Gonna have school in 2 days
What to do?
I'm fat and i'm sexually attracted to boys.
Skool causde i'm cool nigger
You know what needs to be done
Depending on where you're from, you're gonna have some trouble. Are you a freshie?
I was actually lying about my sexual orientation and physicial state for the sake of being funny.
But i do school though so yeah
Oh ok, what grade are you in? There might be a swirly or two in your future depending on that.
gonna git curb-stomped…
Depending on where you're at, yeah, you're gonna get some hazing.
Just don't sperg out. Are you a social autist or anything? If not, HS will be a great time in your life. I have very fond memories of me and my dipshit friends being all sorts of ornery.
< Are you a social autist or anything
Autism, yes
Any suggestions or tips?
Don't try to make people like you. Just relax and go with the flow. Dress well. Don't chase bitches, if you act cool enough and are reasonably good looking, they will come to you.
Just this other (yesterday) , in recess on the first day of school, i was sitting alone on the bench playing hearts of stone on my phone, and this one kid came to me and said that i shouldn't be alone and that i should come to him and sit with his friends.
Then you realize like, holy fuck! not everyone is an asshole
i like nigger cock
big nigger monster cock in my tight asshole
Shit nigger. In my high school all the white girls go for nigger cock. The white boys are made fun of for it endlessly
There are some awesome fucking people out there. Let that be a reminder to never give up on them. Be that guys bro. Also, smoke pot.
Also, what fucking HS has recces?
a belgian one
What does a recces for 13-17 year old kids entail? Do you play on a merry go round?
Nothing special really, we just hang around and talk on the playground.
Everyone in belgium and the netherlands litteraly calls it ''play time".
Take this for example
Our only freedom was lunch time back in my day.
Neither do i have much freedom in school considering the kind of school i'm in, but i do have recess twice schoolday.
Before lunch: 20 minuts and lunch, 50 minutes.
this is awful advice
That looks nice. We had longer breaks at my school (in the US) that was when clubs had brief meetings and it gave you a chance to get a snack but you weren't supposed to go outside which sucked. Fresh air is good.
If you are responsible, there is no problem, but I will admit most kids that age don't have that level of self control, so yea, don't do that.
senior year for me, good luck
whip out the benis in class, trust me