After the assassination of Jo Cox I find myself filled with rage. I want to go out and murder a right-winger and carve into his/her chest "first they came for the left, and I did not speak out…"
I don't intend to actually do it, as it would bring little to no benefit, but I still feel that rage.
What does leftypol feel about the assassination of Jo Cox?
(I know labour isn't really left anymore, but it is a symbol of leftism, and in the general consensus is the left wing party)
Amerifat here. Was he actually a fascist? Our media is barely covering the story and when they do they are basically painting the guy as just a lonewolf with mental health issues.
Ayden Perry
Also I said was which might be a mistake. Is he in custody or dead?
Luke Wilson
OP, I hope you realize that western fascists haven't been and aren't likely going to be the biggest problem.
Jonathan King
It isnt. They are neolibs, they ain't even socdems. Anyone who supports capitalism cannot be called "left"
Aaron Nguyen
individual terror is anarchist cancer put your rage and hatred into agitation
Owen Ortiz
If it's like Greece, it will lower their power. Or stabilize it.
James Gutierrez
He shouted "Britain first" which is a British "national socialist" party. Maybe he was a lone gunman, but just like an arabic man shouting alahu akbar before killing someone, you can interpret it as terrorism or as a lone wolf.
Matthew Richardson
What I meant was in the general view of the public in Britain, labour is left.
If anyone on here claimed labour was left, I'd laugh about their idiocy. The public isn't really well educated, and is lambasted with constant propaganda to further bourgeois power.
Hudson Perez
Is the EU a fundamentally leftist initiative? Are we really obligated to defend it?
Sebastian Adams
An assassination isn't terrorism. They have different goals.
Landon Gomez
No, the EU is capitalism. We CAN turn it into leftism.
Noah Jenkins
You should not attack anyone but you should get armed
Violent political persecution is why guerrilla movements started in latin america and why FARC still existes.
Anthony Nguyen
Bad user.
Nathan Gonzalez
EU is shit but it's not worse than regressing back towards nativism and nationalism.
Evan Murphy
There's nothing wrong with nationalism.
Christopher Cooper
There's already a thread on this, check the catalog comrades
Gavin Anderson
Britain First isn't really a Nazi party, they're closer to traditional reactionaries with a Protestant fundamentalist streak.
Wyatt Cox
the EU is an imperialist construct leaving it will weaken british and EU imperialism there's a reason why the center parties and the USA want the brits and every other nation to remain grow a fucking brain, your observational skills suck ass
Adam Roberts
I said we CAN. Not that it is easy or that we WILL.
Carson Clark
I like the European idea, aka, a united Europe. But the EU is a fucking disaster.
Either way though, this is obviously a fascist attack on "dem stupid left wingers"
Landon Allen
So there's a chance he shouted no such thing. Wonder if OP still wishes to 'murder right-wingers'?
Hudson Fisher
Labour are DemSoc. They want socialism. They just want to trick the plebs into voting for it.
Juan Butler
So we will assume he is crazy. But does this make it any better? We call him crazy, we have to call every islamist who has ever resorted to violence crazy too. This means for a lot of crazy in the world. And apparenly crazy is easily led.
So. What do? Lock up all crazy for life? Or dismantle the ideology that may drive crazy to act on it?
Adrian Williams
lol no
Lincoln Baker
Sure they are.
And intellectually they take their lead from these guys.
Julian Robinson
labour is pro-war for big oil and the arms industry and pro-immigration for labour exploitation of desperate immigrants by the british corporate elite
Kayden Phillips
Levi Peterson
Do it, comrade
Adrian Bell
Labour are globalists. They want institutions like the EU and trade agreements in place so they can use the leavers of said organisations to their own ends once they're in power.
Noah King
Yeah he was a neo Nazi, confirmed links to the National Alliance an American Neo Nazi group as well as having previously been associated with the springbok club, a South African pro apartied group. The part where he shouted "Britain First" is probably nothing to do with the political party though.
Tyler Campbell
I don't think anyone here can identify with the Labour, mate. Can you?
Caleb Martinez
Then see
Was he crazy or was he a nazi? Are all nazis crazy or was he fucked in the mind tank and easily led. Can we ban crazy? Is crazy an excuse?
Lucas Sullivan
Could you please explain what exactly you think is so bad about the EU?
Caleb Morris
Leftists should be assassinating heads of state and capital. The rulers are far too comfortable in their security. We need to make being a president or prime minister a dangerous occupation.
Wish we had more Oswalds around.
Henry Nguyen
You keep telling yourself that, comrade.
Aaron Morales
He didn't shout it, it was one lying Paki. The real story is the bird tried to break up a fight and got killed for it by this nutter.
Sorry I thought this was lefty Holla Forums not fucking Tumblr or Reddit.
Aaron James
pls respond.
Jonathan Williams
Popping in as a brit and Holla Forums regular, thought this was digusting tbh and goes against every ideal i have as a Nazi
Kevin Ross
Cough cough
Julian Gray
Jacob Perez
Hey OP. This you?
Lucas Scott
delete this
Aiden Rodriguez
Jordan Reyes
Jace Lee
I'm glad she's dead, she was a feel good liberal who didn't give shit about socialism, literally one of those idiots who calls the conservatives "Torys" as an insult, she probably joined the Labour Party because her favourite colour is red.
But I'm also sad that it took a spooked fascist to do so.
Sage because there's a thread already on it.
Daniel Hernandez
Do you ever consider the possibility that she was genuinely trying to help people? Can you really blame people for being brainwashed by neoliberalism? And is a murder really something to celebrate, anyway?
Zachary Collins
Carson Barnes
IQ is bullshit?
Jason Williams
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, stop being such a spergy cunt and use your head.
Liam Price
Yes, for a lot of things its used for.
Alexander Bennett
Lucas Torres
hello, Holla Forums
William Garcia
fuck off gandhi you stupid bourgeois cunt
Jackson Gray
Jeremiah Davis
op is a faggot
Jose Turner
lelling out leld
Austin Lee
Im gonna be very clear on this, i dont care that some liberal got killed by a fascist, i dont care for the labor party or any party nor do i feel the need to randomly attack a fascist because of these actions.
This however does not mean i do not want to see fascists dead, i hate you for many different reasons then that of liberals, or maybe i dont, i wont pretend to speak for liberals. I hate you people with a passion, i've seen what you can o to people lives and i know what you've done to me personally as i was a fascist. I know what you are capable of, i know what you want to do and how you want to do it and beneath the thin front of wanting order is just illogical hatred and an idealized romantic nationalist notion that has been shoved into you're head since the day you were born and you sit there and do not question it, you give yourself to it in some sort of twisted though of rebellion against the very institutions you want to further empower.
If given the opportunity, i would kill fascists till the day i die and the world would be better for it. You can call me edgy and what not but i dont really care, you'll say any act that doesn't subscribe to you're particular ideology that actually want to act is edgy.