Worth a Try

I guess there are a couple of (neo-)paganists here, right? Especially now that the US-Americans are asleep.

And what I was recently trying to find out is: what exactly do you believe in? Like, do you believe in any kind of deity? Is Odin a God or a metaphor? Do you pray?

Religion (at least monotheistic religions, don't know about Hinduism, etc.) is often about a) giving thanks and b) about asking (for forgiveness, the health of a loved one, etc.)

What do pagans do (if anything) in these situations: if you want to thank or ask for something? Do you believe in a Priesthood (like Catholicism) or in something like the "Priesthood of all Believers" (like in Baptism)?

Other urls found in this thread:


We are always vigilant.

You could check out >>>/asatru/

For the first question my answers would be something like what Miguel Serrano said. The gods are the Archetypes of the collective unconscious.

For me their is no praying in the Christian sense where you ask for something or pray for something. My prayer is more in a neo-platonic sense where prayer consists of contemplation of the divine. Above all though the Gods demand right action.

The Aryan Race is my priesthood.

btw I am an American. So if you believe my perspective is tainted by Yankeedom then by all means disregard it.

No offense and thanks for the answer so far.
I just somehow thought that Neo-Paganism is more popular in Europe than in the US.

After all, there aren't really many Baptists like Steve Anderson in Europe but mostly just what an American would describe as "Mainline-Protestantism"


Then you must not be American. The US is far from free, it's occupied and ran by Zionists.

Hey OP,

I guess this videos could interested you:


We're just letting you think you're in control while we get the trains ready, Schmuley.

Murrcan semi neo-pagan here.
Concept of gods is a metaphorical construct meant to give human terms to the things outside our capacity to understand in normal terms. While gravity examines and explains the interconnected nature of life on earth to the sun and the galaxy, it fails to address the significance of the connection between all these things. The connection between myself, the earth, the sun, the Milky way, all the way out to the great attractor are better understood as being links in a massive framework. So that in this sense, my sense of connection anchors me to the universe and helps me understand my place in the whole construct. I am but a cog in a machine that is greater than my petty understandings of human interaction. My essence (to me) is my connection to all of these things, a way for the universe to essentially view itself.

If we drop into the realm of the space-time, my influence is small, but connects deeply through this construct to the greater universe, then back to myself. I do not know if we have a soul or what, but my consciousness is the expression of my effects in that small realm.
In that sense, I'm more Buddhist. I subscribe to the notion that our consciousness is released upon death and then rejoins this flow from one to the other. Naturally this pertains to all life as well. Leading to the point where it is entirely possible, if you subscribe to consciousness retaining a sense of existence post mortum, of reasserting itself in another life. If not, then certainly the energy from my body contributes to the life of others post death, so that bits of my own lifes energy transfers through the web of life, leading inevitably back to humanity and yet also to the universe writ large, the source of said energy.

I don't pray, but I do meditate. I enact certain rituals to help me understand my position in the context of eternity (Which lies outside of time as Joe Campbell once asserted). In that way, when the bonds I make become severed by deaths cold grip, I understand and can release that attachment better.

I don't think this really answered your question. But it gave me the time to process and come up with how and why I do what I do and codify it more succinctly

Neo-pagan's main enemy seem to be christians and not jews. They always go out of their way to attack fellow christian whites.

They are a source of division within the white nationalist movement, as their effors are mostly directed at attacking fellow whites instead of actual enemies of whites.

Just read the eddas and study the words of the high one. Don't make everything so complicated like some gay ass Wiccan. If you need some serious revelation practice shamanism. You could sacrifice an animal or some mead/beer/wine if you want.

If you stop acting like a kike, maybe we will stop calling you kikeworshipers.

Why the fuck would you even bother calling yourself a pagan if you don't believe in gods

Well the early Christians who originally used the term pagan applied it to not only those who were polytheistic but also those that practiced Greek philosophies that tended toward monotheism. It is basically a term that means not Christian or Jew or Muslim.

Pagans and fedoras are Leftist at heart. Fuck em.

This is some neo-platonic business, like the rest of those wishy-washy "pagans". The joke is, Graeco-Roman paganism and it's intellectual core was already developing towards monotheism. Paganism of the Northern Europeans was no different than the voodoo sacrifices of Caribbean or the shamanism of Africa still practised today - underdeveloped ideas, pointless sacrifices and mythological stories without higher principle as opposed to theosophical and theological constructs that address divinity through gnosis and wider cosmological understanding of Logos.

Face it, paganism is barbarity of the soul.

Shut up nerd. We all know that that's some bullshit. Neo-pagans are pagans. Heathens. Not some wanky atheistic frilly tree-worshipper wiccfags.

OK buddy. The fact is that pagan was originally used as a derogatory term used by Christians against non-Christians. It comes from the Latin Paganus meaning Of or pertaining to the countryside. The early Christians used in a way similar to how modern liberals use hillbilly or redneck.

I follow a syncretic form of esoteric hitlerism and esoteric kekism

I am a data pagan and a cyber vegan myself

To be fair, I related what my experiences concerning a divine lead me to rationalize it as. What you call god, I ascribe different facets of understanding to. The image remains, but what is being understood unfolds further.
The metaphor of the god leads to casting it with greater significance. So that its physical form ascribes tendrils leading to life, and life ascribes tendrils to it. So that the two become connected more intimately. In this sense, the same notion of gods remains, but the facets and how they tie together cloaks the gods with the words of humanity to better understand consciousnesses connection to the same.

You seek to see it as a physical manifestation, I simply couched it in a more discreet manner. This makes more sense to me and the disconnect inherent in having two separate forms is erased.
In short, my belief simply eliminates the inability to feel it within myself by ascribing aspects that come from it and manifest into me.

OP here: I guess the reason why I'm asking is that I struggled with my (Christian) faith a bit lately.

Usually, when I read Scripture it calms me down and gives me a feeling of vastness ("He brought me forth also into vastness" Psalm 18:19) but lately, as I was watching documentaries about space and the sea and everything, Scripture didn't feel vast but rather narrow, if you know what I mean.

Well, but that's just one of the many, many reasons, of course. However, Paganism never really felt "old" to me but rather like just another form of posmodernism: Gods are just metaphors, objective truth doesn't exist, relativism and a have-it-your-way spirituality is prefered over Dogma, two Pagans could totally disagree with each other and it wouldn't even matter because there is no objective truth….

You should read Plato Parmenides. You will feel again the vastness of God.

Imagery speaks stronger than words and the Scripture does not hold poetic or visual value that these documentaries have, but the fact that humanity can derive from the vastness of the universe the existence and omnipotence of Creator should be comfort enough. Go back to Genesis and compare it with what you know and learned from these documentaries - parallels are there.

demons like to sneak in through our doubts


The advancement of science allows us to see how vast and perfect the work of the LORD is.

Your doubt is a trial and if you go past it, you faith will grow stronger.

Keep the faith.

You know what's even worse though? Chopping off part of your dick and worshipping a Jew.

the short story is that pagans (using neo pagan or paganist makes you sound like a retard) are widely varied and have a variety of beliefs.

Personally I believe in several deities and think that most of the ones we claim to exist, exists. Odin (or Eris, or Ur or Morrigan or Belibog or Whoever) Do exist in a godlike fashion (we have the same problem as Xtians in this respect, obviously they are not in the clouds).

The most obvious difference is that most of us believe in and practice magic of various kinds. Its like meme magic in some respects and like prayer in other respects.

Many of us also pray/maintain an alter/worship.

Most pagans will pray/sacrifice for thanks.

You know, we know we got a bad reputation for being fedora tipping faggots but there are just as many righty pagans as lefty pagans. We just don't go around making asses of ourselves and making the news.

That board is half dead and filled with autists who pray to European deities like Christians do to their Jesus.

Laws of nature are absolute, there is nothing relative about them.
You probably misunderstood that because European religions don't recognize the concept of good and evil because it doesn't exist in nature.


The religious system to which I subscribe promotes the literal existence of gods. You're not required to believe it, but going about it any other way (i.e. reducing the gods to metaphors/just one or two deities) is doing it wrong.

Many people have altars set up for communication with deities. They would generally do such things there, although if the Gods exist, they can probably hear you anywhere.

Most of the people in such Priesthoods are SJWs, so no. Be wary of those who claim to have a direct line to the Gods.


Norweigan here
with ancestry going back atleast to late 1600s as far as i can tell (family farm)
and a few ancestors traveling to burgerland
I was a edgy atheist until the age of about 19.
I'm not a pagan now, but what brought me to god was something that the pagans used in their rituals.

Don't let a book tell you about what god is.


Books > Drugs


1. Don't associate with fags, jews, or any other nonwhites. They don't need to worship the norse gods, they should go worship their own.

2. Don't run around in fur or a tunic or any of that dumb LARPing shit.

3. Read the Eddas, read the sagas.

4. Lift. Run. Stay in shape. Drink/celebrate when it's time to- that's not now and probably won't be for several years.

5. Save money. Buy quality goods from white countries, but don't splurge on frivolous luxury. Do research on companies to determine if they're actually helping us.

6. DEFEND yourself, ATTACK your enemies. Don't get caught, don't grandstand. Win.

7. Stockpile weapons. Learn to use them effectively.

8. Don't bother bogging yourself down with how you stand when it comes to christians or whatever. These bridges will be crossed after the threats of islam and judaism have been neutralized.

9. Pour out whiskey for the Man in the Rock on Wednesday. Don't show others, don't tell others. Do it for you and him.

Authentic personal experience is somehow a worse thing than having some semitic shit scibbled in a book to tell you about the creator of the universe you're a part of?
It's a naturally growing mushroom that's been used by europeans for centuries.

Not to mention that it's practically impossible to get addicted, if anything it's shown to be an effective cure for addictions, since it makes you reflect on your life and choices.
It's only a drug as far as a "drug" is something that alters your state of consciousness.
Nobody has ever overdosed, nobody is addicted to them, and it's like a metaphysical handshake with the creator.
fucking philo-semite

Pagans didn't recruit these people. In fact, pagans don't recruit anyone. You won't see any pagan missionaries, who think their religion is so awesome that everyone should become a pagen. None of the nationalist members has even been in Nigeria and certain not to try to recruit members of the Igaboo tribe, none of whose members have even the requisite capacity for abstraction to understand the concept of moral turpitude.

Pre-Christian Europeans didn't pray or read any holy books. When something bad happened, they fought their way out or died trying. Fascism was the way of things until Christianity came around. Not trying to bash Christendom, it did alot of good, but it's VASTLY different from what Europeans used to believe in.

Varg Vikernes is pretty much 100% correct. Check out his Youtube channel:

Might've been a bit off-topic, basically the Gods were metaphores for the things that existed in the worl, natural laws and human features. By making wisdom into a badass God that fought giants (Odin), you were supposed to encourage your kin to be more wise.