Why do Marxists continue to exist...

Why do Marxists continue to exist? Their ideology is as ignored and worthless to the Western world more so than ever before. They're ridiculed as communists, idiots and stupid souls. Why do people still become Marxists in the West?

If you're in the third world or living in the East then this thread isn't about you, it's for those under strong dominating capitalist societies.

Capitalism in the west is in obvious decline desu

And only someone with his head in the sand doesn't see that.

Classical Marxists are paranoid of becoming social justice cultists by simply building off of Marx instead of abiding by his works like gospel. His theory has been warped into a lot of decidedly un-Marxist ideologies.

Oh good, so there's actually no such thing as the Cultural Marxist conspiracy? Glad we cleared that up.

Probably because they see it as the best game in town. Really who would you rather trust, the stupid soulled marxists or neoclassical economics? Alternatives exist but they don't necessarily get huge exposure and however much orthodox marxism has been villified things like anarchists are even more villified, its nearly impossible to take them seriously.

Though all of that only applies to the west, anarchists and marxists and capitalists all probably look very different in the rest of the world, as do all the snowflake ideologies that haven't made it big yet and are just waiting to make their debut.

Not really. A lot of stockbrokers and factoryowners in the West look at Das Kapital, ironically, as a sort of manual for how to "exploit" their workers and how lower every cost before it comes time to sell again, properly. Sure, a good Marxist reads Marx or whatever, but an even better Marxist reads beyond.

As long as you have capitalism with its internal contradictions you'll have those who want to overcome it.

It's like being stuck in a classroom everyday with a teacher who intoxicates the class with her farts and complaining that some students want to either remove her or at least be allowed to open the fucking windows while some are accustomed to the order of the day.

Capitalism is in decline in the West.

Also, some people won't turn their backs on the truth just because there's social pressure to do so.



Also, every other "ideology" is only a branch of Marxism, even if they deny it.

your posts are shit

That's quite the analogy, user.

I had such a teacher (he had his lower intestines removed and had a little box on his waist filling up with surprised during class, and prohibiting us from opening the windows), wanted to post RDW about academia, the two came together.

Marx, Luxemburg, Lukacs, Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Debord, Deleuze, Baudrillard, et al. were all correct to varying degrees. It's actually frightening how prescient they were. Their work has never been more relevant.

So I guess, following the analogy, capitalist crisis would be when his little box of surprises fell from his waist.

That's like, your opinion, man!

Ever since you appeared I've been reading all of your posts I saw. I made that flag you chose, you see, so I follow it around because I like watching "my" flags getting a purpose and meaning over time.

You made a rarely but wittily used flag to be associated with cancer. So yeah, thanks.

why deleuze tho

He uses it like this, imo: "I'm an ignorant fool but look at my flag, lol, it's a joke, you see, I'm just jokeeen, haha xD"

Am not always joking.
I could also stop useing it. … I actually will then.

If you really want to go for the weak links: Deleuze, Horkheimer, Baudrillard. What's also suspicious is that you'd have to be deleuzional to take seriously that bloodylard Porkheimer.

Hey, I tried.

No, it's ruined any way. If you stop using it because of me it means that I interfered in its natural progression, and I'd feel guilty.

Look, you give me an impression of a newfag youngster who's really (idiotically) enthusiastic about leftypol. So how about this: keep using it, but get better, faggot.

Well, no. You changed history. Now live with it.

His epistemology is shit but he was spot on about deterritorialization and its effects.

Regardless of how you feel about their body of work, much of what they said has come true.

I'm nothing compared to them. I'm just saying they seem like the weaker links. Just an observation. Modern philosophy wouldn't be the same without Deleuze, Adorno wouldn't have been so great without Horky, and Baudrillard at least popularized some bastardized Lacan, so yeah.

Only the west? So you two advocate socialism/gommunism one nation/state at a time?

And to remain competitive with super-capitalist india, state capitalist China, the emerging markets in south america and east asia, and Africa, what specific economic model would you implement? Something akin to China? Something else?

How is it in decline? Genuinly asking

I thought marxists have subverted all of the western academia, culture and society?

lower consumption and reduced buying power due to austerity in Europe have lowered growth and profits all around. Meanwhile China and East Asia is rising like a soaring comet outsourcing everything.