone finds a relationship in there own way. Not all it's cracked up to be imo. You think it will make you happy, but it just makes your life more complicated. You have to play their games, be someone you're not, and lose your free time and money. I was like you, not having a gf for over 5 years. Found a girl who was young, pretty, and smart. It was nice for the first month or so, now it's sorta meh. You have to deal with their moods, and chase them around showering them with attention and gifts to prove yourself all the time. If your shit isn't together in your life, a relationship isn't going to save you, only make it worse.

If you're really "desperate", then you shouldn't be looking for a relationship.

Women have nothing to offer you.

Just get a bf, everything is so much easier

posting just so i can get a notification
30yokv also interested in how to get a gf

join the club, i've been waiting since middle school over 10 years ago

Can I be your gf?

Lower. Your. Standards.

That's all you need to do if you want a woman in your life so badly. I just don't see the point, considering they have little to no use, outside of giving you children, and if you really intend to have kids, I don't think the mother is supposed to matter all that much, considering she's bound to leave you anyway, so I really don't know what exactly you expect from a female here.

I'm autistic as hell, sometimes I can't have a conversation with my own family. I just want a deaf girl to snuggle with

That's actually not a bad idea. Deaf girls are the spergs perfect girl since most autism is verbal. Need a dating site for this shit asap.

Well how old are you OP? And what kinda area do you live in (a big city, small town, out in the country)?

I can give you some tips.

The number of gf's under my belt makes me no expert, but is sounds to me like you just found a shitty girl, or someone you weren't compatible with from the start.


You're never going to get one.
You're always going to be alone.

Deal with it, only Chad can get pussy, Incels like us are fucked. The game is rigged.

Wake up sheeple.

a) don't look desperately - shit'll come your way eventually, the more desperate you are, the more pathetic you look
b) lower your standards

Pay a dude to put on a wig and play your gf in public

*tips bmw*

Short answer user, do stuff that would make someone love you. Improve yourself. Get fit, get smart, learn skills. Don't give a fuck what people think. Just you do you.

That can't be real!!!!
This is getting me really mad if it us.

Assuming you aren't gross (see parent if you are), just talk to chicks. They're not fucking unicorns, they have as many flaws as any guy does.

What's the most expensive thing you spend money on? Anime? Video games? A car? Just think of whatever you've spent the most money on, let's say a computer.

Imagine you went onto ebay or craigslist and found a listing for one, and the whole ad was angry about other people successfully selling computers. Talking up it's own product and how it's "just as good" as everyone else's computer and depressedly whining that no one's ever going to buy it. And they message you and say "Please buy my computer. Please? Please? Come on, respond. Please, I'll give it to you really cheap."

That's you right now in all of these fucking wizard threads. Your desperation dries their pussies right fucking up. You have to get over this desperate need to get someone.

Go to a fucking park or a mall or some shit, or likeā€¦ hobby lobby. Ask fifty women you would sleep with for their phone number. That's it. That's all you have to do. It's a challenge. Stop caring about them saying no. I'm serious, spaghetti it up as much as you want. You can say "I lost my number, can I have yours?" or "Excuse me ma'am, may I have your number?" Success isn't the point, and if anything the more silly and carefree you get about it the higher your success rate will be. The point is to stop caring. A woman says no, you say sorry to bother you and go ask another.

After you've completed this challenge, some of your desperation should hopefully have washed away.

Honestly I shouldn't be helping you, you don't deserve to get laid. I'm serious. I'm a total fucking dweeb. It legit pisses me off seeing these threads because there's so much shit wrong with me and I get laid all the fucking time. I'm not even confident, it just isn't fucking hard if you stop giving a shit.

It is, sorry to break it to you

You sure can, sweetie! The first thing we'll do is learn a new word.

Can you say cun-ni-lin-gus?