First off, no this isn't a direct vote on leaving the EU like the Brexit was, but it'll likely lead to an Italian exit
Renzi has a 30% approval rating
EU death soon
First off, no this isn't a direct vote on leaving the EU like the Brexit was, but it'll likely lead to an Italian exit
Renzi has a 30% approval rating
EU death soon
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Renzi is a massive scumbag who disrespected the victims of the earthquake and one of the architects of the rapefugee crisis.
Please happen. As an Italian, I can unequivocally tell you that the EU bled my country dry. I still remember being confused when we joined the euro. Overnight, we went from the lire to the euro, only that the conversion from lire to euro meant that our currency lost 50% of its value overnight. Unsurprisingly Germany kept a 1:1 conversion rate. That was a death blow from the beginning and now the country is nigh third world.
Make this happen italobros.
WW3 soon fellow italians.
Boku no Pico
Girls und panzer
even if we are less cucked than the brit i have little hope in this referendum, the fucker will give his 80 euro to the scum of napoli and south and they will happly vote for a yes
Thread couldn't go 10 post before becoming an anime thread jej
I got done watching the first 2 episodes, comfy.
Do you guys really hate each other?
I thought it was just bantz.
There's one Italian on halfchan who calls southerners "terroni", what does it mean?
Bring back Berlusconi please, he might have been eccentric to say the least, but he sure as shit stood up for Italy way more than anyone else.
Also for you Americans, if you want to see what they will try with Trump, look at what happened with Berlusconi.
Now Berlusconi was a bit more "wild" than Trump, however the basics are the same: A man with large popular appeal who does not follow PC culture, bend to the media, or lick the boots of THOSE people. Media backlash against him was insane, it was neverending, to the point where the media owned by Berlusconi himself was more neutral than the supposed neutral state media. Much like Trump, the media attacks had little effect, which infuriated them even more.
Berlusconi also didn't bend to THOSE people, he supported Gadaffi and if I recall correctly, made a call saving his life from an American airstrike, which needless to say angered them quite a lot. He is also a long time friend of Putin, again they really really don't like this. He mostly opposed the EU when it worked against Italy, called Merkel a "unfuckable lardass", and more. International media also smeared Berlusconi a lot abroad, much like Trump is getting smeared now.
The North of Italy, having a high Germanic admixture, is vastly superior to the swarthy South.
Also South Tirol is rightfully German clay
You're never getting Tirol back kraut. This is an Italy thread.
Sinn Féin and Fine Gael were a mistake.
The way thinks are looking we'll just buy it for a sack of potatoes lmao
Very different development, not to mention Italy has only been a country for little over a 100 years so regional differences are still big
make it one wheel of cheese and you have a deal
Do as we did italy and drive nails further into the EU, Bring it all down! You can help end this madness by damaging the EU's ability to fund the hosting of invaders.
terrone come from terra=earth,soil it's an insult becouse in the 60's and 70's people from the soth moved to the north looking for work and all they could do was working the land. because those filthy nigger are stupid as fuck and only learn about stealing and not working
Mfw baka senpai
Yes, basically what said.
"Terroni" is and adjective we use to describe shitty southerners that behave and look like niggers, it literally means mud people
Please help destroy the EU Italians, Brexit was the first blow. Lets make it collapse under its own rotten weight.
Is this referendum legally binding? If it isn't then I'd say we're very analogous to Greece and thus we will just get the referendum ignored.
You can see the parallels between north and south like you can see parallels between European countries and African countries. The problem is southerners, rather than do something to fix their situation, blame the north.
They should just split up.
Italy is just a geographic construct after all
Gas the terroni, Padania libera now
I'm from Sardinia. We always grumble about secession but it never happens like Texas. I wish we would just take the plunge.
What scale is it using? Which type of IQ is it using?
IQ images like that are fucking worthless without any detail.
African bantu Sicilian detected
now i know why i like texas.
We need a Crann Fola
Could you survive on your own?
What do you think of corsicians?
Can't find the original source of where I got that image but
No need to gas them, but they do need to stop being supported by the rest of Italy, forcing them to work for their own betterment. You can't have a pussy in charge of the south, you need someone that will make them work.
I'll just leave this here:
This is a big question. As it stands right now, many of the youth on the island are either unemployed or underemployed. Much of this comes from the environmentalists on the island blocking the building of any business that might have adverse externalities of the 'postcard appeal' of the island. The island really feels like a nature preserve, there's very little disgusting runoff anywhere and waters are pristine. Therefore we rely entirely on tourism but even that has been drying up what with all the people not going to Europe with the terrorism. I think we could have our own economy (though definitely not high dollar) where we could be happy with less money but a nice homogenized society.
Please don't gas me Veneto-sama, just help me ice the mafia, the gypsies and the southern chads
We were literally Kangz, or at least under a Kang, also the South generates the most athletes and college educated people but they also generate twenty times as many roach-skinned chads and mongrels. Plus the unwillingness of the state to just come down here and clean the streets kills us even worse, since most of the South can't administer their own regions without resorting to or getting laws enforced by local crime syndicates.
This goy gets it but Italy needs to be whole to survive, not on an economical standpoint but on a strategical one. The biggest, most important harbors are all located in the South. Pretty much any African import/invasion has to make a stop in Sicily.
Are the Mafia still active in Italy?
I thought they died down in the late 90's.
Yes they are still active, and they're pieces of shit now more than ever. They're using migrants as disposable drug mules and as such support the migration. They've gone from semi-respected organized crime to full on nigger warlord gang tier.
They're the ones leading the migrant invasion of Europe, collaborating with Turkroaches and kikes. They're arguably outjewing the jews but in pure Sicilian fashion they're making money off of self-genocide. It got so bad that African-Arab gangs are taking over their own spots and they can't do anything about it because it would hurt their business and the movie-tier badass mafia heads are all behind bars, so it's up to a ragtag bunch of druggie infants to shoot down each other and their new Libyan friends.
From what I gather, many North Italians (Insubrians and Lombards in particular) as well as Sardinians want to join Switzerland.
You mean G-D's Chosen, burgers were mostly doing the raping with the Northern African "French" soldiers
One of the biggest lobbies for US intervention into WW2 were Italian-American mobsters, because il duce effectively destroyed the mafia in Italy
Didn't Renzi the scumbag already backtrack and say that he'll stay regardless of the outcome of the vote?
Great post.
Go look up what "French"-Moroccans did during the Battle of Monte Cassino. It turns the stomach.
Nice meme m8
Totally legit Polentone
:^ )
We will fix that during WW3
Good. I miss my lira which used to be worth a damn.
Guy wasn't even elected, he just kinda sorta showed up after being a nobody in his own region's lobby. He's also a soccer referee, so you can get /sp/ to hate on him if you feel like it.
As long as they don't print more strong independent and liberated women on them I'm alright with this.
Say whatever you want about him and his supposed ties or whatever, he's fucking right about media and judges controlling the state and pushing mafia's goals. Funny how, now that he's not in power anymore, no one gives a shit about his "crimes".
Remember this next time you see an American flag on 4/pol/ posting the "Rome copypasta".
Germany will rise, and the world will hold its breath.
Sounds like Brazil is knocking on Italy's door.
Looks like even the Italians can't stand the commie EU.
They had a flourishing economy before the Euro in 1999. It went just downhill from that.
If they leave, EU is finished. EU started in 1958 with the treaty of Rome. IT will be the last mercy shot.
Dumbfuck kikes turned the heat too fast and pasta noticed it.
anti-EU feeling is way stronger in southern europe
Lynn's data on Italian IQ is garbage.
You've never been in Italy in your life. They have very little Germanic admixture, and it's pretty much the same nationwide.
Since the Mussolini-Hitler treaty established the borders between the two countries, and all pro-Germans moved to Germany, there's hardly anyone left who doesn't identify as Italian to the core in South Tirol.
From time to time there have been wackos who have tried to, but the pro-Italian super-majority has always polled well over 90% there.
Italybros better be preparing some OP to spread the word about the referendum.
Also archive of page 2
I'm not sure how much Germanic admixture we do have in the north, but I'm sure of the Arab admixture we don't have that the south does.
false. he changed his mind.
it's funny how the fucker thought people actually liked him after he fucked them over and over.
sadly italian constituition does not allow for referendum like brexit to happen.
international treaties are not something the italian people have a say on.
now, imagine TTIP…
yes its true most south tiroleans choose to follow the führer and decided on the "Option" to move to germany (ca.80% of the people).
Sadly italians were in charge of giving the pemits to leave italy, so you can guess how that turned out.
Isn't this just pre-Brexit type fear mongering?
Cool, another sardiniabro.
I personally think we should stay in Italy and become a free trade zone. I don't think we could survive on our own.
can we gas the sicilians?
Depends on how you look at it, the Italian government and (((the media))) is on a campaigning Blitzkrieg to convince people to vote "Yes". A "No" win would be a serious blow to the existing order.
It would be a victory for the M5S and the LN, both of whom are campaigning for the "No" vote and want to have a referendum to leave the Euro.
Please don't gas us, tnx bai
Explain please
Article 75 of the Constitution:
"A referendum is not permitted in the case of tax, budget, amnesty and pardon laws, in authorization or ratification of international treaties."
shut up you somalian
t. lombardian
Shut up, northcuck. Enjoy your niggers and chinks impregnating your women.
Don't forget to stockpile spaghetti.
we have berlusconi, what do YOU moorish rape babies have?
This isn't really America though, the constitution isn't as revered as it is there, and can be changed, or just disregarded.
socialism is just a racial structure anyway.
Really? When?
lol no
The Italian nation has its roots with Rome and Augustus, having been unified by the latter and being so for almost 500 years before the Vatican cancer stopped this nation from rightfully being politically united for more than 1000 years. And in the waiting period of political balkanization, the Italian sentiment was kept alive until it finally reemerged during the Risorgimento.
Italy makes perfect sense as a nation-state, certainly more so than Germany to name one. The problems with the south are heavily historical, starting from the Spanish period, to the bad unification process which left them alone and in the conditions of developing a shadow state like the mafia that has never been properly fought by the state except during the Fascist period.
What the fuck are you rambling about you fettuccine-slurping nigger?
The DM - Euro conversion rate was ans still is almost 2:1. We fucking lost about 50% purchasing power overnight you mongoloid.
t. Kraut
fascist philosophers were right, italy would be a slave to the plutocratic nations if they didn't step up.
maybe this is a chance for them to at least escape.
right, we're Italian, so much better
Sounds based as hell.
The comparison between Trump and Berlusconi is very apt. And (((the powers that be))) launched an unprecedented war against him to oust him from power.
The British media, in particular, threw any semblance of objectivity or impartiality down the window when it came to Berlusconi. Outright lying and manufacturing bullshit about Italy to attack him.
British media is possibly the worst media in existence bar none.
You are Barbarians squatting on Roman ruins, that's all
no need to be jealous buddy
Next year or sooner
We need to meme it in existence